Category Archives: Generally

Proven long ride – “Lady” to submit only in loving hands :-)

And what are you doing with your SUMMER??? The question we receive quite often and was for us in the decision-making process he “CESARINA” always a central theme.


Our SUMMER has given us since 2012 always good service done. Since may 2014 It is our solid home and lots of beautiful memories are closely connected. From the outset we have invested more money and gradually to the perfect long boat equipped. Now just before the planned crossing of old antique everything is actually done.

There is absolutely no rational reason, to exchange such ship against another and we know exactly, dass uns viele sicher für völlig verrückt halten 🙂 Jede Vorratsdose habe ich extra passend zur Schublade beschafft 🙂 Unendlich viele Detaillösungen haben wir in mühevoller Kleinarbeit realisiert. Now we know it like the back of our hand and it gives us a good feeling and good safety at sea.

But where love falls, passieren schon merkwürdige Dinge 🙂 Fernab jeglicher Vernunft werden Entscheidungen getroffen 🙂 Und plötzlich steht unsere gute SUMMER ganz alleine da 🙁

It should remain but hopefully not for long so, because we have decided, to leave it in good hands. Perhaps we find Yes someone, which you want to show the world. Actually we had promised that Yes to you.

Until then she will hold safely situated in Vilamoura of things on land, the da will come. We have taken the initial preparations already in attack. The water maker is cleaned and has been preserved because of the long break. Early next week, we will cut off the sails and stowed under deck, before the SUMMER most 25. September with the crane on land will be.

For interested and curious here once all, collected information about our SUMMER: SUNBEAM 42DS sale







A sea journey, that is…..

…..funny unfortunately not for everyone. Das mussten wir heute einmal wieder mehr feststellen 🙁

Right on time at 9: 00 Claudia and Reiner were at the gate of our bridge, ready for a sailing adventure with us and the SUMMER. Wind und Wetter waren günstig und schon kurze Zeit später stachen wir auch in See 🙂

Right after leaving we could put already sailing Marina and Dietmar steered a course of the wind. Then he handed over the control with the task to control exactly 60 ° to the wind Reiner. He did so with much skill and dedication and thus distinguished himself as a natural.


While Reiner went on in his role as helmsman, was Claudia, however, always silent. We knew this behavior but already and most of the time it was not a good sign. Unfairly hit the waves the female more “Landlubbers” on the stomach, While the men can not understand the whole.


So we turned back for good reason and were moored an hour later back safely in the Marina at our berth. On the way back, Claudia got a healthy complexion again, now wind and waves from aft came and the movement was significantly softer than on the way.

The planned picnic, that we wanted to do on the water, We picked up just in the Marina. Da konnten wir dann auch schon wieder das Anlegerbier mit integrieren 🙂 Das wäre unterwegs wohl kaum möglich gewesen 🙂 Gemütlich saßen wir im Cockpit und ließen es uns schmecken. Nach so einem anstrengenden Törn und so viel frischer Luft schmeckte es auch besonders gut 🙂


Somit ist es dann doch noch ein gelungener Ausflug geworden 🙂 Aber immer wieder stehen wir vor demselben Problem, If we get visitors on board. Most of our friends are more country people and a short trip on the wet element can be as easily to the problem once. It is the easiest way, If you at one “fixed” Place arranged and takes depending on the whim of there day tours. Sailing is just an additional option. Can you do, muss man aber nicht 🙂

After the exhausting trip, a break was announced for the two afternoon once, that they spent at the hotel pool. A little holiday must also be.

We use the time, to begin with the Organization of the next few weeks. Quickly our filled “to-do list”. There was but a lot to do :-). First, however, we set, When it should go back to the CESARINA. Already for the 8. September we could book flights. It is comfortable without train ride with SATA, the Azorean airline, directly from Faro to Lisbon, go then to Terceira and finally to Sao Jorge. We were once very relieved, all the way with only a provider without to carry out train or ferry at a good price.

Damit war ein Anfang macht und wir hatten uns wieder etwas Vergnügen verdient 🙂 Zum Abendessen machten wir zu viert die Hafenpromenade unsicher und ließen den Abend dann auf der SUMMER ausklingen. With revolver stories and much laughter it was already significantly after midnight, before the two to your hotel broke up. Tomorrow she would leave us for a few days., to see more of Portugal. After Lisbon the tour with the car should go and take three to four days. We would diligently in our time “to-do”-List could work, and hopefully much do. We'd also significantly relaxed, If our visit comes back.



Long live the red tape :-)

Also on this night was not to think about sleep. Too many unanswered questions were still to clarify and organize many things. All had unfortunately not just turned off and we worked all night. So we showed up every morning but still quite wrinkled in the Harbor Restaurant about nine o'clock, where Pieter and Rini sat at breakfast. Wir gönnten somit auch noch einen weiteren Kaffee 🙂 Vielleicht würde der ja die müden Lebensgeister wieder wecken 🙂

Dietmar had done already good preparatory work in advance and we were prepared for everything. So we turned the Café into our Office and made our community about the standard purchase agreement here. Amazing, was dort alles abgefragt wird 🙂 Auch Pieter und Rini kamen erfreulicherweise nicht unvorbereitet zu unserem Treffen. Did you also, We had a little pressure of time. Diligently we met until early afternoon in the Café. Zwischenzeitlich war immer mindestens einer von uns zum Telefonieren an der Hafenpromenade unterwegs 🙂 Trotzdem dauerte es eine gefühlte Ewigkeit, until the formal part was done.

We wanted to still use the rest of the afternoon, to take measure already once vigorously on our new home. So we could better prepare our moving and also information for a new Watermaker.

At dinner we planned then the other timing of sales. We had decided, an der Algarve auf die CESARINA umzuziehen 🙂 Nach Dietmars Geburtstag am 6.ten September würden wir auf die Azoren zurückkehren, to pick up the CESARINA. Pieter had agreed, us is still a few days to accompany and helping us to the page, before we would turn back to the Azores and sail to Vilamoura.

After finally really everything was regulated, konnten wir uns auch wieder anderen Themen zuwenden 🙂 So bekamen wir einen tollen Einblick in Pieters Malerei und wir sind schon sehr gespannt, to see his studio in the old cheese factory of Sao Jorge. Pieter is not only sailors from passion, but also philosopher, Musician and painter.

Pieter Gemälde

A great painting of him hangs in the Salon of the CESARINA, that shows the home port of the Cesarina in Holland (Unfortunately we did have no photo of it. This will be submitted but). Unser nächster Besuch und die Übernahme der Yacht auf Sao Jorge wird also auf jeden Fall spannend 🙂



Drum check, who is forever binds :-)

Heute sollte es also ans Eingemachte gehen 🙂 Mal sehen, What has everything to offer the CESARINA.

We have a ship with our SUMMER, that no sailor wishes, who want to go on a long journey, leaves. In recent years, much time and of course lots of money in their equipment has been and for the planned crossing of the Atlantic Ocean end of November 2015 haben wir sie perfekt vorbereitet 🙂

Wassermacher, Washing machine, Shortwave and almost every imaginable technical gadgetry, the one could wish and think. Reliable and tested on good 7000 I saw no reason rationally considered nautical miles, mit einem anderen Boot wieder von vorne anzufangen 🙁

Now I would like to once Dietmar's new love a closer look imagine, denn sie ist eine Yacht mit einer bewegten Geschichte 🙂

CESARINA is a Swan 55 Yawl (Hull 004) and was 1971 built by Nautor Swan in Finland. Her first name was Laurita and she was severely damaged mid-nineties in a hurricane in the Caribbean.


After that, the yacht was completely gutted up on the bare hull and to Holland to the now world famous “Campbell” Take appropriate.


Up to this point the Campbell shipyard built only wooden ships. But the former owner of the LAURITA and the beautiful classic form of by “Sparkman&Stevens” winning yacht was able to convince the throwing owner Nico Claasen and within three years she was without any limits with much passion, Love and highest craftsmanship for the ideas of the avowed perfectionist Nico from the keel to rebuilt. Since only the J-class super yachts are built by Campbell. What kind of a reputation! After you received your new fine-sounding names: CESARINA. Sie hat das Feeling einer J-Class Superyacht sagt Dietmar 🙂

Thus she did so with one “Classic” Swan not really much to do, sondern kann ohne Übertreibung als ein einzigartiges Kunststück bezeichnet werden 🙂




The Interior impresses with many loving details and plenty of room to live. Also, deck and superstructures are a collection of many beautifully crafted details.




On the other hand, there is also much to do. The on-board water maker was given way to a new bow thruster. It's also super, aber jetzt fehlt der Wassermacher 🙁 . The whole day we drove emotional rollercoaster and asked us, whether we can meet such a ship . Again and again during the breaks we sat on the harbour wall and viewed the CESARINA and their beautiful lines. In any case, it would be no easy decision.

Our appointment of the Atlantic crossing at 22. November 2015 hovered on the horizon. Would it be feasible, until then all work requested by us to do? The description of a ship of this size is unfortunately no small thing, because ab 15 Metres in length must be registered in the German ship register. There so much paperwork to do. You can do it in less than three months ?? Where should we later on the new ship “move”??? Both vessels must be yes then together in a port, so that we could easily rearrange our home stand. In the SUMMER, everything was well organized after more than three years. Did we start really back? We would all our belongings and goods on the CESARINA can accommodate?? The Sunbeam 42 DS is really a space saver. Could keep the four meters longer CESARINA da?? And the most important question ever: What should be done with our SUMMER????

Location speech – short of it: At midnight we have then done and sealed the purchase handshake. Also Rini and Pieter are emotionally gone through hell all day, because the CESARINA lay them close to our hearts. Now they look forward but, You will go with us on the journey. Und wir freuen* uns natürlich auch 🙂 Sie wird bei uns sicher das sein, was man ein geliebtes Schiff nennt 🙂

*(To describe, what you feel, When making such a decision, is kinda impossible for me. Freuen ist auf jeden Fall nicht das richtige Wort 🙂







A small world tour

Why is it actually, When the night anyway shortly through the alarm clock, plagued by a Portuguese killer mosquito?

Our Tuesday morning started early and because of the mosquitoes unfortunately also with moderately good mood. Without breakfast we headed to seven on the way, to go with our taxi ordered the previous day in the direction of Faro train station. With a small detour through the airport (The English of our taxi driver was probably not so good as expected) waren wir aber immer noch sehr früh am Ziel und es war endlich Zeit zum Frühstücken 🙂 Für unschlagbar günstige 5 We were saturated and provided with boxed euro. Auch die Stimmung in der kleinen Reisegruppe hatte sich deutlich verbessert 🙂

On time at 8: 30 our train Faro left with the aim “Lisbon Oriente” and exactly as planned, we arrived at noon there. The train ride in the pleasant and spacious carriages was pleasantly. Only two American ladies, They sat till almost the end of the trip behind us, with their loud non - stop talking about all the important things of life our nerves quite worn. It was a bit like Chinese water torture: If you once had the pitch of both in the ear, again she was going on and it felt, as you slowly drilled holes in our eardrums.

From train station Oriente, we went by taxi to the airport of Lisbon. Here was some haste, Since we the conditions (Traffic, Removal, Roads and traffic at the airport) could not estimate. But again, everything went smoothly, and after a lunch at the box host (a Bavarian friend of ours always for McDonald's used this beautiful name) was it sated and strengthened to the gate.

But we have not betrayed Yes always have you, wo diese Reise eigentlich enden sollte 🙂 Mit dem letzten Blog vom 24. August we have stretched well quite some impatient on the torture. Our destination of today was Terceia. Diligent readers have now arguably an idea, why it drives us towards this, or rather why it drives Dietmar in this direction. For all, now do not know which, what it's actually about, can am 22. and 25. Juni nachlesen 🙂

After a pleasant flight, so we ended up on Terceira and Pieter and Rini, the Dutch owners of the CESARINA directly in reception included. With the car it went directly to the Marina of Angra, where the two are your piece of jewellery at the moment had.


Of course many change of email and phone calls ahead took this visit. Aber nicht nur das 🙂 Als mir klar wurde, that the CESARINA was not only an obsession with my dear husband, had the blessing hung pretty wrong too a long time. The discussion on other ships, they were much great as our SUMMER, war mir nicht neu 🙁 Aber diesmal schien der Wunsch doch von sehr ernstafter Natur zu sein. So I had to leave at some point but convince me, to take the beauty again scrutinized. Und da waren wir nun 🙂 Jetzt wurde es ernst.

Since the next days wind up thick nine announced was, We decided to make us a trip before the waters of Terceira. Even as Pieter the 23 Tonnes heavy and 17 Metre long yacht skillfully in the port turned, were we impressed. Would we get that too? She was simply impressive long, almost four meters longer than our SUMMER.

Out in the troubled and yet quite rough sea, you showed us your strengths. She has been built for such conditions and brilliant Nautor Swan has done his job. Soft she dived into the waves and ran as if on Rails at about 20 Knot wind calm and sure progress. And she was also still fast. I could see formally Dietmar heart beat. Endlich bei jedem Wettrennen mit guten Chancen dabei zu sein 🙂 Er wird im Herzen wohl immer ein Rennfahrer bleiben 🙂 Da es mir persönlich nicht so sehr auf Geschwindigkeit, but rather depends on security, was I but also pleasantly surprised. Ihre Bewegungen in der See schlugen mir nicht direkt auf den Magen 🙂 und auch bei heftigeren “Pushers” (Gusts) I felt the unknown ship safely.

Das Wetter beendete unseren kleinen Ausflug dann aber recht bald 🙁 Heftiger und ergiebiger Regen machte das Segelvergnügen doch zu Nichte 🙁 Aber für einen ersten sehr guten Eindruck war es schon eindeutig ausreichend.


So we ended the day at Angra's Harbor Restaurant. There were yet very much to discuss, and also to talk about. Morgen würden wir ins Detail gehen und die CESARINA auf Herz und Nieren prüfen 🙂 Jede Schublade, the locker and every detail we wanted to see. Da kam uns das schlechte Wetter gerade recht 🙂


Around midnight we fell exhausted into bed, but somehow we both could find no sleep. Too much excitement, Before friends but also worries drove carousel in our minds. Would turn these days on Terceira again upside our lives?

Some things to do

To Vilamoura, close to Faro drove us, the largest city in the Algarve, that has unfortunately not own port. So we made today with the bus on the way. Almost a three-quarters of an hour we gondelten through various hotel castles and villages, Faro until we finally reached.

Our goal was the German Honorary Consulate. It was time again, somewhat annoying paperwork to do. When we found the address on the Internet, were we more than happy. Somehow we feared already, Once again as in the last year, having to travel to Lisbon.

According to the Internet research was our goal close to the railway station. A not really inviting district, There were houses on its streets more or less dilapidated. Not five minutes later we were faced with the specified address. If it is correct, were we at least ten years too late. Das Haus war zum Abriss freigegeben 🙁

Very strange. You explained to us in the neighbouring PC shop, that there should be a street with the same name even further outside. To keep our appointment, war jetzt ein Taxi angebracht 🙁 Der Taxifahrer wollte uns zuerst einfach wieder dorthin schicken, where we just had come from. But so easily we could not get rid of us.

So we can overtake directions in Portuguese for the cab driver directly at the Consulate. You will help, where you can :-). Und dann waren wir auch endlich auf dem Weg 🙂

Not half an hour later we had done everything and once approved us a second breakfast, before we walked back to the Centre. In contrast our way led to the railway station district but due to much appealing areas and the old city centre next to the small motor boat Harbour (not for sailing boats, Driveway is dry) was really pretty.



But in the midday heat, we wanted to not stroll through the city. Also we had to go to the train station, to buy the tickets for our trip there to Lisbon Airport. Tomorrow we will make a little trip--and come back on Friday.

Wohin wird aber noch nicht verraten 🙂 Vielleicht veröffentliche ich Euch ja morgen mal ein Bild, dann könnt Ihr gern raten 🙂 Und der Grund unseres Ausfluges???? Da müsst Ihr Euch leider auch noch ein bisschen gedulden 🙂 Man soll ja nicht über ungelegte Eier reden 🙂


The last days….

I believe, It's just don't care, How long the furlough. At the end, time is getting short and there is always a few things, die unerledigt bleiben 🙁 Mir ging es auch diesmal wieder so, Although I so unexpectedly two weeks had more time in Germany available.


The last week was again the sign of the horse. Already 2013 had I purchased tickets for the European Championships in Aachen, Germany with my mother, as our sailing trip was still not sure. So were four days from morning till night riding reserved and we live at all heights and depths, which have been extensively discussed in the press. And since this is a sailing blog, nur noch einen abschließenden Kommentar von meiner Seite 🙂 : Good riding and three correctly prepared horse landed on the first three places at the Dressage riders, even if one could argue about the order. Aber das wollen wir ja nicht 🙂



Two more days were scheduled for visits to the doctor. In addition to the usual screening, which attested me a quite excellent health condition (Life change probably wonder :-)), I wanted to increase even our on-board pharmacy for the Atlantic crossing and the Caribbean.

Armed with the list, which we had received in the last year on the SeaDoc seminar, erschien ich also zum Termin 🙂 und nach einer knappen Stunde verließ ich die Praxis mit sechs Rezepten und einem Sack voll guter Ratschläge und Tipps.

Next went my way to the pharmacist of my confidence. Hier würde ich eine ganze Menge Geld lassen müssen 🙁 Aber da wir die Medikamente eigentlich nur an Bord haben, so we don't need it, erschien mir das investierte Kapital doch durchaus angemessen 🙂

2015-08-15 07.11.31

After two subsequent visits to pharmacy, my wallet was considerably narrower, aber ich fühlte mich gut vorbereitet für alle Eventualitäten 🙂 (incl. Scabies, Lice and worms :-() Also the regularly required, prescription drugs I had for a year in the luggage. Although it was work ever on the Canary Islands, to get a prescription from a doctor, but this was difficult but right. He spoke no English and the Spanish name of the drug had deviated from the German. Without the Internet I would have been probably lost. Auf solche Abenteuer hatte ich in der Karibik keine Lust 🙂

Because there was still room in my luggage, led me my way in the supermarket. Funny way to change our wishes from Germany visit to Germany visit. So went this time two kilos of licorice in the shopping cart, and various types of fruit tea. Doesn't seem is to our liking in Spain and Portugal. Also the delicious German Mayo by Tommy in practical tubes and salad dressing out of the bag (That would be never hiked in my bag, but it's really practical on the boat :-))

On the last day prior to departure, all that stuff had to be stowed away yet somehow. A few last items for the SUMMER were added by Dietmar. I had replaced the recalled lead pockets of our diving equipment in Germany and bought an additional for each. Only if now and again someone should sink a :-)Und irgendwie waren dann ganz schnell zwei Reisetaschen randvoll 🙂

Good, that I this time could take the car until after Hahn airport. In total I had almost 40 Kilo Gepäck dabei 🙁 Die musste ich dann aber leider von der Mietwagenabgabe bis in Terminal schleppen. I thought, ich sterbe 🙂 Der Gepäckwagenautomat hatte leider kein Wechselgeld. The 500 Meter fühlten sich an wie ein Aufstieg auf den Mount Everest 🙂

In Porto wurde ich erfreulicherweise dann vom Dietmar abgeholt 🙂 Nach einer kuren Taxifahrt waren wir schon in der Marina und wenig später wieder auf unserer SUMMER. Beautiful, to be back :-).





Always on the nose – or the female dictation

I have just received a phone call from my wife, that just filled a very nice weekend spent with Glücksseeligkeit in Aachen at the European Championships of the European equestrian elite with your mother and other enthusiasts. The other side of the coin is (at least for me), I guess some of the very poor care have accused our Web page on my part. Katja has in it over the last 14 Months continuous high performance and availability to the events our journey in written and pictorial representation of the day set. Fast 100.000 Calls to our site to show me, that there must be at least a keen interest. Hats off, Lady to your great commitment! The unmistakable invitation to contribute once again, I'm of course “like” nach denn ich möchte meine Frau doch gern in einer guten Stimmungslage wieder am kommenden Dienstag an Bord in Empfang nehmen 🙂 Nach dem starken vorletzten Wochenende mit dem “Grand Prix of Porto” on the Douro River much so not too occurred. On last Sunday and Monday were Louis and Annick from the French SY TAMARIN to guest on board. Our ongoing for many months friendship among sailors has kept until today. We have and on Gomera, Tenerife, Terceira and hit again in Porto and were in a common sailing trip here again have fun together. It is also clear, that one has always to tell news if you are constantly on axis.


After I because in our SUMMER in recent days nearly “clinically pure” Put State and the first time itself to suspend had nothing more, had to let me come up with something to fill the days and to maintain my good mood. Since good 2 I've started weeks after many years back, every day before breakfast to grab my shoes and go to run. The first 5 Minutes are somewhat exhausting but once it to operating temperature it's fun really. Then I feel good and the breakfast tastes better. I'm doing the days in between 100 Mood does squats and also the. Would like to not think of the faces of the berthing place neighbors, wenn die Summer immer anfängt dabei ganz leicht zu schaukeln 🙂


Yesterday I've given once a special fun me. For a trip in the Douro Valley, where to grow the grapes for the ingenious port, I borrowed a scooter! Previously I would have embarrassed what, as a part of the area to ride. Finally, I was always passionate, and also very quick with my “Yoshimura Hayabusa” and their 200 Horsepower at the rear wheel on the road. Well, with 15 HP's also quite okay and it was even fun. (bitte nicht weitererzählen 🙂 )

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On the way through Porto I pushed even a tasty ham sandwich with cheese and for dessert of have a kind of Portuguese Spritzkuchen between the gills me to strengthen. Then it went off from the city out and then always “leisurely” on the Douro River along. One can not imagine, how fast is 80 Km/h on part of so feel


After a relatively short settling-in period I felt then also quite safe and relaxed. Time passed and eventually I found, that's now time would be the box to refuel before it went to the right wild out again. It was eh just a few houses and much less filling stations to see. The next pump was so my.



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There was only a small problem….. Even after 15 Minutes failed me with the best will to open the fuel cap. The lender showed Yes extra's me and it should be no problem to push a button, which then releases the release from the tank lid. It was not, and even after a long time, The thing did not simply hitting on all trim parts and all kinds of loud curses! So I decided to drive back and whisper a few bars the man. With a heavy dose of frustration in my stomach had to suffer the roller then something. In any case, a car and even a motorcycle has overtaken more us. Somehow it was even fun to heat so quickly, it was possible to me with that thing :- Back at the rental I did then the really nice (and also pretty) Associate with slightly slower foam reported by my frustration. Before I arrived I had tried everything of course again, to get to the door. I wanted to stand there Yes like a fool. Of course it came as it had to come. She pressed the button and the thing went on. I thought I'm dreaming! Like the? The solution was quite simple. You had to press just firmly enough….. Full purple cheeks in the face, I You then have a picture of my Hayabusa shown to show, I'm actually not too stupid to deal with a real motorcycle. She gave me the feeling of at least, dass sie mit mir fühlen kann 🙂 Dann habe ich mich sehr schnell vom Acker gemacht und ihm Boot verkrochen. This happened to me again I hope! Man lernt eben nie aus 🙂

This is my “Honey” 🙂 > 300 km/h and tested on the Nordschleife! IMG_0262

Time travel

What is the swift in the home? A good question. Of course doctors are visited, Shopping lists completed and you can enjoy the time with family and friends.

I'm still an additional point on my to-do list, in my life it harbors two more as well as Dietmar “Men”, which I every time would like to visit. Anyone who knows me already slightly longer white of course right, that's when the two men not to two- sondern um Vierbeiner handelt 🙂

Before sailing, and our journey to the center of our lives, turned on with me privately, but pretty much the cavalry, more specifically the dressage riding :-). And since almost 30 Years. So it was a big step for me, that first to put everything behind me. So every time I enjoy my home and they feel like a journey into the past – back in my life before sailing.

So my path led me even on the second day “Flagrante delicto”, my 24 year old dressage horse. Since 22 Years is one of the good of the family and now leads a very relaxed retirement in Leverkusen. Here I could see with my own eyes once again, It's really prima. Nur ein paar graue Haare mehr über den Augen sind dazu gekommen 🙂


Last weekend she took us around the corner “Bergisch classics” instead of. A large and well-attended dressage- and jumping with tests up to the heavy class (S *.). Always, When I was in the area at the time I had taken the opportunity, me there as helpers to make useful. From my own experience from my time in Bavaria, I know exactly, how much effort and work makes such an event and every helping hand is needed. Even as I held on Thursday my helper badge in his hand, reiste ich zurück in die Vergangenheit 🙂 Denn er war auf Katja Glaubitz ausgestellt und das ist nun wirklich schon seit zehn Jahren vorbei 🙂 Da ich aber auch ganz viele alte Bekannte aus längst vergangenen Leverkusener Reiter-Zeiten traf, war es irgendwie doch wieder passend 🙂

On this tournament, I was active not only as a helper, I was able to think once again “Fuchsi” (the official actually Woltaire means) admire in action. On this weekend, he should start first in class S. Originally I would have to know probably an afterthought, as a surprise so to speak, but I had this plan through my early, Toothache conditional appearance made the niece. I was very happy, to be there this weekend and myself on about the three successful rides Rolf “our” Happy Woltaire. The yield of the tournament days could be also seen: 4. Place in the M * dwells, 2.Place in the M * and S dressage 1. Reserve, with only 4 Distance to the last placed to score.


The absolute contrast program to our sailing life was this weekend and I was there with a laughing and a crying eye. My dream, I've moved just to ride at some point yourself a S dressage, but do not forget. Jetzt wird aber erst einmal die Welt entdeckt 🙂




Widower contra Chandlery and formula 1 on the Douro River

Exactly a week ago I took Katja taxi to Porto airport. A bad tooth had signed up over night with nasty pain with her and forced her to do so, the planned visit to Germany two weeks ahead to lay. Since I would again “Widower wider Willen” call. If this continues, then I'll me a next time “Widower-Crown” tinker and every day this March through the port. Then people will say “Let's look at the poor guy, the wife of Board which runs in any second port”. As I heard, bekommt man Mitleid ja geschenkt 🙂 Naja, What's it all about?! Anyway everything is only half as much fun, If my Katja is not there. Meistens jedenfalls 🙂

However, the advantage is, that you can focus fully and entirely, New to discover and maintain dating. As for example the relationship with the Chandlery “Douro River Marina” here in the port. Things were on the list of work to be done on the ship as: Motor Service, Trim threads renew on the sailing, Customize allow suspension for autopilot, Deck floodlight renew and much more. With these things I have in all these media ignorant “Lady” behind the desk in the retail space confronts. Chewing gum chewing, with long fingernails and a slight touch of arrogance and profound ignorance, she said to me, that I would receive an email with the requested work offers in the next few days.

Last year I had here left a lot of money and was really pleased with the service of your colleagues. But despite repeated demand on different days, I've got until today, no info. So I took care of me finally everything myself.

With great joy, and to compensate for my frustration I would tinker like to a second Crown and her on her oh so beautiful main set. If I only knew, What “Sales brake” means in Portuguese, then I'd write it in neon on the edge of the Crown. This yacht shop is thus in my personal ranking 47 Rank fell from 47 visited shops. Das musste mal gesagt werden 🙂


On Saturday I borrowed bike in the shop next door, to move my weary bones and to make a trip to Porto. I had been wondering on the way, Why were the streets of so full of people, could make me but not figure it out. By chance, the boss of the bike kept me then located in Porto- and scooter rental company on the road to. He told me, that on the Douro River a powerboat race held tomorrow would and pressed me a programme in the hand. “Grande Premio Portugal – F1 Motonautica” Cool, Formula 1 on the water! You need to know, that the six-meter-long and 390 KG heavy boats from carbon and Kevlar in just four seconds of 0 on 160 Km/h speed and good 240 Km/h are fast. This is a very serious announcement and promises Motorsport in the border area, exactly to my taste.



On Sunday, the big race in the premier class should be to 17:15 Start. Against 13:30 I had already saddled the bike and was on the road in the direction of Porto. The event I wanted to miss me and that I wanted to secure a place in the front row. So I actually Braised the next two and a half hours in the Sun and chained me formally with my bike on a fence set, from which you all could see. It was trained diligently and in the opening act, the Renner of formula delivered 4 Series have some fierce duels with flips and somersaults in the air. Also a very talented stunt pilot has demonstrated to us, what you all can do with a plane. One must imagine only once, has found the fun in the middle of the city above the roofs of Porto. Irre gut 🙂



If so a boat, top speed over the water boarded, are virtually only parts of the rails and screw in the water. The rest of the boat is located in the air. It is problematic, When crossing the lines of boats and the rear boat will be transported from the shaft of the front man in the air. Is the angle too steep, the boat like a rocket climbs and beats somersaults in the air, until it hits again on the surface. At the speeds the water is hard as concrete! I know, what it's like, with a race car head-on into a guardrail to embark on. That hurts a lot and produces a lot of breakage. Who wants to be fast, just what must risk and may not be afraid. What the guys here have shown, was exciting motor sport at its very best at the highest level! Class!

Here is the video from the start! Please times loud turn up the speakers and enjoy the sound:-)

Deeply satisfied and excessively impressed viewers the pilots in the lap of honour gave a vigorous round of applause. It was already a very cool number much thrill and no soft washed sport event. That have accordingly rewarded the people and also looking forward. I would turn like even a few rounds with as a Bumblebee…… 🙂 Mal sehen, What's coming, If the sailing should be once too slow. Als alter Sack werde ich dort aber ganz sicher keine Krone mehr gewinnen 🙂