It is a strange feeling, that our SUMMER rocking motion and when you look out the window, then you look once six feet in depth to the water surface.
Yesterday and today were days of work and dirt. The paws are constantly full of goo, Color, Dichtmasse und die Fußsohlen sind am Abend so schwarz wie Stempelkissen 🙂 Daran beißt sich sogar ein Schwamm aus Stahlwolle die Zähne aus :-). Have accustomed myself since Monday, evening to go with shoes in the shower. Then I can imagine me at least, that the black broth of the shoe sole is. Das hilft 🙂 Unsere SUMMER hat sich in eine echte Baustelle verwandelt und um dem geordneten Chaos etwas Ordnung einzuhauchen, we vacate the evening all the tools again neatly back to the place, where we have also hergenommen.
Jose wanted to come yesterday and start sanding the hull. The poor lad but was constantly sent to other ships and at noon it was clear, that it would be nothing more. Does not matter, dann eben morgen 🙂 Wir nutzten die Zeit, reduce the partially decomposed strongly sacrificial anodes, To polish stainless steel mesh, to procure new sacrificial anodes, to overtake the propeller of the bow thruster and clean the SPW-rotary-wing propeller and fill with new grease.
For lunch Katja had once again conjured up something delicious on the table. After such a meal you right back in the mood, to plunge back into the labor.
A small problem but we have already, because we can indeed be no more water running. Probably the others would thank us, wenn plötzlich aus den Ventilen über Ihren Köpfen irgendwelches Abwasser herauslaufen würde 🙂 Man muss es sich schon gut überlegen, how much one evening nor drinks, because “Pischbox” is yes 150 Meters. In addition, one would have in the night even climb down the ladder. Da sollte man besser richtig wach sein 🙂 Die Nummer mit der Flasche im Bad ist auch keine wirkliche Option wenn man den Frieden an Bord bewahren möchte 🙂 Also, who drinks much just have to run too often. It's that simple!
At noon today it finally went with the grinding of the old antifouling down to business. Jose had brought a colleague and together they ground like champions. At times, the boys had disappeared in a cloud of mist of blue sanding dust. One could get the impression, that there were two Smurfs dabble along. It's a really hard job and for this we have the two rewarded with a decent tip.
Without Words! On the rest is our SUMMER. Arbeitssicherheit auf kanarisch 🙂 Bisher ist aber noch kein Schiff von den Böcken gefallen, I've heard….
Today, we have dedicated ourselves fully to the bathing platform. The thing was so so rusted and the screws partially rotted, that it was a real slog to remove all the screws, to remove rust and reinstate. The bathing ladder, we have completely disassembled, the welded brackets and beams were to remove rust and polish then to preserve the end it all together with the preservative wax TECTYL. Das Ergebnis lies sich aber sehen und dieser Schandfleck ist endlich beseitigt 🙂
Against 15:00 Jose and colleague was also done with the grinding. Jose seems to be a very happy man despite the many and hard work. He is 45 Years old and the father of four children (it works as a forensic pathologist). He wears a black belt (third DAN) in TAEWONDO and trained after work 2 Hours 5 Days a week. It may also two minutes to hold their breath and dive with a harpoon to 15 Meters deep for hunting. Und singen kann er auch ganz gut wie man heute gehört hat 🙂
On Friday, the work should be completed. Then you have “the only” yet the rudder reinstalled and the SUMMER back into the water. But we have a good run and are quite optimistic, that luck will hold us.