All posts by Katja Henke

About Katja Henke


Mirror, Mirror on the wall: Who has the most beautiful cow across the country??

The agricultural exhibition was opened on Friday. Now the island life revolved only around fruit, Vegetables, Cows, Sheep, Tractors and similar things.



While in a marquee, awarded the most beautiful vegetables and were presented to the island's many products, all about the four-legged beauties turned in two other tents. Riders are already sometimes very specifically, with regard to your Favorites. But what we saw, ließ uns doch mit offenem Mund staunen 🙂





Blow-drying, styled, sheared and even painted, Here, all the stops were pulled really. Was funny to see, that stöckelten also the finely dressed ladies with their high heels through the cow tent. Immer schön zwischen den Fladen hindurch 🙂 Der Besuch der Landwirtschaftsausstellung gehört wohl mit zu den wichtigen kulturellen Ereignissen auf der Insel 🙂 Aber nicht nur Kuhliebhaber kamen auf Ihre Kosten, also for the riders heart there to see something here.



And there was something also for PS fans. Dietmar dreamed off immediately once again by a Lamborghini. Finally Ferruccio Lamborghini has built tractors before he was in dispute with Enzo Ferrari and then decided, his own legendary cars (Bulls) to produce under his sonorous names. Today, Dietmar dreams to make them even a tractor in the garage. Stiere unter sich 🙂


So spent two days at the exhibition or in the city and the surrounding area. Meistens waren wir mit Katya und Per unterwegs und es gab immer viel zu lachen 🙂


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From the vantage point directly above the Harbour, you had wonderful views of the city and the surrounding area. The rise in any case was worth.

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Auch die SCARLET an Land hatte man voll im Blick 🙂

On Saturday evening we met the crew of SY TAMARIN to the dinner, before Louis and Annick again back would sail to France in Brittany. On Tenerife, we had spent a fun time together. Tomorrow morning the two with the support of more experienced sailors will participate the long journey to France. It will probably take at least ten days, until for the TAMARIN again land in sight. For them, it will be the longest strike of their previous life of sailors. So they were in the meantime also repeatedly immersed in thoughts :-), What we could understand well. The dinner in the restaurant on the waterfront was still a fun farewell, bis wir uns vielleicht irgendwann in der schönen Bretagne oder sonstwo wieder sehen 🙂


The SCARLET on the move

By Katya must fly next week Tuesday, unfortunately back to Sweden and wanted to go before their SCARLET in Praia because make Victoria land.

Today, crane appointment was so :-). A day which skipper hearts, but unfortunately not in a good way.


Since we were the next morning with part of the game and were the two with good advice. The Marina but had a such a good and experienced team, that required no helping hands. So hielt ich die ganze Aktion eben nur in Bilder fest 🙂 Das mache ich ja sowieso am liebsten.



The travel lift was in good condition, and performed his work without problems.



An hour later the SCARLET had arrived at their country parking. Here she would the next three months is certainly on per and Katya wait, until she in September again in the old antique water back must.


We left the two, to undertake a first gear in the city and to buy the joint dinner. Praia because Victoria was preparing on the Azorean agriculture fair. Around the Marina, tents were set up on all the free places and food stalls lined our path.


The city centre was tidy and pretty like almost everywhere on the Azores. We followed a small pedestrian zone and came directly to the open market Hall. Dietmar fully packed with fruits and vegetables ever returned to the SUMMER, while I on the search after the supermarket made me. I circled it slowly in the next twenty minutes :-(. This time my sense of direction had meant it not so good with me.

At least five minutes before our guests I was with my purchases back to the SUMMER. But that was no problem all. Together, Katya and I prepared dinner. To work together on our boat in the pantry, is really a challenge. Alone, I have often enough and need more time, Dinge von rechts nach links zu räumen als für die eigentliche Essenszubereitung 🙂

Today it was but just. There was even caught tuna delicious salad and dessert fruits. Das war recht einfach zu koordinieren 🙂 Weil wir uns nicht sicher gewesen waren, whether the tuna for four people would be enough, had I purchased another fish in the supermarket. I had chosen a medium-sized Barracuda. Why of all people a Barracuda ? The reason for this was really easy. It was the only fish, the I (except for salmon) at the big fish counter also knew :-). Tuna was no longer on sale.

As almost always sure turned out, that the tuna would have been loose enough for four people. Meistens hat man ja eher zu viel zu Essen als zu wenig 🙂 So blieb der Barracuda im Kühlschrank für den Samstagabend 🙂 und war ein guter Grund für ein weiteres lustiges Abendessen miteinander. Die kurze Zeit bis zur Abreise am Dienstag wollten wir so gut es geht auskosten 🙂



Reunion with the SY SCARLET

All night rain drummed on our hatches and the SUMMER rocking leisurely back and forth. Perhaps it was due but also on the extensive rum- and wine tasting last night. Wer weiß das schon so ganz genau 🙂

The next morning we had invited Hans to farewell breakfast. Traditionally there should be white sausage with sweet mustard with us :-). We have still a large stock of white sausage in the box on board, um uns uns diese bayrische Spezialität mindesten alle zwei Wochen gönnen zu können 🙂 Auch der originale Händlmaier Senf ist an Bord. After the North German goodies yesterday, We wanted to share this with him.

After breakfast it was said but once again say goodbye. You could safely delete this part of Cruiser life our opinion. Aber mich hat ja mal wieder niemand gefragt 🙁

The last day in Velas we used again to the laundry wash. The frequent showers was dry but a rather desperate and sports undertaking. Again and again the same game: Out on the deck, Hang laundry, 10 Wait minutes, Wäsche wieder abhängen 🙂 Auch eine Art sportlicher Betätigung.

In the evening, everything was then finally more or less dry and the SUMMER was ready to go. Even the rain had relented and gave us even a beautiful sunset overlooking the Pico.

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Unfortunately, the cloud cover was the next morning to on a few small holes closed again. About nine o'clock we were back at sea on the way. Josef, the harbour master, has made even a photo of us leaving the Harbour. Since I had previously even dutifully paid, was I sure, dass wir uns aber nicht auf einem Fahndungsplakat wiederfinden würden 🙂


Contrary to the weather forecast we could still wonderfully sailing along the coast of Sao Jorge. Unfortunately the pleasure was all but over, After we left the country coverage. And to cross Victoria diligently to Praia da , were we away just too late. Already, it was clear, that we would reach the Marina until just before dark.

On the way we passed large swarms of Yellow-billed storm divers. The birds are Yes during the day at sea on the way.



At night but come ashore to their caves and nests in the cliffs and always again inspire us by their bizarre song. Den wollen wir Euch natürlich nicht vorenthalten 🙂

The weather was in the meantime quite uncomfortable, but we passed the large rain clouds usually by a wide margin of safety.


The whole trip over we moved even the artificial Octopus on our fishing in our wake behind here. But today something was different than usual probably, in the late afternoon, the sound of a vibrating brake was to hear the sounds finally, When a fish takes a lot line of the role. Dietmar was immediately to the site and we took the drive out of the boat. Then was cranked right. Some time later he was safely on board: unser erster Thunfisch 🙂 in optimaler 2-Personen-Größe. Short and painless it was expertly “around the corner” und wanderte fertig ausgenommen in den Kühlschrank 🙂



A short time later Terceira appeared under a thick layer of cloud. The port PAIA because Victoria was unfortunately on the north eastern side controlled by us. So it took a good three hours, until we finally arrived in the dock. Along the entire East Coast had us through a high Atlantic swell yet even vigorously shaken. So we were especially glad, that by & Katya by the SY SCARLET already conspicuously with an even-painted sign at the reception bar waited on us. Two hours ago we were informed by SMS, that already have a bottle of wine in the fridge was waiting for us. Was für ein wunderbarer Empfang 🙂 Wenig später machten wir dort fest. There was unfortunately no space in the port itself, so we had to stay out there just.

I needed something to eat before the promised wine :-), otherwise, the evening would end early and evil :-). After a long day of sailing with plenty of fresh air is actually getting hungry. So I suggested, that we would have still a trifle on the SUMMER food, before we would move on the SCARLET. But it doesn't seem there was question. We should come, die Beiden würden etwas für uns Zaubern 🙂 Da ließen wir uns nicht lange bitten und wenig später wurden wir fürstlich bewirtet. Melon & Ham and shrimp for the appetizer, followed by pork tenderloin grilled and baked potatoes. Danach war nicht mal mehr Platz für einen Nachtisch 🙂

On the question of: “Where are your plates?”, We got the answer: ” We're actually not hungry, that's all just for you!” We were speechless and overwhelmed. Is to be received, wie nach Hause zu kommen 🙂

Together we emptied the bottle of red wine and fell then tired to bed.



All cheese :-)

Last night had run in the dark even a sailing boat in the Marina of Velas and this morning we met also the skipper Hans from the SY snowball from Lübeck. It was likable right off the bat and we quickly got to talking. Spontaneously we decided, heute zusammen mit unserem Auto auf Erkundungstour zu gehen 🙂

We had decided yesterday, our “Accident victims” against a less-damaged car Exchange. This was also possible and about ten o'clock we made diesel on the way our three in asthmatic wheezing Opel Corsa to the southern tip of the island.

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The weather was hold us and the drive passed quickly in the air. Hans has been traveling SNOWBALL with its already on unusual and appropriate to the ship's name routes such as Greenland and Iceland. Maybe this is ever interesting for us, but once it comes for us at the end of the year in the warm Caribbean.


In the East of the island lies the town of Topo, in which the eponymous cheese is made. A guided tour of the factory was long on our wish list and here you could do it completely without any problems. Zuerst mussten wir uns aber ordentlich in Schutzkleidung verpacken 🙂


Then, it was already in production, where in huge containers the “Dick laying” the milk will take place.


The secluded cheese in forms is then filled and squeezed out.


The Käselaiber are then (between 10 and 12 Kilo heavy) mounted to the wheel. While they are used every day. Ganz schön schwer 🙂 so ein Käse. If you must turn all every day, braucht man nicht mehr ins Fitnessstudio zu gehen 🙂


After a brief detour to the sea, we made our lunch break in a rather nondescript bar. We all took that “Prato do dia” (Dish of the day), that tasted just fine and us along with soup beforehand and drinks a hefty bill of 23 € for three people gave. Einfach unschlagbar 🙂


Afterwards, we visited yet, the north side of the island, more specifically the PAIA, die mir Dietmar gestern unterschlagen hatte 🙂 Mit ihrer großen Lagune war sie auch besonders schön.



We come down then proceeded on foot. A narrow path led directly across the lagoon to the water. It was all full of water birds, they left here, the shrimp taste, they were in the right flat lagoon in large quantities.




Back in the village we drank more coffee in the single become quite crowded coffee. Here far from this tiny village there was for me a delicious latte macchiato as in Germany. Ein wunderbarer Genuss nach dem üblichen starken portugiesischen Kaffee 🙂


On the way back through the Highlands was nothing more unfortunately to see the beautiful views of the island of Pico. Ehrlich gesagt war fast überhaupt nichts mehr zu sehen 🙂 und es regnete kräftig und ausdauernd.


So we finished our tour and followed the invitation by Hans on his SNOWBALL. Tea and grog, there was a cozy evening. In addition to the original German almond Croissant and Lübecker Marzipan, we tried different ports and rum varieties. The sailing life is really leg hard and exhausting… 🙂




Again a disaster car…..but something like that Yes can't stop us

Punctually at nine o'clock we stood in front of the Office of the car rental, to our pick yesterday reserved car rental. The door was open, but no one was there….. Below arrived at the port just the ferry from Pico, Perhaps that explained the absence of. Since we had suspected right, because shortly thereafter the employee showed up with another customer in tow in the shop. Then it could yes go.

Pleased we took a VW key and resulted in a Black Polo. He saw even (im Verhältnis 🙂 zu den letzten Mietwagen) almost like a car from. Only Dietmar was not fooled by appearances. Somehow the car looked freshly painted and it was clearly one “azorische” Quality painting. Dietmar suspected a full wrap extremely sullen complete with rollover :-). The seal of the windshield consisted of differently sized and smaller bows. It's also no longer the original.

On request, the friendly staffer told us then, that the car “probably” would have had an accident. But everything would be good again. Well, wir würden sehen 🙂

So we let first towards the North-Western tip of the island. Here, there should be an abandoned lighthouse.

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On the way across a gravel road was US warmer and warmer. Kinda amazing, It was not so hot outside and the heating system was not turned on. So I turned the fan on strongly times. Us instead of cold air swirled glass and lots of dirt around the ears. Das war wohl doch ein größerer Unfall gewesen 🙂 Damit war auch erklärt, why the entire headliner was so extensively laid in folds. So the roof was also already once vigorously pressed. In the end we then resorted to the simple cooling ability through open Windows and tried, to be as nice to the poor Polo. In his short life of road (No 6000 Kilometer) was it, as already by Dietmar suspected, wohl übel mitgespielt worden 🙁

The lighthouse was until the earthquake 1980 in operation. He was then abandoned due to the heavy damage. Since then the entire system will be forfeited and it is officially not allowed to enter, obwohl sie eigentlich in jedem Reiseführer erwähnt wird 🙂 Die Steilküste fällt gute 300 Impressive views offered meters off and us.


Not far away lies a beautiful forest park and picnic area. So during the week he was but deserted.


Here we met the first dangerous wild animals, denen sich Dietmar ganz vorsichtig näherte 🙂 Und natürlich wurde alles ausführlich für die Nachwelt dokumentiert.


Above the island was populated more by cows, are here on the lush meadows. Zum Wasser ging es an allen Seiten steil hinunter 🙂


These cliffs were repeatedly by small headlands (so-called PAIAs) interrupted. There are also the most villages on the island right on the water.


Still, we encountered far more cows than people. Ist ja auch mal nicht verkehrt 🙂



Apparently the animals by post delivered, passen aber nicht besonders gut in den Briefkasten 🙂


Twice we passed a village, probably the village Saint was celebrated in the. Held a procession to the Church to make this solemn and appealing, that we have missed but always so far. The processional is decorated with arched doorways and flower pictures on the road.


Eventually had enough of the PAIAs Dietmar and we decided, Lunch break to make. It was already after 3: 00. Again we were thus looking for a rousing confidence restaurant and as always it was easy. But we were looking for in Calehetas. If the car park of restaurants with local cars is well filled, is it always a good sign. So we dined again good and cheap: Thunfisch und Rindfleisch im Tontopf gegart 🙂 Auch die Auswahl an Nachspeisen war wirklich nicht zu verachten. Because we could both sweet tooth also like always not otherwise “No” say.


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After dinner, a digestive stroll through the small town offered to. In the early evening, we parked our disaster car again at the port. Tired and satisfied we were comfortable it on the SUMMER. Morgen war ja auch noch ein Tag für eine Beschwerde wegen dem Glashagel und der Permanentheizung 🙂


Welcome to the island of cheese

Since we have last night executes, did you say, that we would have to leave the port of Horta at the latest morning at eight o'clock. Also klingelte der Wecker schon um sieben 🙁 Der Morgen war regnerisch und wir noch nicht richtig motiviert, but the way to Velas on the island of Sao Jorge was not so far.

When we tried to start the engine, We got only a tired buzz to hear. After a week at anchor, the batteries were probably quite empty. Das sollte eigentlich nicht passieren 🙁 Erfreulicherweise ließ sich aber wenigsten der Generator starten und nach fünf Minuten hatten wir die Batterien so weit geladen, that the engine again jumped on. Am Thema Energiemanagement müssen wir bis zur Karibik noch etwas arbeiten 🙂 Solche Pannen sollten einem nur einmal passieren 🙂

Directly after the entrance of the port could we set sail and made with half wind wonderful ride. Because we forgot quickly cloudy weather. But between the islands of Pico and Sao Jorge, the pleasure of sailing was already over, because the wind was so distracted by the Islands, he blew us from the front on the nose.


We liked the new island by sea. Fast 40 Kilometres long, but never wider than seven kilometres is it from 300 (!!!) each, small volcanic cones. From a distance we could see the lush and green meadows, the by 25.000 to 30.000 Dairy cows are populated. Come on each island's inhabitants (9000) statistisch fast drei Kühe 🙂 Hier auf der Insel wird der bekannte “São Jorge” Cheese produced, We have the in Portugal and appreciate on Faial have learned.


The port was small and cozy. Picturesque steep front of the, Green rock face he was well protected at the edge of the island capital of Velas. We had called yesterday, us to secure a berth in the Marina. So we were comfortably alongside directly behind the outer breakwater. The entire system is well maintained. Showers and sanitary facilities are like new and also the two washing machines can be seen. Since we could not resist, our clothes again without regard to water consumption (:-)) to wash ashore. Then tomorrow we would tackle this task.

While Dietmar einklarierte us, I cooked ever something tasty for lunch. The harbour master was just as nice and helpful, How did yesterday on the phone. The police also, She looked later on the SUMMER past, bid farewell with the words: If we had any questions or requests, could we always like to look at them. So viel Herzlichkeit und Hilfsbereitschaft 🙂 Da kommt man gern an!


After dinner, we started the exploration tour in the city. Small, well maintained and well manageable Velas lies at the foot of the Green volcanic crater. Supermarket, Car rental companies and of course many other shops were easy to find and really well sorted (for a small island)




Saturday night, a Festival should take place in the city. Already the harbour master had told us about this. We found the location of the event ever in any case. Because we wanted to look tomorrow evening most definitely times past.

After a refreshing Panaché (Portuguese for cyclists :-)) in a rustic bar with local, passionate card players we did welcoming us with a video on the buzzer.

Saturday was the big laundry day as planned :-). Around noon, our SUMMER once again looked like a luxury wash stand. All three machines laundry hung everywhere on the ship. Now the wind and the Sun had to dry only. The weather forecast was actually also quite reasonably priced.

Around eight o'clock we had thrown both of us properly in shell and willing, Village life to shake up. We had not yet left the port, as the first profitable showers drove us back to the SUMMER. Therefore we wanted to wait rather, denn so lange konnte der Schauer ja nicht dauern 🙂

Slightly annoyed, I watched as my almost-dry laundry was getting wetter and wet. That would have been really unnecessary now. I found them before actually clean enough.

Nach über einer Stunde hatte es sich eingeregnet 🙁 Das würde wohl nichts mehr mit der Fiesta :-(. Whenever we thought just to get out of the boat, immediately picked up the wind and the diminishing rain was back to his best. Then it should be probably. The next Festival is determined. Sure!

No planning without weather forecast

If you anchor, do you have always the weather forecast in the eye. We had let the last few days something grind. So we stood on Thursday morning to five o'clock almost perpendicular in bed as the wind with almost 25 Node through the port was blowing and the waves unpleasantly loud applauded the Tailboard, our SUMMER.

After we had assured us, that the anchor kept us safe at our location, We filed yesterday a second round of sleep with ear plugs after the tiring ride.

Nach dem Frühstück war dann Hafenkino angesagt 🙂 Gleich als erstes kam ein großer Containerfrachter mit Lotse in den Hafen.


Fear and worry was the poor little anchor trailer and he took the escape. Maybe even better, You should be as “Crumb” not with the “Cake” anlegen 🙂


Throughout the day were more than 25 Boats and catamarans here in Horta and in the meantime it was like in a Dovecote.


Da musste Platz geschaffen werden 🙂 Und den meisten Platz an der Kaimauer nahm eindeutig der schweizer Dreimaster ein. So out with it! In the side winds, He ruled today, certainly no simple task. But in the second attempt with the help of two “Tractors” entstand eine große Lücke für den dringend benötigten Platz 🙂


Aber nicht lange 🙂



So it was the day quite turbulent, It was never really alone even at anchor and was even in larger, orbiting time in smaller arches.


After all, no one came alongside or drove us one “Bump” in the boat. An den Stegen gab es zwischenzeitlich schon mal leichte Blessuren und Kratzer 🙁

Dietmar made it clear the dinghy in the afternoon and drove ashore. In addition to some little things in the yacht shop he wanted to take care of a car for our trip on the island of Pico. Tomorrow morning we wanted to take the ferry over.

As a precaution, I checked the weather first. Oops, What was that? Uncomfortable much wind was announced for Saturday for the island of Faial. At anchor we wanted not so much experience that after last night, but here in the port, now arguably the last place was occupied. My call in time reached Dietmar, before he had booked the rental car. Sometimes it is simply super, dass ein Besuch im Yachtshop eigentlich immer etwas länger dauert 🙂 So änderten wir spontan unsere Pläne: Tomorrow we continue after Velas on the island of Sao Jorge. Um nicht vor einem besetzen Hafen zu liegen haben wir dann sicherheitshalber noch telefonisch einen Platz für uns reserviert 🙂

Since we have adopted us earlier than planned from Faial and Horta, not even handed it, um uns ordentlich an der Hafenmauer mit einem gemalten Bild zu verewigen 🙁

But my time enough yet for a little trip to the Guia Hill right on the Harbour, While Dietmar took to the formalities of the check out.

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Ein Blick zurück über die ganze Insel Faial 🙂

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Or in the Cadeirinhas :-), the upstream volcanic crater

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Or rather to the neighbouring island of Pico the Green Vulkan.

Actually no matter, everything was beautiful. Back at the port I caught up with Dietmar and we drank a farewell beer at Peters sports bar and enjoyed the views of the Harbour. Here, the entire sailing world met really. Beautiful, das wir auch hier sein durften 🙂


The luck of the Earth…..

What should I wear only???? This typically female question tormented not only me, After we had made the ride in a day for the next day. Auf Reiten waren wir an Bord irgendwie nicht eingestellt 🙂

But the next morning we had found something both, the is “horse riding suitable” felt. If our assessment was right, würde sich dann im Laufe des Tages zeigen 🙂

With the car we drove today tomorrow then more directly directly to the stud by patio. To 9: 30 we would meet our guide Diogo and the other fellow riders Alex. Of the two only best had been reported us. It was after a short briefing on the route then finally, our horses.

With or. on this young lady, I should spend the day today: At “Diana” was the name of the program, a little Princess as she stood in the beech. One of the best "Cruzado Portuguese" Mares of the Azores, cute, reliable and willing.


Also Dietmar would spend the day with a young lady, except here I hope the name would not program. “Devil” described on the Internet as the cool lady, a black beauty without stable airs. That sounded so promising.


The starting point of our day's ride was not of Justice but, but a coupling in the West of the island. Two horses had spent there the last night. So, we invited the two ladies on the trailer behind the Land Rover and drove off. At an intersection somewhere in the nowhere Diogo parked the trailer. On the other side of the road, we could make out two horse heads in the thicket. Die beiden warteten schon ungeduldig auf ihr Frühstück 🙂

After a good portion pellets were cleaned all horses and saddle. After the last declarations, it was then: Upgrade and get rid of. Good, that the “Cruzado Portuguese” not so great are advised. So we both were no more embarrassments in the saddle.

Riding is somehow but as “Cycling”, man verlernt es nicht 🙂 So folgten wir erst einmal der Hauptstraße, What was not a problem with the really safe horses (not for cars, TRUCK or even garbage truck :-)) This gave us a good feeling ever. Unfortunately you never know, how well horses are trained, until you're really on it.


Then it was on to sand- and gravel roads to the sea. Diogo shows us many beautiful corners of the island, die wir ohne ihn wahrscheinlich nie gefunden hätten 🙂 Auch die Trab- and Gallop tracks were well chosen. The horses went forward willingly and diligently, could be kept but also easily again, What is unfortunately not always of course, as we well know from your own experience.

Unfortunately, I got always the dirt in the face as the last rider at the end of the Group. Aber einer muss ja wohl hinten reiten 🙂 Ich unterstelle den Herren mal keinen Vorsatz, was die Einteilung der Reihenfolge angeht 🙂


After three hours I knew slowly no longer, auf welchen Teilen meines Popos ich noch sitzen sollte 🙂 Gut, It was time for the lunch break. From our saddle bags we could conjure up today a decent picnic :-). Our picnic was in the immediate vicinity of the lighthouse, the we had yesterday already visited. So we renounced a repetition of the museum visit and were lazy in the Sun, While there formed Alex Fort. This place is the westernmost point of Europe, by the way. But politically not very correctly Faial is located just on the European continental plate, Meanwhile, Flores and Corvo in the West on the American plate located. The African plate is located in the South of the Azores. All plates are drifting apart to 2, 5 cm per year and the Azores in the Centre are you should urgently complete earthquake insurance for his house. Sounds maybe strange, but is so!

After a one hour rest for riders and horses we continued to the end of the world, more specifically in the village of Norte Pequeno and the bar “FIM do Mundo”.


Here we came up again and have been hosting quite excellent local products. The island of Sao Jorge cheese was very tasty, Fortunately, our next goal is :-. The men enjoyed also the one or the other beer is (but only in very small bottles ;-))




Our horses enjoy the rest. Sunk to the belly in the green stuff, they could appease their hunger finally. Vorhin am Vulkan war für sie nicht wirklich was zu holen gewesen 🙂



After about an hour we reached the crossroads again with the coupling. This time the other two were allowed to go home with horse, Diana and Devil remained all alone in the forest. The two obviously enjoyed their freedom, and after the extensive rolling a few funny buck jumps were in there.

We were not so dynamic. While we helped on the farm away to clear just the gear, were then glad, go back to the Marina. A hot shower and then the weary limbs stretch out, mehr wünschten wir uns heute nicht mehr 🙂

Welcome to another world

After we had spent Monday with all sorts of organizational things, as for example of purchasing a car rentals, could go on Tuesday morning at last.

The anticlockwise, we followed along the road on the South coast up to the Western tip of the island. Here in the years 1957/58 to come by a volcanic eruption of new land to the island's area. The old Lighthouse stands since somewhat lost far away from the coast.

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Over a year later Faial was shaken by earthquakes and volcanic eruptions . Many houses were abandoned at this time, some through the thick clouds of ash spill, some destroyed, others remained undamaged. The fruit- and vineyards, they were in this part of the island, conquered then the natural over the years. But often you can see still wine grapes or banana plants between Laurel trees.

Next to the lighthouse, an old whaling port was, which is now used as a natural swimming pool. In the we would like run up but with the SUMMER. A rock“Teeth” In addition to the next certainly some concerns would have prepared us.

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The entire history of the Azores, and also of the volcanic eruption of 1957 is explained in a very modern and informative Museum right. To disfigure the impressive landscape not by a building, can you find built into the Museum below the lighthouse in the background. Von oben kann man nur noch ein bisschen davon sehen 🙂


The architecture and the design of the Museum is impressive. So it made us really fun, To learn about the Islands.



But then a strengthening was attached. Everywhere on the island, you will find picnic areas. Unfortunately we had nothing for a picnic. Restaurants and bar were not especially well represented, but sometime around 2 P.m. we had found but have a cookies.


The grill was the Caribbean standard more, but the food smells really good. During the very long wait, ran together again the water in the mouth us, wenn wieder andere glückliche Gäste ihr Mittagessen erhielten 🙂 Aber irgendwann hatte die Folter eine Ende und wir waren an der Reihe 🙂


We were sated and happy on the North Coast still a digestive walk. The weather had cleared up now and most of the time the Sun was shining.


Before we headed back to the port, did we organize even a special trip for tomorrow. On the Internet I discovered here a way to ride out on the island of Faial. The website had an idea of good but we wanted to make us a picture of the horses on the ground. Pferdebesitzer sind ja bekanntlich die anstrengendsten und anspruchsvollsten Kunden 🙂 In der Nähe des Restaurants trafen wir auf eine Gruppe von Reitern. With the obtained directions we wandered around awhile in the first, to us Google maps finally pointed the right way.


The Office of patio is located in this red windmill – Trail & Lodge (http://en.patio.PT/index.html). Viktor and Anja, both originally come from Germany, have accumulated here on the island in the past twenty years very special. So we decided, morgen einen Ganztagesausritt in den Westen der Insel zu unternehmen 🙂

We did visit the caldera planned for tomorrow then still on the way back. Slightly cloudy although, but great views. Up here, we were still all alone, before it went back in the lively Harbour.

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In the Harbour, the teams of the local sailing club with the traditional whaling boats for the popular races between the islands of trained. Without keel with the large sail area, you need at least six people, to have enough counterweight, so that the large sail area didn't puts the boat on the side. How small the world is actually was aware, als wir hier wieder auf Viktor von Patio stießen 🙂 Der segelt nämlich regelmäßig mit seinen Freunden in Horta 🙂


Old and new acquaintances

We were just in the right place in Horta :-), to meet old acquaintances again or to get to know about new. Most sailors, who come back from the Caribbean before the start of hurricane season to Europe, a stop in the Azores. We were curious, We probably would meet here which our sailing friends in the next few days.



As a sailor to get to Horta on the island of Faial, is a visit to the famous “Peter's Café sport” mandatory. After our first tour on Saturday morning and the visit to the farmers market, the sailor pub for us was a “must have Lakes” Destination on our route.


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Because no table was more free, We found two seats at the table of an older couple. Quickly you came into the conversation. The two Englishmen David and Ann of the SY RESTING GOOSE were far run around on the world's oceans and had much interesting to tell. It remained not only at a lunch, and we accepted the invitation on a cup of coffee on board the RESTING GOOSE you are welcome to. Was then in the end as it should be for an ordinary English invitation but tea drinking, He adapted very well to the Madeiran honey cake, which we had brought from the SUMMER.


The Board-bar was open from half-past four, because of conversation always still not had gone from us :-). Only after the sun sets behind the horizon had disappeared, were we on the way home. For the first time, we could enjoy the view of the Pico Vulkan this evening, who came behind a thick cloud layer shows. A really pleasant sight.


Ann and David sadly left the next morning Horta, but not without the buzzer to rotate a small farewell lap. On Terceira we're back but soon. Maybe even to a joint regatta on the RESTING GOOSE. Das wäre natürlich eine besondere Herausforderung 🙂


After arrive the boats of the North Atlantic round in the Azores. Are you for one or more seasons in the Caribbean on the way back in the European waters, in the North- or Baltic Sea or in the Mediterranean Sea. So we met SUUTJE on Sunday on the SY MAN, She was on the road with Paul and friends with tight schedule back in the Baltic Sea.

At lunch in the old town we had with greedy “Blackheads and whiteheads” to fight. Die Spatzen hier auf der Insel stehen wohl auf Fast Food 🙂



KHX_2520.jpgAfter a further stroll through the old town, It went shortly after Porto PIM, only a stone's throw away on the South side of the Bay is.

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The crew of one SUUTJE despite the rush still found time for a nice night together in Peter's bar. There we met Frank from the SY TRALAFITI, who had spent several years in the Caribbean. Seine Internetseite werden wir noch ausgiebig studieren 🙂 Schon an dem einen Abend bekamen wir viele hilfreiche Tipps und genossen viele lustige Geschichten aus den Seglerwelt.

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