Monthly Archives: January 2017

Our best pictures from the second half of the year 2016

For the fourth time Loading Michael of “Out-the-world” for a photo Parade. In six categories should be his most beautiful pictures of the second half 2016 imagine. A great idea, when we liked were always there and this time we want you not withhold our best pictures of the past half year.


Love this category and I hate both. Animals are one of my favorite designs and accordingly many are the images, which have accumulated in six months.

So I have chosen the beautiful and colorful parrot for this category.


but the beautiful butterfly and the impressive Bald Eagle I did not want to hide from you :-).




During our visit to Washington, we may see many famous buildings, But the Washington Monument in the light of the setting sun has particularly impressed me.



At issue “Grown” I first thought of an image with plants, until I remembered our visit to the stalactite cave in Luray. I especially like this with the reflection in the crystal clear, underground lake.


At night

In the botanical garden of Norfolk, I captured this great atmosphere, which pleases me of my night pictures best.



Natürlich habe ich das Bild für diese Kategorie bei der Durchsicht meiner Bilder aus New York gefunden. Direkt vor dem Grand Central hatte man eine tolle Aussicht auf der Crysler Building.


favorite picture

Dieser Sonnenuntergang in Maine ist mein Lieblingsbild aus dem zweiten Halbjahr 2016. Ein wunderschöner Platz, der es wert ist, besucht zu werden 🙂


Eine kleine Zugabe: nature

Dieses Herz ist mir auch in Maine über den Weg gelaufen. So ein Motiv hält die Natur nicht oft für uns bereit 🙂


I hope, dass Euch unsere Bilder des letzten Halbjahres gefallen haben. Wer mehr sehen will, braucht nur einen Blick in die Bildergalerie zu werfen. Die Ostküste der USA ist sicher eine Reise wert 🙂

Viva Columbia ... or a really windy pleasure


Uwe and I knew from the outset, to travel to Santa Marta would be a test. Shortly before Santa Marta it did come in really big for us as we had passed the Cape in the north. The wind increased from 30 Knots on violent 40-50 Knot abruptly. We have the foresail furled quickly and are just the mainsail in the second reef in 3-4 gerauscht meter high waves confused our goal counter. I really had to keep all the difficulties CESARINA on track and the violent gusts of up to 50 auszusteuern node. But at some point we had reached the bay and decided against Santa Marta, to drop anchor in front of the Marina, and calmly consider, how would we go.


It already looked scary to see from, with what power the strong wind was tearing at the cleats and linen webs yachts. Again and again our wind indicator showed a value of 46 Knoten an! We checked the weather forecast and saw, that it should not be better but rather worse the next day. So there was no other choice. We had to go in there!


After we 15 Minutes are circling in the harbor, we got our berth at the end of web e assigned. Now it was about the sausage! Backward against the wind in the box and then also just before the stone wall at the end of the basin. It was clear to me, I would have only one attempt, to maneuver CESARINA in the gap. On the other hand, the wind would have us to be very threatening.


So I positioned the ship at an angle of 70 Degree front of the box and then gave back full throttle. The so-called wheel effect pulled the rear then the rear elegant and perfect to port in an arc in the gap in. After 2 Minutes was CESARINA then laterally to the web and Uwe mastered perfectly his job, to position the mooring lines in the right places. Am Steg already waited several friends and Dockmaster. Most seem to have been impressed(I believe), was as confident and calm the maneuver expired. This challenge we had so mastered.


In the evening there was something powerful to drink and we were celebrating our first together and successful trip. It may like to go to Australia. On Wednesday 18. January, will then go on towards Panama!

30 KG clenched femininity and roast potatoes on the rebound

It was an unusual Monday afternoon. Such a loud cry I had not yet even heard of my fishing reel as apparently something pretty big had doggedly to the trailing bait. Only five pike jumps from the cockpit to the rear were needed until I reached the rod had ,the brake will wear so that the fish on the other end not so many meters of line could pull off the roll. One thing was clear, to have it hung a right kapitaler comrade on the hook and fought with all his might on the other hand aboard the CESARINA come. The tension grew and Uwe had the camera at the ready, to film all the action. That ca. 30 Minute drill and mighty tired arms from the constant Hold I hoped, that a green-yellow shade would show on the water surface. I was firmly convinced, that the mahi mahi had to be huge. To my great surprise, however, soon showed a few dark and long fins, whose movements were majestic and very elegant. From time to time a dark long shadow with green and silver-blue swabs reflected in the deep blue of the Atlantic. A little later, we saw two big eyes and a huge triangular dorsal fin. Now it was clear, that it was at the beautiful animal to a Blue Marlin, which means the culmination of a deep-sea fishing. Already, it was clear, that this noble creature would no end in our cooking pot. Much too large and far too classy, so as to depart from life. Bei dem Kampfgeist und der Ausdauer des Marlins kam ich zum dem Erebnis, that it had to be a female specimen. When I had then lifted the lady over the deck, We only really saw the dimensions. It was approx. 1,50m long and weighed around 30 KG. A little later she said goodbye tiredly back to the depths of the sea. I just wanted to catch a small fish for dinner.

Uwe is always very lucky, that CESARINA starts jumping when he has gone to the pantry to cook. Today fried potatoes with scrambled eggs were on the program, which in itself can be a challenge when everything around you rocks and dances wildly. Then it happened when the potatoes were cut. A strong wave from the side, ein kleiner Ausfallschritt zur Seite und schon rumste sein Kopf erst links und dann frontal wie eine Billardkugel gegen die Wand. Nicht so schlimm weil alle Ecken und Kanten rund sind aber trotzdem nicht gerade angenehm. Nachdem der erste Schreck verflogen war, servierte er späterBratkartoffeln über Bande”. Wohl bekommt`s 🙂

Mittlerweile sind wir nördlich an der ABC Inseln vorbei gesegelt und werden in 46 Seemeilen die Nordspitze von Kolumbien erreicht haben. Gegen Morgen Nachmittag werden wir dann in die Marina von Santa Marta einlaufen. Vorausgesetzt natürlich, dass der Wind uns wohl gesonnen bleibt. Bin schon sehr gespannt, was uns dort so alles erwarten wird.

Rollercoaster par excellence with Bratkatoffeln

About 10:45 It was finally said “Jump in the middle” and CESARINA unescorted from its case on the web J Rodney Bay Marina in the harbor basin. Our friend Wolfgang from Regensburg, of his journey from Venezuela to St. Lucia had unexpectedly lost the mast, waved us so long afterwards, until we reached the narrow channel to Rodney Bay. For our “Commodore”, as we called him friendly, was visibly sad, us go to see and for us a Exhilaration, to be allowed to leave the harbor residence after five weeks. Today at 12:00 should the adventure “World ARC Rallye 2017” Start by launching finally.


Promptly at 12:00 Uwe steered our CESARINA over the line south towards Castries, capital of St. Lucia. Behind Castries it was yet to pass another line, Before then all 27 Yachts of the fleet their direct course of 280 ° to Santa Marta, Colombia docked. In Castries a horde of boats with the team by World Cruising Club and photographers waited, to say goodbye to the fleet and to send on the trip. While we with a boomed with Genoa on starboard and determinate mainsail to port 7-8 Node gen Colombia rustled, grabs the team of the World Cruising Club already the case for the flight to Santa Marta. An important part of the rally, that at each of the venues around the world, Employees of World ARC supervise the Floote and we e.g. to authorities, mooring, excursions, organization, etc.. support.


In the evening then the hunger contacted us. Now the hour struck by Uwe. So far he was obviously very impressed by the many lines, Winschen, all the technology and the huge sea with its high waves in his place in the cockpit. He sails on his 43 Foot yacht for many years mostly on the Baltic Sea, but this number here on the Atlantic is a completely different league. Uwe had already cooked potatoes the evening before, which he processed into very tasty fried potatoes in the pantry using all his strength. In the heat below deck and the extremely violent rocking ship, it was certainly not an easy task. It was a bit too much for him at first, because I was allowed to enjoy the potatoes alone. Der Hunger war ihm jedenfalls vergangen 🙂 Was bin ich froh, einen guten Koch an Bord zu haben.

Nach der allabendlichen Funkrunde um 18:00 All crews said goodbye to the night with a greeting and good wishes on shortwave. Uwe was supposed to take over the first watch, because I was still tired and tired from all the work on the forecastle. CESARINA had an excellent attitude and ran happily through the sea. Disturbances were not to be expected and after a short briefing, I put on myself 19:30 in the bunk to sleep. Uwe had everything under control and woke me up 01:00 for the changing of the guard. He had apparently enjoyed his first night alone in the cockpit very much. A good prerequisite for the next months together on our way to Australia. For me it's a good feeling, to have a friend on board, I can entrust my CESARINA and white especially appreciate it, the way I do it.

So it may like to go further! In about five days, we will arrive in Santa Marta and look forward to some interesting discovery tours. I almost forgot to mention, The fact that a big fish grabbed the bait together with string. it has the 1.2 mm thick nylon rope simply bitten. Uwe could not believe when he saw the sparks. He just said over and over again, that would not believe him his friends from the Flensburg Fjord. Welcome to the Department “offshore sailing” !

“Herr Kaleun: Humbly, Boat is clear for leakage “


One of the greatest films in the history of German cinema is indisputable for me “THE BOAT”. Seitdem Uwe an Bord ist und in der Suite im Vorschiff sein Quartier bezogen hat, hat sich auch der Umgangston geändert. Die Schiffsführung wird respektvoll mit “Herr Kaleun (Kapitäns Leutnant) und die Besatzung mit “1 WO” (Erster Wachoffizier) angesprochen. Ebenso wird an Bord zu jeder Gelegenheit salutiert 🙂 Wir sind beide große Fans und haben den Film so oft gesehen, dass die meisten Szenen fast synchron mitgesprochen werden können. Es fühlt sich einfach alles gut an 🙂



Die Stimmung an Bord ist gut und die Truppe ist gut gerüstet für den ersten Törn nach Santa Marta/Kolumbien. Die Mannschaft ist voll motiviert bei der Schiffspflege und in der Kombüse. Am kommenden Samstag um 12:00 (UTC -4) wird die RallyeAround the World” started. Of course, we are all excited and already full of anticipation. But on board with us prevails as much order, that we are probably one of the very few ships, that 2 is fully ready to leave days before start. That means, that the refrigerator and diesel- and water tanks are filled, the laundry freshly washed in cabinets located, the batteries are charged and everywhere else “Vessel is.

As of today, and the satellite tracker works and thus on the website of the World ARC are also constantly pursuing our current position. Emails we will send at sea with our short-wave radio system and get. The address is: Es gehen aber nur Textnachrichten und keine Bilder oder Anhänge.

Morgen am Freitag gibt es noch die letzten Infos beim sogenannten Skipper-Briefing. Dort werden Wetterinformationen, Funkfrequenzen und allgemeine Hinweise ausgetauscht. Dann heißt es aber endlich: Leinen los undfair Winds”. Das Abenteuer kann beginnen 🙂