Monthly Archives: October 2014


The SY INFINITY had arrived two hours ago us on Porto Santo and had decided, not to anchor, but rather to moor in the marina. The JOY OF LIFE we expected only for the late afternoon, since it was only with the headsail significantly slower traveling because of their broken main halyard.


So we took some time for us first, to arrive at rest and relax a bit. Dietmar made the dinghy ready to go, looking at the past INFINITY. I had decided, to stay on our SUMMER and to take a bath first attempt. Whether the water was here at last so warm, I would dare me to the water? In Spain I had backed out. Something I was undecided on the rear swim platform and tested with the big toe, the water temperature. Actually quite pleasant or too cold?!?

To gain time, I closed the first swim ladder. Faster than I could look, the belay loop of the swim ladder disappeared in the water. There was only a courageous plunge, otherwise the stupid part would have disappeared never to Reunion. Sometimes it is really nice, if a decision is taken. In the water it was just lovely!


As I turned around so my rounds the SUMMER, let the JOY OF LIFE right next to us dropped her anchor. So I could watch from the water, wie „Quax, there Bruchpilot "von table ging. For the past three days traveled Jana, Alia and Lars no longer alone. 15 Nautical miles away from mainland Portugal was an emergency landing a completely undermines pigeon on the JOY OF LIFE and traveled with since perforce to Porto Santo. We had all kinds of heard of the little guy on radio.

As it stood a short time later, Quax wanted the luxury hotel "JOY OF LIFE" but do not leave without a fight. Who should it because then repeatedly serve the beloved sunflower seeds daily? Also, the room service was really excellent. After a brief stopover on land he steered again determined direction catamaran. It took almost a whole day, to move the little guy to, to fly back to shore. In the meantime, he even tried his luck with us. Initially Dietmar found him still really cute. But when he had to scrub the deck, hörte der Spaß auf 🙂

If the water is so inviting, There is also work on a boat, which then becomes a real pleasure. So I extended the next day my bath time, by I very diligently abschrubbte our water pass. In the time Dietmar had a much more unpleasant task: He cleaned the one Bakskiste including all supported therein by things the greasy remains of spilled oil can. And since then conveniently, also the diving compressor for cleaning stood on the deck, he wanted equal time to fill our scuba tanks. The devil is in the detail as usual: A small defective seal made the perfect mess. Dietmar and the deck was decorated with thousands of tiny oil drops. So it took a while, emerged to Dietmar end up with two filled scuba tanks as the winner of the duel. But the real loser was his blue-white-striped polo shirt. I will not be able to help more.


The night at anchor was quite rough, since the Summer in the shaft from one side to the other and swung repeatedly slapped the water under the stern. So we thought the next morning, whether we should not treat yourself to a quiet night in the harbor Us. But first there was a taxi tour of the island on the program. So we sped to seventh in Greater taxi in the next three hours on the barren island. Our taxi driver gave a good tour guide and told us many interesting facts about Porto Santo.







In the early afternoon we finished our tour in the city, to eat a little something together can. In addition, we wanted to buy colors, to us to perpetuate on the harbor wall with an ornate paintings, as it did before us many sailors. After we had done everything, we walked along the beach back to the port.


Even from the shore could see, that the anchored boat rocked violently in the shaft, much more so than in the morning. In addition, the wind freshened considerably, and deep black rain clouds were on the horizon. So we went in the first port on the way to the harbor master, to ask for a mooring for the night. Luck was with us hold, for us was a free cookie. Dann mussten wir ja nur noch die SUMMER holen 🙂

Move in the dinghy we found, that the wave, which had looked from the shore quite high, looked from this perspective, unfriendly. No matter how Dietmar tried, we had no chance. Until we reached the SUMMER, waren wir nass bis auf die Unterwäsche 🙁 Endlich angekommen, is designed entry into the fierce pounding in the lake SUMMER also as a challenge. Finally on board I made fenders and lines ready harbor, while Dietmar caught the anchor. Meanwhile the wind had on good 20 Refreshed node. Therefore, this time we were very happy, that one already waiting for us at the dock. There were even more people than we had to forgive linen. So we were moored a short time later and were able to safely and securely looking forward to a more peaceful and relaxed night.

New experiences

On Saturday we had apparently promised you something rashly, that we keep time even while crossing the blog via shortwave to date. But once again, everything went exactly as planned.

Right on time at ten clock after a relaxed breakfast, the final preparations and goodbyes we threw the cast off and waited to third on the opening of the pedestrian bridge, separated the marina of Lagos from the Atlantic. Outside awaited us in the sunshine optimum sailing conditions and after a short time we glided under sail relaxed then. As predicted the wind steadily increased and as we rounded the Cabo de São Vicente nor was added at the final wave of the open Atlantic.

After two weeks of rest in the harbor struck me rocking something on the stomach. Especially the high, steep wave transverse to the direction of travel was really getting used to. So I retreated below deck, to counteract the problem with a nap. Das hatte bisher immer geholfen 🙂

But somehow I was fighting a losing battle on this day. Nap or not - this time it did not help. And a short time later I met one of our household items appreciate lovingly: den blauen Mehrzweckeimer 🙁 Genauere Details möchte ich Euch an dieser Stelle lieber ersparen. The next 36 Hours was the bucket definitely my constant companion.

Dietmar let the rocking again completely unaffected. Gut so, for he had now all hands full, there was not really what to do with myself.

Meanwhile, we still ran with reefed genoa and reefed Great to seven knots of wind force six, gusts even seven. The three meters high waves pushed us time and again off course and our autopilot had a tough job, but he reliably completed.

Good, I had pre-cooked in Lagos, so had to Dietmar not starve at least. Eating warming he can that is already perfect. At least part of the night guard I was able to take. Sleeping was not even thinking anyway. So Dietmar got least little bit deserved night's rest, while I sat with my blue bucket in the cockpit and brought the next morning wish.

Over the next day I had a bit "Rocks" me. The first culinary delights (Tuc biscuits and mashed potatoes) I had not let me go twice through the head. After what felt like an eternity (36 Hours can be really long) I was back on the road to recovery. In addition, wind and wave was significantly reduced. We could shake out a reef the sails and stowed Dietmar various things back under cover, who had been freed in the rocking and distributed in ship.

The second night was calm and relaxed. The wind was constant in magnitude and direction and went on board a rest. Unfortunately, I was looking forward too soon and for me the third day began with a relapse. Again, I was below deck and could not mucksen me. I would cry out of sheer anger can. Dietmar had on my disastrous state probably already used to it and bore it with composure.


But this crossing was eventually to an end. In the sunrise, we were finally able to make out the silhouette of Porto Santo. Clouds hung over the barren volcanic island with its steep mountains and rugged cliffs. As we wanted to reconcile nature for the last three days, jumped shortly dolphins around the boat and offered us off the island setting is a beautiful sight.


When we two hours later long before the, Hellen Strand von Porto Santo vor Anker lagen, had the threatening, warped gray clouds and the water shone bright blue in the sun. Angekommen 🙂 Jetzt erst mal frühstücken – endlich 🙂

Ready for the islands

On Saturday we will first turn their backs on the European mainland. 480 Nautical miles there are to Porto Santo and the weather promises to be perfect for sailing. After two weeks in the port it is slow and time again, to set sail and be caress your face a fresh wind. Again we are not traveling alone, for us riding together the SY INFINITY and the catamaran JOY OF LIFE to the same destination to Madeira. Thus, the crossing will not be boring, because radio can also talk very nice, wenn der Partner in der Koje liegt und schläft 🙂

We are (to the Wi-Fi antenna) completed all repairs, and also the covers for the cushions in the salon were delivered. The second outboard has a great cover and also the lines and winches on the mast now have a sun protection.

In recent days, all stocks were replenished on board again. As a special highlight of the visit to ALDI and LIDL is worth mentioning. So wanderten mal wieder ein paar „deutsche Bekannte“ in unseren Kühlschrank und darauf freuen wir uns ganz besonders 🙂 Ich muss gestehen, I have a Christmas Stollen've also tucked deep down in the locker. Eventually some Christmas spirit is then undoubtedly come at higher temperatures?! There is still time, but as a sailor learns a: Buy, if there is something (Special) are. The nearest supermarket certainly looks completely different and has a different range and when we should meet again in a supermarket, weiß man auch nicht so genau 🙂

But not only stocks have moved in the last few days on the SUMMER, we now also have a new bread machine. I will dedicate solemnly in Madeira. Here in Lagos I can against the quality of the German Bakery arrive not anyway. I would rather go shopping there as to burn my fingers.

Also, we will define us as soon as possible or a vacuum sealer. The storage of food on a boat is a real challenge. Every time, when I'm on the Joy OF LIFE to visit, I would prefer to take the huge fridge. Aber wir hätten ja doch keinen Platz dafür 🙂 und wahrscheinlich würde es auch auffallen 🙂 🙂 Unser Kühlschrank ist leider nicht der größte und was für Nicht-Segler vielleicht schwer vorstellbar ist: it is loaded from the top. So if you do not want to eliminate everything again every time, is already in granting a lot of brainpower necessary. Fruits and vegetables find but only in exceptional cases even a cookie in it. That would be otherwise stored. So each of us makes his own experiences and then we exchange to and use the time to practice, because the nearest supermarket is not yet generally far. Das wird dann auf dem Atlantik wohl anders aussehen 🙂

Starting tomorrow, we will send the blog again by radio on the website and ask for your indulgence before, if we go again a umlaut or a "ß" slip through the cracks. For such comic characters are not transferable by radio. Also pictures we can only subsequent filing again, if we have a normal Internet connection.

Travel with a difference

Occasionally one is abroad over organizational difficulties, which you would not expect. So Dietmar had to fix some things official within a specified period. Was nun? Back to Germany? No need for, it is also easier. We made an appointment with the German Embassy in Lisbon. What a pity, three weeks ago we were right in front of their front door. Now the upcoming visit designed it but a bit expensive. Our first path leads us to the station. After Faro a train had offered as a convenient and economical way to travel. After Lisbon, the situation was but slightly different from. The journey should take about four hours to almost 300 Kilometers and cost for both of us together 100 € (Down- trip). Thus, it was clear to us, we rent a car.

Morning at ten we were able to take the good piece right on the Marina Office. Ein Fiat Punto, looked, als hätte er die Beulenpest 🙂 Ein echtes Urlaubsauto halt. After we had ensured, that we had to pay neither old nor new Hives at car return (sometimes insurance but a great thing), Dietmar folded behind the wheel and we sprayed los. "Jet" can be unfortunately used in conjunction with this car only in the ironic sense. If Dietmar had not brought enough momentum before a pitch, he sometimes even had to switch back to first gear. The underpowered but had a clear advantage: Das üblich Streitthema „Du fährst mal wieder viel zu schnell“ war in den nächsten beiden Tagen wirklich kein Thema mehr 🙂

After Lisbon it should go tomorrow, since the message for today is no more date free for us had. Therefore, we made our way to Cabo de São Vicente and Sagres. With our SUMMER we had the most south-westerly point of Europe indeed already happened, but we had seen nothing because of the dense fog. Therefore we enjoyed this unusual for us country trip by car to the really very beautiful and not yet built coast.




In the late afternoon we took advantage of our luxury car as a workhorse and went shopping. 're Just like you used to it, migrated drinks and food in our shopping cart without consideration of weight and packing dimensions. Back to the SUMMER it took quite a while but then, until everything properly. So much shopping is on a yacht always a good reason, sort through thoroughly once the kitchen and all the store bins. And you are always amazed, what it finds everything.

For our trip to Lisbon, we had received support, because Hille and Torsten from the SY INFINITY wanted to accompany us. To promptly at 11 Clock to be at the Embassy, We started shortly after seven clock from the parking lot behind the Marina. Our Navi had opted instead for the fastest route for the shortest route. So we were treated to, yet to go through another very beautiful land, until it Dietmar and Thorsten on the winding country road at average 70 Was Km / h then definitively stupid. So we placed the second-half of the way but on the highway back and reached our destination comfortably ahead of time. Even a car park right outside the entrance of the German embassy was available for us.


While Dietmar regulated its affairs, we drank a threesome in the café opposite the park a delicious coffee. After an hour everything was done. We even splurged a little snack and then broke walking on towards the city center. This time we found the tram 28 and turned to her as the guide recommended a round past all the sights and the unique, narrow streets of Lisbon. Somehow this short excursion reconciled us back to Lisbon. Next year we definitely look again in more detail by.



Back in Lagos we could end the evening unusually. For dinner there was not the usual "Chicken Piri-piri", but today Asian cuisine was announced. As it would be quite normal, ordered Hille and Torsten our food in Chinese. We were stunned and thrilled the operator J. A grand finale for a nice day with us cherished people. We look forward, once again to do soon with the two of something.