At some point even the most beautiful time once nears its end. Today we have agreed the last for us dives on La Palma with Ronni. On Tuesday, we will then throw off the lines and sail in the direction of Madeira.
I wanted to use the morning to shop. I had seen the market Hall of Santa Cruz only from the outside, and now the opportunity was there, to change. For next week I wanted to fruit and vegetable bunkers like today but the shopping in Santa Cruz could not really convince me. The market hall was nice to look at, but it rather cute small. The goods not so fresh, as I had hoped and the prices higher, als ich gedacht hatte 🙁 Trotzdem werden wir in der nächsten Woche sicher nicht verhungern 🙂
When Caro then took us down to two at the Harbour entrance with car, had I stowed everything well and safely. I wanted to cook out for the trip to Madeira but only on Monday.
At the base we met yet Raphael and Johanna and together we went then with Ronni five Malpique. Two dives were scheduled for today. One “Normal” in the afternoon and a fluorescence-dive with blue light lamps in the evening.
But what exactly is fluorescence dive?
The term “Fluorescence” the influence of blue or ultraviolet light is the glow of many sea creatures. A tiny protein called GFP is responsible for the fluorescence for “Green fluorescent protein”. Fluorescence dives are night dives, with a lamp, radiates the light in the blue and ultraviolet region, be performed. Many living things, especially coral, reflect light with a longer wavelength (visible light) If she with blue to UV light (invisible light) be lit up. The resulting colours is a completely new experience and yet not fully explored.
Bekanntlich kommt ja das Beste immer zu Schluss 🙂 Wir wollten uns gern überraschen lassen 🙂
Already the afternoon dive was a special highlight. We were still not entirely submerged, as we did on the first Skate “stumbled upon”.
Also the seahorses were today for a photo shoot available.
Today I was on the road the first time with the camera and I didn't, was ich zuerst fotografieren sollte 🙂
A marble torpedo
One of the two moray eels
The Balloonfish “Emil”
After this dive, I was not sad, that I in the next round would be because there was only 4 Sets for fluorescence diving. Dann überließ ich das mal besser den alten Hasen 🙂
We use the time until sunset to the “Hamburguesa” – Food. During the whole time, Dietmar struggled with his sad fate, to rise again in the wet wetsuit. Er tat uns allen wirklich leid 🙂
Back at the dive site in the new equipment have been given. This included not only the blue light lamp, but also a yellow filter, He with a headgear before the diving mask was attached. Shortly before the dark, the four are maschierten down to the beach and I remained alone in the car.
As also the last rays of the Sun had disappeared, again and again I saw signs of light in the sea. Das sah schon echt verrückt aus 🙂 aber ich konnte so ganz bequem den Weg der Gruppe unter Wasser verfolgen. After an hour, then again, I heard voices on the beach and a short time later all had climbed the steep road up to the parking lot. Everywhere I saw happy faces- The dive was a resounding success with new impressions.
Moving and storage the equipment is a challenge in the dark. Since already a hand must hold the flashlight mostly a free hand for other things is missing, die man eigentlich gerade erledigen will 🙂 Außerdem kann es leicht passieren, that you light things, die nicht beleuchtet werden wollen 🙂 “Hey!! Nicht in die Damenumkleide leuchten rief Johanna als Dietmar im Auto sein Handtuch suchen wollte 🙂 !!!”At some point, but everything in the car was stored and tired and satisfied we headed back towards Santa Cruz.