Category Archives: Generally

A must visit, Boat Care and yachts in Trouble



The last three days can be summarized relatively short. Monday was again devoted to the underwater world. The cute porcupine fish had I'm always taken, and so I signed up again for two dives on Divespot “Malpique” an. Like two days earlier, the trips were in the depths of the underwater world very beautiful. To my great happiness, was the porcupine fish still in the same place and even seemingly good mood. He patiently let the camera flashes of the cameras go through, before he turned back and disappeared into his cave. The highlight of the day, however, was our guide Ronni, that he for the first time ever, two seahorses discovered. As the day before, we were closing all still together with sandwiches and beer. To my amazement,, I have terribly frozen for the second dive and liked twenty minutes, to be back on the beach. My mistake was probably, I had kept on the suit in the break and was cooled slowly, without realizing it. Re-learned what!


About 20:20 are Joanna and Marcel came with dog Max on a bottle of wine over. Max slept almost all the time under the sweater of Marcel and behaved very exemplary. The three sailed with your Koopmanns steel yacht of Bremerhaven up to this point, and shortly before jumping to Brazil. About 23.30 I was really happy and managed, endlich in der Koje zu liegen 🙂

On Tuesday, boat care was announced. For many months, the sliding door jammed from the cockpit to decline. Worse yet, that the surface of the sliding door across the entire width got more and more deep scratches in the gelcoat, because the door also cut on the instrument panel and headlight fairing. The middle of last year, I had the whole thing ever broken consuming, get and only with difficulty together again. Before the door but would be completely in the bucket, I ventured a new attempt. It made me great joy to see, that this time I managed, align the door almost perfect in the rail system on all sides. After the fine adjustment no grinding noises were heard. Also, do not, after all covers were refitted. The door is now running so easily, that one must be careful, not to let them pop with too much momentum to the castle. The heavily scratched surface was carefully matched with a special polishing paste and a Bosch Delta Sander back in shape. The result was myself very confident and I could not believe it, that the door after treatment looked like new again. Now makes it even more fun to come on board. Every day I was the “Eyesore” annoyed but I did not help me. Now everything is back in butter and I was able to broaden my experience in dealing with gelcoat and fiberglass again. At the end of the evening there was a fish dish in the local restaurant along with Manuela and Peter, who had arrived on Sunday with your SY MELODY Tazacorte.


Today from tomorrow 06:00 put my sympathetic French neighbors Annick and Louis with your SY Tamarin, For the second time this week from. They had come back on Monday evening after your departure unexpectedly again. The wind had over 35 Gained node and after 3 Can again be reversed by Tazacorte hours. We'll see you next week in San Miguel in Tenerife again. Half an hour after the departure of the SY Tamarin, had a charter crew on a large yacht Bavaria significant difficulties, to turn your boat into the wind and go out of the harbor. It seemed to be a huge act because the engine had been running for 20 Minutes, and they spoke repeatedly about the impending landing maneuvers. Secretly, I asked myself, how should I manage alone on board, what crews have a headache with eight heads. With a strange boat which is of course something other than its own, that one knows better. The rest of the day I spent with the remaining cosmetic repairs to the boat. Around noon, Manu and Peter are still came with a piece of cake and a pot of coffee over. On that occasion, the two are brought on board with us a few more details about the current navigation electronics a. In the afternoon, a French racing yacht with a broken mast was a. Another yacht with a broken mast to be today introduced. The poor fellows are probably the most surprising emerging and fierce winds and gusts proved fatal. To be on the road in the Canaries with reefed, is really no shame! Tomorrow is my journey 12 Clock go back to San Miguel / Tenerife. The wind will be moderate and make the night ride for me bearable. So slowly I am getting used to the right-handed sailing. But I am looking forward, that Katja on 7. February will be back on board!

The highlight of the week: “Malpique “on La Palma

PICT0403After a quick breakfast, I grabbed the bag with the diving equipment in the trunk of my rental car and started to 9:30 in the south of La Palma, to the other divers friends at Faro (Lighthouse) Fuencaliente as agreed to meet. The Dive spot here named “Malpique”. I was there a little earlier and did not really know, which would bring the day today. The sea was restless because of the strong wind from north-east. What about the wind and waves on a sailboat feel I already knew. But in the water? Well, yes we will know soon!






The rest of the group came up with the Mitsubishi Pajero also soon be over. We loaded my luggage to, and then drove together the right way over the rugged lava down to the beach. Together with my buddy Paul from England and Caro as a guide, We started our first dive. The visibility was unexpectedly fantastic and the great diversity of animals. This time I took Katie's camera right from the start with the water. The progress in dealing with it, were not to be overlooked. The quality of the images was getting better and enjoy photography, each time greater. I am beginning to understand, why Katie has so much pleasure from your hobby. After a good 40 Minutes was the first dive ended. Caro has done a great job and showed us things, which we would have otherwise never discovered, because the fish can camouflage so perfect.

During the break from it again delicious sandwiches and we talked about the, what we had seen everything so. This is exactly, which makes diving for me so attractive. Seemingly weightless and free to float this great feeling of any thoughts through the water and then talk to the diver friends about their experiences and Watched. I believe, ich habe eine neue Leidenschaft gefunden 🙂







Against 14:15 We started the second round and came to a special place. Everywhere on the ground were widely distributed Crosses. The reason for this was a historical event from the time missionaries in the Canaries. When an attempt was landing at La Palma a ship with missionaries, it was attacked by pirates. The pirates made short work, killing all missionaries. They left only the cook alive, had to keep from then on the band with tasty food at forces. In honor of the poor fellows, Some years ago sunk at this location several crosses made of concrete. Not far from there, we then more than 10 Discovered marble jitter-rays and skates Butterfly. The rays are preferably used in the winter time in shallow water because it is so nice and warm. Even a Skate with your Mama Skate baby was under you. What a great experience!



The highlight of the day was undisputed, that Caro has discovered a porcupine fish of about half a meter in length under a ledge. We were more than excited about this beautiful animal! He has left me very close to him zoom, and I even got him in the eye, about which were the size of my own eyes. This experience has really impressed me and I hoped fervently, that the photos would also succeed. Knew back on the beach back, our enthusiasm about their experience no limits. We thanked Caro and the other, that we were able to experience such a great day. Finally, we drove together to a beach near and let the day end comfortably. The second instructor Werner is an avid photographer, and has some impressive underwater photographs shown to us by his time as an instructor in Egypt. They were so awesome good, that they sometimes looked like publicity photos. Thus, an equipment'd also like. The problem is only, that you also have to deal with it. Von Werner kann auf jeden Fall noch sehr viel lernen 🙂


Squid safari on La Palma


What was a bit too short in the busy and windy Marina San Sebastian / Gomera, I was able to make up for yesterday and today extensively. The internal clock against said, 9:30, that I once again slept properly. Gorgeous! Very well I know, of course,, how that must sound in the eyes of those, every day to 6:00 aus den Federn müssen 🙂 Gestern hatte ich mit Veronika von dem “La Palma Diving Center” for today 10:45 appointment. She was so kind to collect me two other divers from Rosenheim / Bavaria in the parking lot in front of the Marina, and take her to La Bombia in the south of La Palma. This is really a great service! Once there, did any of the now 8 member group clearly his equipment for the first dive. Two groups were formed and separated the very experienced divers from the less experienced divers. With my first 20 Dives was the Englishman Paul I as “Buddy” allocated. A quick check of the equipment and then it went from a ladder into the cool water. Everything worked well and very quickly turned a sense of well being, that I had enjoyed in the great dives in Madeira as. Slowly it went on 24 Meters deep down and to my surprise, was excellent visibility! The black lava rocks and black sand formed a great contrast to the deep blue of the pleasant warm water. Now I knew at least, why me Veronica has seen so mischievously when I asked, ob ich besser eine Taschenlampe mitnehmen sollte 🙂



PICT0167After a good 30 Minutes, she sent me to the group with the “old hands” because I had a lot more air in the tank as Paul. The buoyancy (Ballance) worked quite well, so I had to move very much, to remain in limbo. Little movement also means less air consumption. Logical! After 52 Minutes was the first dive ended and we had a common break on the beach, before we started the second dive. Veronika had even prepared some sandwiches for the general strengthening. Another great service and the atmosphere was accordingly excellent. It was only right for me, because Veronica commented very positively on the level of training, we have received at Marco and esters in Madeira. Such confirmation from a professional would do it any other good, or? 🙂



This time I dropped the lamp in the backpack and took the camera with water, which she got from me for my birthday. Schade, that Katja until today did not even have the opportunity, try them out yourself. It was fun to pull the trigger and nachzuschwimmen all, that moved.



After a further 50 Minutes showed the manometer 50 Bar pressure in the bottle, and so it was time, to swim back to the surface. A little groggy but in a good mood, we packed our stuff together and I had the good fortune, I was brought back to the boat back.


Thursday should be a day of rest and then for the next scheduled dives on Friday and Saturday, I wanted to get a rental car. Against 17:30 go diving equipment in fresh water washed up on the deck of the SUMMER to dry in the wind. Satisfied with the day was against 23:00 also taps!





Off to Tazacorte / La Palma

Last night the already announced by the friendly harbormaster in San Sebastian Festival in San Sebastian was in honor of the “Saint Sebastian” instead of. A variety of folk groups, with their 12 String guitars, Drums and ukuleles have already put on all day through the town and, loudly canary songs to the top. The highlight of the festivities but should take place in the evening on the main stage at the marketplace. So it was also. As in a Munich beer garden locals sat at round tables in front of the stage and dined in company take-away food. Of course, there was also plenty of drinking and dancing. Fairground up!



However, I was happy, despite the general sentiment is not in a good mood because I knew, that once again some sailors with whom I had spent the last three days, would leave tomorrow too Cape Verde. Old memories were awake. Again celebrate farewell and left behind alone? Somehow I did not feel and even the already booked dives for next week, no longer appeared to me very attractive. So I made the decision, the next morning very early cast off the lines and the next island of La Palma by destination “Marina Tazacorte” break. The weather seemed loud forecast to be suitable for the crossing, although the port is still quite neat expressed the wind on the stern of the SUMMER. The dive school I wrote a mail and promised in February with Katja together to come back. Then then prepared in peace the ship for the 12 Hour long cruise ago. The music from the fairground held me until 02:30 awake. Also, I nervously as the wind did not want to be a little less.


In the morning at 5:45 I gave birth to the trash bags for waste containers and to my surprise hit a Marinero in service. I gave my admission card to the Marina at him and begged him, to help me when depositing. Now the die was cast and there was no turning back. I had said nothing to anyone about my plan and would therefore always be able to make up my mind yet different. Even against the wind at your back, I managed the ship store. Natürlich nicht ohne noch einmal mit dem Bug auf den Steg zu brummen 🙁 Okay, so hatte ich ein kleines Andenken im Gepäck und auch wieder etwas Arbeit in der nächsten Marina 🙂

The problem was not until I drove the SUMMER from the marina out to the outer harbor. It was so incredibly dark, I practically NOTHING could see. Back in the marina could therefore no longer. In the distance I could see the red beacon of the harbor entrance and headed practically blind to it,. It was not possible to obtain the fenders and lines or. secure because I could not leave the control. Anxious minutes later, Then we left the outer harbor and headed out to sea. It was really creepy, to drive only to the map on the plotter and to leave the protective outer harbor without any view. But my well-being fell even further than I realized, that the same conditions prevailed there as in the Directions. The waves were high and a strong wind from the north with a thickness of 20-30 Node, sent a water fountain after another throughout the ship. My concern was the mooring lines and fenders. Now and then I saw the Fender in the light of deck lighting tug on the Rehling and jump over the water. The SUMMER stamped violently and shoveled over the bow a lot of water on deck. But I did not dare even to climb onto the foredeck, cut off the ropes and bring back. In the worst case, a flushed overboard line would have to wrap around the screw when dragging. After an hour it was finally getting light. I stopped on, went before the wind, took the Fender clean and well rinsed linen back, before I then stowed in the locker. On the foredeck I collected yet the running board of a bow fitting, that a wave had just demolished. On the way back to the cockpit back then I felt better again. Jeez, the handrails of the Rehling slippery when they are cold and full of salt! But the next time I wear gloves! Re-learned what.


Against 8:30 we passed the northern tip of La Gomera and laid 300 Grad an. Finally I was able jib and mainsail set and switch off the hardworking machine. With brisk 6-7 Knots we now sailed directly to La Palma. Everything was good and it was time for the first coffee and a slice of bread. Schmeckt das gut nach so einem Start in den Tag 🙂


Against 16:10 had again ran the machine because of land cover south of La Palma, the wind had fallen asleep. With 6 Knots was then already 2 Hours later, the entrance to the Marina Tazacorte in sight. On VHF channel 9 was no one to achieve and so I looked for then my berth itself from. The docking maneuver worked perfect without assistance and to 18:30 was the Jockel (Machine) sent home in the evening. Happy and somewhat exhausted, there was still a beer for dinner, before I fell asleep peacefully in the salon on the bench. About 20:30 then put another yacht next to me at. I went out again, to see, who had come so late yet. Surprise, surprise! Es waren meine französischen Stegnachbarn von San Sebastian 🙂 Nach einem großen “Hello” told me the skipper, he had expired an hour after me and would have been surprised by conditions. He has seen me all the time on his AIS and I was just traced. But I could not see him, because its device only receives but does not send. Well, something! However, I was also a little proud, weil ich ihm eine gute Stunde Fahrtzeit abgenommen hatte 🙂 So fand der Tag doch noch ein versöhnliches Ende und ich endlich meinen wohlverdienten Schlaf.

Storchenbein “Ade”

“A sailor of it is located more than 100m from his ship already a tramp!” is a common statement among sailors, to continue to indulge in idleness and do not move more than necessary to. I find from yes and even if I just do not feel like, To meet Katie's unfailing spirit of enterprise.


For a brief moment I felt like, as Peter and Manuela from the SY MELODY asked me, whether the mood for a guided hike through the mountainous forests of eucalyptus Gorajonay National Park of La Gomera would. A slight hesitation and then of course I(!) spontaneously said. Noting, that although long-term sailors, but hardly train their arms and their legs are hairy then stork legs juicy ham in a short time, beglückwünschte ich mich insgeheim für diese Entscheidung 🙂 Die Gefahr, I after 3 more weeks on the boat below the belt, not only as a stork would look but as a side effect perhaps could even get an appetite for frogs, was too large to be.

Hiking boots I had been 5 Months on and it was approaching the opportunity, this test then for the first time on fitness. Meeting point was 9.00 Clock at the taxi stand with your guide name Udo. Together we went to the meeting place, who was in good 1400m altitude in the middle of Botany. Since 7:30 I walked around with the unfamiliar for me in the boat footwear, the things a bit einzulaufen. Something was not there because of thick socks, to prevent blisters, just was not enough room in the shoe. Damn those things were tight but what are 4-5 Hours “go for a walk” in the forest?


At the top of the windy and foggy wisps of cloud-covered parking, came the next shower. It ruled here “cuddly” 7,5 ° C and I was glad, I exceptionally long pants and, to advise my wife, a jacket had taken. We were there too early and had to 30 Wait for the rest of the group minutes, but will then arrived on time. Life is ultimately no walk!

The welcome was warm and it gave me a lot of joy, Peter, To meet Manuela and their sailors Falk and Holger again. In a group of 15 The people were then also go soon. In the first steep ascent over 100 Meters to warm up, I could easily keep me in the middle of the migratory birds. Udo, who had studied geology in Germany and since 8 Performs years treks in the Canary Islands for all abilities professionally, explained to us during short stops the flora and fauna in a very entertaining form. It was fun to listen to him when he different from the many domestic and imported eucalyptus tree species, Ferns and mints reported. Of course, no one could remember the Latin names but so much has remained but hang. How e.g.. the story of the Canary snowball. This has beautiful white flowers, that look like a snowball. Mind you, I have not, but not because the plant looked like the name so beautiful to me, but because the slightly furry and on the back a little rough leaves are extremely popular among forestry workers. Why? Weil diese sich angeblich sehr gut als Ersatz für 3-lagige Papierrollen eignen falls die Jungs mal keine dabei haben sollten 🙂



Also our Udo was very quick-witted as someone from the group for a glass of brandy to warm asked. “Oh Alcohol Alcohol, that you are my enemy and I know it. But the Bible is written, Your enemies Thou shalt love” was his comment. Everyone laughed and the subject was off the table. No idea, warum ich mir immer nur solche Dinge merken kann 🙂


The first long, steep downhill stretch over many stones and steps, I then had the salad. The big toe came constantly to the cap in shoe and began slowly to hurt emulate. Blast it! It was only just 45 Minutes elapsed since the start of the tour. Great tips on how to cut off the cap and other good ideas I got on the way. I decided from then on simply, the “Migratory birds” To tell stories from the life while dragging, To ignore stinging and hammering in the foot, which did succeed remarkably well. Es waren ja genug Menschen zum Reden da 🙂




IMG_5019The final sprint over 200 Altitude gain was my personal Sternstunde. The pressure in the shoe was now on his heels and I could finally be on the gas and let off steam. Downright goose-stepping it went the way up and it was really nice, to feel the slight pull in the thighs and to put a good bit of the group. Udo said only, that I would have probably been run me right. Only I had a sense, finally to say the stork legs battle! “Ade Storchenbein, run hurts” lief die ganze Zeit als Endlosschleife in meinen Gedanken ab 🙂IMG_5022IMG_4988


Against 16:30 I was back on the boat and felt dazzling. A great day with nice people, interesting information and many new impressions. The number of Udo I have and if Katja is back, we go hiking again. Matching shoes I will soon enough find it anywhere.


Waschtag wider Want

Just yesterday I had Katja finalized before the taxi, that it has driven to the airport. All alone on board it was now somehow boring and there is nothing better, than to bring a bit of momentum in the Bude? Exactly, I mean something about! Are best suited for Actions, which drive an adrenaline levels in the air. In my situation, it works best at the thought, alone to embark on a voyage with the SUMMER to another port to. It would indeed only the second Einhandtörn with the SUMMER be, which is why I felt some tingling in me at the thought. The weather window looked for a trip from low. I wanted to be in no case with too much wind traveling alone and possibly risking difficulties in the harbor maneuvers. The adoption round at the other sailors and the harbor master fell from relatively short and gentle against 09:15 I had the SUMMER controlled from the protected marina of San Miguel addition to the open sea.


All systems running properly and the lake received me with a gentle wave and very little wind. The weather forecast predicted, that until lunchtime virtually no wind would blow, and then later on moderate 2-3 Would establish Beaufort. I had planned to bridge the period until the doldrums with rolled out mainsail and slowly Revolving machine, so I promptly at 16:30 would arrive in San Sebastian on the island of La Gomera. There Katja and I only just last week had spent a very nice time. Since the island was so quite to my taste, I wanted to able to return to this beautiful time. As planned, I chugged with 5 Node and zero skew in calm seas meet my target port…….

Against 14:10 was suddenly everything changed . I lay on my back in the cockpit, enjoying the warm sunshine on the skin, as the wind rose markedly. The SUMMER placed slightly to the side under the rapidly increasing wind pressure in the sail. I quickly rolled nor the Genoa and was looking forward to finally allowed off the engine. Had I but all the time not more than 7 Knots of wind on the display, were it now 13 Node. Gorgeous, finally sailing! Was not gorgeous, that within 5 Minutes at a time 22 to 24 Nodes were on the display! The SUMMER made a grand appearance on the cheek (Page) and the seawater flooded before the deck because the canopy was much too big for these conditions. I was so surprised and so run over by the new situation, I had to pull myself once briefly. Genoa and mainsail reefed were quickly and then went off the post! The wind picked up 28 to 30 Node to, representing seven Beaufort and already is a neat announcement. With up to 7,5 SUMMER node plowed through the ever more constructive waves, although the mainsail was almost completely curled.


My real concern was actually more the fact, that we were already an hour later, just before San Sebastian and the wind would subside by no means. I fought with me, if I should risk it to proceed to the port under the conditions. First, I was traveling alone and secondly, the situation in the port would not be easy. Ultimately, I decided to take a chance but. Interestingly, I felt absolutely calm and resolute. Our SUMMER gave me once again very much trust and confidence. I was firmly convinced, that we should also come what would meet together.



The closer we got to the shore, the higher and steeper, above all, were the waves. The water splashed over the entire deck and not just once there was a decent shower with salty Atlantic water. At some point, but we were in the outer harbor, where even the AIDA moored. About channel 9 I signed us to the harbor master and asked for help when equipped. We were then. The Marinero waved at me web 2 and led me to our Box. The finger pier was clearly too short for our 12,60m and in addition the wind was still strong from behind the rear. But thanks to the help of Marineros and a few friendly sailors, was the SUMMER short time later safely moored at your place. Thanks again to all the love sailors colleagues! After a short break and a short “Hello” on our web neighbors, I put the shore power and desalinated the brave SUMMER thoroughly with fresh water. She'd also really deserves! The motto was once again “only then the horse the rider”. Sign followed quickly in the harbor office and changed the wet clothes. Everything was now well and the world in order. In the evening I was invited by Herbert from Switzerland, sweet with his Asma and two young children of 2,5 and 3,5 Years with her yacht MAYA on world tour, is spontaneously invited to dinner. It was delicious and I had a lot of fun, to spend the evening in the more lively company. In general, the reception was at the dock very warm and a great experience for me. So it was allowed to go quietly!

PS: It was only in the outer harbor of Marina I have noticed, dass auch noch Schleppangel mit 50m Leine ausgelegt war 🙂



Straw widower luck

Today at 06:15 The alarm clock rang and for the first time in months Katja turned the light in the cabin a before the sun had risen. Spontaneously, I was wondering, I like getting up early at this ungodly time for so many years so well packaged. About 6:45 then sat my better half already in the taxi to the airport.



Now it was officially, that my time as Strohwitwer aboard SUMMER for the next 4 Weeks was actually begun. Back on board, I then dutifully filled the bread machine with water and a cake mix according to the strict instructions of my head and then relaxed watching the funny goings with an appropriate background noise from the blessing Bringer. The result was to be seen! The delicious loaf of bread, together with 3 subjected to even fried eggs an extensive quality control. Book great thing as a unit and I have thus paving the way for the local bakery. Lazy sock! 🙂

The time I have spent better for it in the yard area of ​​the Marina, where the boat should be lifted from our dock neighbors Ernst and his wife out of the water today. As it turned out it was a quite exciting affair for the backstay had to be completely dissolved, so that 42 Fit foot yacht under the boat lift. The backstay tensioned so the mast back and prevents, that it can tilt forward. But everything went well and after 1,5 Hours the fish was cleaned as they say in Northern Germany. Meanwhile, Ernst sweated blood and water during the action and had properly Action, habe ich mich mit seiner Frau Mary nett am Ort des Geschehens unterhalten 🙂



Then there was the successful undertaking a beer for each of the parties. For the skipper, Skippers woman, the helper Patrick, the Marineros and for me in my role as a spectator. I've probably gotten a because I have kept the door, and no “wise counsel” gegeben habe 🙂

In the afternoon I sanded the frame of our Luks in the bow and repainted. Everything works cause the dust and some where it is better when the boss is not on board.

Tonight, Ernst and Patrick at my guest. Ernst had made the proposal, so that he could show a few of his films from his sailing adventures in South America us. He is even sailed around Cape Horn and I am looking forward to some new ideas for our own journey. After all, Ernst has been more than 60.000 Nautical miles (!) logged with his yacht and before 11 Went to sea for years. He told me, that he is already at least 20x went through the Panama Canal and he would never do that to his own yacht. He would repeatedly Brazil, Chile, Give preference to Patagonia and Argentina. As I said, I am looking forward to tonight! Let's see, Katja says what if I use your this route “warmly” ans Herz legen sollte 🙂


What we actually make New Year's Eve?

There are questions, you regularly arises again and again, well no matter where you are in the world. It was clear to us, that we do not want to spend New Year's Eve here in the quiet Marina San Miguel. To date, we have not found any connection to other nice sailors and to celebrate alone, it we really had no desire. Several times we had thought, to plunge into the bustle of the capital Santa Cruz. The vibrant island's capital has indeed particularly impressed us and the fireworks will be breathtakingly beautiful, like us, the local and Swiss sailmaker Thomas told.

Now the only question presented: Boat or car????? The sailing unfavorable for us wind from north-east made the decision was not taken lightly. Optimal weather conditions look different, but tomorrow we will go for it. Die Autovermieter haben uns die Entscheidung am Ende aber abgenommen 🙂 Mietwagen gibt es zur Zeit nämlich nur noch zu „Mond-Preisen“. Then we sail flat against the wind.

The last two days we have used intensively, the many delicious things, we brought from Germany back to the SUMMER, to perform their intended. Our substantial cake, Biscuit and marzipan stocks were plundered and even hourly. Gemeinsam kämpften wir uns ebenso sehr erfolgreich durch eine große Kiste voller Weihnachtsplätzchen 🙂 Alles in allem wird wahrscheinlich wohl nichts davon das Jahr 2015 experience.


Dietmar So finally had the opportunity, To drill holes in the deck of the SUMMER. The brought from Germany "Deck eyes" (Fittings, an denen z.B. Belts and lines are attached) by the company "Niro-Petersen" had to be installed professionally. For "his" ship him the best is just barely good genugJ Finally, the boxes can be lashed securely and seaworthy with our diving equipment on deck. In addition, you do not run more risk as before, tripping over cross-and-transverse straps and go overboard. For our evening entertainment we have a stack of DVDs get for Christmas from our loved ones and brought on board. Two of us have certainly been fun evenings brought. We have no "TV" at home and therefore are very happy about a few good movies. DVDs are also more a coveted commodity exchange among sailors on long journey.

Furthermore, we were able to expand our board-games to two very special games. My mother gave me a puzzle from one of our ca. 12.000 Have photos and for Christmas. So I hatched last night on my own personal Madeira puzzle fairly long. Now'm sure, I'm very careful with all my future photos, to have not so much with blue sky in the picture. Because blue is well known, not the same blue .....




Dietmar is now the proud owner of his personal memories, we still need to dedicate the next few days. Each image on the ca. 60 Cards Cards also shows a design from our photo archive. Solche persönliche Geschenke sind für uns etwas wirklich Besonderes 🙂 Für alles andere gibt es ja die VISA Card 🙂

Our SUMMER since today 15:00 Clock already so far ready, although we will post tomorrow morning. Dietmar is to keep with anticipation and barely! Tonight we will still buy you a farewell dinner at our favorite Chinese. The fridge is pretty empty anyway, because the shopping in San Miguel are very limited without a car. Morning at eight clock finally we want to go and hope for our happiness. The wind thinks he's usually not anyway to the weather and to the fireworks we have been coming to Santa Cruz. There are "only" 45 J nautical miles