Today the seminar program of the ARC began. Actually, all seminars were interesting and relevant for us, but we decided, to distribute the seminars as much as possible on both weeks.
Nevertheless, today there were four seminars on the program. They started in the morning with ten clock “Emergency Management”. Here all the contingencies were discussed, wishing we absolutely avoid: Mastbruch, Rowing break, Man Overboard…… diverse unpleasant scenarios were raised. Although we are still certainly try, to avoid such situations, we know now, how we can better deal with it. Das ist doch auch schon mal was 🙂
After that, it was very hands: “Jerry, The Rigger” talked about the rig. The rig is and everything fixed the mast itself the pole and the tree in the desired location on the ship. Das ist nach dem Rumpf und der Ruderanlage das wichtigste Teil an einem Segelboot 🙂 So sollte man sich immer gut darum kümmern und immer ein Auge drauf haben 🙂 Nach diesem Vortrag ist mir noch einmal mehr klar geworden, that I wanted to make the offer of the ARC Rigg check necessarily. Before the lunch break, we wore our CESARINA in the list.
After lunch we went to a very important topic. Namely how to not starve within three weeks on the Atlantic crossing. I'm actually still so far been very relaxed. In an Excel list, I once had a rough estimate,, I wanted so shopping for three people for three weeks foods. War eigentlich nicht so wild 🙂 Im Seminar wurden dann aber komische Probleme auf den Tisch gebracht. “What are they doing, if you can not cook, d.h. For example, have no more gas? Take enough food with, they can also eat raw”. Hmmm…… with a little patience and a lot of water, you can also eat them raw noodles yes. But still not really convinced me. But I decided to take a different approach. You probably drive off with two full gas cylinders and also check once stove and Zuleitunggen. Dann sollte doch eigentlich fast nichts mehr schief gehen können 🙂
Something scares me but had a sample calculation of the amount of food for the crossing for a crew of four. Since were 30 Listed kilo pasta or rice. 30 Kilo????? Who is that supposed to eat anything????
At the end of the afternoon there was advice “Down-Wind-Sailing”. Because we sail across the Atlantic with the trade wind, dh.hoffentlich all the time with a tailwind. Unfortunately we had to wait until the very end because of a power failure to the many insightful pictures to illustrate, but we still got a few good tips on the way.
As evening program the ARC had a workshop for “Two-man crews” auf dem Programm 🙂 Da waren wir sehr gespannt, whether here a few interesting suggestions were still getting to. But after 18 Monaten auf Tour hatte das Seminar uns fast nichts Neues zu bieten 🙂 Und auch Konfliktbewältigung haben wir während der Zeit ganz hervorragend gelernt – In theory at least.
During the last seminar we got talking with Micha and Sabina of SY ANYWAY SAILING. They both want to start next year and visit already the seminars of the ARC. We held our interesting conversation spontaneously during dinner at the Pier 19 and after that on the next CESARINA. Maybe we'll meet then end 2016 in der Karibik 🙂