All posts by Katja Henke

About Katja Henke


Separate ways

Now I stood up here on the cliff and looked behind Dietmar, der auf das Meer hinaus segelte. Should be to think about me?


No, You no need worry. Dietmar hatte für den heutigen Nachmittag eine Einladung zum Mitsegeln von unseren französischen Nachbarn auf deren 43er NauticatPHILIAangenommen. Bei ordentlich Wind wollten die beiden Herren Dietmar draußen die Vor- und Nachteile des Besan-Segels zeigen. Aber heute Abend sind wir natürlich wieder vereint 🙂

It moved me but rather in the mountains, more specifically on the highest peak of Madeira, Pico do Arieiro.


By picturesque, It first went Ribeiro Frio green valleys. In the middle of the laurel forest on the banks of the river you can take a short hike to a viewpoint. It went quite steeply uphill through flowering Apple trees. Not really that, what I love so much.


But shortly afterwards was the way flat and ran between rock walls in the forest.


Keine zehn Minuten später war die Wanderung auch schon wieder vorbei 🙁 Das war sogar mir etwas zu wenig, but the view was really impressive and even with background music, for two young men played didgeridoo up here. It fit amazingly well here. I settled myself in the Sun, and enjoyed music and views.

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Back in Ribeiro Frio I needed to follow only a short stretch of the road, to get to the famous trout farm. The trout are raised here in brick basin, directly by the River with clear, cold water supply.


That looks quite different, as as seen in Germany. This is also probably the reason, why the idyllic plant is served by many tourist buses. But in the late afternoon relaxed calm prevailed, and people were only occasionally on the road. Also the environmental trail was deserted. Here you could learn more about the different plants of the laurel forest.

Next we went up towards Pico do Arieiro. Above is a NATO radar station on the Summit now. I had only a little bit in front of me, then I can enjoy the great views of the entire island.


Falsch gedacht 🙁 Gut, that I from on the road least had made a picture of the Summit. Because when I came up to, crept from the other side thick clouds over the Summit and packed everything in thick, grey cotton. It was direct here above on 1818 M also very cold. I quickly made a proof photo and quickly joined the way back.

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For the stick down to the port took in only a fraction of the time, that I had needed for the way. The cold, monotonous grey no longer invited to other photo stops and I was happy, in the Sun Sat again as I at the port.

Dietmar was also back. He sat still in the so-called “Investors beer” on the SY PHILIA with both jeans(Jean-Yves and Jean Guy) together. The exit has been very funny. First the three had no wind at all and were pretty disappointed. When then exploded a beer bottle in the fridge, was brotherly to share the rest of the contents of the a good occasion to drink. Exactly in the moment, When the last drop was drunk, put the wind with 25 Node an and earned yet another great sailing afternoon. Sounds strange, but is so! Wieder was gelernt 🙂


All good things come in threes

Today, it had finally worked. Twice we have faced in the past a roadblock and today we have arrived through a bureaucracies without yet at our destination. To the high plateau of Paul da Serra in the West of Madeira!

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Irgendwie sah es hier oben ganz anders aus als sonst wo auf der Insel 🙂 Wenn das Meer im Hintergrund nicht wäre, could you think, man sei in der Schweiz 🙂 Aber so weit hatten wir uns sicher nicht verfahren. The temperatures here were not so pleasant, how we would have liked that. But this time we were clothes-technically well equipped. Nevertheless, we decided, up here no hike to undertake, After we reached the parking lot at the starting point of the hiking trails. Here were also somehow too many tourists on the road.


Rather, we enjoyed the view and friendly us permanent residents of meadows and pastures. You look really nice, but touch is prohibited. Right when first attempting to approach the horns were quickly used. Dietmar was but quick enough again out of reach of sharp antlers before it could reach the cow. Well, We have learned it earlier, that one should consider the relationship sometimes better only from a distance :-).


At some point our little street led us back down again to the sea and we arrived in the village of Calheta. After attending de “Madeira wine”-Yesterday a visit to the traditional sugar seemed cellar us there- and rum factory only necessarily and logically.

In Madeira there are three factories, establish the sugar fine exactly as earlier from sugar cane. The manufacturing process is not very complicated. First of all you need the sugar cane of course. This is delivered on open flatbed, and then spent by crane on the factory floor.



In the first step it is coarsely crushed, before it is then squeezed out to the so-called sugar juice. It tasted not bad against all expectations, even though he left something visually to wish.


From the juice of sugar can be later either sugar or syrup or even rum. Of course, she had “Sociedade dos Engenhos da Calheta” also a bar to test the distillates and a small shop, where to buy all products also can. Especially on it had done us the honey cake or. the honey fritters, both are made with sugar cane syrup. Actually a rather Christmas pastries, but because of its long shelf life (as. a year) is available always on Madeira and belongs to the special local treats. But also “Poncha de Madeira”, a rum cocktail of type of, brought on board and a small bottle of rum (That is intended for baking but rather :-))

After I had left the detailed testing of the partly high spirits Dietmar, übernahm ich das Steuer des Mietwagens 🙂 Auf dem Rückweg zum Hafen bot sich noch ein interessanter Stopp an und von meinem angeheiterten Ehemann kam diesmal keine Gegenwehr. Monte, located above of Funchal in the mountains, showed up today from his sunny side. Up here had their villas before the rich wine merchants and various parks and gardens were created around. Nowadays man lives better again, in Funchal on the sea and the mountains leaving the tourists.

Monte is known, because here the last Austrian Emperor Karl died the first exile of pneumonia and surrounded by his remains in the chapel of rest were and because of the “Basket sleigh ride” down towards Funchal.


Obediently waiting for the next brave in a number of the driver of the carriage, who wanted to go with the vehicle without steering and brake towards the Valley. Das schien auf jeden Fall ein ziemlicher Spaß zu sein 🙂



But for someone, 24-hour race next week goes, enough not thrill it was then probably it. We walked rather then by the Park at the Church “Igreja Nossa Senhora do Monte” over and made us go home.




Diving in the double pack and Madeira wine to relax

Today a double dive was on the agenda and thus we spent all morning under water. We were together with ester and Marco and two Swedish divers by boat again on the easternmost tip of Madeira on the road.


Shortly after the first dive from the “Arco do Badajeira” discovered unusually large grouper before his cave ester located only a few metres. He was well over a metre tall and quite trustful. But after sometime too close to him with the camera, He disappeared with a gallant twist deep in his cave and was no longer seen. Similar happened to us with three beautiful Moray also considerable size, die wir anschließend in ihren Höhlen aufstöberten 🙂


We wanted our second dive (Once again) at the wreck of the “SS FORERUNNER” To try, the Yes several times had to fail due to a strong flow. But this time, the conditions were seemingly fit and we showed off quickly. Unfortunately we arrived but not the place, where the bulk of the wreckage was. The depth was so strong current, that we could achieve our goal impossible. At least not, without due to the great effort when swimming against the flow the bottles within 15 Minutes to suck. In such a case, then also the safety of the diver's going on, because we wanted to drive so five of us back to the base.

Today we not put us for a change after diving once on the lazy skin. After a short lunch break with fresh cottage cheese with fruit salad we went together with Ernst and Fenja Funchal. While Dietmar and Ernst had to consult together even the Chandlery, We girls made a trip to the famous market Hall in the island's capital.


She was not only beautiful to look at without, also inside the booths were lovingly and accurately decorated. The diversity of the offered exotic fruits was overwhelming! Fast überall konnte man auch probieren 🙂 Leider hatte das ganze auch teilweise einen recht stolzen Preis.


When I went away with my small bag, fühlte ich mich schon etwas über den Tisch gezogen 🙁 Obwohl ich ja selber Schuld war. I had taken in the selection of the stand does not, that the goods had no price tags. So, I probably deserved fancy prices. But what a Yes we know only once and who asks, dem kann bekanntlich auch geholfen werden 🙂

For this I had again a beautiful unknown in the luggage. The research on the Internet was this time really challenging. One should not believe, wie viele rote Beeren es so gibt 🙂


Here are my opinion Chilean guava.

This is a species of plant in the Myrtaceae family according to Wikipedia (Myrtaceae). In the Mapuche language is plain and in the Spanish murta or murtilla called. It is only distantly related with the guava. The culinary use of fruits is initially limited to the South of Chile. There are the fruits with aguardiente (a spirit drink) set up, to jam cooked or prepared with Quince for dessert. The taste of the fruit is reminiscent of more or less Quince or wild strawberry.

As far as the theory. I can not sign this with the wild strawberry, Quitte kommt für mich eher hin 🙂 Im Obstsalat machten sie sich nachher ganz gut, but they are not so recommended to the way sweet, weil sie dazu nicht süß genug sind 🙂 Da wären die Erdbeeren schon besser gewesen.


Directly at the exit of the Hall discovered we still a particularly example of Portuguese entrepreneurship :-), but it was already nearing closing.


When visiting Madeira, is a must visit the winery Blandy actually. Here is since about 200 Years produced the famous Madeira wine.


The Madeira wine was supposedly randomly. After the fermentation process, similar to when the port better durability due to with 96% Vol. pure alcohol has been canceled, reported sailors, that the wine changed the taste to the positive after the transport through the tropics. This transport was carried out henceforth targeted. Selected wines in small barrels made the Torna viagem, the voyage in the Portuguese overseas provinces through, which the ripening process, particularly supported the so-called made non-iridescent. The voyage was later (until today) by three- five-month storage at 45 ° C to 75 Replaces ° C (for example directly under corrugated metal roofs or artificially produced) (According to Wikipedia,).

We like both really like port wine, There we no now also said even if it was still early in the day :-). Said – Done and as you can see by the number of empty glasses, waren wir sehr neugierig und haben viel gelernt 🙂 Nochmal vielen Dank, dear Ernst, for the knowledgeable wine tasting.


After this effort was first needed a short breather. In the nearby park, the men took a break, While the ladies prefer “Floral” fotographierten 🙂 Jedem das Seine, but who can resist such beauties already?




The night we were in the old town relaxed at the end of. Delicious meal we sat together quite long and talked. Unfortunately, it was our last day with Anil and Ernst, as to the Azores, the two morning break. So we filled the trunk of our pandas still in the supermarket with food for tomorrow's crossing of the two. The day was a great deal of our common time – Wiederholung unbedingt erwünscht 🙂


A stormy night with port cinema at its finest :-)

Sometimes keeps the weather report, what he promises and the uncomfortable, rainy afternoon went over in a stormy evening. When the wind aufbriste, were all at our Jetty so busy, ihre Boote für die Nacht optimal und sicher festzumachen 🙂 Man wollte ja gut und ruhig schlafen. There is trendy 30 Knot wind directly on the harbour some preparatory work necessary.


So, we have all witnessed an impressive spectacle (called in sailors Harbour cinema):

In the Harbour, a huge yacht surfaced suddenly at fairly high speed. Und mit riesig meine ich wirklich sehr groß 🙂 112 Foot or. 34 Metres in length. While we still considered, If there is ever a place so long boat in the Marina, It became clear us, that the skipper the “Hammer head” our pontoons for mooring his luxury yacht had chosen. With undiminished speed and wind from behind on his tail the maneuver from the start was doomed to failure. Despite many helping hands, the yacht unabated shot past us and continue……an abrupt end took to the ride at the underwater ramp in front of the harbour restaurant.


Speechless, we stood on the bridge. What was it now???? For the explanation of such a maneuver could come only engine problems or complete insanity of the master in question. Wir gingen dann mal von Maschinenproblemen aus 🙂 Im Zweifel immer für den Angeklagten 🙂 So waren dann auch viele helfende Hände bereit, as the Highland BREEZE (Swan 112 SUPERYACHT by 2002) little later slowly and carefully backwards maneuvered at the pontoon. The bridge was needed that 127 Not make yacht of tons of. That would be so, When someone tries, to bind a truck on a garden fence. Since already the massive steel concrete piles had to be, you laid down the jetty in the harbour basin.


Somehow, all other boats in the harbor now looked like toys. The boats in the foreground has 36 Foot or 11 Meter und unsere SUMMER ist auch nur eineinhalb Meter länger 🙂

Tonight, we had to keep our fingers crossed while sleeping, that would meet the steel concrete piles and our impressive task bar :-). If the wind pressure on the boats would be too big for the poles, würden wir uns alle zusammen an der Rampe vor dem Hafenrestaurant wieder treffen 🙁 Eigentlich war die ganze Marina viel zu klein für ein solches Luxusbötchen 🙂


But after a fitful night, we all were (Steg, SUMMER; Highland BREEZE and all other boats :-)) the next morning there, where they belonged.

Passion fruit banana and other delights

Every weekend is farmer's market in San Antonio Serra in Madeira. There is a small village in the mountains actually just around the corner from our Marina, Let's Sunday morning despite the grey sky and the rain clouds on the way. Not half an hour later we found ourselves in a rustic market, in a funny mixture of Madeirer and tourists surveyed, bought or was just a Sunday Chat.


Here they found next to bread and cake, Eggs, Liqueurs of course fruits and vegetables. Some of the products were completely unknown to us :-). We have decided, nach und nach verschiedene Dinge zu probieren und Euch an unseren neuen Erkenntnissen teilhaben zu lassen 🙂


These here are Passion fruit banana. Ein solches Körbchen wanderte mit zu uns an Bord 🙂 .

Once some Internet research (Wikipedia): The Passiflora tarminiana is a species of Passiflora (Passiflora) in the passion flower family (Passifloraceae). It is known only from culture and is used as a fruit. In Colombia it is india as curuba, curuba ecuatoriana or curuba Quiteña, in Ecuador as tacso amarillo, IN ENGLISH: banana passionfruit, banana poka may refer to.


And then it went one of them by the scruff of the neck. Here, so sieht die schöne Frucht also von innen aus 🙂 Eigentlich genau wie die Mischung von Maracuja und Banane. How amazingly in the name! Taste is similar to the passion fruit, aber nicht so sauer und man kann sie ganz bequem aus der Schale löffeln 🙂 Die wird sicher ab sofort öfters auf unserem Einkaufzettel stehen 🙂

Two Annonas or Cherimoyas were our second gift. Of which we can report but only little. The first, that we have cut, was not ready. Taste was so still no special treat and it has a consistency like styrofoam. Further tests with the second fruit follow next week. We'll keep you up to date. 🙂


Of course we bought not only unknown surprise products, but otherwise really everything else, What we need for everyday life. Shopping at the market was always much nicer than in the supermarket I and here in the South, it is still much original. It was once again clearly aware, When I tried, 12 Eier in einer klitzekleinen Plastiktüte schadensfrei durch das Gedränge zu balancieren 🙂 Gar kein so einfaches Unterfangen und Rührei hatten wir auch schon zu Frühstück gehabt 🙂

But all our purchases arrived intact on board buzzer. As the weather was really very uncomfortable, were we come back after the market pretty directly to the Marina. As a comfortable reading – und Telefonier-Nachmittag hatte ja auch immer was Nettes und dazu war heute wirklich ausgiebig Zeit 🙂

Into the Blue

Before tomorrow will change the weather, today once again super diving conditions with little wind and little wave. This day seemed to be optimal, noch einmal zum Wrack der SS FORERUNNER zu fahren und dort zu tauchen 🙂 Das letzte Mal waren wir an einer zu starken Strömung über dem Wrack gescheitert.

Today we were part of a group once again. We sat with two young Portuguese punctually at half past ten in the boat and sweats along the coast.


But it was how Bewitched. Today was no chance, to reach the wreck. The waves were too strong and on the surface could be seen strong turbulence from the heavy flow. Since we had booked so no trip with spin cycle, We went slightly further and better conditions were just around the corner.


Along a wall we found moray eels in many columns, a bear cancer, Arrow crabs and all sorts of other animals. The highlight of the dive was to see but on the other side: Nicht weit entfernt im Blau schwebten elegant zwei Adlerrochen vorbei 🙂


Eine Begegnung mit den beeindruckenden und wunderschönen Tieren war für uns alle ein besonderes Erlebnis 🙂 So saßen wir vor der Tauchbasis noch lange zusammen und quatschten, natürlich nicht nur über den letzten Tauchgang 🙂


Thai watched the whole scene with longing look. Unfortunately, the entire equipment was already cleared away and nobody had forgotten just a little something about the gleefully could make from Thai. Wo sie doch schon am Morgen sehr viel Gefallen an dem Mundstück von Marcos Atemregler gefunden hatte 🙂 Das war wirklich ein Hunde-Leben 🙂

On the road with the car of disaster :-)

Every year on the first of may the city of Funchal pays homage to its Patron Saint, Saint Tiago menor. That was a good reason for us today to Funchal. What exactly the celebration should look like, When they begin and when they would end, had not been here unfortunately the Internet. Wir brachen gemütlich nach dem Frühstück auf und kamen zu spät 🙂 Zwar waren noch einige Hauptstraßen in Funchal gesperrt, the procession was probably already over and we wanted to not attend the subsequent fair.


So versteckte sich der Heiligen Tiago Menor in dieser schönen Kirche und wurde nicht gesehen 🙂 Pech gehabt, but also not bad. In the beautiful sunshine, we could finally meet Funchal. It was among the ten largest cities in Portugal. In the autumn we had spent only one night here and seen much yet.

In part, the old town in a pretty sad state is and at some points, we was really surprised, that the houses still stand. Often can be seen through the window on the first floor directly into the sky and the pigeons enjoy free housing.


But no matter in what condition were the houses, die Türen machen alles wieder wett 🙂 Hier ein paar schöne Beispiele:





Around noon, we had had enough of the city, bought us yet a thick ice and decide, yet to make a trip in the nature. There is a plateau in the western part of Madeira, We wanted to visit last October already. The access road was unfortunately locked but. But after six months, the passport should be back open.


So kurvten wir hinauf in die Berge und standen wenig später wieder vor dem gesperrten Pass 🙁 Mit Internetrecherche wäre das nicht passiert 🙂 Denn dort hätte ich gefunden, that extensive work is needed after a rock to secure the road ER110, that would take probably much longer time. The next time we will choose a different approach. It would be don't laughed, wenn wir diesen Teil der Insel nicht auch erreichen würden 🙂

While we were on the steep and winding streets, we found, that posted it on the Internet “Car rental bargains” Unfortunately a few quirks had. With the motorization of too low, Dietmar had already resigned. Sporty it's going with the car in the minority of cases, aber dieser Fiat Panda war schon besonders speziell 🙂 Am Elch-Test wäre er wahrscheinlich kläglich gescheitert, denn schon bei geringer Geschwindigkeit und schärferen Kurven quietschten die Reifen und wir kamen leicht ins Rutschen 🙂 Und diesmal lag es wohl nicht an Dietmars Fahrweise. Also the strange noise under the car, as if we have the items of in a washing machine the trunk of, were not very confidence. Since it but during the entire tour were not worse, We made up the radio sometime, wahrscheinlich die portugiesische Lösung des Problems 🙂

On the way back, we chose a small country road on the north side of the island and enjoyed the beautiful views and the beautiful weather.


We were today but not alone, all Madeira seemed to be. Also in Portugal is most 1. May the “Labor Day” as official holiday and this year resulted in even a long weekend. So you put kith and kin, A tent and picnic table, and yet surprisingly many other things and drives in the nature. Almost everywhere, where more than three trees were idyllic together, stand jetzt auch ein Tisch darunter 🙂 und es wurde gegrillt und gefeiert 🙂 Auch die Aussichtspunkte, Restaurants and Cafés, ja sogar die Parkplätze waren überall mehr als gut besucht 🙂


We had them but not scare us, schließlich war genug Platz für alle da 🙂 Direkt in der Nähe der Marina entdeckt wir noch einen Aussichtspunkt an der Vulkanküste mit einem Leuchtturm – a nice conclusion of our day tour.


But not enough of the good: Back at the port we arranged the SY MERRY MARY Harbour restaurant us with the crew. Seriously Dietmar knew already from the Marina San Miguel Tenerife. He is with his daughter Kiran and two friends on the way back to Cuxhaven. In the next few days to proceed to the Azores. Quite late the entertaining round broke up, but tomorrow, it would certainly give a repeat. Es gab ja noch so viel zu erzählen 🙂

On discovery tour

Dietmar was always okay for crazy ideas to inspire. I was not surprised when he opened me, that we would drive evening today with Marco and ester small exploring on the buzzer on the sea.

Marco discovered a spot off the coast in his Lake map, the water depth should be in only twenty meters. Around this collection is but surrounded by about 130 Feet of deep water. What is probably hiding behind this unassuming depth indication? An impressive and of course fishing underwater mountain with optimal diving landscape? An unidentified wreck as new diving spot? Das wollten wir herausfinden 🙂

Our SUMMER is equipped with sonar, that can generate great underwater pictures with the help of DownVision.


So we broke up four early evening. Great sailing conditions with pleasant outside waiting for us, light breeze and almost no wave. Good one and a half hours drive, we reached our destination. As we drove over the waypoint, We saw…..nothing, anywhere above 130 Meters water depth :-(. As we turned around the point a small round, the depth of the water remained unchanged.

So we discovered unfortunately no great and new dive site, which would then surely bear our name, but the exceptional sailing trip was great fun all. Auf dem Rückweg gab Dietmar sogar das Steuer aus der Hand und unsere Tauchlehrer präsentierten sich als talentierte Segelschüler 🙂



So we let us drive through the area, huh and enjoyed the sunset overlooking the rugged volcanic coastline. Just before it was dark, were we back to our ancestral place of refuge.



Suddenly film stars :-)

The last two days have been very busy for us. Because prior to the “Camera stand” We know that is no. Now he is ready, der erste Film mit uns Beiden in der Hauptrolle 🙂

Well, Maybe that was now somewhat exaggerated, denn eigentlich hatten wir von den Dreharbeiten ja fast gar nichts mitbekommen 🙂 Wir hatten zwei spannende Tauchgänge in den letzten beiden Tage unternommen. Ester was our dive guide, were we accompanied by Marco for fun, It was finally time to try out his new video equipment.


We are of course very pleased to the successful film, mit dem wir jetzt überall angeben können 🙂 Nach dieser schönen Überraschung hatte Dietmar dann auch ganz schnell die schmerzhaft stechenden Zusammenstöße mit gleich drei (!) During the today's dive forget sea urchins. Fortunately the injuries were limited thanks to 7 mm neoprene. We counted only 12 Spines, die den Weg in seinen Oberschenkel geschafft hatten 🙂

Here in the far east of Madeira, some of the particularly interesting dive sites are something from the coast away. So it takes really quiet weather conditions, where to dive. Besonders Strömungen machen das Tauchen dort zu einer Herausforderung 🙂 Da landet man manchmal schon woanders, than one that just had calculated. Und es kann dann auch schon mal zu spontanen Begegnungen mit stacheligen Hindernissen kommen 🙂


Our first, lazy weekend in Madeira

As planned, we reached the Marina Quinta do Lorde at noon to 2: 00. The wind has 12 Miles to go yet once firmly up on 28 Node set to and filmed on South. So we ran into the top nine-node above ground. A sweeping conclusion of our trip, Although we gladly would have driven our Anlegemanöver with slightly less wind.

The Marinero unerringly directed us to exactly the place of refuge, that we have had already held in October. Was für ein Zufall 🙂 bei 270 Moorings in the Marina. Just like last year we are in the area, the shaft running through the Harbour entrance and had our SUMMER in place as usual with six lines and additional shock absorbers.

But now it was time for lunch. Even today in celebration of the day in the Marina's restaurant. On the way there we passed directly from Esther and Marco Azul diving. We announced we long before us and the joy of reunion was great. So everything since our departure late last year was what, were we discussing a common Cup of coffee. In the last six months, they had a new “Assistant” can named Thai win for the diving center. The hairy Gesellin should take care of sometime during their training the four-legged customers. The young lady was of course also with the bar and kept us there powerful on their toes. She managed to carry it namely time and again their toys in the water, which we then alternately “Save” had. Eine geschäftstüchtige Mitarbeiterin also 🙂


In the last three days, we faulenzten extensively in the Marina. This idleness was interrupted only by two dives, a nice invitation to dinner at ester and Marco and clean-up actions on the boat. Also we took the website back on stand and I answered mails, that had remained unanswered again once too long.


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On Sunday afternoon, we saw past sailing the SY SOUTHERN CROSS at the Marina. We followed her on foot through the mountains and saw, as she lay in the next Bay anchor. On Monday, she will continue sailing to Porto Santo, bevor sie dann endgültig in Richtung Mittelmeer nach Mallorca verschwindet 🙂
