Only one complained about too much wind, now it's suddenly too little. With screw speed and beating sailing we slowly bobbing towards our goal. This is already something on the morale :-(, especially, because for the weekend absolute doldrums is announced. Since then you have probably serve the machine, aber im Moment versuchen wir es noch tapfer mit Segeln 🙂
After all, now seems more often the sun and you could be in the cockpit make yourself comfortable, if our CESARINA not so would have a special habit. If you sit outside, relaxed without oilskin and best yet with a good book, will they always somehow appropriate shaft combination, to make a capital play a saltwater shower. Das ist wirklich gar nicht nett 🙁 Und immer ohne Vorwarnung. Heute hat es Dietmar und Onkel Tom erwischt 🙂 , I was below deck erfreulicherweie. The two looked like fresh bathed cats and were as excited.
Yesterday we had the first time on this Ueberfahrt visit of dolphins. This is always a great spectacle. Otherwise we have but so far not taken any other sea creatures, neither flying fish nor any other. Our first day's fishing was therefore not crowned with success. Actually that was quite appropriate as, because our vegetables and fruit had decided, Today all to mature simultaneously. As if they were colluding ?! Jetzt gibt es die naechsten Tage erstmal Obstsalat in rauhen Mengen 🙂 und morgen wird das Gemuese fuer die naechste Woche vorgekocht. The planning and storage of fresh supplies is a real challenge. We had to re hung up a Gemuesenetz. But not like the buzzer back under the solar panel, but this time in the salon. This Gemuesenetz seeks its occupants clearly after life. Although I had placed in specially Blass foil to protect, were three tomatoes were almost halved in the last days by the Netzfaeden. Wahrscheinlih it was just too cluttered and the violent movement of the ship did the rest to. Only my neatly individually wrapped in aluminum foil carrots spent the first week in optimum shape survived. A really good tip from the ARC Seminar.
I'm going to go and look back out times, whether there are new irgenetwas. At noon today we actually had again another ship on the AIS, the only 15 Nautical miles. Given the high volume of traffic should therefore be vigilant. Perhaps it is indeed a small Squal past and still brings a little wind with, that would be the moment a welcome change.
All posts by Katja Henke
In the Caribbean – Day 1 and 2
Now we are already for more than two days on the road and slowly comes to our board daily routine. Seasickness has this time completely spared me, For that I had taken a thick cold on the journey. But no matter, how the child is called now, lot was once again not to start the first two days with me. Good, Dietmar that time had support from Uncle Tom. So not everything remains alone at his hanging and I was very relaxed during the day to stay in bed.
The weather was of beginning of the journey to a little exhausting. Much wind had built up around the islands a short and steep wave. Our CESARINA would still rocked properly despite its size from right to left. Time and again, some not optimally stowed objects, to become independent practice and to make in Salon Pantry or mischief. Especially beratungsresistent was a pumpkin, the partout not want to stay in Gemuesenetz. After his third escape attempt I've locked him in the fridge. Das hat er jetzt davon 🙂 Sonst wird das nachher nichts mit der Suppe 🙂
Since the launch we have already 365 Back down nautical miles, but there are still whole 2337 Nautical miles left. Nevertheless, we make no stress and have the trip can easily take it easy. All our equipment makes up good now his ministry. The autopilot has received a small update also again on Gran Canaria and has been restored completely. Das ist schon ein tolles Gefuehl 🙂 Wasser haben wir auch schon nachgefuellt, only the wind vane is still waiting for their assignment. But that we want to tackle only when calmer weather conditions.
Otherwise, we have to report hardly new. The first hour of my watch is already rum and we run up to ten knots towards the west. Outside it is almost as bright as day. The moon conjures an eerie atmosphere. Of the 260 Ships are only two to see on our plotter. As fast as the huge field has spread. Occasionally one sees a sail or a position light on the horizon, otherwise we are on our own. But according to the daily radio round we know exactly: We are not so alone :-), Auch wenn wir sie nicht sehen koennen 🙂
Incredible, but true – DC we go.
After the last few days we were at breakfast today astonished, that somehow had all gone well. Last night at seven clock the last sailing was posted. This morning we had cleaned up and filled the water tanks. To remain at the end of even a few minutes for a final blog, who had been the last week woefully neglected. But as of today we have the time and leisure and will keep you up to date on any day.
In the port there is a party atmosphere. Music and ship horns Noise vied. In half an hour the first boats start in the Race-Division. Many now sailing out already. We will leave us some time and keep the time out there in the crowd as short as possible. The wind has freshened up today for the first time since days significantly and in the meantime it has even been raining. Nevertheless, we want to take it relaxed.
Die nächsten zwei bis drei Wochen wünschen wir uns angenehmen und ruhige Bedingungen mit gutem Reisewind 🙂 und melden uns dann wieder, wenn wir in der Karibik auf Saint Lucia angekommen sind 🙂
A Black Friday – in every relation
Somehow this Friday was not probably our day. It was also Friday the 13! But so far in our life this date has still been no cause for alarm. The next Friday 13. werden wir sicher etwas skeptischer entgegen treten 🙂
It started right after breakfast, though the radiant sunshine a good start to the day promised.
We still expect a package from Germany. Our passports with US visas and some little things have been around for almost two weeks on the way to us. Since Monday the package at customs stuck. Today then was finally time, to take the whole thing more closely. In order to perform such calls, reichte unser Spanisch aber ganz sicher nicht aus 🙂 So war ich froh, dass das ARC-Büro mir Unterstützung angeboten hatte 🙂 So dauerte es nur eine geschlagene Stunde um herauszufinden, that our package is on the way to us though, but you could not say exactly, where it was and certainly not, when it would arrive here. But the probability is very high, that would land it in Gran Canaria before the start of the ARC. Those were wonderful prospects, da brauchte ich mir ja keine Sorgen machen 🙂 Und wozu brauchen wir auch schon Reisepässe 🙂
Back on the CESARINA I met Dietmar in very dark mood. How actually every day he had telephoned with North Sails, to clarify the exact date of arrival of our new sailing. We had received a firm commitment from the beginning of the week, that they had been sent from England on Monday and waited eagerly for the tracking number. Imports of goods to the Canaries is quite special and complicated, as had some of the customs in advance to be clarified. So far we had but North Sails nor can report no tracking number. The reasons were not understandable for us and it crept over the days feel uneasy a. Today we wanted to finally know the truth. So Dietmar starting a true phone attack both in Belgium at the sales office as well as in England at the production site.
At about three clock in the afternoon then was made final: There was no sailing for our CESARINA. The manufacturing plant in England had never received a production order. Alle Telefonate und alle bis heute erhaltenen Informationen waren Schall und Rauch 🙁 nur leere Worte und Lügen.
What should we say, We were totally floored. Due to a recommendation we decided, to order not in Jan-sailing in Germany. Now we are left without a sail. The old sailing we had brought to the sailmaker on Wednesday, damit dieser sie entsorgen sollte 🙂 Was nun? Rowing is truly no alternative.
So we introduced our next way to the sailmaker. Perhaps the disaster was indeed to prevent yet. And Lo and behold, the owner told us relaxed, that they would always dispose sailing only, if the boat had left the port with new sails. A very clever approach, the evidence of a lot of experience. Since we are probably not the first, must make such experiences.
But the day had yet another terrible news ready for us. Late afternoon found himself “Jerry, The Rigger” with us aboard one ordered for Riggcheck.
With his assistant, they took everything very closely examined and unfortunately they were successful: a crack in the mast, directly at the level of first Sailing. With which we can not sail. That needs to be fixed first. This will certainly be a scarce number, until the start of the ARC next Sunday. The ship has to be repaired from the water, and then maybe even the mast be drawn. So this is nothing with a relaxed last week in Gran Canaria. In my mind I stressed before the island tour, I would like to still have companies. Maybe then the next time…..
Our mood had now reached the nadir. Kerstin and Thomas from Munich, who today paid us a visit on a holiday afternoon, sat pretty scared in the middle of chaos. That would probably no longer be with the planned nice evening together, while the afternoon but had started quite promising.
So they decided to, better to leave us this evening alone. Much was also really no more to do with us.
We both had once digest. Now participation in the ARC is suddenly on shaky legs, quite apart from all the work and stress, who would come to us. We also had definitely once the noses painted full. After a big dose of Tortellini (Noodles do just happy) I retreated with a good book to bed. Dietmar tried to the ARC opening party distract something, but he was definitely not in a celebratory mood. Shortly before eleven he was back.
After a restless night with many confused dreams and thoughts of a shock followed in the morning. At about eight we received the news of the attacks in Paris. Very quickly moved the crack in the mast in the background. So we both sat silent and stunned at breakfast. Again Paris it had met, a town in the heart of Europe. Our deepest sympathies go to the families of the victims and many injured. Our problems appeared to us in the face of such a tragedy suddenly small and unimportant. That could certainly take care of everything, because there were only just yet “Luxury Problems”.
You never stop learning :-)
Today the seminar program of the ARC began. Actually, all seminars were interesting and relevant for us, but we decided, to distribute the seminars as much as possible on both weeks.
Nevertheless, today there were four seminars on the program. They started in the morning with ten clock “Emergency Management”. Here all the contingencies were discussed, wishing we absolutely avoid: Mastbruch, Rowing break, Man Overboard…… diverse unpleasant scenarios were raised. Although we are still certainly try, to avoid such situations, we know now, how we can better deal with it. Das ist doch auch schon mal was 🙂
After that, it was very hands: “Jerry, The Rigger” talked about the rig. The rig is and everything fixed the mast itself the pole and the tree in the desired location on the ship. Das ist nach dem Rumpf und der Ruderanlage das wichtigste Teil an einem Segelboot 🙂 So sollte man sich immer gut darum kümmern und immer ein Auge drauf haben 🙂 Nach diesem Vortrag ist mir noch einmal mehr klar geworden, that I wanted to make the offer of the ARC Rigg check necessarily. Before the lunch break, we wore our CESARINA in the list.
After lunch we went to a very important topic. Namely how to not starve within three weeks on the Atlantic crossing. I'm actually still so far been very relaxed. In an Excel list, I once had a rough estimate,, I wanted so shopping for three people for three weeks foods. War eigentlich nicht so wild 🙂 Im Seminar wurden dann aber komische Probleme auf den Tisch gebracht. “What are they doing, if you can not cook, d.h. For example, have no more gas? Take enough food with, they can also eat raw”. Hmmm…… with a little patience and a lot of water, you can also eat them raw noodles yes. But still not really convinced me. But I decided to take a different approach. You probably drive off with two full gas cylinders and also check once stove and Zuleitunggen. Dann sollte doch eigentlich fast nichts mehr schief gehen können 🙂
Something scares me but had a sample calculation of the amount of food for the crossing for a crew of four. Since were 30 Listed kilo pasta or rice. 30 Kilo????? Who is that supposed to eat anything????
At the end of the afternoon there was advice “Down-Wind-Sailing”. Because we sail across the Atlantic with the trade wind, dh.hoffentlich all the time with a tailwind. Unfortunately we had to wait until the very end because of a power failure to the many insightful pictures to illustrate, but we still got a few good tips on the way.
As evening program the ARC had a workshop for “Two-man crews” auf dem Programm 🙂 Da waren wir sehr gespannt, whether here a few interesting suggestions were still getting to. But after 18 Monaten auf Tour hatte das Seminar uns fast nichts Neues zu bieten 🙂 Und auch Konfliktbewältigung haben wir während der Zeit ganz hervorragend gelernt – In theory at least.
During the last seminar we got talking with Micha and Sabina of SY ANYWAY SAILING. They both want to start next year and visit already the seminars of the ARC. We held our interesting conversation spontaneously during dinner at the Pier 19 and after that on the next CESARINA. Maybe we'll meet then end 2016 in der Karibik 🙂
Finally back shortwave :-)
In ARC office lists hanging for various specialists from, where you can still make an appointment to correct problems or to install new equipment before departure. Schon seit letzter Woche standen wir bei auf dem Zettel 🙂 Leider hatten aber die Boote der ARC+ Vorrang. After they had turned their backs on Las Palmas yesterday, we are finally on the series. Directly on Monday morning it was time. Time knocked at nine clock Jörg to the ship's side and went for a coffee, the two men set to work.
I undressed during which a precaution in the salon and devoted myself planning our further trip. On my to-do list was still namely the acquisition of some host country flags. Therefore, one should then have likely ever, in welche Länder und zu welchen Inseln man eigentlich noch segeln würde 🙂
Outside the gentlemen care to our first Achterstagantenne.
After a trip in the air, Jörg then disappeared into the depths of our locker. Here the ground had to be applied over a large area by means of Ground Paint.
Then, of course, had to postponed various cables, the tuner and ultimately the unit will be connected. 10000 Things, that I really have no idea. Good, that we had a professional on board.
Gegen Abend gab unsere Anlage dann die ersten Lebenszeichen von sich 🙂
The first voice connections were despite the disturbing harbor environment (too many masts and large freighters cause probably a large disturbance field) very promising. So we called also equal to a weather fax from Hamburg from, The little later starred in very good quality on the computer. A Sprechunkverbindung over 3500 Kilometers to Dresden even worked to the astonishment of the professional out of the harbor with a perfect signal strength of 9,5, what is unusually high! Also our Pactor modem, that we use to send and retrieve email, wurde abschließend getestet 🙂 Die Übertragungsraten waren ebenfalls sehr hoch und so dürft Ihr Euch wieder auf Emails von uns freuen, wenn wir auf hoher See unterwegs sind 🙂 Mal wieder ist es gelungen eine hervorragende Installation zu liefern. It is already the second Intsallation, die so gut funktioniert 🙂
Bye bye ARC+ – Fairwinds and a good crossing
The Saturday after the fun party started in accordance with tough. Good, that we did not have such stress how many other boats. We still have two weeks. Da kann man es auch mal etwas ruhiger angehen lassen 🙂
Wash clothes for today would secure decent employment, not too strenuous, aber doch sehr sinnvoll 🙂 Nur meine Terminplanung, do + the day before the start of the ARC, was unfortunately totally unhappy. Im Waschsalon hatte sich schon eine Lange Schlange gebildet 🙂 Naja, dann eben morgen 🙂
In the evening we met up yet with Dirk and Bettina from the SY ain't FANCY for farewell dinner at Pier 19. Jörg von was also one of the party .Up half past eight Both have worked hard on the still Törnvorbereitungen and at the end of the required for the cruise food were even stowed on board. No easy situation, which made their relationship to a real breaking point today. But now the two sat back quite peaceful nebeneinande with us. Then it could indeed go off tomorrow as planned. Dirk hatte sich schon die passende Strategie für den Start zurecht gelegt 🙂 Das würden wir morgen dann mal genau beobachten.
On Sunday morning we started quite early on the way, To still want both of SY ain't FANCY and the Katameran FIRST STEP a good crossing. Dirk and Bettina had now hauled to the gas station. A bit of diesel for the crossing should be even refueled for possible downturns. On our way over to the other side of the harbor we bought at the bakery still a few croissants as provision for the journey.
Having arrived at the gas station, we found, that Dirk and Bettina had suddenly disappeared. This was Martin and his son Micha were still busy with the final preparations. Since we did not want to disturb long. We made an appointment for the Caribbean and look forward to seeing you again.
So we started to look for Dirk and Bettina and found it next to the shipyard. So we were able to come for a coffee on board with our supplies. Danach mussten die Beiden noch die letzten Vorbereitungen treffen 🙂
Term before the start we looked for a nice place on the promenade, to all the action to be able to overlook good. Für uns war es ja auch eine Generalprobe denn in genau zwei Wochen würde es bei uns soweit sein 🙂 Ein bisschen aufgeregt sind wir doch 🙂 , but that is hardly surprising.
Time saw the launch and many drew their light wind sails on. A great image. In just over sixty boats but the mess was still manageable. Let's see how it looks in two weeks, if more than 200 Boats want as quickly as possible on the starting line. We were thinking about, that in the total distances of about 2700 Seemeilen wahrscheinlich nicht auf fünf Minuten ankommt und werden es sicher ruhig angehen lassen 🙂
Atlantic Rally for Cruisers (ARC) – It’s Party Time :-)
Today our ARC program was officially los. We sail namely not quite utterly alone across the Atlantic, we participate in the ARC – “Atlantik Rally for Cruisers” part. Da starten am 22. November about 250 Ships together to 13 Clock in the direction of Saint Lucia in the Caribbean. Ahead there are seminars and events, but also a lot of parties, where you can meet like-minded people. On the Atlantic However, you then of course put back on itself, for the ships sailing not in a crowd or on sight :-). At the latest after one or two days, the last sailing disappears on the horizon. But in Saint Lucia you can meet all again again and there are even prizes for the fastest, largest, most beautiful or the most exotic ships in different categories. You know so our captain, but I can assure you, that our “Racing ambitions” are negligible in the large and not particularly intimate ship on this tour. Most importantly to us, dass wir heil und wohlbehalten drüben ankommen 🙂
Jetzt freuen wir uns erst einmal auf die spannende Zeit in Las Palmas und viele neue Bekannte 🙂 . After yesterday evening already for happy hour the ARC + (The sail still a dangling over the Cape Verde) who had infiltrated and we know there is a lot of nice people learned, was for tonight, our first, planned official party in the Tao bar near the Marina:
Welcome ARC – Farewell ARC+
Aber das Leben besteht ja leider nicht nur aus Partys 🙂 und wir hatten über Tag noch einige andere Dinge zu erledigen. Around noon we officially checked us in ARC office. In addition to lots of information about Gran Canaria and the capital Las Palmas we got our ARC Passports, the start number for our CESARINA (60) for the Rally and other important documents, affecting our Atlantic crossing.
In the afternoon we had a visit on board the ARC organization. The security check was at. The inspector was aboard was Anne. She does the job for many years and is incidentally also the wife of the responsible “Weather frog” the ARC. Even before we had received an entire folder full of information and requirements, which are placed on the boats of the ARC. Now it was time to check on the spot, if we had done our homework properly.
We had to answer questions and let the equipment show on board and inspect more than an hour. For both of us it was a meaningful and educational event. Sure, a few things were on the list, about whose meaning you could certainly argue, but on the other hand, we also found a few small weaknesses in our security concept, die wir bisher übersehen hatten 🙂
Satisfied, to have successfully completed the first item on our To-To-List now behind us, konnten wir am Abend zur Party aufbrechen 🙂 Mit Jörg Drexhagen von zogen wir los. The event was organized by the ARC in cooperation with the city of Las Palmas and had lain down properly to the wheel. Even the welcome was spectacular :-). As part of the Carnival here in Gran Canaria not only a carnival queen is crowned, but also a drag queen. And this beauty was standing with two elaborately decorated, young ladies at the entrance. Both my male companion were the whole somewhat skeptical and were not ready for a joint Foot Shooting. I liked the sight but actually quite good. Impressive were the almost 50 cm high heels, auf denen der junge Herr sehr elegant durch die Gegend spazierte 🙂
Inside, we were generously entertained with drinks and tapas. After a short speech it went funny and at ease. Las Palmas is probably the carnival capital of the Canaries and so we got a few insights, had been celebrated like this early in the year.
During the evening, our Round had significantly increased: Martin were now of the SY FIRST STEP and Frank and Julius of the SY jucunda also one of the party. Because actually missing only Dirk and Bettina from the SY ain't FANCY?! But they were probably too much in stress. My boat was actually still on land and on Sunday it was going to go in the direction of Cap Verde. Da wäre mir wahrscheinlich auch nicht nach Feiern zumute gewesen 🙂
Long after midnight went this splashy evening to end. Back on the CESARINA I was impressed, how much swell suddenly prevails in the port. Somehow turned my bunk?! Well, quickly and sleep eyes. Tapas sind einfach keine gute Grundlage für eine lustige Party 🙂
Welcome to the capital of the creepy crawlies
When we had rested the next morning, we are on the way, nice to the harbor to eat breakfast. During our walk over the bridge towards Promenade, we believe not to believe our eyes. Three dead cockroaches were on the road before we reach the entrance gate. Das ist ein Alptraum für jeden Segler 🙁
Although we had heard in advance of it, that the Marina from Las Palmas to be an absolute highlight in terms of cockroaches, but too bad we were now not yet imagined. We have also received reports on the web, that sometimes even mice would come through the lines to the ship. A sailor had it even a proof photo. We both wanted About larger rodents but rather not even think. So we forged diligently during breakfast plans, how we could protect our CESARINA before stowaways.
For our hatches we brought from Germany Insect protection hoods. The mother had sewn my girlfriend Stephie for us. It only lacked the lead tape, the protective hoods over the hatches to securely fix on deck. I did not want to buy in Germany, because I did not want to burden them with three kilos of lead tape our luggage. So I set off in the city, um Bleiband zu besorgen 🙂 Gegen Abend hatte ich Gewissheit, that although there is lead tape in Las Palmas, but not in the weight I want to stay (150 g/Meter). For that I had after a day a fairly good overview of the entire business in the downtown area :-)……. and flat feet! Now the hoods are once without weighing on the hatches and we eagerly await the next weekend. There comes an acquaintance from Kiel. Hopefully then our lead tape in the luggage.
The second point of our safety concept foresaw, easy “on-board come” to prohibit blind pass through the lines. Consistently there are two different methods. Have proved probably halved plastic bottles, which are threaded over the lines or simple, round slices. The simplest and cheapest solution also, which struck me in the supermarket in your hands, waren Plastikteller 🙂
Back on the CESARINA then began Bastelstunde. With a bit of electrical tape could easily tinker a stable construction together. So watch it with us on the ship mooring lines from.
The shoes have to stay ashore from now consistently. Who knows, what else promoted among the shoe If everything on board.
The last entry opportunity for the disgusting fellows aboard our CESARINA we had identified our purchases. So we will previously control, as in recent months even exactly, which travels to the shopping bag on board. Wir haben unsere Altantiküberquerung mit drei Personen geplant und mehr wollen wir auch gar nicht dabei haben 🙂
Without Wind aim – Day 4 and 5 nach Gran Canaria
Apparently we had consumed over the last three days our entire contingent of wind for this crossing. Eventually it was then no longer be prevented: we had to recover the genoa and start the machine. At 2 to 5 Knoten Wind brauchten wir uns auch über unsere Leichtwindsegel keine Gedanken zu machen 🙂 Das ist sogar für diese zu wenig Wind.
Since our autopilot with no wind so can steer a course close to the wind, we had now time to think of something again. Somehow, our good Hydra yet again be convincing, to steer a compass course?! And really, after a reset of the system and wagemutigem Click through the entire menu (we had nothing to lose) standen plötzlich 225° Steuerkurs auf der Anzeige 🙂 Somit waren wir für die restliche Strecke von 300 Nautical miles from “Rowing-go” befreit 🙂 Jetzt konnten wir uns wieder ein bisschen entspannen.
But inaction is nothing for my captain. So finally the watermaker was tested. Without murmuring and Zicken this began work and produced about 55 Liters best drinking water per hour. Just as we had expected even when the long time proven H2O Factory quality. Soon our tanks were all refilled and wearing the 5-liter water cans from the supermarket now has an end.
On the evening of the fourth day we had then finally land in sight: Lanzarote was found just before sunset.
Die Temperatur in der Nacht war angenehm warm und der Himmel klar mit vielen Sternschnuppen 🙂 Trotzdem war es keine ganz ruhige Wache, because the land near took the amount of tankers and freighters again clearly. One last time we had on this trip carefully keep your eyes open. Our installed in Vilamoura AIS course had us a great help. It's great, wenn die Technik funktioniert 🙂
We were pleased both very, as the next morning Gran Canaria appeared in the haze ahead. We also passed another large group of dolphins, which could not be disturbed at her breakfast.
Around noon we moored at the reception jetty. For the 698 Nautical miles, we have pretty much used five days. When we left the boat, traf uns der heftige Seegang an Land doch recht unvorbereitet 🙂 Solche Seebeine hatte ich noch nie gehabt. Since I was happy, when I finally safe sitting in the chair during the registration. The crew of the marina in Las Palmas was very friendly and helpful. We had requested in advance, if it would be possible, to get a place alongside on a web or Hammerhead. With the narrow yacht stern and the windvane it is very, very difficult, to come back from board. Unfortunately, our mail went missing somewhere in the system and so had to be now searched for a solution spontaneously. There was finally still a nice spot for CESARINA short Sidebridge to A- und Aussteigen für uns 🙂 Souverän bugsierte Dietmar unser Schiff zum ersten Mal rückwärts in die doch recht enge Box. Endlich angekommen 🙂
After we had the CESARINA desalted extensively, it was time for a snack in the Sailor Bar.
On the way we ran Jörg Drexhagen from maritime radio stations on the way. He was also reached grade, to his work from tomorrow (Installation of SSB radio equipment) take to the ARC and ARC + boats. Aber heute hatte er noch Zeit für ein gemütliches Bierchen 🙂 Und nächste Woche stehen wir ja sowieso auf seiner Liste. It really is time, dass wir wieder eine funktionierende Kurswellenanlage an Bord haben 🙂