The morning after the party started rather slowly. Around noon the captain was available again That was probably a bit of a good thing yesterday. Since we would have to refresh our tired spirits vigorously and for that a jump into the cool water would of course be a great solution. Ever since we arrived in the Caribbean, we haven't bathed once. That couldn't actually be Somehow it hadn't happened. The dinghy was still wrapped up in its case. We wanted to get it ready for operation first So we each diligently pumped up one side of the inflatable boat together. So that was already done once.
Then the question arose, if we didn't want to drop anchor for a night??? We had never done that with the CESARINA before. The bay in front of Rodney Bay Marina is well protected and it wasn't particularly windy. Then we take the big boat with us for a swim in the bay
A short time later we untied the lines and slowly motored out of the marina. At a safe distance from Pidgion Island and at a good distance from the other boats, our anchor fell at a depth of eight meters. The first time we wanted to stay a little further from the shore. The water was wonderfully blue, even if a little cloudy. You couldn't see right down to the bottom here. Then we just had to hope for it, that we had found a nice, sandy place for our anchor
Anchoring is, I agree, also much more relaxed than mooring You don't need to clear lines or fenders, and you don't have to work a millimeter to navigate the jetty
Then we were ready for the first swim in the Caribbean Wonderful, just for me snow nose, the water could hardly be warm enough But it was just right and pleasantly refreshing. We also gave our CESARINA a wash right up to the water pass. This is not a particularly popular task in the Baltic Sea, but here in the Caribbean I like to do that every day
We sat wonderfully refreshed in the cockpit at dinner. There was pasta with Caribbean spinach and a wonderful sunset for dessert Very early on we let our CESARINA rock us slowly to sleep. Anchoring with her is similar to sailing with her. The ship's movements are smooth and pleasant. Hardly any clapping waves or other loud noises, only the drains gurgling quietly at times This is how it is bearable and we are already looking forward to the many unknown bays, who still want to be discovered by us.