Highly motivated, we were on Tuesday at nine clock departing finished. Today should reveal, whether the repair was successful.
About eleven clock we were back in the Marina San Miguel and were both totally frustrated. Again it was water in the bilge. It was really crying. Dietmar disappeared headfirst into our bed box and set forth on the rudder stock. In our mind's eye again appeared the image of SUMMER in the travel lift or on land. Whether we can still prevent?
While Dietmar repaired concentrated, I had free time and surfed a bit on the Internet. Suddenly us our rudder problem appeared small and insignificant, because in the south of France, an Airbus crashed the German Wings. Although the extent of the tragedy were not assessable, the day for us was gone. A black day, the better you should remove it from the calendar.
Even if we came back to the solution of our personal rudder problem in more detail and in the early afternoon to yet another, short test drive took, sentiment remained depressed. After all, we had succeeded, to reduce the penetration amount of water of up to ten liters per hour on a narrow half liter three hours. That was not so far wrong! However, we both had somehow expected, to find after repair no more water in the bilge.
Afternoon Dietmar phoned again with the Schöchl shipyard in Austria and still got another tip. So we will again break towards La Gomera tomorrow. Vielleicht sind wir ja dann ganz dicht 🙂