All posts by Dietmar Henke

About Dietmar Henke


Luck fishing, a feasting and much investors beer

Today is Sunday and again in two days my Capitana comes back on board. We spend with each passing day aboard our SUMMER, also advances the “old life” further into the distance. Life in a port has their own dynamics and laws. No day is like the other and constantly meeting new people and perspectives arising for the day's activities and new destinations.
Last Friday, the highlight of the day was definitely the invitation to a feasting of the SY MULINE from Stralsund. On the menu, the self-caught sea bream from the day before and the eel were from our fridge in the program. About 15:30 it was done. Katja skipper of the MULINE submitted two really big shells fresh from the oven with fish, Potatoes and vegetables from the pantry up on deck. Die Crew der 11 Meter long SY MULINE is at least three adults and two small children. Respect to the cook, has conjured up an excellent meal in the heated with kerosene heater! There was even a tasty dessert! In the evening Katya had even already caught three bream. Petri Heil! Da habe ich für etliche x Euronen Angelzeug im Vorschiff gebunkert und habe bestimmt den Händler glücklich gemacht aber die Fische werden auf dem Nachbarschiff gefangen 🙂 Das ist wie im richtigen Leben: Soaps a strong one, and another shaved!
Plagued by bad conscience after looking at the imaginary “Honey To Do Liste” yesterday was the Haussmann day. For a hearty breakfast was not much time for who knows, if not, another orphan skipper would still get the idea, trying to impress his wife with freshly washed laundry. Quick turned the laundry bag on the left and sorted out all the white T-shirts by Katja. Then jumped on `s folding bike and sprinted with the stuff for washing machine. Cover on,Laundry pure and 3 Euros thrown into the machine. The problem with the program choice was made in the committee process and pressed the start button. After the rush of the water I noticed then another one, that there still detergent purely must. So up on `s bike and back to the boat and with “Persil Flüssig” under the arm back. Thank God I had pressed a button with prewash. The result was to be seen. At least everything smelled violently detergent in the boat which has probably as much to mean, that everything is clean, or?


Our mooring neighbor Heligoland with its old wooden yacht “Moby Dick” from Viersen had a greater task ahead. Already on Friday it had begun, to free the deck with unbelievable stamina with steam from loose paint residues. The paint had literally dismantled after the last hard winter in the water into its components. Heligoland is one of the species of the so-called hard-core sailors. He sails preferably in strong winds and storms in autumn and winter. His ship has no fixed port and he sails for years just keep the coast south along when he has the time to. In a small talk on the web and therefore a welcome interruption of busy work, we arranged for the afternoon to visit the local yacht chandler and the supermarket. Since Heligoland had traveled with his VW bus, we had the best transport for our project at the start. A unique opportunity, otherwise to be transported in bags or backpacks heavy drinks pleasantly easy to get on our boat. After an hour in the skipper's shopping paradise (Chandlery) have once again some Euros changed hands. Natürlich standen nur die absolut lebensnotwendigsten Investitionen auf der Einkaufsliste 🙂 Dann sind wir schnell noch zum Supermarkt gefahren, not to risk even an empty fridge. Shopping is hard work! My admiration the ladies, the sanity- and price-oriented the many temptations again standing, place a ausgewogende selection of goods unerringly into the Shopping Cart. I notice the very, very difficult! The cashier has also even wondered as then from my Shopping Cart 5 Pallets “Investors beer”, 3 Pallets of mineral water, diverse and many fruit juices plus yoghurts etc. ran across the band. For me looked Heligoland rather inclined to. Had I but told him as well as the other sailing friends long and wide, that I would drink alcohol only in extremely limited quantities and homeopathic. He must have wondered, as I define homeopathy.

Back on the boat was then screwed diligently on the boat and installed the purchases of chandlery. Besides a few other challenges it has given me a block on the mast particularly impressed. The part has the function of a case (Rope with the e.g.. a sail is hoisted) set. Such a block I wanted to open and then had the handle in his hand. Canceled due to material fatigue caused by UV rays. That can not be but! Since the part is not made so simply unscrew, it was just executed with the pipe wrench. Here, the “Henke” persönlich Hand angelegt 🙂 Damit wurde eine kleine Eskalationskette weiterer “Ailments” triggered, I do not want to describe them here. Tomorrow I have to give once more to chandlery.

Slowly we went on to the fun part of the day. At the very moment when I was doing the shopping to create below deck, came even the crew of the SY swantje from Port William in the form of Karsten and his cute girlfriend Stefanie from Austria with a few cans of beer investor in the luggage, determination toward SUMMER. Straight 2 Minutes earlier also Heligoland and his girlfriend Rosi have come on board, after the two deservedly sandpaper and brush had laid after many hours of drudgery out of hand. What followed was a fun evening. Finally I could even sprinkle investors beer in the round. Karsten and Heligoland sailors have told stories at its finest and it was laughed a lot. In the morning at 01:30 then was the end of the nice round. I then cleared some empty cans and the half-full bottle of rose from the table. Exactly such evenings like this I wished for on our trip. Just to be able without having to look at the clock and think about the morning enjoy the moment with nice people. “Life is wonderful” and if my Katja had been there, wäre es sicher noch schöner gewesen 🙂

Moulin Blanc – Fahrradtouren, Crepes, Radio rounds and an unemployed hunger whip


As I sit alone on our SUMMER at position 48 ° 23.588 ° Nord/004,25,739 West in the Marina “Moulin Blanc”, which means as much as “White Mill”. Whatever the reason, that is so has not yet revealed to me until now. For that reason alone because Katja is increased yesterday in the plane to Leverkusen for home leave, to share with your mother (my mother in law) the world festival of equestrian sport-CHIO Cup- to visit in Aachen. This morning on the phone said Katja, that much paperwork would be to do. Recht so, because my hardworking woman should but want to come back with pleasure to Brest on board back:-) Our dear sailing friends from the MENTOR have also taken equal to the opportunity for a short furlough and are not there also. For me they both have a 600 Leave oz filet steak, that amateur chef Wolfgang had hidden for special occasions deep in the fridge. I had to control myself directly, to cut only the first half in the pan and set aside me the second half for today. It was extremely delicious! THANK YOU!


My task for the time as Strohwitwer was clearly defined and precisely defined. I'm supposed to take care of both ships, Allow the engine professional for a repair to be carried out on board the MENTOR, our ship where necessary to bring in income, Discover Brest, Catch fish, Sailors to know, be on the road as a tester for the best crepes, constantly thinking about my wife and let be a good man to love God. All tasks, die einen echt fordern 🙂 Nachdem Katja Ihr Gepäck im Kofferraum des Taxis hat verschwinden lassen und mit dem selbigen von dannen geeilt war, was first necessary to equip the new pantry can be stocked. The supermarket should be located around the corner still the same. My best friend, the folding bicycle was therefore put into combat readiness and already started the Gaudi. 1 1/2 Hours later it was clear, that was not the supermarket in the suspected area. Each slope until then, I have noted with joy because finally makes every course known slim. As a reward, each stood a “Chocolate Crepe” and a “Crêpe Sucre” from the creperie at the port on the program. Yummy! As punishment for 2 Eat pancakes instead of just a crepe I have once again undergone a complete revision of all pumps and valves, the on-board toilet and then thoroughly cleaned the whole bathroom. Das ist Strafarbeit aber einer muss es ja machen 🙂 Heute morgen habe ich dann den Supermarkt in ca. 4,5 Km found!



Ever Marina is the “Moulin Rouge” highly recommended. There is enough space for Guest mooring available, all plants make a clean and well-organized impression, the port is protected and the berths are affordable. After all, there are good here 1600 Boats of all sizes and all Brest seems to be love watersports. Every day, legions of children with small sailboats and surfboards on the water on the road and you see a lot of families on sailing yachts. That's exactly the other way around here in Germany. There one sees mostly elderly relative solely on your ships in the harbor. Equally striking is, that here or anywhere else in France (at least there where we've been) hardly overweight children see. Water is great for the kids! First, they are in good hands, Second, even healthy and fun it is also! The next few days I'll go take a bus to Brest in.


There are two further things , which occupy a special place in my life on board. The radio every morning round on 8297,00 Mhz USB and my fishing rod. But the best thing at a time. The first day I had to draw lucky to find a beautiful eel from the Atlantic, of the piece of salmon fillet on the hook could not resist. That was it but also. Since I see every day how other anglers get buckets of sea bream from the water. Only my hunger whip remains unemployed. NIX!!! Had even forgotten the fishing catch overnight. This morning were ALL bait still there. But one has explained to me, that there should be no eels here allegedly. Sounds strange, but is so! But that it works every morning with the radio round on the marine radio frequency 8297,00 Mhz USB and afternoon on 12359 Mhz USB. Here “meet” to yachts with a SSB radio (Seefunkanlage) equipped are moderated by Joerg from the SY-Harrier / to exchange experiences and to nice discussions. The yachts are in Denmark, Sweden, Finland, France, Spain, Portugal, Turkey on the way. A great story and a good community of sailors. Later in the Caribbean, in the South Seas and the remaining areas of the world to us the radio with valuable weather data and provide us with other sailors to Contact. We are glad of any radio round, in which we may know our system better. We seem to have taken it very well with our system because we are always very good to understand and we also receive other sailors clearly. Meanwhile, other yachts have to contend with significant problems and disorders. The topic Installation and tuning is so complex, that we have made it seem right and have left the installation of the company RADIO YACHT. Of Resultat: a clean and reliable functioning system with the best performance. As far as I've gotten to know, run all of the facilities has installed trouble-free. If I have learned anything in my professional life in the high-tech industry then the: Complex tasks and things which are “it matters” I leave to professionals, who are familiar with it. Just so our customers have even worked with us. Es könnte so einfach sein 🙂 So jetzt aber Schluss damit, the chapter we already left behind!
Let's see what the neighbors have fished on the SY MULINE so. Am besten gehe ich gleich mal rüber 🙂
PS: An addendum: tonight at 21:15 I have worked with Katie's help (Wife of Christoph von der SY MULINE) die grösste Dorade des Tages aus dem Wasser gezogen 🙂 Morgen gibt es ein gemeinsames Mittagessen auf der MULINE.

Laundry day with harbor cinema and a fully locked island highway

Today is our last Port Day in St. Pieters Port sein. After Katja all bunkered 1 Pound coins has turned into the Laundromat in fresh linen, 'Summer' was once again transformed into a clotheshorse. The weather was beautiful, Sun and wind did the rest to. On the neighboring ship you had followed our example. But the difference was stark… We hung on one of the lines about. 8 fresh underpants and Mrs. neighbor only 4 on the same length. Man waren das Zelte 🙂 Parallel zu den häuslichen Arbeiten im Schiff begann dann draußen das Hafenkino. Meaning, the water ran one progresses tide in the harbor, the water level is above the threshold (Bar) was already 1.70 m and the first smaller boats with shallow draft already drove out of the harbor basin, to drive new targets in the distance.


….. there was suddenly a bang, which went to the bone. I almost fell off the washing-up brush from my hand and then we saw the mess. One older Dutch couple sat in the cockpit of their 14m large yacht and has a good piece full tilt on the threshold set. Klaro did not work any differently, because the ship has at least 2m depth and standing water for each well recognizable only 1.80 m above the threshold. From our own experience we know, what it does for a blow, if you have basic contact with stones. All the greater was the astonishment, than the senile button no 5 Minutes later with undiminished speed of all ansetzte to the horror and amazement for the second attempt. A soft grinding and scraping was the result, after the keel was then replaced and the ship was stuck crosswise in the driveway lying. With much fanfare and back engine power the ship came free again. Incredible! The skipper was the calm himself and pretended it would all this concern you. At least he had after the action all the laughs and everyone's incomprehension on his side. In the third attempt 15 Minutes later it went well. But the guy has learned nothing! He drove with significantly excessive speed through which the anchor mooring field on the open sea. I hope we never meet again the! But 100 Punkte für ein klasse Hafenkino 🙂3

In the second half of the day we then had a nice experience during our trip by bus in the westernmost part of the island. On the return journey the bus stopped suddenly in the middle of the “Island Highway” an. What we saw, has really amused us……


The day we were in an Italian restaurant round off, who had received very good reviews on the Internet. The testers had not promised too much!

A tax haven, tight calves and fresh water from the harbor basin


There are places, as you just wake up in on with a pleasant feeling. Among the very lasting positive impressions of yesterday evening and the feeling of Atlantic flair and wanderlust, was getting up this morning an easy exercise. Come straight out of the shower I heard through the open hatch in the bathroom, Katja with the two harbor masters on a “Special Rate” spoke for our mooring the next few days. Only at the end of the conversation, I then noticed quite by accident, that probably all the time must have been my necked butt right in the point of view of men. Do not even want to know what the boys thought……. 🙂


Not a cloud in the bright blue sky and shortly after breakfast were our steel horses ready saddled at the dock. Today, a sporting tour of the island was on the program. After only 30 Minutes in the suicidal, at least for me and initially dense left-hand traffic on the awfully narrow streets, the innocuous-sounding tour description was aware only really at once. It was said about “… a hilly tour of the island if you have once housed the first 800m height difference behind….”. We were convinced, that we had chosen the easier option. Of course that was not conducive to my mood. After my dear wife has unpacked your hidden talents as a motivational speaker and my ambition and felt the last energy has teased out on the mountain with insightful phrases like “You want to discover the whole world so stop whining like a little girl”. The number of the girls has somehow drawn and after that it was at times as if by the numerous climbs up following. At times, frustrating, that Katja has improved stamina because I could only fast descents depend. Otherwise, it was run partly as tandem; You turn to you after you Have a blast and she is still on your rear wheel.



However, the reward for our efforts was worth all the trouble. Guernsey and the other Channel Islands are as tax havens for example,. “Private Equity Fonds” known and accordingly disproportionately wealthy are also a large number of residents. Left and right of the road, a dream castle strung to the next. We have also seen other wonderful areas, but the maintenance condition of the buildings and gardens, and the cleanliness of the streets and open spaces has now reached a new top level.


After an hour we were the heavy traffic going on and the southwestern coast was in sight. The impressions were overwhelming! I would love to reach for new superlatives, to describe the experiences but on a scale of 1-10 has the beauty of nature and a perceived 9,5 achieved. (0,5 Points deduction for cars :-))


In the afternoon we were back in St. Peters Port and have us in good 30 Indulged kilometers on the folding crepes with ice. A new experience it was for us, that the ice has melted faster in the sun than we could weglöffeln it.
A great sense of achievement, there was still the afternoon. I managed to Betriebssdruck in water makers of 36 Bar auf 55 To raise bar. Result: now the unit produced instead 25 Liter set 60 Liters of drinking water per hour from the sea water. Was für ein Tag 🙂

Tomorrow we will visit the Channel Island of Sark ferry. Will be exciting because there are no cars but only wheels and horses there. Let's see what we encounter exciting! Now I have to make it a day and welcome the newly arrived sailors times, like us, the TO-Stander (December Vereinswimpel Trans Ocean) go.

Fast Cars, a fork of action and big fish

12 Hours prior to departure from Boulogne Sur Mer to Cherbourg is at the time, to reminisce the day again. The day began very early for our new conditions in the so-called long travel mode. Point 7:00 it said to leave the cabin and take a hot shower on board. Soon, the first coffee was drunk and then it was already going on for the first weekly market in France. The differences are already apparent very quickly when you have left the first two horses butcher behind. With a somewhat strange feeling, at least I had to think briefly of my mold, which it recent pictures after going very well in his new barn. The chickens at the market stalls have their heads still attached and the hare without fur also. Katja said only, that is intended to make sure no “fake rabbit” to blow away. For this was the offering of fruit, Honey, Bread and cheese more enticing. Heavily laden with a jumble of shopping bags and all kinds of delicious a went back quickly to the boat for quality control. Das zweite Frühstück war also eingeläutet und wurde feierlich zelebriert 🙂
In the marketplace

Strengthened and satisfied with the selection of our purchases was a visit to the sea aquarium “Nausicaä” on the agenda. It is probably the largest and most beautiful of its kind in Europe. Since time immemorial we love the sea and its inhabitants, and thus the anticipation was correspondingly large. To get to the point, it was well worth it! The impressions of the natural beauty of the oceans were sometimes moving. Only right at the thought, that we will see many of the subject areas shown in the coming years, live and in color. Ingenious idea!
As any dentist gets wet eyes!

Thuna Yellow Fin

Beautifully and very toxic

We should greet the comrades in the Caribbean from your

On the bridge of a research vessel



Of course these are only excerpts from a variety of highlights!

Afternoon boat care was announced. The bent Seareeling was directed, Forged freed from rust and chipped pods for the foreseeable next use our Parasailor. Nach Abschluss der Arbeiten gab es die nächste Belohnung 🙂
Strawberry Shortcake…. brilliant!

Short yet spotted the emails and downloaded the team photo of the 24H race at the Nürburgring. What a contrast! Last Sunday I am still with over 200 Km / h gebrettert on the Nordschleife and 2 Days later under sail with 12 Km / h over sea `s gefahren.Das called a contrast.

Our team at the 24H race 2014

Our team at the 24H race 2014

At the end of the day there was a repetition of our fork battle. Will mean, that today we are again 3 Bought fresh from the cutter plaice, were prepared and eaten in the traditional manner. Re always just lay a clod to time on the plate, which we then plastered together and at the same time. Kann man sich dran gewöhnen und der Abwasch hält sich auch in Grenzen 🙂

Tomorrow morning continue to Cherbourg. We plan on Monday evening, arriving there. Katja is prepared and delicious potato salad ate breakfast at sea. We do not want to lose no time.

Maiden voyage on the banana boat and Katja gets into the mast

As usual, the day began with a delicious breakfast after we are already at 9:00 are crawled out of my bunk. Immediately after the visit from the local chandlery on the program. Das ist wie die Verlängerung von weihnachtlicher Vorfreude für den Mann 🙂 Seit Tagen quält mich der Gedanke, I again get more air into the limp Spherical, so he can just abfendern better in rough landing maneuvers to the noble boat skin better and thus protect. The solution was a bicycle air pump with another adapter (found at the chandlery) to equip and then to pump vigorously. A tribute to the talent for improvisation!

The project Bananaboot

The project Bananaboot

Thus in high spirits we have taken the project banana boat attack. It involves an ingenious folding boat, which is produced in Germany and is to be indestructible. If sharp coral heads from dinghies “Rasierpinsel” make, to the banana boat no problems getting. We will eventually find out and report. After a good hour all attachments were there where they belong, Brand new Yamaha hung on the transom and the boat was ready for the first ride.

Woman can be driven

Woman can be driven

River Cruise in Banana Boat

River Cruise in Banana Boat

The motor jumped on and off we went. Does the mood made! Even a seal we could for some close-ups on “Eye level” inspire. After about an hour, the test drive was completed successfully. We had to hurry because a storm was on its way. Quickly washed off the boat with fresh water, Engine again hung on the stern pulpit and then everything again lashed and stowed safely.
In the afternoon, the backpacks were shouldered and it went to TESCO supermarket, to the provisions to replenish. Annoying are always only the many water bottles in the luggage.

Capitana im Mast

Capitana im Mast

One is the small :-)

Man ist der klein 🙂

All good things come in threes! Thus Katja was finally motivated to get into the mast today. One of our Fallen (Linen) had wrapped itself around the radar and had to be freed, before it damaged still one of the sensitive cable. Double backed it up was a breeze and the case was klariert. Since the Katja's climbing experience has really paid off. There were nevertheless already 7 Meters.
A very good English steak with salad and fresh fruit for dessert rounded off the evening. Katja has once again our route planning for the next destination, the Hafen Ramsgate, checked. Wind, Weather and power seem to be perfect. Departure is tomorrow 8:30 be.