Category Archives: Caribbean

Finally arrived :-)

On Thursday afternoon local time exactly 14:23 haben wir die Ziellinie überfahren 🙂

Aber ich falle gerade mit der Tür ins Haus 🙂 Also schön von Anfang an: The morning started cloudy?!?! We were in the wrong movie? The first look out was more like a dull day on the Baltic Sea than at our arrival in the Caribbean. And so then came today also our oilskins used. The second time on the entire trip. That would have been really unnecessary now.
On the last night we had left behind us a boat, but today on day brought two old acquaintances, SY COCO and the SY SIR RUDOLF steadily on. Shortly before Saint Lucia they were then passing us, without Dietmar`s racing ambition that could have prevented. Practically it then but, that we had to make any special thought to our rest of the way. So we walked around Saint Lucia's northern tip and followed the coast towards the south. The first big bay to Pigion Iceland we turned towards Rodney Bay Marina. Zuvor hatten wir die Ziellinie per Funk über unser Kommen informiert 🙂 Nicht, that you would have overlooked us.
In the bay, we were met by the crew of SY PURE ELEGANCE. Was für ein netter Empfang 🙂 Jetzt mussten wir nur noch die Ziellinie finden, what was not so easy in the confusion of the moored boats. Good, that we had salvaged the sails. Unter Maschine waren wir ja auch viel flexibler 🙂 Leider ist damit aber das Bild der Zieldurchfahrt nicht besonders spektakulär geworden 🙁

Next, we reported by radio at the marina and waited, that zuwies us a berth. First you had wanted to ship us without finger ridge between two other yachts, which would have been very unpleasant for us, because we can not leave our CESARINA almost impossible by her although very chic but also very long and narrow yacht stern. As we addressed this issue, we got a luxury mooring in the very “Great” zugewiesen 🙂 Die Stege hier sind für Yachten bis 100 Fuß ausgelegt 🙂 An diesem Steg sah unsere CESARINA dann direkt wieder niedlich aus. Especially since had moored on the other side of the ridge the SY BRAVEHEART, a Truly Classic from 75 Foot length. However, the two yachts are otherwise regarding color, Form und Aufbauten sehr ähnlich und wir fühlten uns gleich Zuhause 🙂

Traditionally, you will be welcomed by the team of ARC directly after arrival with a rum punch and a fruit basket. Actually a nice idea, but probably in many cases leads to, dass alle weiteren Aktivitäten an diesem Tag im mehr oder weniger volltrunkenen Zustand erledigt werden müssen 🙂 Das war bei uns auch nicht anders 🙂 So ging das Einklarieren und die anderen Formalitäten etwas im Alkoholnebel unter 🙂 Irgendwann war alles erledigt und die Zeit gekommen, treat yourself to a first Caribbean delicacies. It was a real treat, relaxing to sit when eating and to enjoy everything in peace. Endlich konnte man einen Drink zum Essen genießen und nicht vorher oder nachher 🙂 Man brauchte ja nichts mehr festhalten 🙂

Saturated and tired we fell into our no longer rocking beds. Alles Weitere wurde entspannt auf morgen verschoben 🙂