Last night, Dietmar had experienced yet, that the Marina of Angra do heroism of the port with all the strongest threshold should be the Azores, the know, day and night on the mooring lines pulling the boats can be used. Also when this morning still no breeze stirred, stellte der Chef unsere ganze Planung wieder in Frage 🙁 Was wir denn eigentlich in Angra wollten?? Here it would be also very nice… etc….pp
Hmmmm, What should I say? The mood of the captain was not the best since the departure of our friends yesterday. I wanted to not visit but the Festival and with the car or bus, I wanted to be like on the ground. Also resting was returned in Praia after the agriculture exhibition, ehrlich gesagt war hier jetzt wieder der Hund begraben 🙂
After some back and forth we were then on the way. Under engine we used at least the time, to fill the water tanks with our water maker. On the way we saw several dolphins, but our views here so often sighted whales were again hidden. After around four hours we reached the port of Angra and moored at the Jetty of the reception. Of course prevailed at the port very much stronger swell and the box, that we got assigned to, was also not particularly cheap. But now we were there and had to deal so that's fine.
So all shock absorbers were once again used, and eventually rocked the SUMMER also quite silent in their box. Wir haben schon schlechter gelegen 🙂 Direkt vor der Haustür lud die Stadt zur Erkundung ein. Also you can dive here as well in Angra. It is located directly in front of the port “Cemetery of anchors”, that should be worth a visit. Thus I could motivate even Dietmar. So we went to the city, to find a dive center.
Angra was already completely in the character of the upcoming Festival “San Joaninas”. All were rebuilt stands and stalls. The main streets were very elaborately lighted and decorated. Überall war Bewegung und es lag eine gewisse Spannung und Vorfreude in der Luft 🙂
The search brought us already a detailed walk through the town after the dive, because she was away in the next Bay from the Centre of the city. From the outside the shop looked not very confidence and the Interior remained hidden our eyes behind thick rusty sliding doors, denn es war bereits schon geschlossen 🙁 Also versuchten wir unser Glück telefonisch. So we got the Info, that for the “Cemetery of anchors” four divers would be necessary. There was a prospective for Saturday, Let me see, If another would show up. “Tomorrow, it would register with us.” Well, then, schauen wir mal 🙂
While Dietmar enough feet had represented, I wanted to further explorations.
Through these beautiful gardens you could climb up high over the city up. Auf einem kleinen Platz steht dort ein Monument ohne Namen 🙂
Von hier oben hatte man eine tolle Aussicht über die Stadt und im Park fand ich noch weitere interessante Fotomotive 🙂
They were also not talk back to me, hatten keine weiteren Termine und waren sehr geduldig 🙂
So I totally forgot the time and came back late on the SUMMER. Mein Kapitän stand schon kurz vor dem Hungertod 🙂 und so startete ich in der Kombüse gleich durch, to conjure something delicious on the table for us.