Tomorrow it will go toward the south, or more precisely, to the southwest. That is why today so were again the usual preparations for the program would be the as:
– Wash clothes
– Shopping
– Clean boat and convert it into a sail ready state
– Dinghy verstauen
– Do post
– Write emails
– Update Website
..and ..., and, and….
Since the early bird catches the worm and we were off early today, We got hold of us after breakfast actually the very popular “No washing machine. 2”, which entrusted to her underwear normally without major floods and discoloration (das Lack von Nr. 1+3) would give again. While our laundry so turned their rounds, we made the four of us with the bike on the way to the supermarket. On the roof of the supermarket is located in La Coruna, a market hall, in until noon on small fruit stands, Vegetables, Fish and meat (tlw. still alive) is offered. With our huge selection we were spoiled for choice, but very soon after our bags were packed with all sorts of tasty stuff. Arrived back at the boat, go even a little later the laundry to dry in the wind. The boss took some additional duties on board, even without complaining as usual. He stowed the dinghy, Cleaned the bathroom and the kitchen and the food given to safe and well deck. I like to fool me but I think, das lag vielleicht auch ein wenig an der Aussicht auf ein verlockendes Mittagessen 🙂
The crew of SY MENTOR one last time were of habit in the late afternoon matched the next milestones. Unfortunately, wind and weather have turned against us. Egal ob Wetterwelt, Passage Weather or US-Grib, this time all the weathermen were unfortunately agree. Thus, the departure time was tilted because in the forecast, we would have no interest in traveling. The wind came from the southwest and just exactly in this direction was our goal. Schade, that a sailboat can not sail against the wind. And how the image will develop in the coming hours and days, we will see yes. Die Wettergötter würfeln noch 🙂 Wehe die Vorhersage stimmt dann nicht! Then we sell the gentlemen “Frogs” an unsere französischen Nachbarn 🙂
But there could be far worse places, where you spend your time “must”. Although most sailors are fidgety and antsy after a long residence time in the harbor and sail want (is the way in technical jargon “Port Koller” stated), so sind das doch ganz eindeutig nur Luxus-Problemchen 🙂