Apparently the time comes in every relationship or marriage at some point, in der getrennte Schlafzimmer gefragt sind 🙂 Das war bei uns jetzt auch der Fall. It sounds now but much more dramatic, When it was really. It was not about marital strife and irreconcilable differences :-). No, which was a totally different cause underlying.
Last Saturday, Dietmar and Christian had, the new owner of the buzzer, the SUMMER with their brand new cover securely “packed”. This was tailored it perfectly on the body and was therefore also like a glove. Attached was around with many hooks and straps on the Seereeling. And to properly install these attachment lines and clamping rubber, had to “Man” under the tarp on her hands and knees crawling, with the weight of the heavy canvas in the back. So Dietmar complained after work on Saturday evening over severe back pain. Apparently, the last occasion had used the SUMMER, and be Avenged on the unfaithful captain. Da konnte ich sie wirklich verstehen 🙂
So we left the Sunday only once quietly go and hoped for improvement. Unfortunately, it was instead better still worse. Heat ointment, Also no relief of the torments brought pain pills and hot water bottle. Forced almost idly next to a huge mountain of work to sit, deteriorated Dietmar mood with each passing day, He went to the country. Well intentioned advice, Finally a doctor to consult , were heard but still beflissentlich. Only on Wednesday after a made by night despite high-dose analgesics , When really nothing at all went, My captain made his way to an osteopath. Our RAYMARINE specialist Janusz raved about the man as a true “Faith healer” and let it not take therefore, Dietmar personally there to go. With so much crush you will healthy almost while listening to.
While the two were, I went on the way, our ordered rental car pick up. Still on the way, I received the message, dass der Kapitän nahezu wieder hergestellt sei 🙂 Nur einmal schlafen und morgen wäre er wieder wie “new”. It sounded very promising. Quite so rosy as described, not the State of health of my dear husband but then developed but still. When I in the evening loaded with the purchases from the hardware store at the port came to, had I wear but better once alone all reasons on board. Did I like to do, I wanted to say yes miracle healing way.
So it went better much him the next morning. But it was very important, due to the fast and careless movements, again to destroy this fragile condition. In the afternoon our coffee pot then made all the progress to niece. Spoke with someone while Dietmar on deck, had I placed the jug with the coffee residues from the breakfast next to him on the bench, so that he could dispose of the coffee grounds over the side when the call. I believed, that he had perceived me and also the jug. Well, believe is as you know don't know. And a short time later the pot and any remaining coffee ended up on the cockpit floor. That would have been not so bad, but when you try, to prevent this, heard an unhealthy and loud resounding crack in the back Dietmar. Now, he could no longer move.
Dinner with Emil and Marita by SY Mieli, today came from Albufeira to Vilamoura, to visit us, He took brave yet behind it, but a subsequent glass wine could no longer imagine Dietmar. So again heat ointment and pain killers on the troubled Cross and go to bed. Ich verbrachte noch einen lustigen Abend mit den Beiden und trank einfach Dietmars Wein mit 🙂 Als ich zurück auf die CESARINA kam, I decided, prefer to sleep in the living room. Dietmar rolled from left to right and with a width of berth 1, 40 m eh no place would have been there for me more free.
The next morning we were both sleepy and tired. The pain had robbed the sleeping Dietmar and unusually narrow bed without me soft mattress. Because a speedy return to common bed in the course of the day was all the more improbable, I set out, Finally the forecastle to dispel. Here we had still a comfortable berth, buried under all the things, yet no new space in the ship had found. Aber nach zwei Stunden hatte ich mir einen tollen Platz für die kommenden Nächte erkämpft 🙂 Das sah wirklich sehr vielversprechend aus.

So Dietmar could cure on his back alone and with uninterrupted sleep on the wide mattress, and I couldn't find even a good night's sleep in the forecastle. Manchmal sind getrennte Betten nicht die schlechteste Lösung 🙂 Trotzdem freue ich mich darauf, When my dear husband is healthy again. Denn eine Dauerlösung ist das zumindest bis jetzt wohl noch nicht 🙂