Daily Archives: 20. August 2014

Clutter and a toothless mosquito trap

Was für ein wunderbarer Tag dieser heutige Mittwoch aus verschiedenen Anlässen doch zu werden versprach 🙂 Aus gutem Grund öffneten sich meine Augen schon gut zwei Stunden früher als sonst üblich. With great expectations and filled with curiosity I got out of the warm bed and approached cautiously toward the object of desire. The TAURUS mosquito sucker, was busy all night quietly humming and blue shimmering on the prowl for bloodsuckers. A look into the collection box brought clarity. Although I looked inside, but no one looked out! Perhaps we have better luck tomorrow…..


All trials in order to catch quota optimization, Katja in a small blood donation (placed as bait and scent sample on a handkerchief in the collection basket) to persuade, verliefen im Nirvana 🙂 Das positive Fazit aus der Nummer war, even after 48 Life years my hunting- or. Game engine is still very well preserved.

However, a flattening of the voltage curve was not in sight. About 10 Clock (+/-) the technician RAYMARINE announced, talk more about in my opinion, defective parts and sensors. Our technique has manufacturer's warranty and therefore RAYMARINE want to know of course, whether the complaint is justified or not. So as not to stand there like an idiot at the end and me to perhaps even explain, I sent the service on the wrong track, I have checked every single cable, all connections and plugs treated with contact spray, performed a software update of the whole system, and finally even the specialists Peter from Yacht Service Gutowski asked for advice. It just had to be so, that the donor of the Sign and the anemometer were the Trouble-Maker!

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About 10:40 was it as far as. Even from afar, the two technicians were identified by the tool boxes and spare parts cartons. Somehow it did me then feel sorry, when I noticed the subliminal disappointed looks of both. They probably did not expect, that the customer has already examined the patient himself from head to foot and was ready with even the diagnosis. What did the boys choice, as quickly to board the mast and install the new part? However, they have let it take, den Job ohne fremde Hilfe auszuführen 🙂


After a total of 10 Minutes was replaced the part and now came the big moment. “A question of honour” you could say. After all, I was able to boot the system again and it was nice to see, that all ads were doing again your service. Of course I did not give it back, the two guys in detail for your great work to praise and very much to thank me for it. For without the fast forward and rapid supply of spare parts we could do nothing. RAYMARINE- Thanks for the top service! However, I had them both but again something “hurt”. The donor to the Sign I myself have installed and then soldered clean again with Katie's help.


Die Nummer war also gut für uns gelaufen 🙂 Wenn man schon keiner geregelten Arbeit mehr nachgeht, then you must create it, his satisfaction and self-affirmation from things such as. to relate successfully carrying out repairs. A similar wisdom has given to me on the way before the beginning of our journey of ex-owner of a large accounting firm with, who had sold his firm two years ago and has been sailing since the with his wife on a catamaran on the high seas. The man was right!


The grand finale of the day we organized together with Waltraud and Wolfgang von der SY MENTOR a barbecue on board with us. The Cob Grill and Wolfgang as grill masters have proven to be “Dream-Team” proved once again. Delicious salads, Wines and other delicacies from the depths of the pantries of both yachts made the day perfect and aroused the desire for an early repeat.



All well and good……. . Before going into the bunk then the TAURUS case was quickly made sharp. Mal sehen wer oder was morgen aus dem Körbchen herausschaut 🙂