Daily Archives: 4. August 2014

No Car, but a floor without shell and bottle on the Camino de Santiago ……

Exactly at a quarter to eight there was a knock at our boat and Waltraud and Wolfgang were booted and spurred for our planned trip to Santiago de Compostela on the web. By taxi, it went to the station, where we wanted to rent a car for today's excursion. The lady at the car rental looked at us in disbelief: Unreserved? Unlucky! The next car would be in the earliest 2 To have days. Just und Ciao! In Spain everything to be planned in advance. There was nothing to be done!

But if you're already at the station, why then do not coincide with the train? For fabulous 7,20 € per person, we were not 10 Minutes later the next train to Santiago de Compostela the “Pilgerhochburg” at the end of the pilgrimage .. Better we had the can not catch. Comfortable,laid back, without detours, Storage and other adventures we reached only 30 Minutes later, shortly before nine clock our goal.




So early we were still able to enjoy, to enjoy the beautiful city for a while before the big rush of pilgrims and tourists. Sorry, currently the main portal of the cathedral is covered in large part because of extensive renovations. Good, that we are not all made the pilgrimage of St. James ….We visited the cathedral and decided, to visit the noonday fair. Although we both are really no churchgoer, it seemed to us here somehow appropriate. Even before the show were almost all the seats occupied but a stream of other people urged unabated in the nave. We collared still have a place in the side aisle and waited for what, were to come. Even after the arrival of the priest, the flow of tourists from not broke. A devotional mood was not on because of all the corners were using cell phones pictures and videos taken. An atmosphere like at the Cologne main train station .... After less than ten minutes we were fed up. While it's great, that the Spaniards are so tolerant and deny anyone access to the Cathedral, but as the show loses all humor and dignity.


The entire historic center of Santiago is the sign of the Camino de Santiago and the Pilger.Überall in the city could buy souvenirs: The pilgrims sticks with water bottle and the scallop had it Dietmar particularly impressed. Soon it was up to an agreement and so my captain turned a one “bona fide” Pilgrim. The water bottle and the clam him but were too embarrassed and were located. The beautiful walking stick was but the rest of the day “proud” presented. If I know him he has the stock purchased only, to bring to expression what he thinks of the commercialization of a good thing in itself. Later, once he wants to give the floor to his friend Reiner from Bavaria if I understood him correctly. However, now we definitely have a real weapon on board, mit der wir Einbrecher in die Flucht schlagen können 🙂



In the late afternoon it was quite full in the city and it was decided unanimously, to go back home to La Coruna. Just as easily as on the way it went back again. At the station, hopped into the nearest taxi and we were back in the marina.

By car, the tour would certainly not have been so hassle free and definitely not as low. In Galicia, the trains are in a really great condition and on time.

After a relaxing break in the Marina attracted Waltraud and I once again going, to obtain still something delicious for dinner. Just when we were done at the grocery store, cell phone rang. Dietmar and Wolfgang were waiting in the port city on us, our purchases with the dinghy to transport the boat. What a luxury. So we could without the hassle of heavy bags and move on. Because it was still an item on our shopping list. Spain is so famous for its ham. In the old town we were often stopped by to shops, in which the entire ceiling full of ham hanging. Now we wanted to try these treats also. After a great advice from the seller, we choose from the plethora of different samples from various ham and bought in addition some Spanish cheese. Das Abendessen an Bord war ein echter Schmaus 🙂

