Punctually at nine o'clock we stood in front of the Office of the car rental, to our pick yesterday reserved car rental. The door was open, but no one was there….. Below arrived at the port just the ferry from Pico, Perhaps that explained the absence of. Since we had suspected right, because shortly thereafter the employee showed up with another customer in tow in the shop. Then it could yes go.
Pleased we took a VW key and resulted in a Black Polo. He saw even (im Verhältnis 🙂 zu den letzten Mietwagen) almost like a car from. Only Dietmar was not fooled by appearances. Somehow the car looked freshly painted and it was clearly one “azorische” Quality painting. Dietmar suspected a full wrap extremely sullen complete with rollover :-). The seal of the windshield consisted of differently sized and smaller bows. It's also no longer the original.
On request, the friendly staffer told us then, that the car “probably” would have had an accident. But everything would be good again. Well, wir würden sehen 🙂
So we let first towards the North-Western tip of the island. Here, there should be an abandoned lighthouse.
On the way across a gravel road was US warmer and warmer. Kinda amazing, It was not so hot outside and the heating system was not turned on. So I turned the fan on strongly times. Us instead of cold air swirled glass and lots of dirt around the ears. Das war wohl doch ein größerer Unfall gewesen 🙂 Damit war auch erklärt, why the entire headliner was so extensively laid in folds. So the roof was also already once vigorously pressed. In the end we then resorted to the simple cooling ability through open Windows and tried, to be as nice to the poor Polo. In his short life of road (No 6000 Kilometer) was it, as already by Dietmar suspected, wohl übel mitgespielt worden 🙁
The lighthouse was until the earthquake 1980 in operation. He was then abandoned due to the heavy damage. Since then the entire system will be forfeited and it is officially not allowed to enter, obwohl sie eigentlich in jedem Reiseführer erwähnt wird 🙂 Die Steilküste fällt gute 300 Impressive views offered meters off and us.
Not far away lies a beautiful forest park and picnic area. So during the week he was but deserted.
Here we met the first dangerous wild animals, denen sich Dietmar ganz vorsichtig näherte 🙂 Und natürlich wurde alles ausführlich für die Nachwelt dokumentiert.
Above the island was populated more by cows, are here on the lush meadows. Zum Wasser ging es an allen Seiten steil hinunter 🙂
These cliffs were repeatedly by small headlands (so-called PAIAs) interrupted. There are also the most villages on the island right on the water.
Still, we encountered far more cows than people. Ist ja auch mal nicht verkehrt 🙂
Apparently the animals by post delivered, passen aber nicht besonders gut in den Briefkasten 🙂
Twice we passed a village, probably the village Saint was celebrated in the. Held a procession to the Church to make this solemn and appealing, that we have missed but always so far. The processional is decorated with arched doorways and flower pictures on the road.
Eventually had enough of the PAIAs Dietmar and we decided, Lunch break to make. It was already after 3: 00. Again we were thus looking for a rousing confidence restaurant and as always it was easy. But we were looking for in Calehetas. If the car park of restaurants with local cars is well filled, is it always a good sign. So we dined again good and cheap: Thunfisch und Rindfleisch im Tontopf gegart 🙂 Auch die Auswahl an Nachspeisen war wirklich nicht zu verachten. Because we could both sweet tooth also like always not otherwise “No” say.
After dinner, a digestive stroll through the small town offered to. In the early evening, we parked our disaster car again at the port. Tired and satisfied we were comfortable it on the SUMMER. Morgen war ja auch noch ein Tag für eine Beschwerde wegen dem Glashagel und der Permanentheizung 🙂