Why is it actually, When the night anyway shortly through the alarm clock, plagued by a Portuguese killer mosquito?
Our Tuesday morning started early and because of the mosquitoes unfortunately also with moderately good mood. Without breakfast we headed to seven on the way, to go with our taxi ordered the previous day in the direction of Faro train station. With a small detour through the airport (The English of our taxi driver was probably not so good as expected) waren wir aber immer noch sehr früh am Ziel und es war endlich Zeit zum Frühstücken 🙂 Für unschlagbar günstige 5 We were saturated and provided with boxed euro. Auch die Stimmung in der kleinen Reisegruppe hatte sich deutlich verbessert 🙂
On time at 8: 30 our train Faro left with the aim “Lisbon Oriente” and exactly as planned, we arrived at noon there. The train ride in the pleasant and spacious carriages was pleasantly. Only two American ladies, They sat till almost the end of the trip behind us, with their loud non - stop talking about all the important things of life our nerves quite worn. It was a bit like Chinese water torture: If you once had the pitch of both in the ear, again she was going on and it felt, as you slowly drilled holes in our eardrums.
From train station Oriente, we went by taxi to the airport of Lisbon. Here was some haste, Since we the conditions (Traffic, Removal, Roads and traffic at the airport) could not estimate. But again, everything went smoothly, and after a lunch at the box host (a Bavarian friend of ours always for McDonald's used this beautiful name) was it sated and strengthened to the gate.
But we have not betrayed Yes always have you, wo diese Reise eigentlich enden sollte 🙂 Mit dem letzten Blog vom 24. August we have stretched well quite some impatient on the torture. Our destination of today was Terceia. Diligent readers have now arguably an idea, why it drives us towards this, or rather why it drives Dietmar in this direction. For all, now do not know which, what it's actually about, can am 22. and 25. Juni nachlesen 🙂
After a pleasant flight, so we ended up on Terceira and Pieter and Rini, the Dutch owners of the CESARINA directly in reception included. With the car it went directly to the Marina of Angra, where the two are your piece of jewellery at the moment had.

Of course many change of email and phone calls ahead took this visit. Aber nicht nur das 🙂 Als mir klar wurde, that the CESARINA was not only an obsession with my dear husband, had the blessing hung pretty wrong too a long time. The discussion on other ships, they were much great as our SUMMER, war mir nicht neu 🙁 Aber diesmal schien der Wunsch doch von sehr ernstafter Natur zu sein. So I had to leave at some point but convince me, to take the beauty again scrutinized. Und da waren wir nun 🙂 Jetzt wurde es ernst.
Since the next days wind up thick nine announced was, We decided to make us a trip before the waters of Terceira. Even as Pieter the 23 Tonnes heavy and 17 Metre long yacht skillfully in the port turned, were we impressed. Would we get that too? She was simply impressive long, almost four meters longer than our SUMMER.
Out in the troubled and yet quite rough sea, you showed us your strengths. She has been built for such conditions and brilliant Nautor Swan has done his job. Soft she dived into the waves and ran as if on Rails at about 20 Knot wind calm and sure progress. And she was also still fast. I could see formally Dietmar heart beat. Endlich bei jedem Wettrennen mit guten Chancen dabei zu sein 🙂 Er wird im Herzen wohl immer ein Rennfahrer bleiben 🙂 Da es mir persönlich nicht so sehr auf Geschwindigkeit, but rather depends on security, was I but also pleasantly surprised. Ihre Bewegungen in der See schlugen mir nicht direkt auf den Magen 🙂 und auch bei heftigeren “Pushers” (Gusts) I felt the unknown ship safely.
Das Wetter beendete unseren kleinen Ausflug dann aber recht bald 🙁 Heftiger und ergiebiger Regen machte das Segelvergnügen doch zu Nichte 🙁 Aber für einen ersten sehr guten Eindruck war es schon eindeutig ausreichend.

So we ended the day at Angra's Harbor Restaurant. There were yet very much to discuss, and also to talk about. Morgen würden wir ins Detail gehen und die CESARINA auf Herz und Nieren prüfen 🙂 Jede Schublade, the locker and every detail we wanted to see. Da kam uns das schlechte Wetter gerade recht 🙂

Around midnight we fell exhausted into bed, but somehow we both could find no sleep. Too much excitement, Before friends but also worries drove carousel in our minds. Would turn these days on Terceira again upside our lives?