It was an unusual Monday afternoon. Such a loud cry I had not yet even heard of my fishing reel as apparently something pretty big had doggedly to the trailing bait. Only five pike jumps from the cockpit to the rear were needed until I reached the rod had ,the brake will wear so that the fish on the other end not so many meters of line could pull off the roll. One thing was clear, to have it hung a right kapitaler comrade on the hook and fought with all his might on the other hand aboard the CESARINA come. The tension grew and Uwe had the camera at the ready, to film all the action. That ca. 30 Minute drill and mighty tired arms from the constant Hold I hoped, that a green-yellow shade would show on the water surface. I was firmly convinced, that the mahi mahi had to be huge. To my great surprise, however, soon showed a few dark and long fins, whose movements were majestic and very elegant. From time to time a dark long shadow with green and silver-blue swabs reflected in the deep blue of the Atlantic. A little later, we saw two big eyes and a huge triangular dorsal fin. Now it was clear, that it was at the beautiful animal to a Blue Marlin, which means the culmination of a deep-sea fishing. Already, it was clear, that this noble creature would no end in our cooking pot. Much too large and far too classy, so as to depart from life. Bei dem Kampfgeist und der Ausdauer des Marlins kam ich zum dem Erebnis, that it had to be a female specimen. When I had then lifted the lady over the deck, We only really saw the dimensions. It was approx. 1,50m long and weighed around 30 KG. A little later she said goodbye tiredly back to the depths of the sea. I just wanted to catch a small fish for dinner.
Uwe is always very lucky, that CESARINA starts jumping when he has gone to the pantry to cook. Today fried potatoes with scrambled eggs were on the program, which in itself can be a challenge when everything around you rocks and dances wildly. Then it happened when the potatoes were cut. A strong wave from the side, ein kleiner Ausfallschritt zur Seite und schon rumste sein Kopf erst links und dann frontal wie eine Billardkugel gegen die Wand. Nicht so schlimm weil alle Ecken und Kanten rund sind aber trotzdem nicht gerade angenehm. Nachdem der erste Schreck verflogen war, servierte er später “Bratkartoffeln über Bande”. Wohl bekommt`s 🙂
Mittlerweile sind wir nördlich an der ABC Inseln vorbei gesegelt und werden in 46 Seemeilen die Nordspitze von Kolumbien erreicht haben. Gegen Morgen Nachmittag werden wir dann in die Marina von Santa Marta einlaufen. Vorausgesetzt natürlich, dass der Wind uns wohl gesonnen bleibt. Bin schon sehr gespannt, was uns dort so alles erwarten wird.