When Katja told me a few days ago, that they would fail for about five weeks and we could not go as planned sail together to the Canary Islands, I went in the next few days then all sorts of thoughts through your mind. We were determined at 28. November sein auf Gran Canaria, because our dear friend Frank wants to celebrate his birthday by the SY CAYLUNA there. At this feast he had invited all of our sailing friends, have confirmed their attendance and the. Because we wanted to be here, because the time was too good together with them in Spain and Portugal. Then all the other towards the Caribbean would break, while we only 2015 would cross the Atlantic to.
So we decided together on the phone, that should go in it towards the Canaries. Now the question arose only when and how. After studying various weather forecasting services is a good departure date showed on Tuesday, the 4. November. Then I would arrive on Thursday at noon. Unfortunately, this was the time period too short, to find another Crewmember. Reiner had our friend from Allershausen / Bavaria someone much to my regret only a few minutes before posting, snapped up the last flight before the nose. Also war klar, that I probably had to sail alone.
Then somehow I wanted to go alone. The challenge just seemed too sexy and with each passing day, where I could adjust myself mentally on the subject, increased the confidence in me. Not sailing worried me, but rather the handling of the big boat when dropping and especially when equipped with mooring canvas. This of course comes the issue of safety at sea. For the first two days were permanently 5-6 Winds with gusts of 7 announced, what is already a proper announcement. Even dealing with the possible lack of sleep and struggle with the fatigue employed my thoughts. After all, led the 320 Nautical miles over the open sea and without a possible port, if something should go wrong. My dear friend Uwe but has really helped me with his wealth of experience. He sails for years his 43 Foot yacht alone in the Baltic Sea. He told me, that it was perfectly normal, if one was nervous for days before dropping and that it go just as any other. Danke Uwe 🙂
On Tuesday I had set my alarm clock to six. On this day a new chapter should begin for me on the subject of sailing. So excited I was already half past four on the legs and whatever I tried, it simply was not possible to me, to lower my pulse. The preparing of the ship for departure was almost routinely and unobtrusively: Close seacocks and hatches, Check Cards and Systems, put away all, which may fall, Preparing linen and sheets and of course cook a pot of tea. Then everything was clear as far as the expiry. My task was now, our SUMMER safe and "one-handed" (alone) in 2 Bring ½ days from Madeira to Gran Canaria in the Marina "Pasito Blanco"!

Promptly at 06:42 the horizon began to brighten. The sun rose slowly up and the moment had come, start the machine. The wind was coming from behind low and had calmed down a bit for a few minutes. Everything else went as planned almost alone. Evaporation in the Vorspring, Pre-lines going, Behind Spring release, Machine backwards, Get Vorspring tightly and then release. We have not even touched the neighboring Lieger, as the SUMMER shoved out of the box. Die erste Hürde war also genommen 🙂
Shortly after passing the exit port I put the autopilot on track 177 Our Grad. Thereafter, the Fender was collected and stored all mooring. After two hours we were out of the wind shadow of Madeira and sailed out with good 6 Knots to the south. Everything went well. About four clock I was a bit tired and lay down in the salon for a snooze. I had my security to "Timer" on 20 Provided minutes and had to get up, to turn it off again. After getting a panoramic view into the distance and then lie down again. The haute towards good. After some time, then returned also the peace of mind and I could actually get some sleep. The wind now and again quite strongly to. At times the anemometer showed gusts of 27 Knoten an, which was not a problem for our SUMMER. Before nightfall I had the sail area for the night significantly reduced. Nevertheless, we made a good trip to the seven nodes.

What really surprised me very, was the fact, that was not to see a single ship on the radar or AIS. On Wednesday around noon we passed the island "Selvagem" and left them on the starboard side. Here is going to live only two researchers and explore the bird world, otherwise the island is uninhabited.

I'd almost feel guilty, I drove with seeded Troll on the island. Since then also happened already the first "Malleur". Because of the high waves and cross lakes we drove a decent lurching. Here, then, the fishing line had snagged on the propeller of the wind generator. Since it was too dangerous, to rise to the Rehling, to untangle the mess, I cut off the leash. The bait I had of course previously obtained by hand. My concern was, at that very moment a fish might bite and would tear off the generator. The bait was designed for a tuna and can be quite large. Das Problem war, that our current supplier of the batteries was now out of service. Autopilot, Navigation, Radar, Radio and refrigerator consume a lot of energy and so I had twice a day starting the generator, to replenish the batteries.

The next problem was then wait not long in coming. During routine check of the bilge I saw with horror, that there was a lot of water in the engine compartment and also in the nave. But now I have got a little scared. Thank God we have many bilge pumps on board, then immediately took up their work. The rest I had to manually pump out. These were about once more 70 Liter and I already have the arms hurt. I immediately went on causal research. Gott sei Dank, was it but no shutter or the like. Due to the high waves from aft to the stern of the SUMMER was very much seawater leaked into it by the processes of the lockers in the locker. From there, the hoses running from the generator through a hole in the interior of the vessel in. Unfortunately, these were not properly or when installing the system. permanently sealed. The issue was now high on my "To Do" list. After the shock I was really done with the nerves. Here come at once very strange thoughts in a highly.
The last night was not a problem and there was enough time to rest. Our SUMMER is a really good ship and provides great security.

Time up to the minute I put the SUMMER then the next day at the "Welcome" pontoon at the Marina. The wind had abated somewhat and I was well prepared. After the clear inward I got the number of berth. Before it came to the last maneuver of the day, I peeped me the place exactly. To assist me in charge has sent two Marineros on the boat. The three of the parking was not a big problem and worked out great. No one wanted to believe it up, I had been traveling alone. Das gefiel mir natürlich sehr 🙂

Ready to use, but very satisfied with our performance, I closed SUMMER yet on the country outlet and gave her a thorough wash as usual, to remove the salt. As it is always so nice: "Only the horse and then the rider"
The rest of the evening went as follows: Sims Katja, The shower, Food, Sleep. Danke SUMMER! What an experience!