On Monday morning, he began “Office life” on the buzzer. Just under four days time, to do much! While Dietmar dealt with the technical side of the CESARINA, the authorities due to the re-registration on it got down to eye.
An yacht, the longer as 15 Meter is, absolutely must be entered in the ship register. The ship register is similar to a land for real estate. And how it's just official, so langwierig ist das Prozedere auch
So begins the procedure in Germany, If all the documents in the original are the corresponding District Court. Vorher geht leider gar nichts Die Liste der benötigten Dokumente ist zwar nicht sehr lang, has it but:
- The application for an entry in the ship register – No problem, You can download on the Internet
- A certified copy of identity card or passport – das hatten wir letzte Woche in Faro erledigen können
- The contract of sale – It's now not difficult
We could get even somehow all documents previously listed, at the last two but we had again relied on authorities and offices. So was missing:
- The tonnage of the BSH in Hamburg – was then not so time-consuming and complicated as expected. After two nice phone calls and a few emails is tonnage to ca. one week processing time directly to the appropriate District Court sent. Very nice, so soll das sein
- The mandatory discharge from the Dutch ship register – the good news: Please send the documents directly to the District Court, the bad news: It takes ca. vier Wochen
Das sah eindeutig nach eine Zwangspause aus Denn alle weiteren organisatorischen Dinge können erst nach der Eintragung ins Register erfolgen.
So begann ich schon einmal den Umzug zu planen Nach und nach verpackte ich die Lebensmittel aus den diversen Schapps in Plastikkisten. Then everything was sorted ever (more or less) and it would go after faster. I was already a little anxious with the time. Turned out our SUMMER more and more as a space saver. Für die Altantiküberquerung muss ich gefühlt nur noch frische Lebensmittel einkaufen
Den Rest habe ich jetzt schon an Bord
Wo genau ich das alles auf der CESARINA unterbringen soll??? Ich habe noch keine wirklich gute Idee
Dietmar cared at the time, to bring the technical equipment of our new lady on stand. Eigentlich ist die Formulierung etwas irreführend Auf Stand ist das Schiff schon. We have no concerns, with the current facilities of the Azores on 900 Nautical miles to mainland Portugal to sail. But in the long term, there are already some things, die wir auf Dauer ändern wollen
A water maker is on the wish list top. Dietmar has chosen the same model, We also have on the buzzer to our greatest satisfaction with 16 Run months without errors. Only, that the water makers of the H2O-factory now on 24 Volt will run. The device is waiting hopefully then us, When we here at Vilamoura to the 20.ten September around again. The seacocks for which are fortunately already there, the inlet and outlet of seawater and we even found a corresponding spot in the forecastle for the good piece.
Directly in second place followed by the SSB radio (Lake and amateur radio) with PACTOR 4 Modem. Dietmars Lieblingsspielzeug Immerhin gibt es auf der CESARINA schon eine Achterstag-Antenne. Everything is missing, is already on the way from Germany to Portugal. The final installation should then make Jörg Drexhagen of YACHTFUNK.com in the Canary Islands. We were more than pleased with his recent installation.
Last but not least we will get a new set sail from NORTH SAILS have. Since there are no exact measurements of the rig of the CESARINA a sailmaker from Belgium is extra to the Azores, to take the accurate measurements. Thus, but also the list of necessary things before the trip in the Caribbean is already pretty much complete.
So can a part to the next, a few more wishes, viele Kleinigkeiten und bald waren die vier Tage verflogen Sehr erfolgreich, how we found. Now it was time, again something to relax.
There, Yes sounds like a full programme. What's wrong with the windvane Steering, or it has been deleted, to get the rear?
Which is of course already wind pilot in the inlet long ride without wind vane is time not. Saves energy and protects the mechanical components immensely.