All posts by Katja Henke

About Katja Henke


World Vision piggy bank and a crane appointment

Katja and I have decided, in addition to our three existing sponsorships a fourth sponsorship from their own resources and a FIFTH sponsorship from the “WORLD VISION” To take piggy bank. Somit haben wir gemeinsam zwei weiteren Kindern ein Stück Hoffnung schenken können 🙂 Wir werden Euch die Kinder vorstellen sobald wir nähere Informationen erhalten.

We got a crane schedule for the first week in April. Katja and I are planning to be in Grömitz if our SUMMER to be handed over to the cold element. Now just have the wether. Too much wind it would not be possible to make an 18m long and 750kg heavy mast.
In 13 Hours, the furniture vans standing with us at the door. Die Dinge nehmen ihren Lauf und wir kommen unserer Abfahrt wieder ein Stück näher 🙂

Departure from Bayern

From Thursday to Sunday evening we have friends and co-workers invited to celebrate our departure from Bayern. Bavaria was for us “Newcomers” about 18 Years the center of life and home. We are grateful and sometimes very touching, that over 120 People have made their way to us personally “Ade” to say. A real highlight and a big surprise was the very personal gift of a former employee and friend of the family. See, Soprano of Croatian “Flap” from Munich, has on Saturday night totally us with the appearance of his singing group “from the stool” carved. Katja and I were deeply emotionally touched upon this wonderful event. One of the nicest gifts, I have in my 48 Years of age have received and expression of my personal connectedness and appreciation of the Croatian mentality and Community. THANK YOU guys, so etwas kann man nicht mit Geld kaufen 🙂
On Sunday we have our “WORLD VISION” Emptied piggy bank and it is a nice sum come together, we will send in a child. A beautiful feeling, that we could celebrate together with you and at the same time give a child a piece of the future in the coming days we will report more details.

Moving ahead

Ankerkette parasailor

In the past week we have our Parasailor and a new anchor chain of the company “Wälden” get. Through discussions with our sailing friend Martin, I have learned, that our previous VA chain is not resistant to seawater. Even the best VA chains rise sometime by “Lochfraß” in the weld from, no later than when the water temperature rises above 30 ° C. The only marine grade and Pacific appropriate VA chains just provides Fa. Wälden of Chiemsee. Made in Bavaria / Germany give us a good feeling and confidence in our ground tackle.
Next week Wednesday at 26.3 already comes the moving van and we leave bayrisches “Territory” after almost 19 wunderbaren Jahren unter weiß/blauem Himmel 🙂
It's hard to believe, that we in good 4-5 Weeks will sting with our SUMMER in lake. A “unreal” Feeling…..

Tonight is the farewell party with all our Bavarian friends instead. About 19:00 is it going on and we are excited to see how it will run. The train is moving and always takes longer ride on.

Our SUMMER gets a new face

There I always liked good, when a ship receives a certain sentimental value. Thus we have our “Sumsi” 🙂 eine nette Hummel auf den Bug “tattooed”. Should accompany us across the oceans and will hopefully produce one or the other smile at our sailing friends. Is not she cute?

IPhone 12.03.2014 546

Bagenkop – Finally in Denmark

Even with little wind we have made its way to Denmark completely under sail. And slowly we were not traveling. The Baltic Sea was flat like a cake plate. Our mooring in the harbor was as described in the textbook and completely stress-free. We quickly got nice neighbors from Holy Harbour, with whom we have very nice only at the bridge and then after dinner the evening verklönten.

Grömitz – a lazy harbor day

After we could not really bring himself to us yesterday in perfect weather, has now unfortunately the weather situation changed, we had to insert a lazy harbor day. But also is not wrong, since we have used the time, to finally get all the beautiful things, you need to take more trips to, travel safely stow. Morning but we want to be an early start towards Fehmarn and on Tuesday it's finally up to Denmark.