If you are not careful, the days go seamlessly into one another. Mostly yes does not happen so much and the days are distinguished only by the individual meals. Da ist ein Angelerfolg schon ein Tageshighlight 🙂 Essen ist sowieso immer ein besonderer Hoehepunkt des Tages und die Herren loben die Bordkueche sehr. Since I'm a little proud, because I have everything organized and alone except for Three Oranges we have ever had to complain no failures. We even for the third week even an iron salad Reserve in the refrigerator. Ganz ohne Gruenzeug waere das Leben doch schon sehr trist 🙂
On the other hand, we are happy but, that our days so “uneventful” are. Because no news also means no bad. So far we have no damages to the boat and Dietmar also pays attention especially on, keep it that way. If so, the “ARC News”, we receive sporadically via email, Followers, We are really well off. Two medical emergencies, several broken or damaged rigs and even a sunken yacht: the balance of this year's ARC is impressive in a negative sense. On weather it may not necessarily be actually, because that's actually quite enjoyable. At least everything seems to be so far off lightly. Good, that one is not alone out here on the road.
To lighten our humdrum everyday, has let Mother Nature a very special spectacle come to us today. Late afternoon sighted Uncle Tom whales right next to the boat. Dietmar and I took our cameras ready and had in the next half hour all the time, To make photos of the impressive animals. During this time we followed two of the three whales, surfed in the Wellenkaemmen behind the boat here or swam like dolphins in the bow wave. So close we are never approached to these beautiful animals. I'm looking forward to, submit the photos, when we arrived on Saint Lucia.
Tomorrow's second Advent and Nikolaus. I do not know, where to rausstellen my shoe, ohne dass er morgen nur voller Salzwasser ist 🙂 Mal sehen, ob mir da noch etwas einfaellt 🙂