Last Friday it was time again. For my return trip to Tenerife I had chosen an extra one day, to which the weather forecast had predicted wind of moderate strength. To San Miguel / Tenerife I had a sea crossing of 97 Nautical miles ahead of me, and with little wind, this distance should be about. 22 Be to provide hours. Was planned, a 10:00 store in Tazacorte and then the next morning against 8:00 to arrive in San Miguel. As I once again had to sail alone, I found my decision wisely, to choose a quiet day at sea.

The nice Spaniard from the Marina office told me in an excellent German, that she longs for Dusseldorf back, where she has probably spent a good time. Surprisingly, it was to be all addressed to me in my mother tongue, denn ich hatte die letzten Tage immer Englisch mit ihr gesprochen 🙂 Gut gestimmt bezahlte ich bei Ihr gern meine Liegeplatzgebühren, da ich noch einen guten Rabatt bekommen hatte 🙂 Punkt 10:00 I then pulled the Spring as the last line on the cleat, and this time I went with a tidy deck off the harbor. What a bummer as in San Sebastian, will not happen again! The whole time I was afraid, I'm losing my Fender or a line may wrap around the screw, because I could not put away the stuff because of the darkness.

The sea was so calm, I at the 1-3 Knoten Wind, the next three hours walked under machine. It's so blatant here with weather conditions! Yesterday another yacht was introduced, who had lost their mast because of the strong winds and strong gusts. That was number 3 one day! The more I am the southern cape of the island approached, the more often I thought of the sentence of another sailor “here there is no shame, to be at low wind with sails reefed the go”. The mainsail I once again set sail as support, was when the lighthouse of Fuencaliente on port beam, and the Cape was thus achieved. It skeptical look forward but revealed something quite different “Wind Calm”. At first it looked like, as if the line on the horizon just a bit blurry but then I could see clearly, that there were waves with small whitecaps. This time however, I was prepared for stronger wind!

No idea, how strong the wind in the “Nozzle” would be but I have learned, prefer to “Safe” to go. The mainsail was rolled into the third reef and set the jib. After another five minutes, I stopped the machine, because the wind already on 9 Nodes had gained, and our SUMMER began, with a slight heel (Angle) Take ride. Close to the wind, progress was always faster. Wind and wave decreased rapidly to, and very soon were 7,5 to 8,5 Speed in knots 25-28 Knots of wind on the display. I went back to the wind and rolled the jib to a second reef, before “fully on the gas” plowed through the lake. The learning effect had paid off this time! Even the strong winds of nearly 30 Node loaded neither the rig still my nerves nearly as violent, it was only recently when the cruise to Gomera.

The speed of course the schedule was completely messed up. Against 17:30 I therefore decided, anzu run the anchor bay of Marina Valle west of Gomera. To be overnight under these conditions on the sea, I had it really can not be bothered! Had when joined to my delight, a group of dolphins to us. In addition, I would also have to 2:00 morning reached my goal in the dead of night.

When approaching Valle, are enveloped the island in a rain clouds and the sun's rays conjured a nice rain borrowing in the sky. The anchor maneuvers gelang problems at 14m depth and sandy lava. I placed the anchor between 4 Additional yachts and put 60m chain. As always, I drove the anchor into the ground, and then finally turned the machine off. The rest was to die for and as I closed the door behind me decline, it was already pitch dark outside. It was a pleasant satisfaction because I had a feeling, to have once again hit the right decision. Strangely, I always think to myself to my wife. Maybe that's why, because I have a feeling, to have traded in their favor so. Sie ist so fern aber doch so nah 🙂

The night was fairly quiet and the anchor is securely held. After a breakfast of coffee and fried eggs, it was said to 09:15 back to anchor. Just as it had stopped yesterday, It started with unchanged lot of wind and wave continues to Tenerife. Shortly before the wind went to Tenerife 16 Node and turned back to East. So he came right from the start. This meant for me then “Machine” and two hours later, I put the SUMMER then alongside the bridge of the already familiar to me as Marina San Miguel. Then again the old ritual. Before I went down, in order to change the clothes, got the SUMMER Once a thorough wash. My cars I've always treated and it makes me happy, to be on a well-maintained boat. One could say, that our SUMMER “Beloved” Schiff ist 🙂

As a consolation for all the folks back home, This is not said. Supposedly, this winter the coldest since 15 His years in the Canary Islands. In Gran Canaria, the temperature has dropped to below 10 ° C at night. Here in Tenerife we have z.Zt. after all the day to 18 Degree and at night around 15 ° C. To motivate Katja has just sent me a picture of Leverkusen. Brrrrrrrrrr 🙂