This morning we were very relaxed early on the go. At nine clock should start on the marketplace a very special spectacle. What exactly, the harbor master had not betrayed us. When we arrived, was the entire marketplace already completely crowded with onlookers as we and almost 300 Bombo drummers divided into ca. 20 Groups from different Portuguese cities in colorful costumes. Good, that the tasting of yesterday had remained without consequences, because with a thick head that would have been too much to bear :-)Before the town hall each group could present itself again with a solo performance in front of an enthusiastic audience - and this seems the drummers really are in the blood. The only risk: Tinnitus-risk!
At the end of our battered ears got a little relaxation, because the orchestra of Viana do Castelo suggested much quieter and very melodic tones of.
Now we had a breakfast worthy of us honestly. Already on the way to us was a particularly inviting cafe caught your eye. It really was everything, what the heart desired. And also the amount of the bill at the end was nothing to be desired.
Above Viana do Castelo on Monte Santa Luzia is the same pilgrimage churches to see from a distance. Already because of the great foresight, we did not want to leave unvisited this location. But the athletic 670 To climb stages of the pilgrimage, attracted us in the afternoon not really. Beautiful, that there was an alternative for lazy tourists like us another cable car. On the way back to the port we received still drive a bit through the streets, but somehow we had enough for today "Fiesta".
So we dressed for dinner in the restaurant SUMMER back. There you had are a special delicacy on the menu for tonight: „Hornhecht, fangfrisch“ 😉
Before meal it was on the waiting dock or another person. A berth was available between the SY Ganesha and our SUMMER. This had taken a Belgian yacht targeted. Good, that we saw it coming. Dietmar was waiting at the dock, to accept the linen. I had remained on board, because the pike stewed already in the pan. But Curious, I went on deck but, a little port cinema is always nice. Just in time I was able to prevent, that our anchor underwent a permanent bond with the Belgian sea-railing, which would probably have drawn the short straw. Dietmar tried under the, Bug in der Yacht (complete ohne Fender) possible without damage to maneuver past the web. The two had probably underestimated the strong current of the river. We were able to avoid a worse fate for both the fourth Belgian yacht as well as for its two neighboring vessels. Das hätte uns gerade noch gefehlt 🙁
Today I was once again a lesson on "Travel broadens the" learn. No sooner was the food served, I thought my eyes were not to be trusted: A garfish has green bones Y-. This was definitely not the wine, we treated ourselves to dinner. Something suspicious, I let myself but quick to convince delicious taste. Und grüne Gräten sind beim Zerlegen auch viel leichter zu finden 🙂
Preparations for the final fireworks ran at full speed. Even at noon had secured a considerable number of large and small rafts in the middle of the river, which were covered with tarpaulins. On the shore is lined up chairs in all colors and forms, probably all, there was in Viana do Castelo at all :-). We had to be randomly landed very lucky at the bar waiting in the front row; behind us and the audience before the fireworks.
Before darkness came on the river movement. Sailing yachts and motor boats left the harbor, full of young and old, on the way to the best anchorages. The stands behind us slowly began to fill.
Also we met the last preparations. For safety's sake, we placed a bucket of water on deck and attached seat cushions and drinks into the cockpit.
At twelve clock it then went off. More than 25 Minutes colorful images were drawn in the sky, starting from the middle of the river or the railway bridge. For us one of the most beautiful fireworks, we had seen so far. Unplanned we were again at the right time, right place. Life is just gorgeous!
The next morning, slight hangover mood was announced. On land, most remnants of the Fiesta had already disappeared. We started early with water running off the road on to Porto. Without fog, but even without wind the day passed somehow gray in gray.
Only the arrival of the new "Douro Marina" did some light on this day. We were only three miles from the city center received royal. Two Marineros accompanied us to the berth and helped us when mooring (Although we would like mostly been happier alone. But they were only of the SUMMER from when they were of the opinion, now we could do both tourists nothing broken).
In the harbor office we got after completion of the usual paper war first a small, Portuguese Gastgeschenk (Delicious fish in garlic oil in the can), also:
- the mandatory key for the web and the porcelain department,
- a map of Porto. The special instructions, what would like best to visit, were added by hand by the Harbour Master
- a list of possibilities, as the three kilometers to Porto are to lay most convenient back (Boot, Bus, Tram or even walking)
- the address of the port cellars, with the marina has negotiated a special deal (no entry and delivery of the optionally purchased wine to the port)
- a recommendation card for four lying on our way ports, the us there 20% Discount will contribute
- the data for Internet access (there are actually three ways)
- For directions to the nearest supermarket
- A map to the best and second best restaurant in the vicinity
- For directions to the boat service (Raymarine)
And finally you told us with, that morning, the rolls between eight and half past eight come as a gift of the house to the boat. What else can I say, since we are probably landed in paradise. Und Dank des Verhandlungsgeschicks von Martin von der GANESCHA ist das Paradies auch gar nicht so teuer 🙂