Category Archives: Generally

On the last minute :-)

If one dwells in Germany, one has once again time and a fast Internet connection. A good opportunity, Once again the friendly sailor blogs to visit. And on the side of SY ATANGA I became then aware of following action:

On his blog "explore the world" calls Michael to a very beautiful photo parade. “The most beautiful photos of the 1. Half of 2015” is the motto and the following categories are desired:
-most beautiful landscape photograph
-best animal photo
-most beautiful city shooting
-best winter picture
-most beautiful spring picture
-personal favorite picture

The only requirement is, that all photos in the 1. Half of 2015 have originated.

Das war ja genau mein Ding 🙂 Einziger Nachteil war, that the action at 31.7. ended. Well, After all, even eight hours time. Here we go, Pictures were so clearly sufficient. But the selection was difficult.

Landscape photograph

2015-07-08 4

The “Lagoa do Fogo” on the Azores island of Sao Miguel is mostly behind clouds. But on sunny days, he shows his beauty :-).

Animal photo


Is always a great experience to meet dolphins. But to see a mother animal with boys, ist nochmal eine ganze Ecke besser 🙂 Und wenn dann noch die Kamera bereit ist 🙂

City shooting


A city in the State of exception, in the positive sense: Angra celebrates São Joaninas and dressing up finely out.

Winter picture


With winter images, I can not really serve this year. Maybe one with rain counts. Schnee haben wir in diesem Halbjahr nur in weiter Ferne gesehen 🙂

Spring picture


The Hibiscus, This time considered in detail. Der Frühling ist da 🙂

Favorite photo


A windstiller day at sea. And who sails past us? A Portuguese galley. As divers certainly not my favourite animal, but with the distance necessary a really fascinating phenomenon.

Das war jetzt mal wirklich fünf vor zwölf 🙂








Long, It's been a long

Today was a special day, the man actually particularly should celebrate. Ganze zehn Jahre liegt unsere Hochzeit jetzt zurück 🙂 Es ist schon erschreckend, as the time goes by. But my tooth had made as a spanner in the US.

So we had to content ourselves today with the phone. It was a new experience out. Although we had forgotten our anniversary together last year, but separated we've not spent yet it so far.


When I now to look at the pictures, I feel it almost like yesterday. But of course a lot has happened in the last ten years madly. Beautiful and less beautiful, hold the ordinary life. Since good 15 We are with our SUMMER travel months. A very special adventure, that we may experience. Nice to see, that we have adhered actually also quite good in the last ten years :-).

If I'm back in Porto, are we still drink anyway: “For the next ten years!”





In the race pace

Last night had to someone honestly all hard and ironed all waves of the Atlantic Ocean. He lay before us like a duck pond. Ursache war der komplett fehlende Wind 🙁 So lief bei uns schon seit gestern Abend der Motor, denn an segeln war mit vier Knoten Wind aus umlaufenden Richtungen wirklich nicht zu denken 🙁 Aber heute Abend soll er wiederkommen 🙂 Das hat der Wetterbericht zumindest so versprochen.
So we took advantage of the pleasant day on board without angle and with little rocking, to make it clear to ship and I cooked in for the rest of the trip. In quiet conditions, there were sausages with potato salad for lunch. A dish with many people, the I me traveling so far not dared.
Already around noon, we could set sail again and now just before midnight we Jet with more than seven knots our goal contrary to. Let's see, whether we still manage, the last two low-wind days to compensate and to arrive Friday evening in Porto ?!

First impressions from another world

Knapp 1400 The Azores are located west of the Portuguese coast in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. To the West you have only more 4200 Kilometres, to reach the American coast. The island group was, It consists of nine larger and inhabited islands as well as several small, early on for the sailors from all over the world a popular and strategically important point. In the second world war the American on their way were refueled here once again to Europe and back in the United States long-range bombers. Thus, the Azores also from a military point of view were a very valuable base.

After we after arriving only once with a regular white sausage breakfast had strengthened us and then have allowed a relaxed sleep break us, We went to a first exploration tour.

We are on Santa Maria, the easternmost island of the Azores,landed. It has an area of 97 Square kilometres and is inhabited by only five and a half thousand people.

The harbour is protected from wind and waves very well maintained and well. Hier werden wir sicher gut und sicher schlafen können 🙂 Es waren noch viele Liegeplätze frei und mehrere Yachten stehen noch im Winterlager an Land. Apparently the Azores sailing season here has not really started.


The landscape around the harbour is unusually green and lush vegetation for us :-). The largest city of the island is located directly above the Harbour: Vila do Porto. Let's see, was die so zu bieten hat 🙂 Einen kurzen Fußmarsch später befanden wir uns auch schon im Zentrum.



There are a lot of churches in any case, but also the physical well-being is extensively provided. Several restaurants and bars, and two well stocked supermarkets were open no wishes.

Just outside of the town it was again amidst the impressive nature. Here you can walk safely wonderfully. Before we would have to talk a first word but again with the weather God. Denn im Regen ist das ja nicht so lustig 🙂



Back in the Marina, we thought not to trust our eyes. Of course had been reported by the abundance of fish of Azores us :-), but that the rays in the Harbour off the Jetty were, hatten wir nicht erwartet 🙂 Jetzt freuen wir uns natürlich ganz besonders auf die hier geplanten Tauchausflüge.





Vital signs SY SUMMER

Hello landlubbers,

only a brief sign of life from the windy Atlantic. We have the first 270 NM is put behind us and are now at 35 ° 01′ North and 020 ° 42′ West on the way to Faial. Katja has caught it once again temporarily, but not as bad as usual. It's been exhausting, Day and night on the wind to sail. Under jib and large all the time with 30% at 18-24 Knots of wind from No. at average 6,2 Knot speed. We still have 430 NM us. The ship is dry and the technology works. We are sure, that we are rewarded for the long way through the beauty of the Azores. Now sign off and wish you a nice weekend:-)

See you soon!

In anticipation of the 24H-Rennen and a double gulp behind the Fascia

Heute war ein guter Tag 🙂 Nach vielen Wochen voller Besuche von Sehenswürdigkeiten und Fotosafaris im Schlepp meiner Frau stand heute die Befriedigung einer meiner vordringlichen Bedürfnisse auf der Tagesordnung. In the island's capital Funchal is a car race with classic cars held each year. The videos for this event looked quite promising and had awakened my curiosity at least. For months I'm already about out of the mostly extremely underpowered rubber-tired “Walking AIDS” to get out, but without a significant gain of pleasure. Quite the contrary, the constant Maulen of my stressed passenger just because of a few squealing tires or overtaking, is time really on the mind. But flaunting suffering and the beautiful days of our trip are very much more than just a compensation for this punishment. Aber irgendwie muss ich mich mindestens mental auf das 24H-Rennen in der nächsten Woche vorbereiten 🙂

So we want to look, was die Madeirer hier so Feines in ihren Garagen versteckt haben 🙂 Gegen 14:30 were we then arrived at the scene. Middle from the harbour promenade the treasures were on a great place on high-gloss polished in a species-appropriate environment. What shall I say….I was thrilled, because I was not here expecting some finds. The greatest feeling on public roads has been a BMW X 5 from the year 2009 and one of the little specimens, not on several corners already “on fucked” war 🙂

Below a small selection of Bentley, Jaguar, MG, Austin, Ford, Renault, Alfa Romeo etc..















After the first curiosity was deleted, We sat down in the adjacent outdoor café on the corner and ordered us two great Shandy (Cyclists), because the hot midday sun burnt very nice violently on our fur. As the good lady then later with two 1 Liter jugs filled with the slightly alcoholic delicacies marched on we were already somewhat flabbergasted. That was already Bavarian dimensions. Who should drink it all because and after that with a clear conscience to drive? The solution was quite simple. Katja had to be used and 1,5 Tilt liters behind the bandage and I did the rest. For €13 plus tip, we felt compelled directly, everything to plaster and to leave nothing. On the way back I had a fantastically relaxed (you could also say angetrunkene) Co-pilot. There were also no charges more in the fast right-hand corners, If the whole trip because of the crooked rear axle always easily came in the pitching and we most needed two roadway widths, um sicher durch die Kurven zu kommen 🙂

Das war ein guter Tag 🙂

On the road with the car of disaster :-)

Every year on the first of may the city of Funchal pays homage to its Patron Saint, Saint Tiago menor. That was a good reason for us today to Funchal. What exactly the celebration should look like, When they begin and when they would end, had not been here unfortunately the Internet. Wir brachen gemütlich nach dem Frühstück auf und kamen zu spät 🙂 Zwar waren noch einige Hauptstraßen in Funchal gesperrt, the procession was probably already over and we wanted to not attend the subsequent fair.


So versteckte sich der Heiligen Tiago Menor in dieser schönen Kirche und wurde nicht gesehen 🙂 Pech gehabt, but also not bad. In the beautiful sunshine, we could finally meet Funchal. It was among the ten largest cities in Portugal. In the autumn we had spent only one night here and seen much yet.

In part, the old town in a pretty sad state is and at some points, we was really surprised, that the houses still stand. Often can be seen through the window on the first floor directly into the sky and the pigeons enjoy free housing.


But no matter in what condition were the houses, die Türen machen alles wieder wett 🙂 Hier ein paar schöne Beispiele:





Around noon, we had had enough of the city, bought us yet a thick ice and decide, yet to make a trip in the nature. There is a plateau in the western part of Madeira, We wanted to visit last October already. The access road was unfortunately locked but. But after six months, the passport should be back open.


So kurvten wir hinauf in die Berge und standen wenig später wieder vor dem gesperrten Pass 🙁 Mit Internetrecherche wäre das nicht passiert 🙂 Denn dort hätte ich gefunden, that extensive work is needed after a rock to secure the road ER110, that would take probably much longer time. The next time we will choose a different approach. It would be don't laughed, wenn wir diesen Teil der Insel nicht auch erreichen würden 🙂

While we were on the steep and winding streets, we found, that posted it on the Internet “Car rental bargains” Unfortunately a few quirks had. With the motorization of too low, Dietmar had already resigned. Sporty it's going with the car in the minority of cases, aber dieser Fiat Panda war schon besonders speziell 🙂 Am Elch-Test wäre er wahrscheinlich kläglich gescheitert, denn schon bei geringer Geschwindigkeit und schärferen Kurven quietschten die Reifen und wir kamen leicht ins Rutschen 🙂 Und diesmal lag es wohl nicht an Dietmars Fahrweise. Also the strange noise under the car, as if we have the items of in a washing machine the trunk of, were not very confidence. Since it but during the entire tour were not worse, We made up the radio sometime, wahrscheinlich die portugiesische Lösung des Problems 🙂

On the way back, we chose a small country road on the north side of the island and enjoyed the beautiful views and the beautiful weather.


We were today but not alone, all Madeira seemed to be. Also in Portugal is most 1. May the “Labor Day” as official holiday and this year resulted in even a long weekend. So you put kith and kin, A tent and picnic table, and yet surprisingly many other things and drives in the nature. Almost everywhere, where more than three trees were idyllic together, stand jetzt auch ein Tisch darunter 🙂 und es wurde gegrillt und gefeiert 🙂 Auch die Aussichtspunkte, Restaurants and Cafés, ja sogar die Parkplätze waren überall mehr als gut besucht 🙂


We had them but not scare us, schließlich war genug Platz für alle da 🙂 Direkt in der Nähe der Marina entdeckt wir noch einen Aussichtspunkt an der Vulkanküste mit einem Leuchtturm – a nice conclusion of our day tour.


But not enough of the good: Back at the port we arranged the SY MERRY MARY Harbour restaurant us with the crew. Seriously Dietmar knew already from the Marina San Miguel Tenerife. He is with his daughter Kiran and two friends on the way back to Cuxhaven. In the next few days to proceed to the Azores. Quite late the entertaining round broke up, but tomorrow, it would certainly give a repeat. Es gab ja noch so viel zu erzählen 🙂

Happy Easter :-)


More products from this week are in the works. Es lohnt sich die Tage nochmal vorbei zu schauen 🙂 Die Fotos habe ich bereits alle bearbeitet und sortiert und bald gibt es wieder neuen Lesestoff für Euch.

Contrast program: a German shopping paradise and nature

An important item on my “to-do”-List, I wanted to do in my free time Husband, was the procurement of rye- bake and wholemeal spelled flour for bread. Not such an easy task, for these products is not found in a Spanish supermarket.

But in the age of the Internet remains an almost nothing hidden. Thus the German community in Tenerife was quite inspired by the “Cash & Carry” in Tacoronte. Said wonder supermarket was unfortunately very north of the island. Why exactly unfortunately? The National Park Anaga is but just around the corner and I wanted to make but still out. So why not combine both ?

Once in Tacoronte, I thought my eyes were not to be trusted. The list of the German brand name was impressively long and the prices were really fair. As I flew for the last time from Germany back to BUZZER, hatte ich eine zusätzliche Tasche mit Lebensmitteln dabei 🙂 Leckereien, you miss insane abroad on some days after a long time. Hier konnte ich diese einfach in meinen Einkaufswagen packen 🙂


So this was sooner than I thought and three well-filled shopping bags wandered in my trunk. And the point “Get flour” konnte ich mit gutem Gewissen auf meiner Liste abhaken 🙂

First work…..before pleasure. On the narrow streets I wound through the National Park. This time, with much better weather and more time.

2015-04-01 Panorama 2a.jpg


The view towards the center of the island was a dream. The white clouds seen on this picture yet very picturesque from. But they were fast approaching.


On the other hand, it was cloudy and cold


Zeit für mich den Ausflug dem Ende zugehen zu lassen 🙂 Dann wäre auf dem Heimweg noch Zeit für einen weiteren Einkaufsstopp in der Nähe von Santa Cruz beim französischen Supermarkt Carrefour. Although my shopping passion was pretty cool after the success of this morning, but there were still a few things on my shopping list.

Packed I reached San Miguel only about eight clock in the evening. After I had brought my purchases on the boat, I tried to wake up with a hot shower my spirits again. Doch Einkaufen scheint wirklich Knochenarbeit zu sein 🙂 und so verschob ich das Verstauen der Köstlichkeiten im Boot auf morgen. Lieber sichtete ich die Bilder der letzten Tage und schaute dabei einen Frauenfilm auf Video ganz ohne männliche Kommentare 🙂


Wind, Wave and a “Beloved” Ship

Last Friday it was time again. For my return trip to Tenerife I had chosen an extra one day, to which the weather forecast had predicted wind of moderate strength. To San Miguel / Tenerife I had a sea crossing of 97 Nautical miles ahead of me, and with little wind, this distance should be about. 22 Be to provide hours. Was planned, a 10:00 store in Tazacorte and then the next morning against 8:00 to arrive in San Miguel. As I once again had to sail alone, I found my decision wisely, to choose a quiet day at sea.


The nice Spaniard from the Marina office told me in an excellent German, that she longs for Dusseldorf back, where she has probably spent a good time. Surprisingly, it was to be all addressed to me in my mother tongue, denn ich hatte die letzten Tage immer Englisch mit ihr gesprochen 🙂 Gut gestimmt bezahlte ich bei Ihr gern meine Liegeplatzgebühren, da ich noch einen guten Rabatt bekommen hatte 🙂 Punkt 10:00 I then pulled the Spring as the last line on the cleat, and this time I went with a tidy deck off the harbor. What a bummer as in San Sebastian, will not happen again! The whole time I was afraid, I'm losing my Fender or a line may wrap around the screw, because I could not put away the stuff because of the darkness.


The sea was so calm, I at the 1-3 Knoten Wind, the next three hours walked under machine. It's so blatant here with weather conditions! Yesterday another yacht was introduced, who had lost their mast because of the strong winds and strong gusts. That was number 3 one day! The more I am the southern cape of the island approached, the more often I thought of the sentence of another sailor “here there is no shame, to be at low wind with sails reefed the go”. The mainsail I once again set sail as support, was when the lighthouse of Fuencaliente on port beam, and the Cape was thus achieved. It skeptical look forward but revealed something quite different “Wind Calm”. At first it looked like, as if the line on the horizon just a bit blurry but then I could see clearly, that there were waves with small whitecaps. This time however, I was prepared for stronger wind!


No idea, how strong the wind in the “Nozzle” would be but I have learned, prefer to “Safe” to go. The mainsail was rolled into the third reef and set the jib. After another five minutes, I stopped the machine, because the wind already on 9 Nodes had gained, and our SUMMER began, with a slight heel (Angle) Take ride. Close to the wind, progress was always faster. Wind and wave decreased rapidly to, and very soon were 7,5 to 8,5 Speed ​​in knots 25-28 Knots of wind on the display. I went back to the wind and rolled the jib to a second reef, before “fully on the gas” plowed through the lake. The learning effect had paid off this time! Even the strong winds of nearly 30 Node loaded neither the rig still my nerves nearly as violent, it was only recently when the cruise to Gomera.


The speed of course the schedule was completely messed up. Against 17:30 I therefore decided, anzu run the anchor bay of Marina Valle west of Gomera. To be overnight under these conditions on the sea, I had it really can not be bothered! Had when joined to my delight, a group of dolphins to us. In addition, I would also have to 2:00 morning reached my goal in the dead of night.


When approaching Valle, are enveloped the island in a rain clouds and the sun's rays conjured a nice rain borrowing in the sky. The anchor maneuvers gelang problems at 14m depth and sandy lava. I placed the anchor between 4 Additional yachts and put 60m chain. As always, I drove the anchor into the ground, and then finally turned the machine off. The rest was to die for and as I closed the door behind me decline, it was already pitch dark outside. It was a pleasant satisfaction because I had a feeling, to have once again hit the right decision. Strangely, I always think to myself to my wife. Maybe that's why, because I have a feeling, to have traded in their favor so. Sie ist so fern aber doch so nah 🙂



The night was fairly quiet and the anchor is securely held. After a breakfast of coffee and fried eggs, it was said to 09:15 back to anchor. Just as it had stopped yesterday, It started with unchanged lot of wind and wave continues to Tenerife. Shortly before the wind went to Tenerife 16 Node and turned back to East. So he came right from the start. This meant for me then “Machine” and two hours later, I put the SUMMER then alongside the bridge of the already familiar to me as Marina San Miguel. Then again the old ritual. Before I went down, in order to change the clothes, got the SUMMER Once a thorough wash. My cars I've always treated and it makes me happy, to be on a well-maintained boat. One could say, that our SUMMER “Beloved” Schiff ist 🙂



As a consolation for all the folks back home, This is not said. Supposedly, this winter the coldest since 15 His years in the Canary Islands. In Gran Canaria, the temperature has dropped to below 10 ° C at night. Here in Tenerife we ​​have z.Zt. after all the day to 18 Degree and at night around 15 ° C. To motivate Katja has just sent me a picture of Leverkusen. Brrrrrrrrrr 🙂