After the last few days we were at breakfast today astonished, that somehow had all gone well. Last night at seven clock the last sailing was posted. This morning we had cleaned up and filled the water tanks. To remain at the end of even a few minutes for a final blog, who had been the last week woefully neglected. But as of today we have the time and leisure and will keep you up to date on any day.
In the port there is a party atmosphere. Music and ship horns Noise vied. In half an hour the first boats start in the Race-Division. Many now sailing out already. We will leave us some time and keep the time out there in the crowd as short as possible. The wind has freshened up today for the first time since days significantly and in the meantime it has even been raining. Nevertheless, we want to take it relaxed.
Die nächsten zwei bis drei Wochen wünschen wir uns angenehmen und ruhige Bedingungen mit gutem Reisewind 🙂 und melden uns dann wieder, wenn wir in der Karibik auf Saint Lucia angekommen sind 🙂