Heute war ein guter Tag 🙂 Nach vielen Wochen voller Besuche von Sehenswürdigkeiten und Fotosafaris im Schlepp meiner Frau stand heute die Befriedigung einer meiner vordringlichen Bedürfnisse auf der Tagesordnung. In the island's capital Funchal is a car race with classic cars held each year. The videos for this event looked quite promising and had awakened my curiosity at least. For months I'm already about out of the mostly extremely underpowered rubber-tired “Walking AIDS” to get out, but without a significant gain of pleasure. Quite the contrary, the constant Maulen of my stressed passenger just because of a few squealing tires or overtaking, is time really on the mind. But flaunting suffering and the beautiful days of our trip are very much more than just a compensation for this punishment. Aber irgendwie muss ich mich mindestens mental auf das 24H-Rennen in der nächsten Woche vorbereiten 🙂
So we want to look, was die Madeirer hier so Feines in ihren Garagen versteckt haben 🙂 Gegen 14:30 were we then arrived at the scene. Middle from the harbour promenade the treasures were on a great place on high-gloss polished in a species-appropriate environment. What shall I say….I was thrilled, because I was not here expecting some finds. The greatest feeling on public roads has been a BMW X 5 from the year 2009 and one of the little specimens, not on several corners already “on fucked” war 🙂
Below a small selection of Bentley, Jaguar, MG, Austin, Ford, Renault, Alfa Romeo etc..
After the first curiosity was deleted, We sat down in the adjacent outdoor café on the corner and ordered us two great Shandy (Cyclists), because the hot midday sun burnt very nice violently on our fur. As the good lady then later with two 1 Liter jugs filled with the slightly alcoholic delicacies marched on we were already somewhat flabbergasted. That was already Bavarian dimensions. Who should drink it all because and after that with a clear conscience to drive? The solution was quite simple. Katja had to be used and 1,5 Tilt liters behind the bandage and I did the rest. For €13 plus tip, we felt compelled directly, everything to plaster and to leave nothing. On the way back I had a fantastically relaxed (you could also say angetrunkene) Co-pilot. There were also no charges more in the fast right-hand corners, If the whole trip because of the crooked rear axle always easily came in the pitching and we most needed two roadway widths, um sicher durch die Kurven zu kommen 🙂
Das war ein guter Tag 🙂