All posts by Katja Henke

About Katja Henke


Finally back - time for the first voyage of discovery

After two days back in the heat I had acclimatized me again something and Sunday at noon stood me so inclined, to explore the surroundings of the port closer. After a brief tour of the very well-maintained apartment complex with a children's playground and a small supermarket we went to the beach. If one were to follow the coast further, could be determined in Maspalomas achieve a good half hour. Or so we thought if.


Since there is not as much variety was offered at the harbor, got us in the mood for city and people. So we moved to the advent of coffee with brought, homemade cookies together go. Unfortunately, there was a long stretch of coast in the current water level walk impassable. Since reversing for me but not out of the question, I decided, so that we could walk to the cliff along and above - of up there so wonderfully green and well maintained golf course applied also looked much more inviting. And he was not even fenced. So what should happen? I just losstiefelte, Dietmar followed me then cursing and scolding alarm, because he did not want to get one of the golfers on the cap.


The golfers were eyeing us suspiciously while, but apparently we looked so harmless or perhaps dangerous, that no one dared, to contact us. We were lucky, because all the players seemed to understand their craft so far, that we were not shot by a stray bullet. After a quarter of an hour we approached unmolested the end of the course. As far as everything was already went well. But now a new problem emerged in the form of a two-meter-high wire fence at the end of the square on. Now that would really not have been necessary L Just when we decided to turn back, I discovered a large gap in the fence. On the other hand we find ourselves in a moment while dry rain reservoir, but the last meters to the beach promenade should probably also to master yet. And as so often in life, solved this problem by itself Seconds later ...

"If your on the promenade well, You go here best through the sewer tunnel! Then you can easily climb up on the left side of the wall. "Came a voice from the darkness. Ok, what now? Ignore or go? If you will kindly responded to German, you're definitely curious first. Inside the tunnel it had set up a homeless domesticated. This told us willingly and very polite the way forward. Perplexed, we found ourselves three minutes later on the boardwalk again.


After a little adventure trip we still enjoyed the stroll to the bustling promenade with restaurants, Hotels and shops. Back to the port but we chose because of the falling darkness a less exciting itinerary. By taxi it went safely through the illuminated streets back to the SUMMER.


For dinner, we treated ourselves to something special: A can of brought by Kerstin and Tommy bavarian white sausages with sweet mustard. At first we were the "canned white sausages" something reserved about, Finally, we were just real and fresh white sausage from the local butcher used in Allershausen. But after the first bite we enjoyed genuine feeling in Bavaria evening pleasant 20 ° C in Gran Canaria.


Under close observation

Since morning at seven clock yesterday morning he is traveling alone, my captain. Of course I do not like, but what should I do. Of course I would prefer it. But at least I'm pretty close. Es lebe die Erfindung des Satelliten-Telefons 🙂

At noon, we could not normally talk over cellular network, then the distance from Madeira was unfortunately too large. But I got a few pictures, I do not want to hide from you.



So Dietmars day started well at this ungodly time (siehe Foto). Outside it was still dark and I had to think long, when we left the last time so early. Since yesterday was the strategy for his first one-handed laying maneuver, but still it was for him a strange feeling, drive off alone.


The first call I received as arranged directly after it left the port and set the sails had. The first hurdle was taken before. He had mastered alone Easy Storing and the journey could begin. We still use the land near (and thus the mobile network), to talk about a bit and so I was least acoustically with this, Dietmar as a group sighted whales. I am really looking forward to the pictures, obwohl live natürlich schöner gewesen wäre 🙂


The wind was unfortunately distracted still very weak and strong in the land cover of the island of Madeira. A short time had run with the engine, but with increasing distance from the land of the wind veered to the right direction and also participated in strength to. So then I was able to follow the Internet, as the SUMMER with speeds between six and eight knots south made good progress. Only the weather forecast makes me a little uneasy, there had formed exactly on Dietmar way a strong wind zone. So had the evening for the first time the satellite phone to believe it and I was relieved, when I listen to voice Dietmars. On the SUMMER everything was ok, although the wind had freshened considerably and yet already established a pretty high wave. Dietmar had therefore greatly reduced the sail area and looked quite confident now his first-hand counter-night. To calm my nerves, we agreed, to call all two hours.

So I felt like the next morning as I had even watched through the night on the SUMMER. Dietmar had the strong wind to 30 Node coped well and sounded on the phone and the circumstances of freshly. So we moved us during the day on e-letter, to the board cash to spare some. Thus, the mails were shooting during the day again more to the meal planning as the weather events, because the wind had clearly lost on day one force.

In the night I will have to miss out on further inspection calls and hope, to be maintained by occasional emails to date. Tomorrow at noon Dietmar will then reach Gran Canaria. Then I make three crosses and look forward, dass ich die nächste Überfahrt wieder live mit dabei sein kann 🙂




Planning is overrated

If all had gone according to plan, I would be sitting back in the warm sun in Madeira. When I look around me but so, Although it is warm and the sun shines, aber Madeira ist das definitiv nicht 🙂 Irgendetwas ist wohl schief gelaufen…..


Reason for my stay in the country have included some doctor visits, which were routinely on the calendar. And apparently I'm like a car in a age, where ever notice hidden defects at TÜV. So the doctors now imposed ban sailing and I had a “Werkstatttermin” arrange for mid-November. Nothing really dramatic, but you must fix just yet. The end of November I will be fit to return to the SUMMER again.

Unfortunately, our travel schedule was now but a little confused. Actually yes stood at the next island group. Upon my return, we wanted to sail to the Canary Islands and spend the cold winter months. For Gran Canaria visit had been announced and the end of November would leave from there many of our friends in the Caribbean.

At the moment we are trying, to get all these dates under one roof. The design looks like, that the Dietmar SUMMER brings to the Canaries and then I come across this again there. We'll keep you up to date, if the planning is concrete and ripe for.

Until then, I use here in Germany the forced break, to do all the things, which have accumulated. In addition, it is also very nice, time again with “old” To spend friends. Denn direkte Gespräche sind doch nicht mit Emails zu vergleichen 🙂

Even from a distance I try Dietmar course support, as well as I can. Whether it comes to the mooring organization on Gran Canaria or telephone Kitchen Tips, I do my best, if I can not already be on site as planned.


Finally change – we take a boat trip :-)

Since this afternoon would take off my flight back to Germany, was another dive this morning unfortunately not possible. So when I could not even look out at the water for fish, then we wanted to do on the water just. So we sat ready on time at ten-thirty, to go with the camera on whaling. Finally change, mit einem Boot sind wir ja schon ewig nicht mehr unterwegs gewesen 🙂

Around Madeira, there are relatively many whales. Sorry, we had seen no, as we were traveling with our SUMMER. Last week, almost 500 Been spotted off our port three sei whales meters. The animals up to 18 Be meters long and weigh between 20 and 30 Tons. Unfortunately we had let this special opportunity and made no boat trip since we did not know, that the whale-watching boats launch directly from our harbor. Now we wanted but some games a try. Let's see, if we were lucky.

Normally the boat operator gets information from a so-called “Spotter”, located on land on a mountain and scans the sea with a powerful binocular. Unfortunately, today was the view rather moderate and thus we were on our own. After a short time we were able to find. In the distance we saw another whale watching boat, that a large group observed pilot whales. This can be adopted by our coming not fazed.XKH_8696

So we had the opportunity, long good fifteen minutes to watch the animals right on the boat. The pilot whales are also “Grindwal” stated. They can be up to eight feet long and weigh up to three tons. In our group, the largest animal was about five feet long and very impressive imposing. In addition, there was also a calf, that always remained close to his mother.


After this first success we went in search of other animals. Unfortunately wanted the dolphins, are quite common in this area were well on the way, not show today. For us it was not so bad, dolphins because we had quite often seen. For the other holidaymakers, who were traveling with us, did us but sorry.
But if only the rapid travel in the well be motorized boat was a pleasure, take a bit of roller coaster. A little further away from the land of the east wind had already rebuilt light waves, die mit zunehmendem Bootsspeed wie Sprungrampen wirkten 🙂

On the way back we met our Grindwalfamilie after once. There are simply beautiful and impressive animals. On closer observation we were sure, that it was not the first pilot whales, we had seen. On our way to Lisbon, we were surprised us over the lazy dolphins, who came to our boat in the past sunrise but very slowly and leisurely. For Dolphins, it would certainly have been slowly, aber Grindwale sind wohl immer viel gemütlicher unterwegs 🙂



Back in the harbor it was then first goodbye. The bags were packed and I was on my way to cold Germany. We had cleaned out properly in the last week. My luggage consisted of a huge bag filled with warm clothing, that were clearly redundant on board, and one of our two folding bikes. After much back-and-forth we decide, but not take the bikes, because they do take a lot of space below deck. Also, my backpack was filled to bursting with other things, were not required on board. So packed like a beast of burden, Dietmar took me to the airport. Wait for me in Germany ten event- and busy days.



My second 39. Birthday :-)

A woman can with 19 lovely, with 29 its gorgeous, but only with 39 she is absolutely irresistible. And older than 39 is not a woman, which was irresistible once!
Coco Chanel

My second 39. Birthday, far away from Germany, actually began as any other day. Eventually the sun tickled us awake and it was time for a leisurely breakfast. Nicht der schlechteste Start in einen Tag 🙂 Dietmar düste los, to fresh for our breakfast, to get warm rolls and surprised me with a piece of birthday cake. Despite the wonderful morning he was somehow tense. The answer was my birthday gift, not as planned lay on the breakfast table, but was still somewhere with the Portuguese Post on the go. Since I had to wait a bit….but it makes you look so do not spoil the mood.

So I was excited about the many calls, Email and News, reached me on that day. Despite the great distance we are probably not yet forgotten. The ordered for this day, beautiful weather was then delivered after a few short showers eleven clock. Thus our afternoon dive, nothing stood in the way. Let's see, what would we see out there today.

Time of two clock we arrived at the dive school and had already traveled a short time later to eight to our dive spot. This time we had the difficult task gewältigen, us completely on the narrow boat with BCD, To attract fins and bottle. A Performance, bei der es im 7mm-Neoprenanzug ganz schnell sehr warm wurde 🙂 So freuten wir uns, when we finally overturned in James Bond style per roll backwards over the side into the water. The water was really wonderfully refreshing.

As discussed in the detailed briefing in the diving school, Now we split into two groups. Today we were on the road with Marco. Our dive was to a maximum of 18 Meter Tiefe gehen, deeper than we could with our diving license not yet yes. Normally, the descent is my biggest problem, but today I sank like a stone down. Good, we are not plunged yesterday on the steep wall. As it goes up to 40 Meters depth rather steep downward. Who knows, wohin ich da verschwunden wäre 🙂

Underwater the conditions were good. Out here we met underwater currents for the first time, which could however be overcome easily. We also met many interesting creatures. Schade, that we had no suitable underwater camera, at all times hold. Our waterproof Pentax was only for water depths up 12 Meters allowed. That was a bit too little.

When we reappeared on the surface at the end of the dive, the boat was waiting for us already. In still water, we freed ourselves from the heavy equipment and these ranged up. After that we had it past myself. I preferred the swim ladder (I'm more of a lazy person), while Dietmar with three powerful flippers worked up the boat wall. After a short, faster ride we reached the port and sat on the Relocate longer together, to determine the observed fish.

At half past six we had arranged to meet with the crew of INFINITY SY and SY HAPA NA SASA for dinner in Port Restaurant. Previously, we wanted to just go with Urte of the SY HAPA NA SASA with the car for shopping. The family was so arrived yesterday and had to fill up your fridge again. I was also concerned about the physical well-being of my husband: Not that Dietmar had to starve in the next week, when I was in Germany.

The way to the supermarket was only a stone's throw, but first wanted to be found. So we had only 30 Minutes shopping time, not to appear in the harbor after our guests in the restaurant. Lightning fast we filled our cart, and soon everything was stowed in the car. The exit from the car park turned out to be unexpectedly difficult but. Nowhere was seen to pay the park a machine chips and nobody you could ask far and wide. Urte took the problem in hand and appeared a short time later with the paid chip. Den Automat hatte der Betreiber im Erdgeschoss gut versteckt 🙂 Auf dem Heimweg gerieten wir statt auf die Autobahn noch auf eine idyllische Landstraße, which again gave us a scenic detour. After all Urte so could not gain an initial impression of the beauty of Madeira win. However, we were nearing our guests at the harbor. Since gliders are indeed a very relaxed little people, we could even quickly putting away groceries in the ship. Dietmar was also a sigh of relief, when he finally vorfand the long-awaited package when returning to our SUMMER. So I got (Although after the birthday dive) a great diving camera, water resistant up to 58 Meters with high-tech housing. Now to all photos, I'm on land again at least as many underwater photos to come. I'm looking forward to the first fish, are me swim before the lens.

Then finally began the relaxed part of the evening. Leider ohne die Crew der JOY OF LIFE, which is indeed departed towards Canary yesterday, we sat on this warm evening outside long and celebrated my birthday extensively.

I thank all, who thought of me and have contributed in any way to, that the day has become so beautiful, as he was. I'm really looking forward to my next 39. Geburtstag 🙂



Move with the dive boat

After a long break due to bad weather dive we were happy, said as Marco on Tuesday finally, this afternoon we could dare our first dive trip from a boat. At the house-reef the water was still too agitated and turbid, but further north the conditions should be much better.

So over time we were two clock before diving school. Today we would not be traveling alone. A German family had booked a boat dive. As always everything was perfectly prepared. We needed to squeeze us only in our suits and pack up our personal things, you're able. The bottles were waiting ready prepared the boat for us.

Already the drive with the speed boat was great fun. Sailing is rather a slow and relaxed pleasure. But that Renner had significantly more horsepower than our SUMMER, more precisely 250 Horsepower. As Dietmar was of course in his element. Thanks to modern technology we take you gladly times a bit Miten . Simply click to open the videos on the links.

We drive out……

Arrived at the dive site, Marco went and esters first to test the conditions under water. From above it looked because of high waves and strong currents not look particularly inviting. Hopefully it was better under water. When they paddled back to the boat, had already read them on the faces, that they had no good news. The shaft was just too high and the view is also very bad. In order for our Plan A had failed. Good, that the pair have a plan B ready. So we sped along the coast to the north. But also to the second possible point the conditions were unfortunately not very inviting. Meanwhile the sun had again completely hidden behind the clouds and the shaft broke in part to the small but fierce, sharp rocks.

Already on water it was uncomfortable….

For experienced divers determined a dive would have been possible, but with our eight dives we were on the level “find out” doch noch sehr weit entfernt 🙂 Mir persönlich war es auch lieber so. I wanted to keep my first boat dive definitely positive memories.

So we went away empty-handed on the way back. For the onset of rain, we were geared up in any case. So our equipment was again rinsed well with fresh water on the way back.

Optimally equipped for rain

Tomorrow is another day. Und zwar ein ganz besonderer 🙂 Da hatte ich schon vor 40 Years ordered good weather. Let's see, whether it would be delivered

Go West

For today's excursion we wanted to drive on the mountain roads in the West of Madeira. About the motorway it went to Funchal and then right through a steep valley into the mountains.


Somewhat laborious our little Nissan Juke tormented up the sometimes very steep roads. But compared with the rental car, with whom we were on the mainland road, it was still quite sporty ahead. Bald hatten wir die Abzweigung zur Passstraße erreicht und standen kurze Zeit später vor einer Straßensperre 🙁 So ein Ärger. Since the selection of roads on Madeira but is quite low, we beat back the already successfully tested route along the north coast a.

In Sao Vicente we decided spontaneously, pay the volcanic caves to visit. When we reached the visitor parking lot, We were very relieved. No coaches awaited us, obwohl in Funchal gerade wieder vier neue Kreuzfahrtschiffe angekommen waren 🙂 So lernten wir in den nächsten eineinhalb Stunden eine Menge über die Entstehung der Inseln in dem kleinen Museum, which was located right next to the entrance to the caves. The half-hour walk through the Gotten itself was nice, aber nicht besonders spektakulär 🙂


Passing Porto Moniz we were driving on a small road along the west coast. Quite accidentally we discovered a really incredible vantage point. Before us, the coast was almost 600 Meter ab! From the top of the houses and gardens in the valley looked like miniature toys. With a small cable car (made in Germany :-)) could go down at an angle of 170 ° to the sea. Alone at the sight turned my stomach to. Keine zehn Pferde würde mich in diese winzige Gondel bringen 🙂 So tranken wir lieber einen entspannten Kaffee direkt am Abgrund und überließen das Gondelfahren den anderen.




The West of Madeira is traffic-technically not yet well connected to the rest of the island. On top of the ridge we found in the villages many empty houses, which would probably urgently want a skilled and motivated craftsmen. In part, it looked here but kind of bleak. This impression was unfortunately additionally reinforced by the gathering clouds.


We reached the port before the rain. According to the weather forecast it would probably also the next days are uncomfortable. Let's see, what will really happen. Wettervorhersagen sind ja bekanntlich ähnlich zuverlässig wie „Kaffeesatz lesen“ 🙂


It is always better

After a day off from diving, we were looking forward to our planned again for the afternoon underwater excursion. The conditions were perfect. The swell was still slightly higher than the last time, but the water was beautifully clear and pleasant with 23 ° water temperature warm.

The first highlight already offered us directly after the dive. A barracuda stood directly in front of the investor and was not disturbed by our presence further. So we saw besides the usual "friend" two very rare slipper lobster. One of them was good 40 Inches long and thus grown absolutely According to the field guide. Even our instructor was a special encounter, because the animals are very shy. No wonder, because they were so many years at the top of the menus of restaurants. At the end of our dive also crossed another swarm garfish our way. Good for you, Dietmar without that Angel was traveling. For the garfish is well known, a very delicious food fish and has green bones.

My personal highlight of this dive was but, I could keep my diving mask during the whole time almost free of fitting. It's just much nicer, because if you can stick out below also correctly, instead of groping around in the always more or less dense fog.KH_3158

After the dive we were still longer together and made plans for the next day. For tomorrow, Saturday, are predicted to the weather conditions for diving not be good, but on Sunday we wanted to go out with the boat for the first time. Outside in the large nature reserve there are many great places to discover. Even a wreck is lying off the coast here. That would certainly be a great destination just as a possible night dive. The imagination will not have any limits set J So we have been dreaming of next diving license, with which we will have up to 30 Likely to emerge meters deep and excitedly looking forward to Sunday Afternoon. But it was not to be. ....


Over water it is also very nice

Already on Wednesday afternoon we did with the first car a little exploring. First we went to the East Madeira. But after half a mile listen here to the civilization. The road ended at a large parking lot. Further explorations were only possible on foot. But after the morning dive we lacked the necessary motivation and purpose as well as the right footwear. The roads were definitely not suitable for "flip-flops". So we still enjoyed a bit of the view, before we opened us in the direction of the island's capital, Funchal.


The Way Funchal was also easy to find without sat nav. For a Navi in ​​addition to rent car, hätte den Mietpreis fast verdoppelt 🙂 Ähnlich ist es auch mit einem Kindersitz. The pricing of car rental companies in this respect is something borderline.

Even just 30 Minutes later we were there. Now we had to get rid of only the car. That was then, in turn, no longer as simple J But eventually we had a confidence inspiring car park found. We wanted to be sure, the car later there still to be found. As so often, we made our first on the way to the port. Maybe we wanted to move our SUMMER later but to Funchal? But after a short tour was clear to us, wir bleiben in Quinta do Lorde. On this day there were three Crusaders before cuiser terminal and it was accordingly fully. The personnel of the many restaurants tried more or less intrusive to win us as new guests at the marina. In addition, the entire waterfront was a huge construction site. The small marina is currently being converted into a large marina for us is a possible berth clearly felt uneasy at all with respect to.

After an onset because of the twilight pretty little old town round and a rather mediocre dinner, it went again back to the port. For tomorrow, we wanted the island exploration program but expand significantly.

We started quite early and had selected the North Coast to explore for the day. Somewhere you had to start somewhere. In addition, we hoped to impressive waves, which had been caused by the north by withdrawing depression. The narrow road snaked very picturesque and partly also breathtakingly close to the steep coast. In the small villages we saw the typical Madeira, thatched houses.


During our first coffee break, I also discovered the first wild poinsettia. I had known it, with great strides went on to Christmas. Good, dass wir schon einen Stollen gebunkert haben 🙂


So we dawdled along the coastal road with many breaks for exploration and discovery in the late afternoon until we "Port Moniz" reached. At the northeastern tip of the island rolled up big Atlantic waves, the spectacular breaking on the rocky coast. From land, we enjoyed the spectacle and were looking forward, that we knew our SUMMER securely moored in the harbor.


The return trip took us across the island by a wonderful green valley, the nick deep between the volcanic mountains. Anywhere on the mountain slopes saw terraces, where wine, Bananas or other things were added. Definitely a tedious job, because for large, technical aids was definitely not a place.

Panorama 2

When we reached the port, it had already become dark. After dinner we sat for an hour on the JOY OF LIFE and could end this great day with a glass of white wine.


First "baby steps" under water

From Porto Santo to Madeira Quinta do Lorde on it is only a stone's throw from well 30 Nautical miles. Since we could leave us a little more time on Sunday and make us only about ten clock on the way. Previously, we tried to reserve seats on the harbor master already, because a few thick low-pressure areas to cut through north next week. In this outlook, we did not lie so much at anchor.

After all the arrangements had been settled, it was already going on. Pleasant wind up 20 Nodes and six feet wave made the trip very enjoyable. I did not trust my stomach but still. You never know! So gab es vorsichtshalber unterwegs erstmal nichts zu essen 🙂 Das schadet ja nicht.


Just before we reached the first rocks of Madeira, we were again greeted by dolphins. This time it was a school of about twenty animals. A whale but we can not discover, although here there is to be any. But we are the next day keep our eyes open. Maybe we'll get lucky.


The Port of Quinta do Lorde is part of a hotel complex and is dominated by an impressive rock. We went there directly felt. While I took care of the food, Dietmar completed the formalities at the port office. When he came back to our SUMMER, he had a surprise in the luggage.


For the next day he had an appointment with the local diving school. Now it was serious. In March we had made even in Bavaria our PADI Open Water exam. The last time, when we were diving, we had scarce 10 ° C water temperature and sleet. Das sah hier natürlich deutlich besser aus 🙂

So we started the next day after breakfast, so, prepare our diving equipment. After nearly six months, they were almost a little dusty. Tanks and weights we could use from the diving school, so we did not have to trawl through the whole port the heavy stuff. The anxious question, whether it still fits in his wetsuit after such a long and lazy time, we were able to answer after some pulling and tugging with YES. A completely new experience was but, so that a wetsuit can be very warm. So far I only had frozen in my dive stuff. Today was a difference.

In the diving school we first got a detailed briefing from our instructor Marco. Today, we would dive on the house reef, direkt vor der Marina. Thoroughly he discussed with us the route, we take and the depths, would expect. He also told us, What interesting animals we would get down to perhaps as face. Finally came the last safety information and you say the standard hand signals. Denn Reden unter Wasser ist ja bekanntlich schwierig 🙂 Die Bedingungen an diesem Tag waren ziemlich gut, not to be compared with the Bavarian Stretch, in which we had collected our previous experience.

So we transported all the equipment to the outer harbor wall. When we got there then complete with BC, Bottle and weights were equipped, we felt heavy as. Even simple getting up from the bench and the short walk up the stairs to the water for us was a real challenge. Only the fins and then finally off to clear, blue water. It's just a great feeling, because the water was coated immediately, how much weight one has dragged through the area.

The descent and Tare (Balancing under water) worked surprisingly well. Quite unlike my last dive in Germany I had quickly found a stable position in the water, instead to commute between surface water and ground back and forth. Dietmar had already had far fewer problems with the balancing in Germany and that had not changed. But we were both very happy, that we had a qualified instructor while, who not only knew the way, but also had our air consumption in the eye. In addition, he also saw with his eyes well trained animals, which actually did not want to be seen. Especially try octopus, likes to cheat than stones by. But since they had no chance at Marco. Already after 35 We had used up our air so far Minutes, that we had to finish the dive. Since we'll have to continue to work on our relaxation, denn bei erfahrenen Taucher reicht eine Flasche wohl bis zu einer Stunde 🙂

The next challenge was but, to leave with the entire equipment the water again. Good, the stairs had a stable railing, where you could pull himself up. The perceived 30 Kilos of extra weight forced me almost to its knees. Aber von solchen kleinen Anfangsproblemchen lässt man sich ja nicht abschrecken 🙂

As we sat together after the dive in the sun before diving school, all efforts and starting difficulties were forgotten. In the determination of books we beat all the fish after, who had swum across our path. Strip Barben, Trompetenfische, a spider crab, einen Octopuss, Parrot fish and many others we had seen. But the book was also wanting more. So we agreed directly the next dive for the next afternoon.

So we discovered Madeira first of the underwater side and not just dive on Tuesday, but also on Wednesday. On Thursday but the weather was so, that another underwater excursion was out of the question. Da mussten wir uns wohl oder übel ins Auto setzen und die Landseite der Insel erkunden 🙂