Yesterday we had seen much, But today we were once again with the car on Terceira on the road. This time together with Katya & By by the SCARLET :-). That would be sure fun.
Our trip began with initial difficulties. On a small country road, we suddenly trapped in a herd of cows and the long line was going to take just no end. Patiently we were waiting by the roadside and were staring incredulously from the passing beef things. When I dared to leave the car, made a very wide arc around us cows. So funny tourists as we seemed to come at them not often over.

Top arrived at the first lookout we noticed, that now a very special fragrance cloud went out of our car. No one steals the now and if we Park it, you would need to follow only his nose, um ihn wieder zu finden 🙂
Our “cow-related” The Azorean clouds had used latency, den vorher wolkenfreien Aussichtspunkt schon mal auf einer Seite in Watte zu verpacken 🙁 Wer will auch schon in beide möglichen Richtungen schauen, wenn die eine schon so schön ist 🙂

The prospect of the sea was again blocked. Azorische Wolken scheinen Fotografen einfach nicht zu mögen 🙁 und bemühen sich, immer vor ihnen den Berggipfel zu erreichen 🙂

Next, we went along the coast. Biscoito was our next destination. Here you could probably beautiful walk in the vineyards and a Weinmuseumes were there . The Azores, museums have closed on Mondays :-(. Go trekking then you? In the middle of the place, we finally found the map of possible paths. Only one thing was missing: Unser Standort 🙂 Da wir uns nicht einigen konnten, which one would be the right direction now, we postpone hiking on a later date and on secure premises. Nicht das wir auf so einer kleinen Insel auch noch verloren gehen würden 🙂
Not far away was a vantage point on the coast. Time for a little photo secession. Hier ein paar Highlights 🙂

Don't worry, der Skipper wird nicht springen 🙂 Er genießt nur die Aussicht

The monument is a great stage. Two scenes with different actors.

Und dann noch einmal mit einer schönen Aussicht 🙂 Eigentlich kann man ja nie genug Fotos haben, but at some point it became the Lords then too much.
Next we went to the West side of the island. Und schon wieder trafen wir auf ein traumhaftes Fotomotiv 🙂 Ein ganzer Wald von Zylinderputzer-Bäumen. So the next photo stop was due. Our two men had it today really hard.

By now it was already significantly after noon and shooting is just hungry. So we headed up to the next larger town and were looking for a restaurant. After some small snack-bars, we were looking for. Hidden something in addition to the main road was a small restaurant. From the outside, it looked really nice, but somehow also locked. In the window, we found a note on the “TripAdvisor”. We were very surprised. When we opened the door, showed a nice guest room. Unfortunately, he was completely crowded. The operation came up immediately and asked, If we had reserved ??? Reserved????? At a Monday lunch somewhere in the nowhere???? Hatten wir natürlich nicht 🙁 “Then nothing would unfortunately make!” Schade! 🙁
Hungry, we continued and ended up in Angra de Heroism, the island's capital. Hier bekamen wir auch um drei Uhr noch ein Mittagessen 🙂 Gestärkt gingen wir hinunter zur Marina denn in ein paar Tagen wollten wir mit der SUMMER hier auftauchen. Unfortunately, no reservation of moorings was possible but.

Also tonight we wanted once again to the “Bull fighting”, Yes, we now know is not a fight to the death. This time, he should be held directly in Praia. We could find only the exact location on any map. Back in town, we were hoping, to find any clues. Yesterday it was also quite easy. So we had a blocked highway in mind and many people, that preclude hurriedly sought this target. But we found a note anywhere. Even passersby on the street even sent us in one, mal in die andere Richtung 🙁
But at some point we met a really knowledgeable, She sent us with its wonderful unique drawing on a beer mat into the pampas. Und dort waren wir dann richtig 🙂 In einem kleinen Dorf stand am Straßenrand ein Imbisswagen und ein Pick-Up, Beer was sold by its loading area of. The trappings were not fifty people, you waited for the spectacle. Below the street, separated by a low stone wall, was a large meadow – the place of the action :-). Das war ja mal ziemlich ursprünglich 🙂

The Bulls were waiting in your large carriers already on their appearance. Again, strong men in Sussex were responsible, that the bull not on and it ran. In this case, they were clothed with green polo shirts and three.

Right at the beginning, you've got slight concerns, ob die Herren den Stier wirklich im Griff hatten 🙂 Vielleicht war es eher umgekehrt.
Hopefully, the wall was also high enough. Somehow I my today's dress choice regretted something. Not, that the silhouetted, red dress accidentally fell into the Centre of attention of the bull. With per (in the red T-Shirt) I discussed already second possible escape routes. Der Pick-Up war ja nicht so weit entfernt 🙂

Also the matadors beaten to were played in a different age group than yesterday, but she fought bravely. Also, she understood her craft. When the little guy stumbled and went to the ground, He curled up right to the ball and won't budge. So he was immediately boring for the bull, He looked around for other victims. Denen blieb oft nur die Flucht in höhere Sphären 🙂

We had enough after two rounds with two different bulls. The last night with Katya and wanted to we spend on the SCARLET with even cooked prawns with special sauce. Because the two already in the morning had their flight, was the evening not very long, aber wie immer lecker 🙂 und lustig.