More products from this week are in the works. Es lohnt sich die Tage nochmal vorbei zu schauen 🙂 Die Fotos habe ich bereits alle bearbeitet und sortiert und bald gibt es wieder neuen Lesestoff für Euch.

Heute morgen gab es dann das echte Osterfrühstück und die heiß ersehnten Schoko-Ostereier 🙂 (A little commerce must surely be :-))
Today I had convinced Dietmar, to go hiking with me. I had chosen a not too long tour extra, She was also a short route.
On the way there, we visited before a Canarian horse show, This had been particularly recommended to us. After two hours we had seen enough Canary jumping horses and headed by the Acker.
The starting point of our hike was Vila flora, a small town above of our harbour in the mountains. The higher we came, It was the grey and cloudy. But there is know no bad weather, but only wrong clothing. Dietmar had almost always his mandatory short pants and a T-Shirt. Hmmmm……Hopefully at least a jacket he had in his backpack?! Weit gefehlt 🙁
We parked our car and turned a lap through the city. For now just drink a cup of coffee and a bite to eat, then we would decide, was wir tun würden 🙂 Dietmar behauptete zwar heldenhaft, the cold and the drizzle would be no problem for him, We could go calmly walk. Ich fror aber schon bei seinem Anblick und das wollte ich nicht 🙂 So einigten wir uns darauf, walking a round at the harbour in the Sun. There are also very nice way.
So we shot a round to the Montana Amarille in the beautiful sunshine.