Today we want to take a boat trip - we are strange and take the ferry to Sark. The SUMMER must remain in Guernsey, since there is no port on Sark. Of course we could anchor around the island, the bays should be very beautiful. But since the weather will be bad today evening (Rain and lots of wind), We choose this time, the simple and convenient alternative.
At eight clock passed the ferry. When the alarm rang at a quarter to seven, I introduced myself dead and was still quite musty, as Dietmar me finally schmieß out of bed just after seven. We quickly ate breakfast and we were on the way to the ferry port. The ferry on time verließt St. Peters Port. The hour-long crossing had my optimistic captain (traveling only in shorts and t-shirt) determine, that it is at sea was still quite fresh in the morning at eight. Especially when even thick gray clouds obscured the sun.

So we arrived on Sark had to first buy something warm to wear for the now-quite-frozen captain. So we sacrificed 35 £ for a warm fleece pullover. This sacrifice to the weather gods of Sark led to, that after 30 Minutes the sun came out and it was so warm within an hour, that the new sweater could wander into the backpack immediately.

On the island of Sark there are no cars. The locals use either tractor or horse-drawn carriages. So it's a bit like time travel into the past. Scattered on the island are individual houses, a real village but there is not. About 600 People living permanently on Sark. On arrival port we took the tractor bus up to the middle of the island. Then we went on foot to the north. Can run you can not really, the island, with its 5,5 Square kilometers yes manageable size. At the edge of the road are always small, pretty stone houses. The vegetation is lush, many flowers and palm trees. Unfortunately, each tractor swirls a huge cloud of dust from the sandy paths on. Rained it had probably disappeared long ago,. We passed the house of the island doctor and the police station.

Soon we reached the coast again, steep but beautifully green with many small islands. Looking for a cafe we came across an old manor house "La Seigneurie" with exceptionally beautiful garden and many outbuildings. After a snack, we visited the entire property.

Then we wandered further south. A particular favorite is the link "La Coupée" between the island of Sark and the neighboring island of Little Sark. This narrow, paved path was only after the 2. World War created artificially. The view is impressive, right and left it goes 100 Meter steep in Depth. At the end of the day we are 15 Kilometers walked back and forth across the island. A great trip down memory lane.

About 16 Clock we were back in time back to the ferry and could this time thanks to the warm fleece pullover along the sunny crossing also enjoy on deck. Just before we reached Guernsey, the wind picked up considerably and also the sea was rough. Just before the harbor entrance still got the entire rear bench seat on the port side of a small shower off and shortly afterwards we were again safely on the quay. The rain clouds had almost caught up with us and shortly after we arrived on board our SUMMER, it started to rain. I would say, so sieht optimale Tagesplanung aus 🙂
Our trip we had planned exactly, that we have the World Cup game Germany - France can look at our web neighbors Antje and Ingo from the AMAZONE on board with us would. Unfortunately we had in our planning forget the one hour of time difference between Europe and Guernsey. Antje and Ingo was but our planning errors noticed and they were already at just after five with us on the boat. They gave us a half hour of time to prepare dinner and we watched the second half together with spaghetti, Salad and a delicious bottle of red wine. In the end, we celebrated the victory of the German team. As a precaution, Dietmar had obtained and hidden our German flag before the game. Now we are together with frustrated for obvious reasons French web neighbors and football fans on Guernsey. Sie scheinen aber gute Verlierer zu sein denn niemand hat unsere Festmacher heute Nacht durchgeschnitten 🙂