All posts by Dietmar Henke

About Dietmar Henke


Viva Columbia ... or a really windy pleasure


Uwe and I knew from the outset, to travel to Santa Marta would be a test. Shortly before Santa Marta it did come in really big for us as we had passed the Cape in the north. The wind increased from 30 Knots on violent 40-50 Knot abruptly. We have the foresail furled quickly and are just the mainsail in the second reef in 3-4 gerauscht meter high waves confused our goal counter. I really had to keep all the difficulties CESARINA on track and the violent gusts of up to 50 auszusteuern node. But at some point we had reached the bay and decided against Santa Marta, to drop anchor in front of the Marina, and calmly consider, how would we go.


It already looked scary to see from, with what power the strong wind was tearing at the cleats and linen webs yachts. Again and again our wind indicator showed a value of 46 Knoten an! We checked the weather forecast and saw, that it should not be better but rather worse the next day. So there was no other choice. We had to go in there!


After we 15 Minutes are circling in the harbor, we got our berth at the end of web e assigned. Now it was about the sausage! Backward against the wind in the box and then also just before the stone wall at the end of the basin. It was clear to me, I would have only one attempt, to maneuver CESARINA in the gap. On the other hand, the wind would have us to be very threatening.


So I positioned the ship at an angle of 70 Degree front of the box and then gave back full throttle. The so-called wheel effect pulled the rear then the rear elegant and perfect to port in an arc in the gap in. After 2 Minutes was CESARINA then laterally to the web and Uwe mastered perfectly his job, to position the mooring lines in the right places. Am Steg already waited several friends and Dockmaster. Most seem to have been impressed(I believe), was as confident and calm the maneuver expired. This challenge we had so mastered.


In the evening there was something powerful to drink and we were celebrating our first together and successful trip. It may like to go to Australia. On Wednesday 18. January, will then go on towards Panama!

30 KG clenched femininity and roast potatoes on the rebound

It was an unusual Monday afternoon. Such a loud cry I had not yet even heard of my fishing reel as apparently something pretty big had doggedly to the trailing bait. Only five pike jumps from the cockpit to the rear were needed until I reached the rod had ,the brake will wear so that the fish on the other end not so many meters of line could pull off the roll. One thing was clear, to have it hung a right kapitaler comrade on the hook and fought with all his might on the other hand aboard the CESARINA come. The tension grew and Uwe had the camera at the ready, to film all the action. That ca. 30 Minute drill and mighty tired arms from the constant Hold I hoped, that a green-yellow shade would show on the water surface. I was firmly convinced, that the mahi mahi had to be huge. To my great surprise, however, soon showed a few dark and long fins, whose movements were majestic and very elegant. From time to time a dark long shadow with green and silver-blue swabs reflected in the deep blue of the Atlantic. A little later, we saw two big eyes and a huge triangular dorsal fin. Now it was clear, that it was at the beautiful animal to a Blue Marlin, which means the culmination of a deep-sea fishing. Already, it was clear, that this noble creature would no end in our cooking pot. Much too large and far too classy, so as to depart from life. Bei dem Kampfgeist und der Ausdauer des Marlins kam ich zum dem Erebnis, that it had to be a female specimen. When I had then lifted the lady over the deck, We only really saw the dimensions. It was approx. 1,50m long and weighed around 30 KG. A little later she said goodbye tiredly back to the depths of the sea. I just wanted to catch a small fish for dinner.

Uwe is always very lucky, that CESARINA starts jumping when he has gone to the pantry to cook. Today fried potatoes with scrambled eggs were on the program, which in itself can be a challenge when everything around you rocks and dances wildly. Then it happened when the potatoes were cut. A strong wave from the side, ein kleiner Ausfallschritt zur Seite und schon rumste sein Kopf erst links und dann frontal wie eine Billardkugel gegen die Wand. Nicht so schlimm weil alle Ecken und Kanten rund sind aber trotzdem nicht gerade angenehm. Nachdem der erste Schreck verflogen war, servierte er späterBratkartoffeln über Bande”. Wohl bekommt`s 🙂

Mittlerweile sind wir nördlich an der ABC Inseln vorbei gesegelt und werden in 46 Seemeilen die Nordspitze von Kolumbien erreicht haben. Gegen Morgen Nachmittag werden wir dann in die Marina von Santa Marta einlaufen. Vorausgesetzt natürlich, dass der Wind uns wohl gesonnen bleibt. Bin schon sehr gespannt, was uns dort so alles erwarten wird.

Rollercoaster par excellence with Bratkatoffeln

About 10:45 It was finally said “Jump in the middle” and CESARINA unescorted from its case on the web J Rodney Bay Marina in the harbor basin. Our friend Wolfgang from Regensburg, of his journey from Venezuela to St. Lucia had unexpectedly lost the mast, waved us so long afterwards, until we reached the narrow channel to Rodney Bay. For our “Commodore”, as we called him friendly, was visibly sad, us go to see and for us a Exhilaration, to be allowed to leave the harbor residence after five weeks. Today at 12:00 should the adventure “World ARC Rallye 2017” Start by launching finally.


Promptly at 12:00 Uwe steered our CESARINA over the line south towards Castries, capital of St. Lucia. Behind Castries it was yet to pass another line, Before then all 27 Yachts of the fleet their direct course of 280 ° to Santa Marta, Colombia docked. In Castries a horde of boats with the team by World Cruising Club and photographers waited, to say goodbye to the fleet and to send on the trip. While we with a boomed with Genoa on starboard and determinate mainsail to port 7-8 Node gen Colombia rustled, grabs the team of the World Cruising Club already the case for the flight to Santa Marta. An important part of the rally, that at each of the venues around the world, Employees of World ARC supervise the Floote and we e.g. to authorities, mooring, excursions, organization, etc.. support.


In the evening then the hunger contacted us. Now the hour struck by Uwe. So far he was obviously very impressed by the many lines, Winschen, all the technology and the huge sea with its high waves in his place in the cockpit. He sails on his 43 Foot yacht for many years mostly on the Baltic Sea, but this number here on the Atlantic is a completely different league. Uwe had already cooked potatoes the evening before, which he processed into very tasty fried potatoes in the pantry using all his strength. In the heat below deck and the extremely violent rocking ship, it was certainly not an easy task. It was a bit too much for him at first, because I was allowed to enjoy the potatoes alone. Der Hunger war ihm jedenfalls vergangen 🙂 Was bin ich froh, einen guten Koch an Bord zu haben.

Nach der allabendlichen Funkrunde um 18:00 All crews said goodbye to the night with a greeting and good wishes on shortwave. Uwe was supposed to take over the first watch, because I was still tired and tired from all the work on the forecastle. CESARINA had an excellent attitude and ran happily through the sea. Disturbances were not to be expected and after a short briefing, I put on myself 19:30 in the bunk to sleep. Uwe had everything under control and woke me up 01:00 for the changing of the guard. He had apparently enjoyed his first night alone in the cockpit very much. A good prerequisite for the next months together on our way to Australia. For me it's a good feeling, to have a friend on board, I can entrust my CESARINA and white especially appreciate it, the way I do it.

So it may like to go further! In about five days, we will arrive in Santa Marta and look forward to some interesting discovery tours. I almost forgot to mention, The fact that a big fish grabbed the bait together with string. it has the 1.2 mm thick nylon rope simply bitten. Uwe could not believe when he saw the sparks. He just said over and over again, that would not believe him his friends from the Flensburg Fjord. Welcome to the Department “offshore sailing” !

“Herr Kaleun: Humbly, Boat is clear for leakage “


One of the greatest films in the history of German cinema is indisputable for me “THE BOAT”. Seitdem Uwe an Bord ist und in der Suite im Vorschiff sein Quartier bezogen hat, hat sich auch der Umgangston geändert. Die Schiffsführung wird respektvoll mit “Herr Kaleun (Kapitäns Leutnant) und die Besatzung mit “1 WO” (Erster Wachoffizier) angesprochen. Ebenso wird an Bord zu jeder Gelegenheit salutiert 🙂 Wir sind beide große Fans und haben den Film so oft gesehen, dass die meisten Szenen fast synchron mitgesprochen werden können. Es fühlt sich einfach alles gut an 🙂



Die Stimmung an Bord ist gut und die Truppe ist gut gerüstet für den ersten Törn nach Santa Marta/Kolumbien. Die Mannschaft ist voll motiviert bei der Schiffspflege und in der Kombüse. Am kommenden Samstag um 12:00 (UTC -4) wird die RallyeAround the World” started. Of course, we are all excited and already full of anticipation. But on board with us prevails as much order, that we are probably one of the very few ships, that 2 is fully ready to leave days before start. That means, that the refrigerator and diesel- and water tanks are filled, the laundry freshly washed in cabinets located, the batteries are charged and everywhere else “Vessel is.

As of today, and the satellite tracker works and thus on the website of the World ARC are also constantly pursuing our current position. Emails we will send at sea with our short-wave radio system and get. The address is: Es gehen aber nur Textnachrichten und keine Bilder oder Anhänge.

Morgen am Freitag gibt es noch die letzten Infos beim sogenannten Skipper-Briefing. Dort werden Wetterinformationen, Funkfrequenzen und allgemeine Hinweise ausgetauscht. Dann heißt es aber endlich: Leinen los undfair Winds”. Das Abenteuer kann beginnen 🙂


happiness, Paint and biscuits or Ode to Joy



In dem Moment als „Friend“ und „Jerry“ bei uns am Steg auftauchten und sich als Experten in Lackierarbeiten präsentierten, war ich den Beiden gegenüber zunächst relativ misstrauisch eingestellt. So viele Leute fragen nach Jobs, that they want to do on the ship and everyone is THE expert in their field. What a stroke of luck I made with both of them, shows up a little more every day. Reliable, very thorough and conscientious, to many years of expertise and a letter of recommendation from the Eigner Tim and his boatman of the British yacht "Brave Heart of Sark". A ship like Cesarina, the only 25 Years younger and 72 foot long.


The paint work is progressing well. After each newly applied layer of high-gloss clear coat everything is ground again and thus opened the paint surface, before the next layer is applied with a brush. The whole procedure is then repeated up to 10x. In many areas, you can already see very well, that the paint gets a very low gloss. That's the magic, emanating from wood. The whole ship lives and breathes through the natural product and is talking to the viewer. It's like looking someone in the eye and being lost in thought……


Many people who pass here every day stop and look at CESARINA's lines. Sometimes people say, that she is the most beautiful ship, which you have long seen here in the marina. Of course, that makes the skipper a little proud :-).


On the other hand, I also hear from different directions, that some are of the opinion, that I'm exaggerating "a little". How do they come up with it :-)? May well be, that for some others the care and work on the ship means more burden than pleasure and their preferences are different. Almost like before…How often back then did our customers and competitors shake their heads blankly at my joy in perfection and the constant striving for the "best". Only our employees were proud of your company, and after all we only have it after a while 14 Years to the top. I either do something “right” or not at all. “What ever makes your boat float” or whatever makes you happy. Why should it be any different with the ship?? Love and passion for what you do, ist die Basis und der Ursprung solcher Projekte und kann auch nicht mit Logik und Ratio begründet werden. Das Schöne ist ja, dass dieses Projekt niemals fertig werden wird 🙂

Mein lieber Mitsegler Jürgen kann jetzt gern am 27.12 an Bord kommen. Ich bin mir sicher, dass wir die Leidenschaft für schöne klassische Yachten und die See teilen und eine geniale Zeit bis nach Australien haben werden. Das Leben kann schon cool manchmal cool sein 🙂


Riesig gefreut habe ich mich als ich gestern ein Paket von meinem lieben Freund Franjo aus Köln bekommen habe. Schon die geschriebenen Worte „Cakes and Black Bread“ auf dem Paket haben fast dazu geführt, dass die junge Dame im Marinabüro es erst gar nicht herausgeben wollte. Es roch schon von außen sehr gut 🙂 Allein schon, dass jemand sich die Mühe macht ein Paket an mich auf die ferne Reise zu bringen istGoldwert. Alle Kekse und das Paket Schwarzbrot sind aus eigener Herstellung und sind einfach nur köstlich. So fern der Heimat weiß man solche Dinge und tollen Geschenke noch 3x mehr zu schätzen. As I said, das Leben kann schon manchmal sehr cool sein 🙂


In dem Sinne wünschen Marina-Katze “Pischi” und ich von Bord der CESARINA Euch allen ein schönes Weihnachtsfest!  

New ways, or begins a new chapter

Es hat sich viel ereignet in den letzten Monaten. Before 7 Monaten hat mir die Skipperin unwiderruflich mitgeteilt, dass Sie zum Ende des Jahres von Bord gehen wird. Katja möchte wieder nach Deutschland zurück und ein geregeltes Leben nach Ihren eigenen Vorstellungen und Wünschen führen. In der Zeit danach hatte ich gezwungener Maßen die Gelegenheit, mir einen neuen Gegenentwurf einfallen zu lassen, at the end I had to make a decision for me, how should it go on for me. No really easy task….

At the 13. December it was time. When the taxi to the airport rolled into the parking lot of the Rodney Bay Marina, we have kept the farewell short. There are definitely better things with which you can spend in the Caribbean his time here.

World ARC

Since the 21. Age I dream of, my dream yacht, to sail around the world. The desire to live the dream, is definitely stronger than the fear of change. So I have booked a place at the World ARC organization without really knowing, with whom I would sail this rally together around the world. Only one thing was always clear to me. I wanted to deal in no case with a constantly changing crew these enormous distances. The challenge was therefore to find a sailors of time has, the necessary experience in sailing has, to appreciate my CESARINA know and where also the right chemistry. Normally, this is an almost impossible task.

Life has but once again kind to me:-) Purely by chance and totally unexpectedly, I got a call from a friend, I told about my plans and the upcoming changes. Jürgen was immediately hooked and actually “impossible”, evolved over time to a common plan. My feeling tells me, that the conditions for a great trip can not be better. It just fits all without ifs and buts and the rest we get every now.

At the 27. December Jürgen is here in St. Lucia arrive on 7. January we will already be going to Colombia. The first trip is just above 900 Nautical miles. That should be enough, get to know the ship and to make our community a good common ground. In February Katja is then again sail a stage with us from Panama to Galapagos. That was was always high on your wish list and we look forward to a nice time together on board.

Then it goes for Jurgen and me of Galapagos from 3000 Nautical miles to the Marquesas and then across the South Australia. Diese großen Distanzen und der gewaltige Pazifik werden uns natürlich so einiges abverlangen. Das muss man die See und das Segeln schon sehr lieben 🙂

Im August muss Jürgen dann wieder nach Deutschland zurück, denn dort warten Tochter und Firma auf ihn. Ich habe die Absicht ein Jahr in Australien, Neuseeland oder in der Südsee zu verbringen. No idea, wer mit an Bord sein wird oder wohin es gehen wird. Ich weiss nur, dass sich schon etwas ergeben wird. Der Plan ist, keinen Plan zu haben…… Ich finde, das klingt für den Anfang doch schon einmal gar nicht so schlecht.

2016-12-18 ST Lucia

2016-12-18 -2 ST Lucia

Bis dahin wird CESARINA jeden Tag mehr ein Stück weiter in einen annähernd perfekten Zustand gebracht und für die Reise vorbereitet. Since 2 Wochen schon werden von einheimischen Spezialisten alle Decksaufbauten professionell neu lackiert. Das ist doch wie ein vorgezogenes Weihnachtsfest für mich 🙂 Alles Weitere wird sich dann schon ergeben…..


Großstadtrummel mit Startschwierigkeiten

Das Mooringfeld, in dem wir die letzten Tage eigentlich ganz prima gelegen hatten, zeigte heute durch die andere Windrichtung, die vorherrschte, dass es eigentlich für kürzere Schiffe ausgelegt war. Obwohl wir unsere Mooringleine schon so kurz wie möglich belegt hatten, klopfte die nächste Mooring mit Ihrer riesigen Kugel und dem rostigen Haken oben drauf schon an unser Heck. So ging das nun wirklich nicht und hektisch wurde alles zum Absegeln fertig gemacht. Wir wollten ja keine ernsthaften Kratzer im frischen Hochglanzlack riskieren 🙁

Wir segelten aus dem Gewirr kleiner Insel hinaus und freuten uns über einen angenehmen Segelwind, der uns auf einem „am Wind- Kurs“ genau Richtung Boston bringen würde. Die Zahl der Lobsterbojen nahm auch im Laufe des Tages deutlich ab und es war ein entspannter Segeltag. Nach Sonnenuntergang hatten wir das Gefühl, durch ein Lichtermeer zu segeln 🙂 Überall Fischerboote mit grellen Halogenscheinwerfern und alle natürlich ohne AIS. Unser Radarschirm sah aus als hätte er Masern 🙂 Da wurde heute Nacht aber wirklich viel Aufmerksamkeit gefordert und man konnte kein Nickerchen machen. Gegen zwei Uhr schlief der Wind ein und unsere Maschine musste wieder ran. Mit gut sechs Knoten Fahrt im Schiff kamen wir unserem Ziel schnell näher und würden im Laufe des Vormittags in Boston sein. Um halb vier übernahm Dietmar die letzte Wache und ich durfte auch noch eine Mütze Schlaf nehmen.


In der aufgehenden Sonne lag Bostons Skyline schon deutlich sichtbar vor uns. Aber so einfach sollten wir unser Ziel nicht erreichen. „Hier brennt was, gibt mir mal mein Handy“, tönte Dietmars Stimme aus der Pantry. Totally perplexed, I did not question his instructions and brought the desired iPhone. Wouldn't a fire extinguisher have been more appropriate here?. "Machine off!!!! Right away!!!“At your command, captain, will be done immediately. Thick smoke billowed from the bilge, But thank God there was no fire to be seen. And now???? First of all, fresh air had to enter the ship and we quickly opened all the hatches. Dietmar identified the alternator as a troublemaker. It had been making strange noises for the past few hours, although we only had it installed as a new part at Hinckleys'. After a thorough check, Dietmar removed the alternator and when we were sure, that nothing really burned or simmered, starteten wir die Maschine wieder und setzten unseren Weg in Richtung Boston fort.

Was für ein Tag 🙁 Nachdem sich die erste Aufregung etwas gelegt hatte, schrieb Dietmar eine E-Mail an Hinckley und telefonierte mit unserer Versicherung. Die übernahmen gern eine ausführliche Beratung zur weiteren Vorgehensweise. Auch die Hinckley-Werft reagierte, zwar erst ziemlich spät, aber dafür mit gutem Service. Morgen Vormittag würde ein Techniker mit allem nötigen Equipment hier in Boston eintreffen und der Sache auf den Grund gehen. So you want it.


Nachdem alles geregelt war, konnten wir uns wieder mit voller Konzentration unserem Ziel zuwenden. Durch die vielen vorgelagerten Inseln brauchten wir fast zwei Stunden bis wir die für uns reservierte Mooring vor der Waterboat Marina erreichten. Was für eine tolle Kulisse. Keine zweihundert Meter vom Boot entfernt lag Boston Downtown. Unser Anlegemanöver wurde von einer Freundin, die sich auf einer Rundreise in den USA befindet, in Fotos und einem Video festgehalten 🙂 Sie startete grade nebenan zu einer Whale Watching Tour.


Jetzt war aber erstmal Frühstück angesagt und anschließend noch ein kurzes Nickerchen. Die Nacht war doch nicht besonders erholsam gewesen. Trotz der vielen Fähren, Wassertaxis und Ausflugsbooten erwies sich unser Liegeplatz als erstaunlich ruhig. Da haben wir schon deutlich schlechter geankert in den letzten Monaten. Am Nachmittag machten wir das Dinghi klar und checkten in der Marina ein. Der Preis für die Mooring betrug 55 € pro Nacht und war für die zentrale Lage wirklich unschlagbar preiswert. Für eine Nacht in der Marina hätten wir das Fünffache bezahlen müssen. Das wäre sicherlich ein teures Vergnügen geworden.

Den ganzen Nachmittag ließen wir uns ziellos durch die Innenstadt treiben. Was für eine tolle Stadt. Voll mit Wolkenkratzern und alten Gebäuden, Parks, Cafes, Restaurants und vielen Straßenkünstlern. Im Gegensatz zu vielen amerikanischen Städten kann man alles bequem zu Fuß erreichen 🙂 Das gefiel uns besonders gut!


Der erste Abend in Boston war auch schon verplant. Ich wollte meine Freundin Anja zum Essen treffen und Dietmar war mit Elias verabredet, den wir über einen Freund aus Deutschland kennengelernt hatten. So we both spent very nice hours separately from each other, until we arrived back on the CESARINA shortly before midnight, rather exhausted.

After a short, but restful night we crawled out of bed the next day. The Hinckley technician had already called us at a quarter to seven and he was on board less than an hour later. All cables were checked together again and it was probably safe, that the alternator had really gone up in smoke yesterday. A short time later the new one was installed and a one-hour test run began. Shortly before noon everything was ready and Dietmar brought the Hinckley technician back to the marina. Now we really hope, dass alles gut funktioniert und wir keine weitere Hilfe des Hinckley-Teams mehr brauchen werden 🙂

Den Nachmittag verbrachten wir im New England Aquarium, das direkt an der Waterfront liegt. Ein tolles Erlebnis mit einem riesigen Meerwasserbecken, das sich über komplette drei Etagen erstreckt. Hier sahen wir viele „alte“ Bekannte unserer Tauchgänge in der Karibik. Am Nachmittag fand außerdem die Fütterung der Pinguine statt. Diese erfolgte unter genauer Listenführung durch die Mitarbeiter per Hand, damit niemand zu kurz kommt oder zu viele Fische bekommt.



Da sich der angesagte Regen immer noch nicht blicken ließ bummelten wir noch in Hafennähe etwas durch die Stadt und genossen die Vorstellungen verschiedener Straßenkünstler, bevor wir uns aufs Boot zurückzogen.


A guest in HINCKLEY`s Traumfabrik

Today for us was a special treat on the program. As now good customers HINCKLEY We have received an invitation, us to look at the production of new yachts in Bar Harbor. We were received there very friendly and immediately made us with the production manager Frederick on the way into the hallowed halls. Here are of ca. 370 Employees with a lot of passion and skill ca. 60 new yachts 12 to 23 Meters manufactured mainly by hand. but these, only 5 piece sailing, the rest are motor yachts. The shipyard was 1928 founded on the US East Coast and a high reputation as a manufacturer of quality yachts has developed internationally. I myself had already the chance one of the boats with two 500 PS Jetantrieben in freier Wildbahn zu testen. Wie cool war das denn 🙂 ?



First of all, we had the opportunity, take a look at the boat joinery or "carpinterie". Here all kinds of fine woods are processed according to customer requirements and the individual parts and components manufactured, which are then subsequently fitted to the ship. Since each vessel has a very high degree of individualization and is custom made, resembles not a single ship to the other. That this high cost in the price of yachts reflected, thereby each very easy to understand. A 12 Meter sailing yacht for example can cost considerably more than one million US Dollar. In the large-scale you get a ready to sail yacht for less than two hundred thousand US Dollar


Before the individual components leave the carpentry, get this up to 12 Layers clearcoat. Large areas are painted in a painting by spraying and for smaller areas come brush and roller for use. But this process already overcrowded volumes with expertise and experience reports. The result has then piano lacquer quality.


In the next hall hull and deck shell are produced. How this is done, Fred has good clear to us from a model.


First, the spraying method is the so-called gelcoat, so the outer skin and later visible surface, applied to the so-called negative mold. Thereafter, multiple layers of Kevlar, glass fiber, laid carbon fiber and yet so few other materials about the negative mold, which is standardized for every type of boat of a class. These layers are then finally covered with a film and thus sealed against the mold, that you can draw a vacuum on it. The air is sucked off at one end and a special resin is then pumped into the other via a hose system. The high art is now to steer the process in this way, that all voids or bubbles have completely disappeared. There is only one try and if it goes in your pants, a lot of material and time is lost. The resin then hardens and at the end the shell is separated from the mold again. The process is called the vacuum infusion process.


Negative form for a cover shell. Before the layers are laminated, the shell is sprayed with a release agent, so that the gelcoat does not stick to the shape.


In the next area, the entire drive technology is installed in the fuselage shell, the diesel and water tanks, the cabins, Steering positions, Electronics and much more built in. Now all areas are still freely accessible. With the abundance of individual components, later it will be incredibly tight below deck as you can see. Ship technicians are therefore usually smaller and usually very flexible people. The hatches are already in the lid, Windows and all imaginable fittings installed.


The next step is called "wedding". That means, that waiter- and lower part are glued and screwed together. But before that happens, really all imaginable individual parts are checked for accuracy of fit and function. Again, there is only one attempt. Once the glue has set, there is no turning back.


At the end of the production line, the ship is then finally assembled and approved by quality assurance. Before it is then presented to the happy customer, All components are also subjected to very detailed tests on the water. Because in the end, HINCKLEY wants to and will maintain its reputation as a premium- and quality manufacturers meet with every single yacht.


It was a very interesting and valuable day for us. Trotzdem hängt mein Herz an unserer CESARINA und das ist auch gut so 🙂

CESARINAS Refit -part 1


On Friday, the 12. August, we finally arrived in Southwest Harbor. Of course, the first road led us to the hallowed halls of HINCKLEY shipyard. Since we knew, that our CESARINA should be prepared for painting, we found it then also in the hall 3, the Empire of Jeff. Jeff has 25 Years in charge of the painting of new and newly painted yachts. His reputation preceded him already. It should be probably the best and most experienced man on the US east coast for top yacht finishes. After all be here at Hinckley circa 60 painted yachts per year, what ever is indeed a decent number.



The first preparatory Been already done. This means, that the damaged areas in the outer skin (Gelcoat) have already been filled and sanded. What followed now, one can safely be called a real backbreaking. Since CESARINA will get a very dark varnish, of this clear coat will be glossy even by four extra layers, the surface must be perfectly flat. This high quality is obtained, by a relatively coarse sandpaper on a ca. 1 Meter long and flexible board is glued and is then ground with entirely by hand and with a lot of muscle of the entire body. In technical terms this is called "boarding". One must never forget, that we here about a 17,40 Meter long ship talking. Since the arms can be quite long. These are the guys on fluctuating Bretten at lofty heights. But this job needs about. 50 working hours. But for any compromise, neither Jeff nor do we have. Top Quality needs just perfect preparation.


After the extent subtleties were discussed, Then we went in search of our engine, we finally found the Locksmith. CESARINA`s "heart" stood neatly with new paint provided on the floor of the workshop. What has prepared a joy to me this sight, is hard to describe. The machine really looked like new. I had spent with work on the motor and so often annoyed me, how many hours, that deep in the bilge, a malodorous, oily liquid stood and looked the engine, as if he were already 20000 running hours. In fact, he has only 2000 Hours on the clock. I know, I am in these matters perhaps pedantic, but I love it now even, when everything is clean and tasty. For this reason we can also coat the entire bilge novel and can overtake the machine thoroughly. Folgende Arbeiten an der Maschine wurden in Auftrag gegeben: Maschine ausbauen, reinigen und neu lackieren, Dieselpumpe und Injektoren ausbauen und neu kalibrieren lassen, alle Leitungen, Filter und Schläuche erneuern, Ölwechsel, Impeller wechseln, Ventile einstellen , Anlasser erneuern, Lichtmaschine erneuern, Stoppschalter erneuern, manuellen Stoppschalter installieren, Gas und Schaltzug erneuern, Getriebeöl erneuern etc. Dazu gibt es noch eine neue Dieselfilteranlage und eine neue Bilgenpumpe. I'm looking forward to, wenn ich den Maschinenraum später einmal als Schmuckstück präsentieren kann, was ich dann auch sicherlich sehr gern tun werde. Einen Maschinenraum von dessen Fußboden man essen kann 🙂 Perfekt eben!


The guys had worked hard on the ship over the weekend and sanded through all the bumps on the hull, spatula, grinding eliminated. The many white spots have all been filled and sanded once. In addition to strong arms, this also includes very good eyes, Sensitivity and a good deal of experience.


The next step followed on Tuesday. After the fuselage has been cleaned and taped off again and wrapped in foil, Jeff then applied the so-called primer with the spray gun. The primer does the job, that the paint will later adhere perfectly to the substrate. You could already see here, that the painted surfaces were as smooth as a baby's bottom.


After the primer had dried through overnight, Then it was time to grind again. The entire surface had to be sanded again using an eccentric sander, On the one hand to prepare the primer for the next layer of paint and on the other hand to remove any pimples on the surface. On Thursday the time had come, that Jeff could paint the entire fuselage in AWL Grib "Flag Blue". A total of five layers of paint were applied with the spray gun, to achieve a perfect and long-lasting layer thickness. It sounds so simple, but quite the opposite is the case. One has to consider, that the areas are very large and that kilos of paint is evenly applied there. To do this, the painter works in a full protective suit with a breathing mask, otherwise he would pass out from the scaffolding because of the solvents. He still has to be careful, that the lacquer is not applied too thickly because otherwise there would be runs and lacquer protrusions. The work was done late in the evening.


On Friday at noon I came into the hall full of anticipation and thought I couldn't believe my eyes. Jeff was already working on the really high-gloss and perfect surface again with the grinder. With a laugh in his eyes he told me, he would have the feeling himself, dass dieser Schritt reiner Vandalismus sei 🙂 Auf der linken Seite spiegelte sich die Wand und auf der rechten Seite war schon wieder alles fein matt geschliffen. Aber es ist nun einmal notwendig, weil ich mir mit den zusätzlichen 4 Schichten Klarlack einen Sonderwunsch erfüllt habe. Der Lack soll später einmal so aussehen, als läge er unter einer Schicht aus Glas. Wenn sich das Wasser und die Sonne darin spiegelt, soll es dadurch wunderschöne Licht- und Farbeffekte geben. Das hat sogar den Lackierern gefallen, weil es schon etwas besonderes ist und wohl nur selten bestellt wird. Aber unsere CESARINA ist ja schließlich auch ein besonderes Schiff 🙂



Am Sonntag stand ein weiteres Highlight auf dem Programm. Against 11:00 Renee picked us up from the motel and we drove to the shipyard together. Renee is an artist from Southwest Harbor, who have been using the names in 24 Carat Gold Leaf conjures up the stern of noble yachts. We met on the ship a few weeks ago, to talk about ideas and wishes in this regard. After a few drafts, we then agreed on one of them, which appeared to be coherent to all sides. By means of a layer of carbon parchment paper between the sheet of paper with the lettering and the rear, she brought the outlines of the individual letters to the stern. Then came the artistic act. She then hand-painted the individual letters with a brush and a special tincture. Allein die vielen Rundungen und Bögen über große Strecken so perfekt hinzubekommen ist eine echte Kunst. After a good 5 Stunden war es dann vollbracht.


Im nächsten Schritt wird eine dünne Lage aus 24 Gold über die gemalten Flächen mit dem Kleber gelegt und angedrückt. Anschließend werden mit einem weichen Pinsel die überstehenden Goldreste entfernt und in einer Schachtel aufgefangen. Spätestens jetzt zeigt es sich wie präzise und sauber der Pinsel geführt wurde. Renee hat es sehr perfekt hinbekommen. Letztendlich hat sie auch nur einen Versuch. Sonst würde es teuer werden und der Untergrund wäre auch gründlich versaut 🙂


Das perfekte Finish erhält das Kunstwerk dann noch dadurch, dass mit einem Tuch aus Samt die weichen Oberflächen bearbeitet werden. Durch vorsichtige Streichbewegungen unter leichtem Druck auf dem weichen Gold werden feinste Konturen erzeugt, in denen sich das Licht bricht und je nach Lichteinfallswinkel tolle Effekte ergibt. Genau wie bei unserem Lack 🙂 Ganz am Schluss wird das gesamte Heck mit 8 Schichten Klarlack überzogen, um den Schriftzug dauerhaft zu versiegeln. Ich bin der Meinung, dass man es kaum noch perfekter machen könnte 🙂



Cesarinas Refitoder bald ist Weihnachten


Was muss meine Frau bloß alles mit mir ertragen? Es liegt in meiner Natur, dass ich schöne Dinge an denen mir etwas liegt, noch etwas schöner und perfekter machen möchte. So auch meine CESARINA! Vor gut 6 For weeks I left our Cesarina to the employees of the HINCKLEY shipyard and then moved to Germany for an extensive home vacation. The modifications to be done, Repairs and ideas were documented in long minutes as the result of many meetings. With the feeling in your luggage, to have checked at least the most important points, Then I went home to Leverkusen.



Now it's just left 3 Days until we meet again at Hinckley's. Our sweetheart will then be standing in the paint shop for a good week and waiting for your new paint job. Man, what am i excited about. The painting will be more complex than usual, because here, too, I was able to order a few special requests. The result should be simply stunning….. Mehr verrate ich noch nicht an dieser Stelle 🙂 Das Ergebnis sollte dann am besten einfach für sich selbst sprechen.




Es ist ja nicht so, dass wir während der letzten Wochen nicht auf Stand gewesen wären. Ab und zu haben wir schon aktuelle Bilder aus Maine bekommen. Natürlich hätte ich mir tägliche Updates gewünscht, aber ich glaube, dass meine fast täglichen Mails mit Änderungs- und Sonderwünschen sowieso schon nervig genug für den Projektmanager gewesen sind. Ein ganz besonderes Highlight war die Überarbeitung des Teakdecks. 1000 Meter Dichtungsmasse mussten aus dem Deck entfernt werden und danach wieder neu vergossen und geschliffen werden. Was für eine WahnsinnsaRbeit! I think, dass die besten Leute von Hinckley diesen Job bei uns ausgeführt haben. The result looks terrific in the pictures.


As much as I was happy, that Hinckley's men managed to do what I thought was an almost impossible task, to get the machine out of the ship, it was a very strange feeling, to see the diesel on the hook of the crane. The machine is also to be completely overhauled and then repainted. In connection with this, the bilge will be repainted and a new diesel filter system will be installed. After all, the machine is our life insurance and it absolutely has to work, when it matters.


By the way, the old paint was also removed from the shelf (engl. “toe rail”) deducted and is in 12 new layers of paint rebuilt. Die anderen Deckaufbauten werde ich dann später selber neu lackieren. Dafür habe ich eine professionelle Schleifmaschine aus Deutschland mitgebracht und werde selber den Pinsel schwingen. Etwas Übung habe ich ja schon sammeln können in den letzten Monaten 🙂

Somit bleibt die Spannung wohl noch ein wenig erhalten, wie das finale Ergebnis wohl aussehen wird. Für mich ist die Zeit wie Weihnachten. Die Vorfreude ist wie immer die schönste Freude. Und eines ist sicher: CESARINA hat es sich sicherlich verdient! Eigentlich ist sie viel zu schade, um sie danach noch durch die rauhe See zu steuern. Aber schließlich wurde sie doch genau zu diesem Zweck gebaut. Wir werden sie gut behüten und auf sie aufpassen. Genauso wie sie immer auf uns gut aufpassen wird 🙂