All posts by Katja Henke

About Katja Henke


Next on track close to the wind – Day 3 nach Gran Canaria

During the day the wind shifted further and further towards the west and later even towards southwest. So we had our CESARINA go to the wind always higher, but up to 35 ° which really was quite possible. So far, we are only half-Wind- sailed or downwind courses. Of the good sailing qualities of our new “At home” we were very impressed.

The wind blew all day with pleasant 15-20 Node, but it was not a quiet and relaxed sailing day. In the early afternoon of the first Squall pulled with more than 35 Knot winds over us. It should simply be no nice crossing. After our Kutterfock got a long crack in the early afternoon because of fatigue, we ran only under Genoa. After all, we were making good progress. Also, the second and third Squall let us rather cold. Leider segnete unser Pinnenpilot vor Anbruch der dritten Nacht das Zeitliche 🙂 Die Squalls sind wohl doch zu viel für den Guten gewesen. Now we stood there without autopilot and still had two and a half days and over 300 Nautical miles in front of us. A nightmare !!!

But necessity is the mother of invention. Somehow we had to carry our “Hydra” (new pet name for the autopilot)get back up and running. After the first reset Dietmar was able to convince them again, to steer a course close to the wind. For a map course but we could not persuade them. For the coming night so we were on the safe side. How it should go further, when from noon tomorrow no wind would blow and we'd be on the road with machine, We were waiting to happen.

Neat Wind from behind – Day 2 nach Gran Canaria

Finally it went peppy in the right direction. In pleasant 15 Knots of wind we continued in the afternoon also the mainsail and ran with seven knots towards our goal.

Our Tiller was quite strained throughout the day. Again and again he got from ordinary seawater showers, he coped with not very good. So Dietmar had twice already need to replace a fuse after a short circuit. Particularly annoying was, that the Good simply silently quit the service, to give one last alarm signal from without yet. As our CESARINA actually sails at good trim of the sails almost by itself as if on rails straight, the withdrawal of Tillerpilot was noticed until the next violent gust. Das war immer etwas stressig 🙁

Gegen Abend durfte ich wieder als Erste in die Koje 🙂 Sehr zuvorkommend, the captain. But against twelve I was by myself awake again. Outside, the wind howled in the rigging. That sounded not good and we had the mainsail still above. After some back-and-forth, we decided, it to recover despite the adverse conditions. So we packed our fast and waterproof in our oilskins and equipped with lifejacket and lifeline we started to work.

The problem in our mainsail is firstly the size and on the other hand, the broken Lazy-Jacks. (For non-sailors: Lazy-Jacks serve, to keep the sail after the lowering in more or less folded form the top of the mast, so it does not blow around on the entire deck.) So the sail must be considered when CESARINA after lowering necessarily be fixed with sail bands on the tree. That's when a lot of wave a not quite simple and also not hazardous undertaking. Normally I can support Dietmar from the cockpit, when the reliable Hydra (our autopilot) the controller acquires. But that was not possible this time yes, since the Good somehow still spit out error messages. So Dietmar had to fend for themselves and he did his job very well. Nevertheless, we were both safely, that we did not want to experience a second time. On Gran Canaria new Lazy-Jacks or better yet a Lazy-Bag are high on the to-do list. And even as our beloved Hydra would receive a check through their paces.

The rest of the night was marked by several thunderstorms, which fortunately passed by but around us. Clearly you could see on the horizon the lightning and the lightning. At home on my couch with a nice cup of tea, I find storm really very nice to look at, hier draußen aber gehören sie nicht zu den von mir bevorzugten Wetterphänomenen 🙁 Gegen Morgen war der Spuk dann aber endlich vorbei und der Tag begann deutlich friedlicher mit einem tollen Sonnenaufgang.


Go to Gran Canaria – Day 1

If you know the captain a bit longer, then you know, that there is no holding back, if his “Port ceiling” fall on his head.

So we started on Friday afternoon despite clearly uncomfortable weather conditions. First, there was no wind at all in the game and from the afternoon we should get a lot of strong wind on the nose. Since we had thought us, first to go under motor south, thereby testing the watermaker and then easy to sail a blow towards the west at the onset of south wind, until the wind on Saturday morning finally would allow a direct course to Gran Canaria. Soweit also zu unserer Planung 🙂

Directly after leaving the Marina, we had already suffered the first setback. Although the new navigation works just fine and our AIS could really help us see ships in distance, but our autopilot – Hydra 2000 from B&G – had been angered by the new components probably somehow. Instead obediently to compete as at the last crossing his service, produzierte er nur noch Fehlermeldungen 🙁 So nahmen wir direkt unsere Windpilot-Steuerung mit dem Pinnenpiloten in Betrieb und erfreulicherweise funktionierte er ohne irgendwelche Probleme. So the journey could yet go further, because 650 Nautical miles without the autopilot we would not want to travel, nor can. A bit queasy us was two but still to Mute, so without any back-up with a yet untested system. That was not a good start for this crossing.

Contrary to the forecasts we had until the early evening and pleasant sailing wind good and so we set sail and moved the premiere of the watermaker to a later date. Then, when the south wind began, we were centered in front of the large traffic separation scheme, which runs along the Portuguese coast. So we had no chance, simply turn off westwards. When sailing Eight have to cross traffic separation schemes as possible at right angles. And it was a lot of traffic. Wir wollten ja nicht unter den nächsten Tanker geraten 🙂 So mussten wir unter Maschine kräftig gegenan halten und im Schiff fühlte es sich an, like on a roller coaster. Because in addition to the wind on the nose came the wave directly from the side – optimal conditions, to be seasick.

So I left the field, and Dietmar pulled me into our berth. Although it was not quite as bad and placed for emergencies within reach bucket remained unused, but from the feel-good sailing we were really far away. Thus, Dietmar had to fight alone through the night and actively monitor the wind pilot and possibly. correct. Only in the morning put the longed Northwind and under sail came finally some peace into the ship. After looking at the distance traveled, we were quite disappointed. If we continue to move forward so, wären wir bestimmt eine Woche unterwegs 🙁


It's time, to move

In Vilamoura, the season is coming to an end. In the evening it is also already very cold and the local Portuguese packaged in jacket, Scarf and boots. Holidaymakers get cold feet slowly in our flip flops :-).

Start the restaurants around the Harbour, the sun terraces to make Winter Festival. Now you can sit inside rather than outside. Various shops have closed their doors already until the next year and our supermarket, He reliably provided us with bread rolls and croissants since end of August, next Sunday will open the last time this year.


The amount of promenading along the harbour tourists has thinned considerably, and everywhere the autumn mood to feel, Although during the day, the Sun is still their best.


After more than six weeks of hard work our time in the Algarve is coming to an end. Much we did, but still a long way, not everything is perfect. Das wird uns aber nicht aufhalten 🙂 Heute wollen wir die Leinen loswerfen und mit unserer CESARINA in Richtung Gran Canaria aufbrechen. It is clearly time, turn your back on the European mainland and the coming autumn. Für diesen Winter haben wir sonnigere Pläne 🙂


Even if the three weeks in the Canary Islands will probably again quite busy, We look forward to this time. Because in addition to the work on the ship, We meet many like-minded people, who want to dare the leap across the Atlantic with similar target.

The next four to five days so once again, we are at sea and will test and try out, What we have improved in recent times on the ship or changed. The crossing is so to speak our small dress rehearsal for the big blow across the Atlantic. But we feel well prepared: The fridge is always well stocked!

The space it is almost difficult, nur Lebensmittel für vier Tage zu stauen 🙂 Heute soll der neue Wassermacher seinen Dienst antreten und uns mit Trinkwasser versorgen. Our wind control system has its first usage on this crossing. Hopefully she will take over as safe and pleasant service, as our "Liselotte" (Nicknamed of the windvane steering on the buzzer).

Whether we safely and well have stowed everything in the boat, will show. Although it is not the first trip with the CESARINA, but this time we brought our entire House booth.

Everything is so new and unusual. So we need to find surely some new processes and routines, to make life on board smooth and relaxed. But what we did once, We also once again succeed. Und beim zweiten Mal geht ja bekanntlich alles viel schneller 🙂

For the CESARINA, this crossing is the first ride under German flag. Since the 12. October is registered officially in the German Maritime Register. We now have a new call sign "DHKG" and an associated new email address at sea: (As usual: No images - only text. And please do not press "Reply", but writing a new mail). But at the moment we are still not as usual, Since our shortwave facility, with which we otherwise the emails and weather data receive / send, will be completed only in Gran Canaria. Until then, we bridge with our full elite phone. Unfortunately, it is clearly upwind and even more expensive than shortwave. Aber es ist ja das letzte Mal 🙂

For this reason, there will be no blogs on the site during the crossing. I wear the collected works after then but after our arrival. Our Internet address and we will keep the private E-mail addresses despite the new vessel. If your us on looking for, will you find, We have now a new MMSI: 211 70 59 40. On to this day, are we not listed. We don't know why. Hopefully this will change soon.


Graffiti vom Feinsten

After we had done yesterday all purchases, We wanted the second “Auto-tag” use for a trip to Olhão. Many other sailors had raved to us already at the time of this small coastal town on the lagoon of Culatra. Personally, yet a second reason moved me to Olhão. When driving through the city we came two weeks ago at a really great House. On the road and in a hurry we had can make a photo stop. I wanted to do that today in any case.


The weather showed up today from his friendly side and we made our first around noon on the way, After my “Paint brushes” 🙂 noch eine weitere Lackschicht auf die Aufbauten der CESARINA aufgebracht hatte. Arrived at the port of ravenous chef painters needed once a strengthening in the next Street Cafe :-). Since I couldn't of course also “No” say. It was also really nice, time to sit back in the warm sun.


Unfortunately we were dawdling so much time with our extensive coffee break, We could look to dealers only at the mine in the market Hall. Schade, but we wanted to buy Yes nothing more. Nach dem gestrigen Einkaufsmarathon waren alle unsere Einkaufswünsche bereits gestillt 🙂


So we wandered a little bit through the small streets, before we started on the way to my photo object. It was pretty easy to find, because it was directly on the N125, the busy main road, und war dazu ja auch noch recht auffällig 🙂






A very charming way, die diversen Baumängel zu übertünchen 🙂 Auf jeden Fall ein echter Blickfang, the artists have designed with much attention to detail.







Portugal wants to let her live us

Lunchtime, we ended up with a lot of luggage as planned in Faro and later deposed us a taxi to the Marina. Been still busy on the CESARINA, sowohl innen auch als außen 🙂



By the rains in the last few days were the work on the deckhouse unfortunately significantly behind schedule and thus we come away from here in the direction of Canary Islands. At the earliest on Tuesday the carpenters could be finished when weather would play with. Thus, we got the impression, dass uns Portugal einfach nicht ziehen lassen wollte 🙁 Aber auf die paar Tage kam es jetzt auch nicht mehr an und wir fügten uns in unser Schicksal.

Auch die Programmierung unseres AIS wollte am Samstag nicht im ersten Zug gelingen 🙁 und es stellt sich heraus, that a plug was defective. This is of course even better, as if the entire antenna would not work. But it was still annoying. Since today we are but at least again to find online. While we still lack a beautiful photo, but that I will furnish any day. Sorry, no images are accepted in portrait orientation, so ein Pech aber auch 🙁 Morgen steht also noch ein ordentliches Foto-Shooting auf dem Programm.

Otherwise, the last days have been determined by the weather. Portugal presented itself further with an awful lot of rain autumn. It was great for us to determine, that our repairs were crowned all along the line of success. No more water in the ship, which was previously run by improperly mounted bracket of the liferaft in the interstices of the ceiling and walls. Each cabinet and each compartment – absolutely dry. A great success, of a very relieved wellbeing below deck. One might not always think about it yes, in welchem Schrank das Wasser jetzt gerade wieder irgendwelchen Schäden anrichten könnte 🙂

If we do not continue assorted things below deck and verräumten, was finally time again for a good book – almost like the German Autumn. In the now completed equipped kitchen there was also quite excellent cook and also it was now once again time. Our pressure cooker, which is unused for Grömitz with on the trip, durfte endlich in Aktion treten 🙂 Ich muss gestehen, I am but until then been very suspicious. So far I had not used such a device. Not, dass ich das Boot in die Luft sprengen würde 🙂 . With two 11-kilogram gas cylinders on board the buzzer, the incentive was, To save gas by the use of the pressure cooker, always been too low. So I had to push myself successfully before use. Now we have but “the only” two 5-kilogram gas cylinders available. That had me motivated, the first goulash “under pressure” prepare. Although I had decided, prefer to watch my pot during cooking with distance from the salon :-), but the result could be really. So I'll experiment from now on continue. Especially the cooking times are purely a matter of practice. Until I've got the hang of it, We are probably still several times mashed potatoes instead “al dente” essen 🙂

In order to keep the list of open work on Gran Canaria as low as possible, haben wir heute morgen noch einmal für zwei Tage ein Auto gemietet, denn Einkaufen kann man ja bekanntlich auch bei schlechtem Wetter. Und alle haltbaren Lebensmittel, die wir jetzt schon gebunkert haben, brauchen wir in Gran Canaria nicht mehr zu kaufen 🙂 So sind schon größere Vorräte an leckeren Obstsäften und Süßigkeiten unter Deck verstaut. Die muss ich nur noch vor dem Kapitän schützen 🙂 Nicht, dass ich auf den Kanaren wieder von vorne anfangen muss 😉



The culmination…..

…was then to visit my husband in Germany. Of course he had let themselves do not take it, meinen Geburtstag mit mir und meinen Eltern im ungemütlichen Deutschland zu verbringen 🙂 Oder sollte der Grund der Deutschlandreise vordergründig doch eher der Besuch der amerikanischen Botschaft in Frankfurt gewesen sein, to apply for our B2 visa personally?

Exactly a week after me Dietmar landed around noon in Cologne. The program for the two days was precisely to the minute clocked. Directly from the airport we went on together, our horses to pay a visit. The family of Talat had let themselves do not take it, to invite the world traveler for lunch. Since I had come last week to enjoy, was I not deny of course this experience Dietmar.

After a short stopover in our apartment and review of orders arrived we had then already back further to Stephie and family. Unsere bestellten Wäschesäcke waren fertig 🙂 Wie ich erwartet hatte, have they become so beautiful. If we she ever will get back, If I would make that somewhere in the Caribbean??? Das müssten wir uns dann vielleicht noch einmal gut überlegen 🙂


After a cup of coffee it went to my parents. Good, that was only a small dinner. After the long lunch (Apple baked pork tenderloin in the oven) was still at all, no place for more than a salad. But we've come not just for dinner. By Dietmar 50. Birthday was still a birthday present. The captain is now matching the stylish ship of the proud owner of a guitar. Again and again he had said, He wanted to learn this instrument like. If not now, When then? I'm curious about, wann er mir das erste Ständchen spielen kann 🙂

So the first day fly is gone. On Thursday, my birthday, We had a very special date. An interview at the American Embassy in Frankfurt. Da mussten wir sehr früh raus aus den Federn und saßen schon um sieben ziemlich verschlafen im Auto 🙂

Nevertheless it had located the Mr. Henke not let, with a birthday gift to surprise me great. It was namely for three days in the our living room with the strict prohibition, to open it. Even if the packaging (a banana box) rather to be desired left, was the content yet exactly to my liking:

New pillows with the “Jyoti” (our heraldic animal) canvas for our CESARINA for indoors and outdoors. He has the “Nähstube Maiken cooking” can make in Kiel. Das gefällt der Frau 🙂


After the gift was but first final with a cozy birthday celebrate. Through fog, Rain and moved to Frankfurt's rush hour. There, our patience was hard put to the test. To answer three questions personally, had we have to wait almost two hours. Access of the message is secured as …..Access to an American Embassy just. It was controlled everything, significantly stricter than at the airport. Even my measuring tape had to stay outside and also disk and USB flash drives represent a dangerous threat, genau wie die elektronischen Seekarten in Dietmars Rucksack 🙂

But we got all our belongings completely handed out after two hours and could start the journey back to Leverkusen. Nach dem anstrengenden Ausflug hatten wir uns meinen Geburtstagskuchen bei meinen Eltern redlich verdient 🙂

To the dinner we brought even the collected documents and the gene field of the SUMMER to the post. Thus, this site for us was well done. Christian, the new owner of the buzzer, We wish you always a Handspan of water under the keel and at least as many delightful hours with the buzzer, how we were able to experience it.

A nice end of the rather strenuous birth day was the joint dinner with my parents in the forest Tavern in Dhünnwald, my absolute favorite restaurant. Who ever is in the Cologne area, dem kann ich einen Besuch nur wärmstens empfehlen 🙂 Auch an diesem Abend war das Essen wieder köstlich und der empfohlene Wein ein Genuss. Even Dietmar had not be able to resist him. So it was after dinner home already peacefully asleep in the springs, while I sorted yet our luggage for the tomorrow's flight and packed together. So I could treat me even a cozy bath, bevor ab morgen wieder die Zeit der öffentlichen Gemeinschaftsduschen beginnt 🙂 Aber man kann ja nicht alles haben 🙂





That was really the last time in 2015 :-)

In the first week of my last home leave year 2015 I've organized dutifully and diligently all remaining things and done. That's why I had must reduce to a minimal level visit to friends and acquaintances. The stack of things grew daily in our apartment, You should be still on the CESARINA. Dietmar remained on board the CESARINA, to to to- and after finishing work on the ship. In addition he would have probably not so good survived the flight with his back.

The most important was the same at the beginning of my stay. Our eagerly awaited ship's certificate by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt when my parents arrived on Thursday after my arrival. Straight fit, because the Federal Network Agency had reported already morning email to me: “Unfortunately, you could edit the application for a call sign and a MMSI without extract from the register of ships.” No problem, He has been with the certificate with this. Quickly I had scanned it and sent by mail. Thus were the last missing official documents on the way.

Otherwise I had but in Germany to get a few more things. In part it was quite trivial things like for example fitted sheets. Our new berths are clearly narrower than those on the buzzer. In Portugal, I had already tried lucky shopping, but the quality of the sheets has can convince me not. Irgendwie bettet sich der Portugiese anscheinend anders und wir wollten auf die gewohnte deutsche Qualität nicht verzichten 🙂

Two additional points on my to-do list had sneaked through the boat Exchange. On the SUMMER I had the luxury of, to my nice comfortable aboard your own laundry. Now we are among the 90% the sailors without washing machine. I had heard of other sailors of long journey, that bags would be very helpful with the ship's name.

My last encounter with a sewing machine is already a few years back but. No good conditions, to handle a such tasks. Also, I would have to buy a sewing machine erstm once again on the first train. That would have not expected to. Good, When you have people in his circle of friends, die sich ganz hervorragend mit solchen Dingen auskennen 🙂

So my path led me immediately upon my arrival to my old friend Stephie and her mother, beide wahre Meister im Umgang mit Nadel und Faden 🙂 So musste ich erstaunt feststellen, dass ein Wäschesack nicht gleich eine Wäschesack ist 🙂

Fortunately I could delete but immediately my second concern the two of my to-do list: Insect protection net for our hatches, deviate very far from the standard. After we had cleared various details and discussed details, was I sure, dass ich Ende nächster Woche mit perfekten Lösungen nach Portugal zurückkehren würde 🙂

Now missing only the new ship stamps and cards. The design I had already designed in Portugal and needed to add only our call sign and the MMSI. Thanks to the Internet, these points were done quickly.

Schifftempel Cesarina

Visiting card - back

Our new call sign “DHKG” werden wir uns besonders gut merken können 🙂 Die ersten zwei Buchstaben “DH” are of course available for Dietmar Henke and the last two “KG” for Katja Glaubitz. It was my maiden name, before I Henke one was. It is a strange coincidence again, We got exactly this call sign assigned to. The beginning may be yes or from the applicant Dietmar Henke have revealed, but my name was not mentioned in the registration. Apparently once again a trifle, die wohl einfach so sein sollte 🙂




Fully befuddled

Solvent vapours are not completely foreign to me as a chemist, But today I had a smell experience of a special kind.

Because the weather should be worse this weekend and even rain was announced, had I made me for Saturday, to paint the kitchen cabinets from the inside. Directly after breakfast, I turned the Interior of the CESARINA so again in a battle field, because it had everything back out from the cabinets. Finally everything was empty, was I really impressed with, how much space our new pantry (ship german cuisine) However, bot. Diligently I started, to grind and clean surfaces. I wanted to experience again so not a fiasco like in my first attempts of painting . Everything was prepared, I put the 2-component varnish and began after the wait respect to by 10 Minutes to swing the brush highly motivated.

Actually, the work went me quite easily by hand, but the depth of the cabinets made bothers me a little. The Cabinet underneath the worktop has an impressive width of over a meter more than 60 Cm depth. There, you must creep already in blending, If you want to catch all corners. So kämpfte ich mich hustend im ekligen Gestank durch die Tiefen der Schränke und war nach kurzer Zeit völlig benebelt 🙁 Bald war im ganzen Schiff die Luft so dick, you could cut them into slices. Airing was not possible due to the heavy rain. I had planned this so super – about the odor problem I had made but at all worry me. Und gerade ich sollte es doch besser wissen 🙁

Good, that the MIELI was still with us at the pier in Vilamoura. Emil und Marita gewährten uns Asyl inklusive frischem Kaffee 🙂 Als ich nach vollbrachter Arbeit etwas später zu der Runde stieß, rümpften the three short nose. Anscheindend war ich im Moment eine wandelnde Geruchsbelästigung 🙂 Also verschwand ich schnell unter schnell noch unter der Dusche.

Auch das Abendessen musste heute nochmal außerhalb der CESARINA stattfinden 🙂 Kochen wäre ja auch schwierig gewesen denn die gesamte Einrichtung stand ja noch im Salon herum. So we enjoyed a delicious sushi from Japan us still even four. When we in the evening back on the boat were later, the solvent plumes were already as good as gone, and nothing in the way was our night's rest.


An invitation to dinner differently

For the evening we invited Emil and Marita from the SY MIELI to us for dinner. After a busy day, it looked but already very dignified in the ship. Also in the pantry, not much in the way was preparing a dinner for four people. So I went in the afternoon on the way to the supermarket, to complete our dinner. I had planned meat skewers and a big salad.

I had done the planning but without my back-ill husband. In the afternoon, it was virtually impossible him, to find a position that is convenient or painless. Sit, Standing or lying was more about no pleasure. Especially sitting in our salon gave him problems and knapp 10 Minutes, before our guests arrived, had he hobble over to the SY MIELI.

Aber wir wollten das Essen natürlich nicht ins Wasser fallen lassen 🙂 Das Cockpit der MIELI hatte sich seit gestern zum absoluten Lieblingsplatz meines Ehemanns entwickelt. Here, he was always a possibility, to be able to sit at least a short while without pain. He already had our salad in the luggage, and I could meet a little later with the finished skewers. It was still a fun evening, different than planned, aber die beiden waren ja flexibel 🙂