All posts by Katja Henke

About Katja Henke


On to Faial – the island of births

Der Abschied von Santa Maria fiel uns an diesem Morgen wirklich leicht 🙂 Ein Blick zurück auf die dunklen Regenwolken ließ uns schnell die Segel setzen und das Weite suchen 🙂



No wonder, that the Azores are so green and lush vegetation, of rainfall it here doesn't seem to lack :-). But mostly, the haunting is faster over as intended and sunshine follows rain in General.

Nearly two hundred nautical miles lay before us, but the conditions were much more friendly than on our last blow of Madeira the Azores. So seasickness was not an issue this time, and the time just flew by in the flight with reading, Plan, Cook, Washing and sleeping. Twice, some dolphins visited our SUMMER. Das ist ja immer wieder eine gelungene Abwechslung und ein schönes Highlight 🙂


In the course of Friday was the island of Pico, in sight and we followed their coast further West. The Pico Vulkan but hid all the time in the clouds. Let's see, When we would get him to face.



With butterfly sails, we were still a good trip despite decreasing wind. Aber ungefähr zehn Seemeilen vor unserem Ziel schlief der Wind endgültig ein 🙁 und wir mussten die Maschine starten. The Atlantic long flat before us like a duck pond. Repeatedly pushed so-called “Portugiesische Galeeren vorbei 🙂 Vom Boot aus sind sie wirklich schön anzuschauen. In diving, we would but better meet none of them because their long nettles enormously burn and hurt if they touch the skin.


Also a small shield Köte crossed our way, so we turned a lap of honor shortly before our arrival, extensively to marvel at the beautiful.



Faial zeigte sich auf den ersten Blick ähnlich einladend wie Santa Maria 🙂



But we did not deter us from the rain clouds and reached the port of Horta around eight o'clock. Here was really something going on. Boats from all over the world where the eye looked. First we pegged our SUMMER at the reception bar. The harbour master showed us a place in the “Packet” with other yachts on the harbour wall to, but we were able to convince him to give us permission, to go into the dock at anchor.


Now we can enjoy the heavenly peace and beautiful views of the Marina. Morning, If we have rested, werden wir das Dinghi klar machen und dann den ersten Inselausflug wagen 🙂


Yet again on the go

We spent the whole Tuesday with planning the next stages of our journey. With reasonable Internet access here, we also once again all necessary updates on computer and, Play charts and our navigation. Also we were looking for a suitable dive base for our Azores underwater adventure. Then stood down at the end of the afternoon, We continue sailing on Thursday to Horta on Faial. This was so our originally planned first stop in the Azores. We will visit Santa Maria until end of June again, around here to dive. End of may the diving season had begun here anyway still do not really. Da sind wir wohl etwas zu früh aufgetaucht 🙂

For the evening we had our Swedish neighbours by and invited Kateryna by the SY SCARLET on a glass of wine on the SUMMER. Arrived on Monday morning shortly before us and were only removed a box from us. Already during daytime we had understood well and many similarities (as for example, the given name :-)) discovered.


Since you Yes special guests always something very special to offer, We had one 19 Selected years of old Bordeaux. This turned out to be opening as pretty unwilling. He almost 20 Years old corks had removed only in very small crumbs, and it took a while, bis wir zum eigentlichen Flascheninhalt vorgedrungen waren 🙂

Did that but the funny round no demolition and after the wine the Lords on a tamperproof rose drinks with screw cap, the Poncha resurrected on Madeira (Mix drink made of rum with fruit juice). Auch der Korken einer weiteren Flasche Madeirawein stellte sich nicht quer 🙂 und so saßen auch die Damen nicht auf dem Trockenen :-). Around 1 pm we finished the fun round with the fixed plan, the experience sure to repeat.

According to late and tedious the Wednesday morning started. Erstaunlicherweise sind wir aber trotz der interessanten Mischung von weiteren Kopfschmerzen verschont geblieben 🙂 So bereiteten wir unseren nächsten Segeltag vor, baked bread and some dishes cooked in. In the afternoon we met Steffen Wahoo diving, the dive center of Santa Maria of our choice. The personal impression in nothing was the good impression of the website. We are looking forward to end of June, wenn wir wieder auf Santa Maria sein werden und viele interessante Tauchgänge unternehmen werden 🙂

How many times longer shocks tonight remained cold the kitchen on the buzzer. Instead we went with via and Kateryna again to Vila do Porto and tried the restaurant recommended by the harbour-master. Wie so oft ein guter Tipp 🙂



In the there was another one in the port of Marina “Farewell pina colada” on the SY SCARLET. About eleven o'clock, we had to finish the evening but unfortunately already. Tomorrow morning at seven the alarm would ring relentlessly. To arrive on Friday in the light at Faial, must we punctually throw off the lines at eight.


Aber in gut zwei Wochen werden wir uns auf Terceira wieder treffen 🙂 und darauf freuen wir uns jetzt schon.


First impressions from another world

Knapp 1400 The Azores are located west of the Portuguese coast in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. To the West you have only more 4200 Kilometres, to reach the American coast. The island group was, It consists of nine larger and inhabited islands as well as several small, early on for the sailors from all over the world a popular and strategically important point. In the second world war the American on their way were refueled here once again to Europe and back in the United States long-range bombers. Thus, the Azores also from a military point of view were a very valuable base.

After we after arriving only once with a regular white sausage breakfast had strengthened us and then have allowed a relaxed sleep break us, We went to a first exploration tour.

We are on Santa Maria, the easternmost island of the Azores,landed. It has an area of 97 Square kilometres and is inhabited by only five and a half thousand people.

The harbour is protected from wind and waves very well maintained and well. Hier werden wir sicher gut und sicher schlafen können 🙂 Es waren noch viele Liegeplätze frei und mehrere Yachten stehen noch im Winterlager an Land. Apparently the Azores sailing season here has not really started.


The landscape around the harbour is unusually green and lush vegetation for us :-). The largest city of the island is located directly above the Harbour: Vila do Porto. Let's see, was die so zu bieten hat 🙂 Einen kurzen Fußmarsch später befanden wir uns auch schon im Zentrum.



There are a lot of churches in any case, but also the physical well-being is extensively provided. Several restaurants and bars, and two well stocked supermarkets were open no wishes.

Just outside of the town it was again amidst the impressive nature. Here you can walk safely wonderfully. Before we would have to talk a first word but again with the weather God. Denn im Regen ist das ja nicht so lustig 🙂



Back in the Marina, we thought not to trust our eyes. Of course had been reported by the abundance of fish of Azores us :-), but that the rays in the Harbour off the Jetty were, hatten wir nicht erwartet 🙂 Jetzt freuen wir uns natürlich ganz besonders auf die hier geplanten Tauchausflüge.





Three days and 19 Hours – a review of

On the day of our departure, I promised more, You also go out to keep abreast. Aber auf dieser Tour ist mir mal wieder die Seekrankheit dazwischen gekommen 🙁 So wurde nichts aus dem geplanten Blog-Schreiben. Also all the tasty things, I shopped and prepared had, gingen zum größten Teil in Dietmars Magen 🙂 Mein Motto dieser Überfahrt: Mit der Segel-Diät zur Traumfigur 🙂

But now even from the outset. Donnerstagmittag we left the Marina Quinta do Lorde on time and sailed towards the East of Madeira. When we had left the country coverage behind us, showed diagonally from front of the Atlantic Ocean from its harsh side with a three-meter wave. The trendy north-easterly wind was distracted unfortunately in the wind shadow of Porto Santo in the North and we had to past fight us hard up against the wind on the north side of Madeira.

Again and again, the waves from the course pushed us and “Otto”, our reliable autopilot, headed firmly against. This led to a stodgy swing course, He hit me on the stomach :-(. But that was not all yet. Repeatedly contradicted the ship motion of wave motion and our SUMMER was braked hard or suddenly hung with the bow in the air. The partly strong wind gusts were repeatedly changing slopes. Our roller coaster ride was perfect.

The noise in the ship was impressive. Actually, everything was well protected, but all sorted out our SUMMER again. Auch unser Schutzengel wurde kräftig durchgeschüttelt 🙂

We ran only with jib and 30 % the Großsegeln evenly between five and seven knots. After we had left behind us Madeira, could we leave the feathering position up to the easternmost-Santa Maria of island in the Azores. So everything good was actually, If only that “Waves games” and “Right-left role” not so hard would be. You could move a step, no hold themselves with at least one hand somewhere properly. The deck was flooded with sea water every few minutes vigorously. We had made us long time below deck comfortable and pleased about it, that man with a deck saloon yacht by inside everything well in sight has.

So Dietmar had to take back the entire service on this tour, while I had made comfortable me in my favorite corner in the living room. Im Essen aufwärmen ist mein Kapitän schon nicht mehr zu schlagen 🙂 und meistens bin ich ja auch nach zwei bis drei Tagen wieder fit.

On Sunday evening we decided together, not yet 200 To sail nautical miles further up to Faial, but to start the first possible island: Santa Maria. Not in the morning to three in the dark there at the port to arrive, We further reduced the sail area and wandered with four to five knots our goal contrary to. On Monday morning at eight o'clock, we are then 517 Nautical miles finally arrived :-).



Vital signs SY SUMMER

Hello landlubbers,

only a brief sign of life from the windy Atlantic. We have the first 270 NM is put behind us and are now at 35 ° 01′ North and 020 ° 42′ West on the way to Faial. Katja has caught it once again temporarily, but not as bad as usual. It's been exhausting, Day and night on the wind to sail. Under jib and large all the time with 30% at 18-24 Knots of wind from No. at average 6,2 Knot speed. We still have 430 NM us. The ship is dry and the technology works. We are sure, that we are rewarded for the long way through the beauty of the Azores. Now sign off and wish you a nice weekend:-)

See you soon!

On the Azores

Verhungern werden wir in den nächsten Tage sicher nicht 🙂 Gestern haben wir noch ordentlich Obst, Bought vegetables and other goodies. Now everything is safely stowed away for the passage in the lockers.

I cooked for even security holder for the first days at sea, Since I my Yes “Command” at the beginning of a windy crossing, still a little suspicious to stand :-). And of course it sticks “Seasickness patches” even behind my ear. Then I should probably go wrong.


Just you so go to the Azores. The weather forecast looks great and we hope for a quick and pleasant crossing without special “Adventure”. We are of course to keep you on the Internet page with the position reports and short blogs. Unfortunately as always without “AE,OE,ü and ß” , Since the letter via radio not transfer. We hope, Ihr habt trotzdem Euren Spaß 🙂

Welcome back to Madeira

The time is in Germany as always “as in flight” past and today it went already back with airberlin from Düsseldorf to Madeira, back to our SUMMER. Eine Woche hat sie es ohne uns aushalten müssen 🙁 und das sah man ihr auch an. Apparently moved in the last week a small sandstorm on Madeira and had covered everything with a dark brown sand layer. The Calima from the Sahara across the Atlantic has transported the sand up to Madeira. For better adhesion, probably even a little rain in the game has been, as much, that the sand could perfectly set on all white and polished surfaces.

Before Dietmar first went under deck, missed he first an extensive wash his SUMMER, while I took out the two large travel bags below deck. As always we had tried, Luggage on the amount of 23 Pounds to exploit. 22,5 Kilo has brought our a travel bag on the scale :-). The other bag was but just too small for such amounts. In the two kilos had fresh strawberries my backpack and 2 Pounds asparagus found place. Die Gepäckkontrolle hatte sicher beim Durchleutchen unserer Taschen kräftig den Kopf geschüttelt 🙂

We had decided already in Germany, to break up as soon as possible in the direction of the Azores. And the weather promises to be perfect for the trip. Still, stable, the wind blows from North-East and a change is not in sight. Morgen werden wir die Einkäufe erledigen und Donnerstag gegen Mittag wollen wir uns auf den Weg machen 🙂



Azores weather :-(

Since we are in Madeira, We watch the weather, because the next blow to the Azores is almost with 700 Nautical miles long.

A low pressure area after another passed in the last few weeks on the Azores and brought much wind or even storm or hurricane and unpleasant high waves. For us it was clear anyway, that we go could sail only after our return from Germany, aber bisher hätte sich für uns auch kein akzeptable Wetterfenster gezeigt 🙂


To the Declaration of a weather map:

We would like from the Green marking needle (bottom right of the picture) to the Red (top left of the image) sailing (black line). The colors in the map represent the wind at a given time. From blue, green up down to the orange/red, increasing the wind. The numbers right indicate the wind gusting beside the small weather icons in the cards and the arrows the wind direction. The number of the small weather icon specifies the wave height.

So we had this day very nice strong ( up to 47 Node) Get wind on the nose. Das will ja nun wirklich niemand 🙂

Aber ab heute war es das 🙁 Fünf Tage optimale Bedingungen, Wind between 10 and 20 Nodes from the right direction and barely wave. Did you do that now?


Tonight we are sitting on the plane to Germany. The weather we might move a good week?

Travel arrangements

When it comes to Germany, needs to be done before much. Not only, that the packages already stacked with my parents, We have ordered in advance on the Internet, travel always useless things, you are just too good to throw away or give, back to back. It is always a good opportunity, mal ganz gründlich klar Schiff zu machen 🙂

On the other hand, you want even people, meet you again after a long time, etwas mitbringen 🙂 Madeira hat ja mit dem Madeirawein und verschiedenen anderen Leckereien viele Möglichkeiten, others to make an unusual joy.


Since shopping (with a few exceptions, in General four wheels or a hull have) not so Dietmar thing is, I went to Funchal today afternoon alone. After my last purchase in the market Hall, I was on the hat. Here I would all get, what I wanted to do with, but would also match the price or would I annoy me again?

Arrived in the city the huge cross ship in the Harbour was just me. Today, hustle and bustle was right here. So I was not the only victim least and could look around the market stalls at rest.

After my last shopping experience, I took a stroll through the market first, to compare the prices. All goods are actually awarded, but many signs are draped beautifully between the goods, that you can not read the price. Oder die Schrift ist extra klein und undeutlich 🙂 Die Preisspannen waren wirklich beeindruckend. You could pay between one and ten euros for a kilo of Annona. And so it was not, that the expensive ones had the better quality and vice versa. So I bought two large Annona and had to shell out for a euro, also I took a kilo of passion fruit bananas for scarce three euro. I was allowed to choose even myself that, so that migrated only beautiful fruits in my bag . So shopping was fun.


So I can each, He's coming to Madeira and to Funchal, highly recommend the market Hall, denn mit offenen Augen hat man hier unglaublich viel Auswahl und super Qualität auch zu vernünftigen Preisen 🙂

After two hours, I had done all purchases and drove back to the port. Packing tomorrow still enough time is. Tonight, emails are written again diligently, the blog updates and the newsletter sent. A good feeling, If everything is on stand, before it disappears. Tomorrow in the morning we're still together beautiful clean boat, the last wash and just in time to 17 Our plane in the direction of Düsseldorf will take off and watch.






Tired of diving and nature

Two days full of underwater adventures lay ahead. Yesterday, we both had made the theory test for the Nitrox certificate and passed :-). Today we were able to try out the first time the benefits of Nitrox in practice.

For all non-divers, but first a little explanation, What is Nitrox at all. All gas mixes called Nitrox, the higher oxygen content (>21%) as air have. If it appears, Is there (as almost always) Before- and disadvantages, that you must know and observe. For example you can longer time at depths between 20 and 30 Diving m, und genau das wollten wir heute machen 🙂

About nine o'clock we sailed towards to Lighthouse and today, the dive site presented flow free and clear from its most beautiful side of the underwater :-). Thus, Dietmar had optimal conditions for photography. And that is swimming about the way to us:

A large bear cancer

I was in the middle of a swarm of Sadinen

A green Anemone
Hovering over a rays

The “Blue-eyed” Hermit crab eyed us critically

A cleaning shrimp

Now we feel both of us under water poodle at home, Since then sometimes some mischief is announced. Die nächsten gestellten Fotos werden wir aber doch etwas dekorativer gestalten 🙂


Also the second dive this Friday has been impressive and relaxed. Even if it costs every time much overcome after the required surface interval of about an hour back in the wet and cold suit to rise. Especially the moment before you backwards with James Bond role again in the water dips and knows exactly, equal the water running down again freezing the back one…None……brrrrrrr……..not a nice feeling.

In the Marina, but already the warm shower waited and we sat still long time together in the Sun. Tomorrow we want to dive on the coast of the Islas Desertas and of course had to be designed. The Islands are located in a conservation area, that may enter only with prior approval. We got the required release after some phone calls and arranged, morning start at 9: 00 with the boat from the from Marina.

After an hour drive, we reached our first dive in the morning. Before an impressive rock wall with large caves, we went in the water the first time.


Underwater visibility in part was slightly tarnished, Since the last few days was drawn with wind and waves in the North over a violent low. Nevertheless, it was a pleasure again. Only the monk seal, you live here on the island and are on the red list, We have seen neither over nor under water.


There went the dives with the dinghy to a picnic on land. So we also had the opportunity, Trail to see the visitor centre and the small.



On this special day, time passed much too quickly and it was soon time to Madeira to drive back. During the boat trip we were all looking for whales or dolphins, discovered then but something completely different: one “Loggerhead sea turtle”.



Had a little later we Madeira and the Marina Quinta do Lorde again achieved.



Gemeinsam räumten wir noch das Tauchboot leer und entsalzten unsere Sachen mit Frischwasser. Den eigentlich für den späten Abend geplanten Besuch des Zitronenfestes in Santana ersetzten wir durch einen netten Videoabend. Ein weiteres Fest nach einem solchen Tag wäre einfach zu viel des Guten gewesen 😉