As seven in the morning the alarm clock rang, we were both highly motivated and just after eight, I was allowed to drive the deposition maneuvers with zero wind. It really was a long time ago, I had the last time you stood at the wheel when dropping our SUMMER. From the Baltic to Canary Islands I have been chiefly responsible for the lines. I felt a bit nervous with this unusual task, but everything worked without problems. We wanted to do this more often from now on, so that everyone can stand in for the other in case of emergency.
I headed out of the harbor and our SUMMER we could soon set sail, because the wind was. Initially, we were pleased about the onset breeze, but the wind was constantly in strength. There was also a short, high wave head-on. Soon the whole ceiling was wet from walking on water and the SUMMER stamped violently against the waves. With the course and speed we would probably verbringenL New Year's Eve on the Water! So that was not planned! When the gusts of up to 7 Beaufort became more violent, we picked the reefed sail anyway strong and attempted, to make motoring more miles to Santa Cruz good. But even with this strategy, we were fighting a losing battle. So we decided after nearly two hours Rodeo on the sea, to turn around and drive back to San Miguel. The way back was again a pleasure. From wind and wave, progress was swift, in the ship, there was quiet again and we enjoyed the ride.
After our tour we went back onto our traditional mooring. Now it was time for Plan B!!! Despite the gloomy forecasts for the many tourists get a car, we called for our car rental and were lucky. For two days they had a car-free. Although it was a 7 seater, had us much too large. But the price was right and that our problem was solved.
Less than half an hour later we had the paperwork done and the car was in the parking lot in front of the Marina. After our morning sailing trip we decided a decent, to approve English breakfast. We also wanted to use the minibus also an extensive drinks Shopping. We had now really a lot of space. After a brief stop at the vegetable market and a German Spelt Bakery, we went to the neighboring San Bas to the restaurant, which had our English car rental company recommended to us for our breakfast. The tip was really good and we actually got the best English breakfast of our trip so far. After that, we were able to get "safely" on the way to the supermarket. Eaten so tired, was the risk of unnecessary "starvation purchases" banned. Shopping on an empty stomach means but often, dass am Ende viel zu viele Leckereien im Einkaufswagen landen 🙂
At about eight we wanted to make our way to Santa Cruz. Unfortunately we exit was blocked by a small red car hire. Someone had parked so stupid, that with our broad SUV despite Dietmar`s driving skills, could not happen without scarring. Unser Ausflug nach Santa Cruz stand anscheinend unter keinem guten Stern 🙁
But somewhere there must be an owner of this car yes. The car was just before the bridge D of the marina. I quickly went in search and knocked on every yacht. After five minutes I had found a young man, who made a great hurry and with a bad conscience the way back free. So ... on to Santa Cruz.

When we arrived at nine clock in the island's capital, It was pretty quiet there as expected. We made our way to find a nice restaurant, to more comfortably for dinner. But we had not considered, that just as in Germany many restaurants are closed on New Year's Eve. The few, who had opened this evening, enjoyed brisk popularity. Eventually we found but a place in a small tapas bar. Unfortunately, in the exact second the chef decided, that from now on only the big New Year's Eve menu can be ordered. Since we were not able to find out, what it was doing and how much should cost the fun, we drank only a Shandy and moved on. In the Plaza Espania we had seen various stalls, also offering the delicious snacks. Apparently New Year's Eve should be completely different this year. Wir orderten zwei Ofenkartoffeln mit „Allem“ und nahmen unser Silvestermenü unkonventionell auf einer Parkbank ein 🙂
About eleven clock we were on our way to the festival grounds at the mall, on the Spanish television had built up a huge stage.

Everyone walked into the place of the, received a bag of utensils in Spain necessarily required for a New Year's Eve Party. The set consisted of cardboard cones, red Pappnase, an eye mask, dangerous vampire teeth, a plastic flower garland and a streamer. So taten wir es den Spanier gleich und warfen uns in Schale 🙂

Until shortly before noon we left to drive us to the amount before we opened ourselves to the harbor, to get a better look at the advertised fireworks. Unfortunately, we did not think of that, us after the Spanish tradition twelve grapes (For each month of the coming year a) bring, which are eaten with the bells of the cathedral of Madrid. Nevertheless, we came very much to the year 2015 an. After a short but very beautiful fireworks we were on our way back to the boat.

Ein ungewöhnlicher Start in ein ungewöhnliches Neues Jahr nach einem ungewöhnlichen vergangenen Jahr – eigentlich passte doch alles gut zusammen 🙂
But a little tradition must be: For New Year's breakfast, there were white sausage, Brezeln und süßen Senf 🙂