According to the trafficking in human beings by yesterday we had agreed for today a pick-up service at the buzzer. Hop did the boat as a meeting about ten o'clock just opposite in the box stop and we could with our equipment on board. Viel entspannter 🙂 und weniger anstrengend, because the Sun was very warm from the sky. Besonders wenn man in 7-mm dickem Neopren verpackt ist 🙂
Like yesterday, we were also today again only four divers. In addition to Beate (from yesterday) the game was a young Portuguese. The trip to our first dive lasted a half hour. While we look for whales, Dolphins or turtles were, wurde die junge Dame immer stiller und leider auch etwas grün im Gesicht 🙁 Die Arme. Whether you can dive seasick also? We would see it.
The first dive site “Banco Joan Lopez” is an underwater rock, It is located quite far away from the coast. Using GPS, we searched for the mountain top in open water (on ca. 10 m water depth) , where to throw the anchor. To be safe, went Steffen in the water and personally brought the anchor in the right place. The area is not so big up on the underwater mountain Yes and also it went down sharply.
Here we could see large swarms of Bermuda blue fish and Bernsteinmarkrelen.
Then some old acquaintances was traveling on the underwater mountain.
Large and small rockfish
And especially missgelaunte moray eels :-), they are clearly among Dietmar favorite fish.
After knapp 40 It was then time minutes, to return to the surface of the water. The young Portuguese had somehow brought the first dive behind, but now no longer went with her really. Despite ginger tea gave her the rest of the one hour surface interval on a rocking boat and a second dive was for them not to think. Pity, denn jetzt wurde es doch erst richtig interessant 🙂
We continued on a further and stopped the boat at a small, slightly shabby buoy in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. Ich hätte hier wohl eher ein Fischernetz vermutet 🙂 Hier draußen herrschte schon recht viel Strömung und wir erhielten ein ausführliches Briefing, how we would have to do. Not that one would be lost, that would be Yes bad drum.
So it went by boat directly to the front on the leash, She led through the buoy in the depth.
This line we were also off until about on 33 Meter. Steffen had inculcated us, to make getting a hand on a leash. Come down to the whole situation seemed already pretty surreal. So very alone somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean, rings around only a deep blue :-). Das war schon ein mulmiges Gefühl 🙂
At about fifteen meters deep hang once additional three canisters on the rope, They provide buoyancy. Dort wohnt der wohl meist fotografierte Fisch des Atlantik 🙂
Because if it depends on something down on the rope and looking and waiting for, was our only pastime to watch the boys. Our patience was also hard put to the test.
Eventually surfaced then least three Barracuda. Sehr nett, aber deshalb waren wir doch nicht so weit gefahren 🙁
And then they came: the Mobulas – Manta Rays. We could include all ten animals.
You completed several laps to our group, weightless and graceful, before they disappeared again in the blue. Wir waren noch ganz überfahren von ihrem plötzlichen Auftauchen und dann waren sie auch schon wieder weg 🙂
After that wait was announced again and time, lustige Selfies und Unterwasser-Blasen-Bilder zu machen 🙂
After 60 minutes we were back on the surface. What were we lucky. It can also happen, that depends on the rope for an hour and nothing happens. Just we had stowed divers and equipment again happily in the boat, passed as a large swarm of Wahoos directly under the boat. We then took the opportunity, um noch einmal eine Runde zu schnorcheln 🙂
And it swam us this young lady on the way. Only a short photo shoot, dann durfte sie unbehelligt ihren Weg vorsetzen 🙂
The flow had aborted us unnoticed by the dive boat. So we had to paddle properly and athletic, to get back to the boat. Twice we stopped on the way back, to snorkel with dolphins passing. Aber die hatten anscheinend noch andere Verabredungen und wirklich keine Zeit für uns Taucher 🙂
At some point in the late afternoon we were do Porto back then in Vila. Happy and satisfied. Can you actually still beat such a day???? It will be quite more than hard…