If rings at a quarter past five of the clock and it's still dark outside really makes you wonder, why such a thing does to himself. But here now give the tide times the daily routine before. So grit your teeth and get out of the warm springs.
Actually, we had expected, that it should already be significantly brighter in the morning to six in summer. But fog and rain clouds hung over the coast and left little light to us through. So we dawdled a bit and there was as usual delicious breakfast. A little more light would have been nice and a little less rain also :-). But when it was already busy then walked to the bridge on the MENTOR before us, we made the SUMMER also clear and put together from.

Get out of the L'But we had although the flow already with us, reason, however, the wind, however, and had the “Races” fight back with confused and steep waves. But when we were able to create our course toward Camaret it went under sail and calm sea progressing well, to once again asleep the wind. I had the last night somehow not slept so great (Maybe it was the disco flickering beacon, which stood right next to the SUMMER at the harbor entrance?!) So let me skipper still catch up on some sleep. At ten clock I was also awake again and went back useful.

The MENTOR followed us on their heels and we use the time for extended photo shoots. Thanks to three node power from behind we still came good progress, even if subsequently the machine had to run along. We enjoyed the stunning and rugged coastal landscape with more and more holes in the cloud cover and then reached the harbor of Camaret in the sunshine.

The small town just outside of Brest seems to be a popular outing place. Many had used the long weekend and the lands were already unpleasant fully. Unfortunately no friendly Marinero was on the spot and therefore had himself looking for a suitable place for the thick SUMMER.
From the perspective, that this should possibly be the place, at the Dietmar was to spend the next week alone as a watchdog for the SUMMER and the MENTOR, we tried to choose our mooring as, that was near capacity for the second boat. Otherwise Dietmar would have had to ask for mileage allowance! When we moored, made himself another boat just across from us slowly ready. Optimal, now we just needed to wait and defend the place. The young people on board, but had no particular hurry. It takes almost one and a half hours to the Four her seven-meter sailboat ready had. Dietmar was near the heart attack. And the more he applied on to the web and ran from, more slowly ran the preparations for the other boat. But eventually it was also done and the MENTOR was against us.
I had already had a nice conversation with a French woman on the web (sie sprach hervorragend deutsch 🙂 ) and was informed about the place precisely. So there was always aged four clock fresh fish and shellfish directly opposite the fishing harbor. Evening party was then announced with big firework. That would not have been necessary! Beautiful, that the French national holiday so wonderful match fell on the day after the World Cup final.
We had not had any more fresh fish on the plate for Boulogne-sur-Mer, led us to our first trip to the fishing port. Unfortunately, there was now only crustaceans, this but in impressive quantities and impressive size. Even though I like to eat once in the restaurant sowetwas, I wanted my night's dinner not take alive with home. The fridge would give also something else.
After our tour of the city, past picturesque, totally rotted cutters back to the harbor we were actually safe, that Dietmar here wanted to spend a whole week. The port is also rather small, crowded and very noisy for us and was not an ideal place. So stand also schon bald fest, Tomorrow we move to Brest. This is only a stone's throw from 10 Nautical miles. One can thus easily be at half past seven in the evening flood in Brest and still explore the great coastal still all day.

Getting up early would be tomorrow does not come into question, no two days in a row :-). We also wanted to watch the final on the SUMMER with Wolfgang and Waltraud together tonight. Of course, we hoped, that there would be no penalty shoot-outs. But you do not always, how it goes and Götze has then also directed. With our concerns so we were not so wrong! When we were earned after extra time world champion, It was shortly before midnight. The fireworks of the French began unfortunately few minutes early. The goal for Germany was not made until shortly before the end, but it was definitely a sight. We had our ceremony to be slightly shorter and were tired in the bunks.