Sometimes keeps the weather report, what he promises and the uncomfortable, rainy afternoon went over in a stormy evening. When the wind aufbriste, were all at our Jetty so busy, ihre Boote für die Nacht optimal und sicher festzumachen 🙂 Man wollte ja gut und ruhig schlafen. There is trendy 30 Knot wind directly on the harbour some preparatory work necessary.
So, we have all witnessed an impressive spectacle (called in sailors Harbour cinema):
In the Harbour, a huge yacht surfaced suddenly at fairly high speed. Und mit riesig meine ich wirklich sehr groß 🙂 112 Foot or. 34 Metres in length. While we still considered, If there is ever a place so long boat in the Marina, It became clear us, that the skipper the “Hammer head” our pontoons for mooring his luxury yacht had chosen. With undiminished speed and wind from behind on his tail the maneuver from the start was doomed to failure. Despite many helping hands, the yacht unabated shot past us and continue……an abrupt end took to the ride at the underwater ramp in front of the harbour restaurant.
Speechless, we stood on the bridge. What was it now???? For the explanation of such a maneuver could come only engine problems or complete insanity of the master in question. Wir gingen dann mal von Maschinenproblemen aus 🙂 Im Zweifel immer für den Angeklagten 🙂 So waren dann auch viele helfende Hände bereit, as the Highland BREEZE (Swan 112 SUPERYACHT by 2002) little later slowly and carefully backwards maneuvered at the pontoon. The bridge was needed that 127 Not make yacht of tons of. That would be so, When someone tries, to bind a truck on a garden fence. Since already the massive steel concrete piles had to be, you laid down the jetty in the harbour basin.
Somehow, all other boats in the harbor now looked like toys. The boats in the foreground has 36 Foot or 11 Meter und unsere SUMMER ist auch nur eineinhalb Meter länger 🙂
Tonight, we had to keep our fingers crossed while sleeping, that would meet the steel concrete piles and our impressive task bar :-). If the wind pressure on the boats would be too big for the poles, würden wir uns alle zusammen an der Rampe vor dem Hafenrestaurant wieder treffen 🙁 Eigentlich war die ganze Marina viel zu klein für ein solches Luxusbötchen 🙂
But after a fitful night, we all were (Steg, SUMMER; Highland BREEZE and all other boats :-)) the next morning there, where they belonged.