Category Archives: Germany

Home leave – Part 3

Wie es so schön in Köln heißt: Jeder Jeck ist anders 🙂


Da war ich doch mal zur richtigen Zeit am richtigen Ort und trotzdem sollte es dieses Jahr wohl doch nichts werden mit dem Karneval am Rhein 🙁

Nur wer aus der Region kommt, kann das kölsche Treiben in dieser Zeit wirklich verstehen. Und sogar vielen Kölnern sind die Karnevalstage ein Graus 🙂 Ich habe die Tage immer geliebt und so hatte ich natürlich überlegt, mich mal wieder in das Karnevalsgetümmel zu stürzen. Der Straßenkarneval beginnt am Donnerstag mit der sogenannten Weiberfastnacht. An diesem Tag ziehen traditionell Männlein und Weiblein getrennt los 🙂 Da fehlte mir nur noch eine nette Freundin zur Begleitung, um ausgiebig durch die Kölner Kneipen zu ziehen. Aber irgendwie mussten alle am Freitag arbeiten. Das waren nicht die optimalsten Bedingungen für einen lustigen, ausgelassenen und langen Abend. Auch das Wetter ließ meine Unternehmungslust mit jedem fallenden Regentropfen weiter schrumpfen. So verbrachte ich dann Weiberfastnacht letztendlich in einer karnevalsfreien Zone: in der Sauna 🙂



Aus meinen Plänen, dann am Samstag mit den Mädels zusammen los zu ziehen, wurde aber auch nichts. Um bequem wieder nach Hause zu kommen, hatten wir uns eine Veranstaltung in Leverkusen ausgesucht. Just an dem Tag, als ich auf dem Weg war, Karten zu besorgen, waren sie ausverkauft. Alle Alternativen waren irgendwie nicht nach unserem Geschmack, so war also der Besuch beim Schlebuscher Karnevalszug das Einzige, was ich Karneval unternommen habe. Der Nachmittag mit Stephie und ihrer Familie war sehr lustig.


Leider war damit der Appetit auf mehr Karneval geweckt :-(. Irgendwie enttäuscht verbrachte ich den Abend auf der Couch. Aber irgendwann bin ich auch mal wieder mit dabei mit einem tollen Kostüm und ganz viel Spaß.


Dietmar war sichtlich erleichtert, dass ich weder Weiberfastnacht noch an einem anderen Tag zum Karnevalfeiern loszog. Immerhin hatten wir uns vor 15 Jahren an Weiberfastnacht kennengelernt 🙂 Er weiß also aus erster Hand, was für lustige Geschichten das Leben an diesen Tagen so schreiben kann 🙂




Home leave – Part 2

Das Fotografieren hat sich für mich während unserer Reise immer mehr zum ernstzunehmenden Hobby entwickelt. Trotzdem gibt es immer wieder Situationen, in denen ich mit meiner Kamera neben Leuten mit einem Handy stehe, die bessere Bilder machen als ich 🙁 Das passiert meistens abends oder nachts, wenn nur noch wenig Licht im Spiel ist. Da hilft nur eines: Eine Foto-Fortbildung 🙂 Also musste in Deutschland ein Fotokurs her. Im Januar und Februar ist die Anzahl der Nacht-Fotokurse, die in Köln angeboten werden wohl wegen des oft recht gruseligen Wetters sehr gering. Aber Dank des Internets wurde ich fündig und konnte für den Dienstagabend noch zwei Plätze für meine Mutter und mich ergattern.

Das Wetter war aber eindeutig nicht auf unserer Seite 🙁 und seit dem Wochenende regnete es fast pausenlos. Lange sah es also so aus, als würde der Kurs buchstäblich ins Wasser fallen. It was only on Tuesday afternoon came from Cologne green light. According to weather forecast, it should actually be dry at night. Although uncomfortable and windy and cold, but dry. My mother was all but too insecure and she decided ultimately the course later in the year in more pleasant conditions make up. So I set out alone on their way to Cologne.

Only two other students had signed up for the course and although it was really uncomfortable, the evening was for me a great success.






After two hours, I had not a feeling in hands and feet :-), but he learned a lot and am now looking forward very, das neu Gelernte bei angenehmeren Temperaturen auf unserer weiteren Reise anwenden zu können.


Home leave – Part 1

Irgendwie bin ich vor fast drei Wochen ja sehr schnell und kommentarlos von der Bildfläche verschwunden. Ich hatte mir zwar fest vorgenommen, direkt nach meiner Ankunft in Deutschland einen Blog zu schreiben, aber manchmal ist man einfach nicht in der richtigen Stimmung 🙂 Da sitzt man vor demleeren Blattund weiß nicht was man schreiben soll. Denn der Grund für meinen Urlaub vom Urlaub sind wahrscheinlich für ganz viele von Euch nicht nachvollziehbar: ich hatte Heimweh.

Noch keine zwei Monate in der Karibik angekommen und mit traumhaften Stränden, türkisblauem Wasser und herrlichem Wetter gesegnet, fehlte mir der Winter. Schon die Weihnachtstage waren zwar sehr schön, fühlten sich aber doch irgendwie merkwürdig an. Richtige Weihnachtsstimmung wollte bei 30° bei mir einfach nicht aufgekommen. Kein selbstgebackener Weihnachtskeks, kein Weihnachtsbaum, nicht einmal eine Weihnachtspalme 🙂

Da half nur eins: zurück nach Deutschland und etwas Winter tanken mit allem was dazu gehört. Kälte, Schnee, Regen und Matsch, aber auch gemütliche Abende mit der Familie oder Freunden, Sauna, leckeres typisch-deutsches Winteressen und natürlich große Mengen an Kaffee zusammen bei langen Frauengesprächen 🙂

In den letzten drei Wochen konnte ich meineWinterakkuswieder aufladen und bin jetzt wieder bereit für Sonne und Meer 🙂 Die Zeit habe ich diesmal nicht nur in Leverkusen und Umgebung verbracht, sondern auch einen Ausflug in den hohen Norden unternommen 🙂 Neben meinen “old” Freundinnen Sabine und Andrea stand auch ein Besuch bei Dietmars Schwester Andrea auf dem Programm. Und auch bei lieben Seglerfreunden aus dem Jahr 2014 war ich zu Gast. Jana und Alia von der SY JOY OF Life, Waltraud und Wolfgang von der SY Mentor und Violetta und Martin von der SY Ganescha hatten sich Zeit für ein Treffen genommen 🙂 Leider war der Zeitplan recht eng, aber ich habe jede Minute genossen 🙂

Egal wo ich war 🙂 hatte man sich kräftig ins Zeug gelegt und ich wurde nach Strich und Faden verwöhnt. Good, dass sich die Übergepäckregelung am Flughafen nur auf Gepäckstücke bezieht und der Fluggast selber nicht auf die Waage muss 🙂 Das würde wahrscheinlich teuer werden 🙂

Ganz besonders genieße ich unser Badezimmer 🙂 mit der Badewanne. Das ist zwar nicht jedermanns Sache, für mich aber ein großer Genuss. Auch beim Duschen kommt das Wasser direkt warm und in vernünftiger Menge aus dem Hahn. Das ist in Marinaduschen keine Selbstverständlichkeit. Auch die Sauberkeit habe ich selbst in der Hand und wenn ich die Tür zu machen, bin ich ganz alleine 🙂

Mein erste Besuch im Supermarkt führte leider dazu, dass ich das Waschpulver, das ich eigentlich kaufen wollte, vergaß und mit einem ganzen Korb voller ungesunder und kalorienreicher Dinge wieder Zuhause ankam 🙂 Beim nächsten Mal war dann wenigstens auch Waschmittel unter meinen Einkäufen. Sicherheitshalber habe ich danach keinen Supermarkt mehr besucht, die Verlockungen sind einfach zu groß.

Für unsere weitere Reiseplanung konnte ich drei Wochen lang das gesamte Internet von recht auf links drehen :-), entspannt auf der Couch ohne Angst vor meiner Telefonrechnung und mit angenehmer Geschwindigkeit. Ein Luxus, den mal erst zu schätzen weiß, wenn man ihn nicht mehr hat 🙂 Jetzt freue ich mich aber, die ganzen Pläne in die Wirklichkeit umzusetzen. Denn mit jedem Tag in Deutschland wächst auch wieder die Reiselust und die Neugier auf Neues.




The culmination…..

…was then to visit my husband in Germany. Of course he had let themselves do not take it, meinen Geburtstag mit mir und meinen Eltern im ungemütlichen Deutschland zu verbringen 🙂 Oder sollte der Grund der Deutschlandreise vordergründig doch eher der Besuch der amerikanischen Botschaft in Frankfurt gewesen sein, to apply for our B2 visa personally?

Exactly a week after me Dietmar landed around noon in Cologne. The program for the two days was precisely to the minute clocked. Directly from the airport we went on together, our horses to pay a visit. The family of Talat had let themselves do not take it, to invite the world traveler for lunch. Since I had come last week to enjoy, was I not deny of course this experience Dietmar.

After a short stopover in our apartment and review of orders arrived we had then already back further to Stephie and family. Unsere bestellten Wäschesäcke waren fertig 🙂 Wie ich erwartet hatte, have they become so beautiful. If we she ever will get back, If I would make that somewhere in the Caribbean??? Das müssten wir uns dann vielleicht noch einmal gut überlegen 🙂


After a cup of coffee it went to my parents. Good, that was only a small dinner. After the long lunch (Apple baked pork tenderloin in the oven) was still at all, no place for more than a salad. But we've come not just for dinner. By Dietmar 50. Birthday was still a birthday present. The captain is now matching the stylish ship of the proud owner of a guitar. Again and again he had said, He wanted to learn this instrument like. If not now, When then? I'm curious about, wann er mir das erste Ständchen spielen kann 🙂

So the first day fly is gone. On Thursday, my birthday, We had a very special date. An interview at the American Embassy in Frankfurt. Da mussten wir sehr früh raus aus den Federn und saßen schon um sieben ziemlich verschlafen im Auto 🙂

Nevertheless it had located the Mr. Henke not let, with a birthday gift to surprise me great. It was namely for three days in the our living room with the strict prohibition, to open it. Even if the packaging (a banana box) rather to be desired left, was the content yet exactly to my liking:

New pillows with the “Jyoti” (our heraldic animal) canvas for our CESARINA for indoors and outdoors. He has the “Nähstube Maiken cooking” can make in Kiel. Das gefällt der Frau 🙂


After the gift was but first final with a cozy birthday celebrate. Through fog, Rain and moved to Frankfurt's rush hour. There, our patience was hard put to the test. To answer three questions personally, had we have to wait almost two hours. Access of the message is secured as …..Access to an American Embassy just. It was controlled everything, significantly stricter than at the airport. Even my measuring tape had to stay outside and also disk and USB flash drives represent a dangerous threat, genau wie die elektronischen Seekarten in Dietmars Rucksack 🙂

But we got all our belongings completely handed out after two hours and could start the journey back to Leverkusen. Nach dem anstrengenden Ausflug hatten wir uns meinen Geburtstagskuchen bei meinen Eltern redlich verdient 🙂

To the dinner we brought even the collected documents and the gene field of the SUMMER to the post. Thus, this site for us was well done. Christian, the new owner of the buzzer, We wish you always a Handspan of water under the keel and at least as many delightful hours with the buzzer, how we were able to experience it.

A nice end of the rather strenuous birth day was the joint dinner with my parents in the forest Tavern in Dhünnwald, my absolute favorite restaurant. Who ever is in the Cologne area, dem kann ich einen Besuch nur wärmstens empfehlen 🙂 Auch an diesem Abend war das Essen wieder köstlich und der empfohlene Wein ein Genuss. Even Dietmar had not be able to resist him. So it was after dinner home already peacefully asleep in the springs, while I sorted yet our luggage for the tomorrow's flight and packed together. So I could treat me even a cozy bath, bevor ab morgen wieder die Zeit der öffentlichen Gemeinschaftsduschen beginnt 🙂 Aber man kann ja nicht alles haben 🙂





That was really the last time in 2015 :-)

In the first week of my last home leave year 2015 I've organized dutifully and diligently all remaining things and done. That's why I had must reduce to a minimal level visit to friends and acquaintances. The stack of things grew daily in our apartment, You should be still on the CESARINA. Dietmar remained on board the CESARINA, to to to- and after finishing work on the ship. In addition he would have probably not so good survived the flight with his back.

The most important was the same at the beginning of my stay. Our eagerly awaited ship's certificate by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt when my parents arrived on Thursday after my arrival. Straight fit, because the Federal Network Agency had reported already morning email to me: “Unfortunately, you could edit the application for a call sign and a MMSI without extract from the register of ships.” No problem, He has been with the certificate with this. Quickly I had scanned it and sent by mail. Thus were the last missing official documents on the way.

Otherwise I had but in Germany to get a few more things. In part it was quite trivial things like for example fitted sheets. Our new berths are clearly narrower than those on the buzzer. In Portugal, I had already tried lucky shopping, but the quality of the sheets has can convince me not. Irgendwie bettet sich der Portugiese anscheinend anders und wir wollten auf die gewohnte deutsche Qualität nicht verzichten 🙂

Two additional points on my to-do list had sneaked through the boat Exchange. On the SUMMER I had the luxury of, to my nice comfortable aboard your own laundry. Now we are among the 90% the sailors without washing machine. I had heard of other sailors of long journey, that bags would be very helpful with the ship's name.

My last encounter with a sewing machine is already a few years back but. No good conditions, to handle a such tasks. Also, I would have to buy a sewing machine erstm once again on the first train. That would have not expected to. Good, When you have people in his circle of friends, die sich ganz hervorragend mit solchen Dingen auskennen 🙂

So my path led me immediately upon my arrival to my old friend Stephie and her mother, beide wahre Meister im Umgang mit Nadel und Faden 🙂 So musste ich erstaunt feststellen, dass ein Wäschesack nicht gleich eine Wäschesack ist 🙂

Fortunately I could delete but immediately my second concern the two of my to-do list: Insect protection net for our hatches, deviate very far from the standard. After we had cleared various details and discussed details, was I sure, dass ich Ende nächster Woche mit perfekten Lösungen nach Portugal zurückkehren würde 🙂

Now missing only the new ship stamps and cards. The design I had already designed in Portugal and needed to add only our call sign and the MMSI. Thanks to the Internet, these points were done quickly.

Schifftempel Cesarina

Visiting card - back

Our new call sign “DHKG” werden wir uns besonders gut merken können 🙂 Die ersten zwei Buchstaben “DH” are of course available for Dietmar Henke and the last two “KG” for Katja Glaubitz. It was my maiden name, before I Henke one was. It is a strange coincidence again, We got exactly this call sign assigned to. The beginning may be yes or from the applicant Dietmar Henke have revealed, but my name was not mentioned in the registration. Apparently once again a trifle, die wohl einfach so sein sollte 🙂




Congratulations, Mrs. Henke……..!

“Congratulations, Mrs. Henke!
As of today you are married with a paint brush”

These were the words of our English sailing friends David and Ann, When they learned of the purchase of the CESARINA. David sailing all his life and has to observe over the last several years in the seemingly endless painting of the CESARINA staff of the yacht service in Angra/Terceira. Exactly but I wished so that. A new project and a new full time job with a “meditative” Side effect. Such a classic you can just buy and then put your feet up. You must work out ships of this type, to own it someday. For that you get something, What has a special charm and good for the soul.


Good 6 Weeks after we picked it up from the Azores, can we say with pride, We have hinbekommen everything quite well. In gut 4 Weeks as planned we can cross the Atlantic and sail in the Caribbean.

It was interesting to watch, What does this boat on the personality effect. The workload and the amount of work to be done was very large. In addition there were also still quite a few surprises, that would have been previously easily enough, me like a HB male through the ceiling to let go. There were special moments, as Brian, the boss of the Carpenter, came to us and said “I have bad news for you” and so a special facial expression got.

First he told me, that the teak deck is due to revise. After his rough estimate is well 1000 Meter sealant, that must be removed and new name. A work, the 4 Craftsman would employ for a month. Well, What's it all about?, I just thought and started, to order me the necessary tools for this job. Because I am looking forward now to the moment, When I'm done and our CESARINA again a piece is perfect. The problem is that while still not solved, but by this point of view I'm staying relaxed and feel pretty well.



A few days later, then once again a “I have bad news for you”. A further investigation of the bodies one of the Carpenter has determined, that there is something wrong between Fiberglass and teak building. Water! Then slowly the layers when he started with the chisel to pay off, ran out of the water just out of isolation. Again this strange feeling started to grow. Instead of being disappointed or resigned, I was looking forward, We have excellent professionals on board, are available in the solution of the problem facing the US. The joy on a positive end result and a more perfect vessel is greater than the negative feeling of pain or disappointment. It's nice, When you have people at his side, you trust them and support a, If there are thick.


These kind of messages were not isolated. Nevertheless they have can never really spoil the mood us. Us was clear from the outset, that we have chosen for a ship, that takes a lot and really also required in all other respects. But it returns very much. Me such feeling and consciousness to something very special call my own. Or the feeling of satisfaction, When the wood after painting begins to glow and literally radiate natural beauty. How many times I sit in the cockpit and enjoy the sight. Interestingly it is not just me alone, but also other people, that I'm on the ship in the conversation.

I'm always happy, When Katja with light eyes others our boat shows. Also, not a day goes by, When anyone passing by comes or goes and picks the thumb. Das macht mich schon ziemlich froh 🙂

A friend has a guestbook entry (and an equally successful businessman) written by us: “It's been exciting to read, that one also without “Objectives”, Objectives can have, you are to live…. ”

That is increasingly aware, If I am just again unhappy with the situation, because things don't go, how I want it. The subject “CESARINA” with all the drum around told us in the last 4 Months so a lot requires. But just to look forward and to try, all odds to overcome, has brought much positive with me at the end of. I love my wife even more for everything, what she did for us. And I have come a bit closer in the ways my inner peace, I succeed always better, just to keep the feet still.


I would like to just continue to discover the beauty of our Earth with my Katja, and lead a beautiful life. And on our CESARINA, which is in my opinion of one of the most beautiful ships, die ich jemals gesehen habe 🙂


50 Years and not a bit wise :-)

Today the final preparations for Dietmar birthday had to be made. So it went directly after breakfast with Marita shopping. To the grocery store and then to the Baker, to there for the afternoon to buy special treats. The order proved in hindsight as extremely unfavourable. Although it was still pretty empty at the supermarket, for this, it was so full at the bakery, dass wir nach einer halben Stunde ohne Kuchen von dannen zogen 🙁 In Portugal muss man fast in jedem Laden eine Nummer ziehen, to be served later. Unfortunately, the machine was so well hidden, dass ich die ersten zehn Minuten völlig umsonst in der Schlange stand 🙁 Danach waren bis zu meiner Nummer 12 yet 15 Number to process. Not so much it's a, aber bei der portugiesischen Arbeitsgeschwindigkeit dauerten vier Kunden ungefähr eine Viertelstunde 🙁 Um Konstantin und Anna pünktlich in Faro am Flughafen abholen zu können, konnten wir keine weitere Stunde Wartezeit verkraften 🙂

So we collected our last guest in Faro, who would spend a 25-stündigen getaway in Portugal. Leider hatten sie aus Deutschland ganz viele Wolken mitgebracht und der Nachmittag begann mit leichtem Regen 🙁 Zum Ausgleich war aber unser kleiner Umweg zum Bäcker auf dem Rückweg zur Marina von Erfolg gekrönt. A little later we all sat together on the SUMMER with coffee and cake. Actually we were thinking about, to go in the afternoon still karting, but somehow we lacked the time to do so. Es gab einfach zu viel zu erzählen 🙂


Also the sunshine was coming back in the evening and we were walking on the way into the restaurant “Il Castello”, that was above the Marina on the mountainside and offered a wonderful view over sea and Harbour. In the winter garden was reserved a table for us.



The food was wonderful. Emil und Marita hatten uns wirklich gut beraten 🙂


Unfortunately it led to, that we all completely lose about half eleven o'clock and walked this pretty slow back to the Marina. What should we start just yet until midnight????

And suddenly….We had a birthday. Stand da doch vor dem Eingang der Marina ein elektrisches Kinderkarussell 🙂 Einfach einen Euro einwerfen und los ging die wilde Fahrt! Although the carousel with the six man, somehow more or less square had found it, was quite overloaded, dehte es tapfer quitschend seine Runden 🙂 Der Betreiber quittierte unser Treiben mit einem anerkennenden Lachen. Probably it was no longer used in recent years. Kinder finden sowas ja mittlerweile zu peinlich 🙂


After this fun came to an end, found a great right, new toy. Das war aber eher für Schlangenmenschen geeignet 🙂 Außerdem wollte bzw. could not really stand out of the helicopter with two people because of hopeless overload. Only when Dietmar again out had folded up, Anna was able to fly alone another round.


Somehow it was but still not enough and Reiner was still a suitable toys at the end on the edge of the parking lot. Who has never tried that in his life, will be amazed how much you must apply to sit on the bull. It is not as easy as it looks.


Until it comes up……



……and then it goes down faster again, as it is a sweet.




Da helfen auch keine Reitkünste 🙂

Now we are all really been shaken up and awake. Fully motivated it went back on the SUMMER. Now suddenly only another half hour until midnight was left.

After an ordinary road, it was then so far. Punctually at twelve, I brought the birthday cake with lighted candles (No fifty piece, prefer a discreet happy birthday :-)). Dietmar said only dry, that his cake looks almost like a torchlight procession……. 🙂 Seinem Alter entsprechend hatte ich eine schöne Spiderman-Torte erstanden 🙂 Nachdem wir ordentlich mit Champagner angestoßen hatten, gab es dann endlich Geschenke 🙂


So hatten unsere bayrischen Freunde weder Kosten noch Mühen gescheut und bald wird am neuen Schiff auch stolz die bayrische Flagge gehisst 🙂


Außerdem gab es zum weltweiten Gebrauch zwei Quadratmeter Bayern in bester Qualität 🙂 Auch wenn man kein Haus darauf bauen kann, they are very valuable to us and we will keep them in honor. But still pending another gift for the birthday child. It comes only in the course of the day from Germany. If we arrive with our CESARINA in the Algarve, haben Emil und Marita noch eine Überraschung für den Kapitän 🙂 Das schönste Geschenk für ihn und uns war aber, that our friends have made the long journey to Portugal, um Zeit mit uns zu verbringen 🙂 Das war ihm viel mehr Wert als tausend Worte! Das alles zu arrangieren war mein Geschenk an meinen Mann und er hat sich so sehr darüber gefreut und damit auch letztendlich ich 🙂 Glücklich und zufrieden ist Dietmar jetzt im Club der Uhus (under one hundred :-)) arrived. Für die nächsten fünfzig Jahre kann das von mir aus so weiter gehen 🙂 Danach wäre es aber dann doch an der Zeit, mal etwas ruhiger zu treten 🙂



On in the struggle against bureaucracy

On Monday morning, he began “Office life” on the buzzer. Just under four days time, to do much! While Dietmar dealt with the technical side of the CESARINA, the authorities due to the re-registration on it got down to eye.

An yacht, the longer as 15 Meter is, absolutely must be entered in the ship register. The ship register is similar to a land for real estate. And how it's just official, so langwierig ist das Prozedere auch 🙁

So begins the procedure in Germany, If all the documents in the original are the corresponding District Court. Vorher geht leider gar nichts 🙁 Die Liste der benötigten Dokumente ist zwar nicht sehr lang, has it but:

  • The application for an entry in the ship register – No problem, You can download on the Internet
  • A certified copy of identity card or passport – das hatten wir letzte Woche in Faro erledigen können 🙂
  • The contract of sale – It's now not difficult

We could get even somehow all documents previously listed, at the last two but we had again relied on authorities and offices. So was missing:

  • The tonnage of the BSH in Hamburg – was then not so time-consuming and complicated as expected. After two nice phone calls and a few emails is tonnage to ca. one week processing time directly to the appropriate District Court sent. Very nice, so soll das sein 🙂
  • The mandatory discharge from the Dutch ship register – the good news: Please send the documents directly to the District Court, the bad news: It takes ca. vier Wochen 🙁

Das sah eindeutig nach eine Zwangspause aus 🙁 Denn alle weiteren organisatorischen Dinge können erst nach der Eintragung ins Register erfolgen.

So begann ich schon einmal den Umzug zu planen 🙂 Nach und nach verpackte ich die Lebensmittel aus den diversen Schapps in Plastikkisten. Then everything was sorted ever (more or less) and it would go after faster. I was already a little anxious with the time. Turned out our SUMMER more and more as a space saver. Für die Altantiküberquerung muss ich gefühlt nur noch frische Lebensmittel einkaufen 🙂 Den Rest habe ich jetzt schon an Bord 🙂 Wo genau ich das alles auf der CESARINA unterbringen soll??? Ich habe noch keine wirklich gute Idee 🙂

Dietmar cared at the time, to bring the technical equipment of our new lady on stand. Eigentlich ist die Formulierung etwas irreführend 🙂 Auf Stand ist das Schiff schon. We have no concerns, with the current facilities of the Azores on 900 Nautical miles to mainland Portugal to sail. But in the long term, there are already some things, die wir auf Dauer ändern wollen 🙂

A water maker is on the wish list top. Dietmar has chosen the same model, We also have on the buzzer to our greatest satisfaction with 16 Run months without errors. Only, that the water makers of the H2O-factory now on 24 Volt will run. The device is waiting hopefully then us, When we here at Vilamoura to the 20.ten September around again. The seacocks for which are fortunately already there, the inlet and outlet of seawater and we even found a corresponding spot in the forecastle for the good piece.

Directly in second place followed by the SSB radio (Lake and amateur radio) with PACTOR 4 Modem. Dietmars Lieblingsspielzeug 🙂 Immerhin gibt es auf der CESARINA schon eine Achterstag-Antenne. Everything is missing, is already on the way from Germany to Portugal. The final installation should then make Jörg Drexhagen of in the Canary Islands. We were more than pleased with his recent installation.

Last but not least we will get a new set sail from NORTH SAILS have. Since there are no exact measurements of the rig of the CESARINA a sailmaker from Belgium is extra to the Azores, to take the accurate measurements. Thus, but also the list of necessary things before the trip in the Caribbean is already pretty much complete.

So can a part to the next, a few more wishes, viele Kleinigkeiten und bald waren die vier Tage verflogen 🙂 Sehr erfolgreich, how we found. Now it was time, again something to relax.



The last days….

I believe, It's just don't care, How long the furlough. At the end, time is getting short and there is always a few things, die unerledigt bleiben 🙁 Mir ging es auch diesmal wieder so, Although I so unexpectedly two weeks had more time in Germany available.


The last week was again the sign of the horse. Already 2013 had I purchased tickets for the European Championships in Aachen, Germany with my mother, as our sailing trip was still not sure. So were four days from morning till night riding reserved and we live at all heights and depths, which have been extensively discussed in the press. And since this is a sailing blog, nur noch einen abschließenden Kommentar von meiner Seite 🙂 : Good riding and three correctly prepared horse landed on the first three places at the Dressage riders, even if one could argue about the order. Aber das wollen wir ja nicht 🙂



Two more days were scheduled for visits to the doctor. In addition to the usual screening, which attested me a quite excellent health condition (Life change probably wonder :-)), I wanted to increase even our on-board pharmacy for the Atlantic crossing and the Caribbean.

Armed with the list, which we had received in the last year on the SeaDoc seminar, erschien ich also zum Termin 🙂 und nach einer knappen Stunde verließ ich die Praxis mit sechs Rezepten und einem Sack voll guter Ratschläge und Tipps.

Next went my way to the pharmacist of my confidence. Hier würde ich eine ganze Menge Geld lassen müssen 🙁 Aber da wir die Medikamente eigentlich nur an Bord haben, so we don't need it, erschien mir das investierte Kapital doch durchaus angemessen 🙂

2015-08-15 07.11.31

After two subsequent visits to pharmacy, my wallet was considerably narrower, aber ich fühlte mich gut vorbereitet für alle Eventualitäten 🙂 (incl. Scabies, Lice and worms :-() Also the regularly required, prescription drugs I had for a year in the luggage. Although it was work ever on the Canary Islands, to get a prescription from a doctor, but this was difficult but right. He spoke no English and the Spanish name of the drug had deviated from the German. Without the Internet I would have been probably lost. Auf solche Abenteuer hatte ich in der Karibik keine Lust 🙂

Because there was still room in my luggage, led me my way in the supermarket. Funny way to change our wishes from Germany visit to Germany visit. So went this time two kilos of licorice in the shopping cart, and various types of fruit tea. Doesn't seem is to our liking in Spain and Portugal. Also the delicious German Mayo by Tommy in practical tubes and salad dressing out of the bag (That would be never hiked in my bag, but it's really practical on the boat :-))

On the last day prior to departure, all that stuff had to be stowed away yet somehow. A few last items for the SUMMER were added by Dietmar. I had replaced the recalled lead pockets of our diving equipment in Germany and bought an additional for each. Only if now and again someone should sink a :-)Und irgendwie waren dann ganz schnell zwei Reisetaschen randvoll 🙂

Good, that I this time could take the car until after Hahn airport. In total I had almost 40 Kilo Gepäck dabei 🙁 Die musste ich dann aber leider von der Mietwagenabgabe bis in Terminal schleppen. I thought, ich sterbe 🙂 Der Gepäckwagenautomat hatte leider kein Wechselgeld. The 500 Meter fühlten sich an wie ein Aufstieg auf den Mount Everest 🙂

In Porto wurde ich erfreulicherweise dann vom Dietmar abgeholt 🙂 Nach einer kuren Taxifahrt waren wir schon in der Marina und wenig später wieder auf unserer SUMMER. Beautiful, to be back :-).





Time travel

What is the swift in the home? A good question. Of course doctors are visited, Shopping lists completed and you can enjoy the time with family and friends.

I'm still an additional point on my to-do list, in my life it harbors two more as well as Dietmar “Men”, which I every time would like to visit. Anyone who knows me already slightly longer white of course right, that's when the two men not to two- sondern um Vierbeiner handelt 🙂

Before sailing, and our journey to the center of our lives, turned on with me privately, but pretty much the cavalry, more specifically the dressage riding :-). And since almost 30 Years. So it was a big step for me, that first to put everything behind me. So every time I enjoy my home and they feel like a journey into the past – back in my life before sailing.

So my path led me even on the second day “Flagrante delicto”, my 24 year old dressage horse. Since 22 Years is one of the good of the family and now leads a very relaxed retirement in Leverkusen. Here I could see with my own eyes once again, It's really prima. Nur ein paar graue Haare mehr über den Augen sind dazu gekommen 🙂


Last weekend she took us around the corner “Bergisch classics” instead of. A large and well-attended dressage- and jumping with tests up to the heavy class (S *.). Always, When I was in the area at the time I had taken the opportunity, me there as helpers to make useful. From my own experience from my time in Bavaria, I know exactly, how much effort and work makes such an event and every helping hand is needed. Even as I held on Thursday my helper badge in his hand, reiste ich zurück in die Vergangenheit 🙂 Denn er war auf Katja Glaubitz ausgestellt und das ist nun wirklich schon seit zehn Jahren vorbei 🙂 Da ich aber auch ganz viele alte Bekannte aus längst vergangenen Leverkusener Reiter-Zeiten traf, war es irgendwie doch wieder passend 🙂

On this tournament, I was active not only as a helper, I was able to think once again “Fuchsi” (the official actually Woltaire means) admire in action. On this weekend, he should start first in class S. Originally I would have to know probably an afterthought, as a surprise so to speak, but I had this plan through my early, Toothache conditional appearance made the niece. I was very happy, to be there this weekend and myself on about the three successful rides Rolf “our” Happy Woltaire. The yield of the tournament days could be also seen: 4. Place in the M * dwells, 2.Place in the M * and S dressage 1. Reserve, with only 4 Distance to the last placed to score.


The absolute contrast program to our sailing life was this weekend and I was there with a laughing and a crying eye. My dream, I've moved just to ride at some point yourself a S dressage, but do not forget. Jetzt wird aber erst einmal die Welt entdeckt 🙂