Finally it went peppy in the right direction. In pleasant 15 Knots of wind we continued in the afternoon also the mainsail and ran with seven knots towards our goal.
Our Tiller was quite strained throughout the day. Again and again he got from ordinary seawater showers, he coped with not very good. So Dietmar had twice already need to replace a fuse after a short circuit. Particularly annoying was, that the Good simply silently quit the service, to give one last alarm signal from without yet. As our CESARINA actually sails at good trim of the sails almost by itself as if on rails straight, the withdrawal of Tillerpilot was noticed until the next violent gust. Das war immer etwas stressig 🙁
Gegen Abend durfte ich wieder als Erste in die Koje 🙂 Sehr zuvorkommend, the captain. But against twelve I was by myself awake again. Outside, the wind howled in the rigging. That sounded not good and we had the mainsail still above. After some back-and-forth, we decided, it to recover despite the adverse conditions. So we packed our fast and waterproof in our oilskins and equipped with lifejacket and lifeline we started to work.
The problem in our mainsail is firstly the size and on the other hand, the broken Lazy-Jacks. (For non-sailors: Lazy-Jacks serve, to keep the sail after the lowering in more or less folded form the top of the mast, so it does not blow around on the entire deck.) So the sail must be considered when CESARINA after lowering necessarily be fixed with sail bands on the tree. That's when a lot of wave a not quite simple and also not hazardous undertaking. Normally I can support Dietmar from the cockpit, when the reliable Hydra (our autopilot) the controller acquires. But that was not possible this time yes, since the Good somehow still spit out error messages. So Dietmar had to fend for themselves and he did his job very well. Nevertheless, we were both safely, that we did not want to experience a second time. On Gran Canaria new Lazy-Jacks or better yet a Lazy-Bag are high on the to-do list. And even as our beloved Hydra would receive a check through their paces.
The rest of the night was marked by several thunderstorms, which fortunately passed by but around us. Clearly you could see on the horizon the lightning and the lightning. At home on my couch with a nice cup of tea, I find storm really very nice to look at, hier draußen aber gehören sie nicht zu den von mir bevorzugten Wetterphänomenen 🙁 Gegen Morgen war der Spuk dann aber endlich vorbei und der Tag begann deutlich friedlicher mit einem tollen Sonnenaufgang.