All posts by Katja Henke

About Katja Henke


Leinen los :-)

In ca 1,5 H It is time. Family and friends will be the same on the web. We are pleased and spend tonight in a bay off Fehmarn anchor. Let the Show begin 🙂
16:40: After a windy first passage we have before 40 Minutes reached our anchorage. We are sheltered south from the north-west winds on the island Fehmarn. Katja has successfully run today her first mooring buoys maneuver and since my Capitana not only good tax, but also can cook, issue it after feasting as a delicious noodle soup. The two nice girls from our favorite cafe “BEACH BLISS” in the marina have Grömitz goodbye an incredibly delicious eggnog cake (natural homemade :-)) given. Many thanks to your great crew! It was always a pleasure to have breakfast with you and then for coffee a piece of delicious cake, Almond croissant or just to eat pot pie! In general, the last two days were fantastic and moving. We have spoken with so many nice and love people, New Cute Bekantschaften closed and get a lot of nice wishes on the way. Thanks for that!
Yesterday we still had some great experiences. In the morning jan brought from Yacht Service Gutowski professional cameraman Hinnerk to us on board, to view a video about our SUMMER and the work carried out by his company conversions for his website, to rotate. The recordings will probably have become sensational. Especially beautiful are the exterior shots of the SUMMER have become sailing. We are curious if we will see the result for the first time. In the afternoon we were going to my old friend Christian on his motorcycle past. His visit was totally unexpected and I was looking forward twice, I prior to Christian's sailboat 23 Years have endeckt the love of sailing and really like him as a human also. Last but not least, we also have with Katie's mother Beate our first guest on board had.

Katja and Beate

Katja and Beate

Sailing with Beate

Sailing with Beate

katja und Andrea

Katja und Andrea

Dad an Bord

Dad an Bord

Katja, Beate, Jutta

Katja, Beate, Jutta



Thank you for your visit and the beautiful adoption in Grömitz! It was a lot to us, that yours today “Tschüß” You said.
Morning is to rotate the wind south-west, and then we will have a quick pass to our next destination port in Flensburg.
Landscape with a Lighthouse

Landscape with a Lighthouse

On us!

On us and life!

Successful test drive and the departure date on 4. Mai steht

The last few days we have continued to be used diligently, to prepare for our Summer piece by piece. My Capitana has called for further clothes hooks in the bathroom, so that we can hang our towels and our rain gear to dry. The pain was great, as I made clear the drill, to spared in the hitherto immaculate walls of holes and, To put holes for the screws. Nach dem 4.ten Kleiderhaken und der 8.ten Bohrung hat es dann auch gar nicht mehr weh getan 🙂 Das Ergebnis war am Ende aber perfekt und die fiesen Perforationen somit für mich entschuldbar. Even the forward cabin, which was almost hopelessly filled with all kinds of equipment a few days ago up to the ceiling, was thoroughly cleaned. The specification of the Capitana stood namely, that my mother in law by Beate 3. to 4. May, be on board with us as a guest and for the bow is prepare habitable. Done!!!
Vorschiffkabine mit Bad
Tuesday morning, 9:00 Clock was a test drive to check the machine and electrical systems on the plan. The sea was calm and pleasant temperatures it went out into the Bay of Lübeck. After the engine to operating temperature was, it was then “Lever on the table” and at full throttle for 5 Minutes full speed ahead. If the screw already drops or the engine dies, then it should happen please now, not at a critical control. Drive, Radar, Fishfinder and autopilot have passed the tests behaved and no abnormalities. To conclude our preparations that was a nice confirmation of all troubles and clean work from YACHT SERVICE Gutowski. Thank you!!!
Thus, our departure date was fixed. At the 4. May around noon we want to leave Grömitz Flensburg. Our parents want us again personally “Tschüß” say and dismiss us in our adventure. A beautiful feeling! If we were worn in Bavaria, the web would certainly have been well packed. Aber erstens hat Bayern keine offene See 🙂 und zweitens haben wir uns ja bei unseren Freunden gebührend verabschiedet. Katja is now down again to Leverkusen on Wednesday and is on 1. Celebrate May your mother Beate's birthday. Also not easy for a mom, when the beloved daughter of the man only to Bavaria and then follows with him, wants to sail around the world. But we will do everything, that we will return back safely and thank our equipment, can the two communicate with each other as usual, continue every day. Beate has set out with us the Panama Canal, the connection between the Atlantic and Pacific, to pass through. Na dann kann ja nichts mehr schief gehen 🙂
Schiffskran Grömitz
Crowds at the ship crane in front of the 1. More. The last boats go to water

Bye bye Leverkusen und Welcome on Board

It was a quiet last night in our comfortable “Kingsize-Bettchen” Leverkusen. Katja is sitting together with our family doctor and can advise regarding vaccinations in our future travel destinations. By the time we end Europe 2015 will leave, , the subject of important.
Meanwhile, I'm sitting in the living room and still waiting for the parcel service, is supposed to bring some important spare parts for on-board toilets. Hardly imagine what happens, wenn die Pumpen ausfallen sollten 🙂
Katja will soon again “home” go and do things familar. For me, it is today a farewell and at the same time a new beginning. I'm going to live from now permanently on our SUMMER. Last night I had the feeling short “get cold feet”. Funny actually, where I have this moment but more than 1000x desired and presented in a dream…. I have been told, das sei normal 🙂
Nevertheless, the joy and curiosity is large. A little proud I am to Katja and me, that we have our dream realized so consistently. It is and remains a magical moment, when you see, that the air castle of yesterday is real in front of a suddenly!
The next few days we will see yes, how it feels like, if a “Vacation Ship” a barge is. One thing is certain: Das Bett wird nie wieder so ruhig stehen wie in der letzten Nacht 🙂

A busy week and escape before the Easter tourists

Sunshine in Grömitz

Sunshine in Grömitz

After 6 Ordinary days, physical work and organizational excellence, Katja through sensible storage of 8 full packing boxes laid with equipment of the day, are now almost all the cabinets and lockers be carefully assigned. At the beginning of the week we were from a true chaos in the form of tools, Spare parts, Seekarten, Books, Linen, Pump, Dishes, Engines and paraphernalia surrounded. In the salon and in the so-called “Owner's cabin” has everything stacked and distributed on tables and floors. The challenge was, to capture every part in lists, to label and then be stowed so, that you can find things again later, if needed. We have discovered in the employee of the Yacht Services faces a twinge of pity, as we have brought at last our diving compressor for filling scuba tanks and a farther outboard on board, the aim was also to stow below deck. Difficult to understand for ordinary Baltic sailors, has to fill in the rule so only the refrigerator and the on-board bar. We have divided the large cake into small bites and then executed systematically. According to this method, we have also worked successfully earlier in professional life, when it was, to handle a large workload of challenges. Mit einem klaren Ziel vor Augen geht es auch viel einfacher 🙂
Katja organized spare parts

Katja organized spare parts

Our navigation corner

Our navigation corner

Amazing findings have also arise: 1. To feel a nice feeling once again, that Katja and I complement each other wonderfully and function as a team. 2. Evening, tired and happy to drop a satisfying feeling with a slight soreness in the arms in the bunk. 3. Very pleasant, to indulge every day plenty of delicious cakes and other culinary excesses, fat without (because of the physical activities) zu werden 🙂
Today, on the Saturday before Easter, we then leave Grömitz, to the multitudes of “Oster-terrorist” to escape this weekend. First, however, we still have some work to be done transferred to the Yacht Service Gutowski. It must still installed gas detectors, Are wooden shelves and Plan prepared and connected electrical equipment. We are very pleased with the results this week, because we left a tidy ship and our start times are come a great deal closer again. Until our return we will be at home, Doctor and vaccinations perceive and our “Family-Office” continue to prepare for our upcoming trip. I do not want to forget to mention, that we are truly excited about the many, sehr netten Mail, Were pleased guestbook entries and congratulations from friends. So kann es gern weiter gehen 🙂
Fire extinguisher for the decline

Fire extinguisher for the decline

Turns sea water into drinking water

Turns sea water into drinking water

Travel arrangements and “our” first catamaran

On Monday we started, to make our Summer ready: All the beautiful things, Dietmar has shopped in his free time for our long journey, should be stowed so, that a life on board is possible again.
Fortunately, our Summer but more storage space than we expected and we managed to clean up already so far today, we our dinner (Fresh, North German asparagus with hollandaise sauce) could prepare back on board. The wonderful weather the last two days we were very motivated: Not only in the interior of the Summer you can move again, also prevails now in our locker finally exemplary order and the Sails are also struck again.
But is was not only diligent in the last three days. On Tuesday evening we were invited in Kiel with Ingeborg and Wolfgang, to get from experienced Weltumseglern a few valuable tips for the Caribbean. The two sailing since 43 Years with their STELLA MARIS on the world's oceans and have an infinitely large experience. Therefore, we have made ourselves yesterday afternoon on the way to Aerobatic Bay Marina of Laboe, there to meet Birgit and Franz from the CAYLUNA, which should be one of the party. They both have a 40 Foot catamaran, with which they want to break in July to the Caribbean. So we had the opportunity not only, to admire her beautiful interior of the ship, we were allowed to stay overnight, to us to spare the wide return to Grömitz.

Frank,Birgit and Katja before CAYLUNA

Frank,Birgit and Katja before CAYLUNA

Katja on the Bridge

Katja on the Bridge

At home with Ingeborg and we Wolfgang was excellent hosts and could in funny round many interesting stories from sailing in general and the Caribbean in particular, hear, which have definitely helped us.
Then it was back to the port on the CAYLUNA. We arrived on the big catamaran
so alone almost lost something before, but still have a great night. After a joint breakfast with Birgit and Franz, seamlessly joined to the 5-star cuisine dinner, it went way too early back to Grömitz.
Again many thanks to the four, it was a great time. When we come to the ship in Kiel on the way to the North Sea-Baltic Canal, we are very excited, See you again. Mit Birgit und Frank haben wir uns vorsorglich an irgend einem schönen Ort auf dem Weg von Deutschland in die Karibik verabredet 🙂

Wutzi home and VLN Ade

Last week Katie has your “Wutzi” again brought to the Rhineland home. Katja has been used to some years quite successfully with Flagranti at tournaments in the M-dressage. She has him before 11 Taken years to Bavaria, when we decided, to deny our future life together. Now Flagranti is also known as “Wutzi” 23 Years old and the OAPs now lives back in his old home NRW. He has survived the long ride in the trailer with no problems and amazingly relaxed. Nach dem Aussteigen und dem Gang in die Box hat er sich ohne zu zögern sofort über einige leckere Karotten hergemacht 🙂
VLN2 2014VLN3
While Katie has spent the Friday and Saturday with Melissa (it has the Wutzi 11 Accompanied years with supervised and has Katja on the ride), I have made myself once again on the way to my beloved Nordschleife. Since I myself in the VLN race series (Association Endurance Championship) since 2008 Races and drove many beautiful weekends on “Ring” spent with friends, I wanted to say goodbye again personally. So I've put together with Walli and Flea from the team “Walli Motorsport” spent a weekend at the VLN ring. With the boys and girls from the team “Walli” I 3 experienced great years Motorsport, as one can possibly want him. Were used, “Renault Clio Cup”-Racing car, with which we even twice the legendary 24 Have successfully challenged hour race. Winning of Virus “Motorsport” once caught, is after a few years either cured forever thereof or infected forever. My problem is probably, I to Category 2 am. As long as we are still in Europe, I'll try, to drive one or the other race. How this can be implemented, will show. The images above show the first start group flying in formation at the section “Brünnchen” and the cockpit of the Valais new “Opel OPC Cup- Racing car” mmmhhh lecker 🙂
'm Curious, how the 360 PS “feel” will. I will certainly miss the ring, yes especially since we now live nearby. But our SUMMER will carry us into new worlds for. Auch toll, or?

Medicine on board or a genius course

Zugang Subcutan

Zugang Subcutan

Last weekend, we looked at things “First aid” at the “SeaDocs” trained in Mönchengladbach. We were very pleasantly surprised, about the composition of the high-profile 21 Students and the high “Level” the course content. The aim of this course is to, to provide laypersons the specifics of supply on board.
Our Instructors, Dr. Fabian Steffen, himself is an avid sailor and has 15 Years of professional experience as an emergency physician on an ambulance. We have also felt!One must not forget, that we will be far away from the land to put ourselves at sea. Therefore, we have considered the seriousness of all these exercises from a different perspective.


Intravenous access

Intravenous access

The goal is, that medical problems on board are controlled by the availability of professional help, minor mishaps can be supplied on board without any interruption of a journey. Through a simple structured diagnostic assessment which communication is to be made possible with helpers, only as a meaningful planning of further steps is possible.
At the end of 2 Days we have given each other syringes, added a tube(to a doll, since it is only possible if the patient is deeply unconscious), Powered Brand-/Platz-/Schnittwunden, created a defibrillator, Etc applied resuscitation by cardiac massage.
Those were our learning objectives:
• Important activities: Associations, Wound Care, Immobilization, Salvage
• A guide to systematic Investigate (with and without aids), Approaching a diagnosis
• The implementation of revivals (with and without aids)
•Typische Notfallsituationen an Bord: Hypothermia, Drowning, Hand infection, Sunstroke, Burns
• The administration of drugs into the muscle and under the skin
• The communication with helpers
• Features a first-aid kit and a first aid kit, Literaturhinweise
• Tropical diseases, Impfhinweise
Laying suture

Laying suture

It was a really brilliant course gives us the feeling, structured to act in the event of a fall. To prepare for a long trip, we rate this course as an absolute “MUST”. Quite apart from, that we have some very nice people met, mit denen wir das gleiche Hobby teilen 🙂
On Easter Sunday, it's back up to the Baltic Sea. We meet with Wolfgang and Ingeborg of the “Stella Maris” as well as with Brigit and Frank from the catamaran “CAYLUNA”. Ingeborg and Wolfgang are the TO base manager Cuxhafen and are with your “Stella Maris” in 5 Sailed years around the world. Insanely cute and experienced sailors, of which we “Four” Tips and advice can be obtained for our trip to the Caribbean. Birgit and Frank have invited us to stay on your catamaran. For us, premiere. Life can be so wonderful 🙂

Taken SSB radio into operation

Today, we have taken one of the most important zunkünftig equipment in operation. In order to communicate worldwide at sea with other sailors and radio stations and send emails can, we reliant on recommendations by sailors from the TO forum to the company turned by Jörg Drexhagen. With the professional in every sense advice and support tatkrâftiger we now have a powerful and above all reliable functioning amateur radio equipment. Was very important to us to find a contact, the next lot of experience with this technique on yachts sold not only equipment, but for his customers is reachable if it jams times. Among many other sailors colleagues, who tells us of similar quality, We are completely satisfied and have us in addition even of the Partners “webservice websplash | Internet- & Media Design /Ramin Fleckner” can create our website. We are still excited about the work and the customer orientation of Team!
This morning we have connected the backstay antenna of our amateur radio. At the very first test bunker from Latvia and Switzerland were to receive clear. We want to use the device, order in all parts of the world with other sailors in the so-called “Funk Round” to communicate. A very important security aspect is the possibility, to get at sea, the current weather information. Since we are constantly exposed to wind and weather sailors and we need to plan and adapt our itineraries accordingly, we are particularly dependent on reliable information. We decided with the company WEATHER WORLD of Meno
Schrader to work together. In difficult sea areas we can get from WEATHER WORLD also a professional to the tours. Ein gutes Gefühl wenn man jemanden fragen kann der sich auskennt 🙂 Ebenso werden wir unseren Emailverkehr über Kurzwelle und Pactor 3 settle when we are at sea. As is from the future and wonder about so many when an email, DIE 1500NM (corresponds to about. 1800km) was sent away from the coast, has in the inbox. Only pictures, we can send shortwave unfortunately not, because the amount of data would be too great. We get then, if we have WiFi again.
This afternoon we head back home because Katja and I on the weekend seminar “Medicine at sea” will visit. Freue mich schon wenn ich Katja zum Üben die erste Spritze geben darf 🙂

SUMMER goes into the water

Point 8:00 was our SUMMER under the crane system Grömitzer marina. The 14 Tonnes live weight prepare the experienced team from Yacht Service Gutowski no problems and have 10 Minutes later the lady swims in the 7 Grad Kalten Ostsee. The weather is contrary to the prediction of the best. Blue sky and little wind are optimal to provide the mast. It's always an exciting moment when the 18m long mast with all the shrouds and rigging from the horizontal is moved in the vertical. Only 30 Minutes later, this is backed up to the mast on deck and the ship is hauled on the berth.
For security reasons we have to renew the current Good, so that the mast remains safe even in bad weather. The rig specialist Mr. Beudel must in the mast “climb” the shrouds and stays to adjust correctly. With which the man moves respect for ease in height.
Ein super Tag! The heater in the boat runs well I'm looking forward to the first night! Unfortunately, without Katja, who diligently takes care of setting up our apartment. Es geht voran 🙂

Ade from Bavaria and the Rhineland

What a day! The last steps are made. One last kiss on the head and velvety fur of our beloved cat Teddy and last look in the garden of our house, which was handed over to the new owner yesterday. Thank goodness the new landlords have already fallen in the first hour in Teddy and as a result he may in “his” House with new “Personal” remain living. On our ship there are also no mice he could catch :-). Then we went to the car dealership, submit to the lease car. Last but not least a short visit with my dear friend Reiner, of me the past few years is very dear to my heart and I will miss from the heart. But good friends can not be separated and hope, dass wir uns bald wieder sehen werden 🙁 + 🙂
With a suitcase and a backpack then I leave to the ICE Ingolstadt-Cologne 12:00 The clock Bayern during Katja already since Thursday our new apartment and future “Family-Office” Leverkusen is in the set. Was für eine fleißige Ehefrau und verlässlicher Partner 🙂
Again a big step towards our big trip is made. Every day now moves finally “palpable” our departure closer. I'm curious, whether the other “Losfahrern” is similar. But we'll find out tomorrow in Laboe at the meetings of TO'ler live!