Today, it should finally be ready. For weeks I studied the tantalizing billboards of professional anglers, offering fishing trips on the open sea. Almost always it, fish can be seen, have eyes the size of an aluminum rim and teeth like samurai swords and are always larger than the anglers themselves. That it can not be but! In the ghost train at the fair it was always so, that the images and the noise at the ticket booth promised a perfect horror experience with real monsters and the whole number at the end was rather sobering and laugh more. Before the parents' evenings at school I had significantly more intense fear and horror feelings, were also usually lasting usually. Meinen Eltern ging es wohl scheinbar oft ähnlich 🙂
Pudding is in the eating was the motto and so I had yesterday 2 Dissolved tickets for the fishing trip at the ticket booth in the harbor. The second ticket was for my buddy and Strohwitwer Frank of the catamaran CAYLUNA, I could win with some persuasion for the project. Promptly at 09:15 We stood in front of the ticket booth Ready to Go with a daily catering in the form of lubricated breads, Biscuits and bottled water as well as with a set of cameras to document the adventure in the luggage. Since the fishing gear including bait 6 Hour long trip was provided by the organizer, we had to wear each only a backpack. Creepy, I found only, that the other 5 Anglers sometimes only had sandals on his feet. If the fish should be only half as large as in the pictures and would bite into these bare feet, then the local carpenter for the next week would have to carve some wooden legs. I had set despite the high temperatures on beißfestes footwear!
Shortly after the exit from the channel to the marina put the two Angel Scouts of the throttle ca. 12 Meter fishing boat on the table. Use full throttle and 18 Node speed, it then went out to the open sea. After 40 Minutes the skipper stopped the boat, and it was suddenly quiet, after the two diesel were parked. The next challenge for people with sensitive stomachs but not left long in coming.
We stared at a big black tub was half-filled with fish. One of the scouts began with a long iron rod at the lower end of a grinding tool was welded, the fish to process piece by piece to a red-brown mush. The color, the noise and the smell has even turned me almost the stomach. Bähh as disgusting! Then a proper charge was with a trowel which filled in a discarded potato sack and hanged with a rope over the side. The flow was seen, how hundreds of small chunks broke it and are then expelled from the boat. The Scout just said with a wink, dass es jetzt genau die richtige Zeit für Bad im Meer sein würde 🙂 Die Geruchsspur kam einer offiziellen Einladung zum Buffet für die Haie im Umkreis von 3 Km equal.
Meanwhile, the other scout had already seized three of the six rods and prepared for the hunting of the Schupp cornered animal. In principle, it was a relatively simple matter. The cord with a capacity of well 60 KG was a hook with a side length of 10 cm and a width of 4 fixed cm. Between a hook and a steel leader of ca was. 1,5mm diameter, so the shark with its razor sharp teeth bite through the cord can not. Were on the hook 2 reared medium-sized squid as bait, have the hook completely obscured. In gut 5 Meters away from the hook was a balloon of 25cm diameter knotted as a kind of float on a leash and all artwork drove then away with the flow of boat. After a 3/4 Hour were all stocked fishing and the bait in the water. It looked quite funny, if you saw drive the six balloons in the water. Like the carp fishing lake only up everything a few numbers greater.
We had agreed, that the series should ask the Angel after each, at a fish had taken the bait. Thus, everyone should once come to train and feel a fish on the hook. One for all – all for one. This was a whole new experience for me, da es beim Angeln doch auch immer um den größten Fisch geht 🙂
There was a tense calm on board, because no one of us knew, what would happen now. The loud buzzing of the brakes from the role of tail 1 then broke the silence, than the red balloon at the other end of the fishing suddenly went traveling. The young Dutch woman with the lot number 1 then took the matter in hand. The rod was hooked to the belt, they had just been strapped around the waist and the lush leash was caught train to train. All eyes were directed into the depths of the Atlantic, where the fish had to appear sometime yes. After a good 5 Minutes we saw only a silver shadow and then the shark was also already see the ship's side.
The enthusiasm was very great as the beautiful animal was lifted above the freeboard deck and in all its glory was on deck. The scouts let us know, that it was a girl with a length of about one meter. The hook was carefully removed with pliers. That you did not seem to like though, but soon the stress for them was over. Really impressive were the razor-sharp teeth. If the shark retracts the lips on the pearly whites, one has a magnificent view of the entire row of teeth. My dentist would certainly have made a leap into the air with excitement! In all of us, but also a queasy feeling was widespread at the thought, what such a denture could do everything with one hand. That's pretty creepy. After winning photo Miss Hai could visibly upset again swim back to your family. Hai Nummer 2 It did not take long for. Again the red balloon went on tour and an older Englishman twisted his comrades in a skilled manner to the surface. The boy was already a number greater. Proud 1.30m had the shark in length and weighed good 15 Kilogram. Das Problem war, that the hook very deep stuck in the throat and not accessible by the forceps was. A gentle loosening without the fish has not been hurt as possible. The solution: the steel leader was simply clipped. That this is so-called barbless hooks of steel, these are decomposed by two months from seawater and thus remove himself from himself so. Makes the shark nothing, because he can eat normally. Hoffentlich erinnert er sich nicht an uns wenn wir ihn in ein paar Jahren einmal wieder treffen 🙂
The number 3 was meant for me. After a short drill I got to hold my baby in my arms and then. The 1 Meter lady was still a goodbye kiss on the nose, before I carefully reset in your element. The shark is the way sedated with a trick for a short time. Man only needs to vigorously rub the nose of the shark. No joke! Where all senses come together and you confused the animal, when the sensitive nose is overwrought. Most of the men on board could not help but smile…..
But shortly before the end of the tour the sensation was perfect. Ironically, the English young lady with arms as “Mikado Sticks” Dürfte the Fang des Tages an Bord holen. The larger the shark, the deeper he dives from. And this shark was very deep down. But no chance and after 20 Minutes was even the tailgate open, to fetch the animal on board.
What a beautiful example with a shimmering blue dress shed. Length of 1.84m and a weight of about. 30 Kg. Of course, there was a lady. The teeth were powerful and also quite dangerous. The scouts all had their hands full and have thick gloves worn. The nose was rubbed very extensively and the hook could then be removed relatively easily with a respectful distance from the teeth.
Since it was a fishing community was allowed to each take a picture with the shark together. This particular specimen was then fitted and registered on the database with a label. The lady was visibly “pissed off”, because she was raised three times for a photo in the height. But she swims again. So a fish I would like to have no case to my Angel, wenn Katja und ich allein unterwegs sind 🙂
After a total of 12 Their in 4 We drove hours then back to Lagos. Allen has made the trip a lot of fun and we learned a lot. We loved, that the Scouts are so gentle and respectful to deal with the animals. Damit sie auch morgen noch kraftvoll zubeißen können 🙂