As I sit alone on our SUMMER at position 48 ° 23.588 ° Nord/004,25,739 West in the Marina “Moulin Blanc”, which means as much as “White Mill”. Whatever the reason, that is so has not yet revealed to me until now. For that reason alone because Katja is increased yesterday in the plane to Leverkusen for home leave, to share with your mother (my mother in law) the world festival of equestrian sport-CHIO Cup- to visit in Aachen. This morning on the phone said Katja, that much paperwork would be to do. Recht so, because my hardworking woman should but want to come back with pleasure to Brest on board back:-) Our dear sailing friends from the MENTOR have also taken equal to the opportunity for a short furlough and are not there also. For me they both have a 600 Leave oz filet steak, that amateur chef Wolfgang had hidden for special occasions deep in the fridge. I had to control myself directly, to cut only the first half in the pan and set aside me the second half for today. It was extremely delicious! THANK YOU!
My task for the time as Strohwitwer was clearly defined and precisely defined. I'm supposed to take care of both ships, Allow the engine professional for a repair to be carried out on board the MENTOR, our ship where necessary to bring in income, Discover Brest, Catch fish, Sailors to know, be on the road as a tester for the best crepes, constantly thinking about my wife and let be a good man to love God. All tasks, die einen echt fordern 🙂 Nachdem Katja Ihr Gepäck im Kofferraum des Taxis hat verschwinden lassen und mit dem selbigen von dannen geeilt war, was first necessary to equip the new pantry can be stocked. The supermarket should be located around the corner still the same. My best friend, the folding bicycle was therefore put into combat readiness and already started the Gaudi. 1 1/2 Hours later it was clear, that was not the supermarket in the suspected area. Each slope until then, I have noted with joy because finally makes every course known slim. As a reward, each stood a “Chocolate Crepe” and a “Crêpe Sucre” from the creperie at the port on the program. Yummy! As punishment for 2 Eat pancakes instead of just a crepe I have once again undergone a complete revision of all pumps and valves, the on-board toilet and then thoroughly cleaned the whole bathroom. Das ist Strafarbeit aber einer muss es ja machen 🙂 Heute morgen habe ich dann den Supermarkt in ca. 4,5 Km found!
Ever Marina is the “Moulin Rouge” highly recommended. There is enough space for Guest mooring available, all plants make a clean and well-organized impression, the port is protected and the berths are affordable. After all, there are good here 1600 Boats of all sizes and all Brest seems to be love watersports. Every day, legions of children with small sailboats and surfboards on the water on the road and you see a lot of families on sailing yachts. That's exactly the other way around here in Germany. There one sees mostly elderly relative solely on your ships in the harbor. Equally striking is, that here or anywhere else in France (at least there where we've been) hardly overweight children see. Water is great for the kids! First, they are in good hands, Second, even healthy and fun it is also! The next few days I'll go take a bus to Brest in.
There are two further things , which occupy a special place in my life on board. The radio every morning round on 8297,00 Mhz USB and my fishing rod. But the best thing at a time. The first day I had to draw lucky to find a beautiful eel from the Atlantic, of the piece of salmon fillet on the hook could not resist. That was it but also. Since I see every day how other anglers get buckets of sea bream from the water. Only my hunger whip remains unemployed. NIX!!! Had even forgotten the fishing catch overnight. This morning were ALL bait still there. But one has explained to me, that there should be no eels here allegedly. Sounds strange, but is so! But that it works every morning with the radio round on the marine radio frequency 8297,00 Mhz USB and afternoon on 12359 Mhz USB. Here “meet” to yachts with a SSB radio (Seefunkanlage) equipped are moderated by Joerg from the SY-Harrier / to exchange experiences and to nice discussions. The yachts are in Denmark, Sweden, Finland, France, Spain, Portugal, Turkey on the way. A great story and a good community of sailors. Later in the Caribbean, in the South Seas and the remaining areas of the world to us the radio with valuable weather data and provide us with other sailors to Contact. We are glad of any radio round, in which we may know our system better. We seem to have taken it very well with our system because we are always very good to understand and we also receive other sailors clearly. Meanwhile, other yachts have to contend with significant problems and disorders. The topic Installation and tuning is so complex, that we have made it seem right and have left the installation of the company RADIO YACHT. Of Resultat: a clean and reliable functioning system with the best performance. As far as I've gotten to know, run all of the facilities has installed trouble-free. If I have learned anything in my professional life in the high-tech industry then the: Complex tasks and things which are “it matters” I leave to professionals, who are familiar with it. Just so our customers have even worked with us. Es könnte so einfach sein 🙂 So jetzt aber Schluss damit, the chapter we already left behind!
Let's see what the neighbors have fished on the SY MULINE so. Am besten gehe ich gleich mal rüber 🙂
PS: An addendum: tonight at 21:15 I have worked with Katie's help (Wife of Christoph von der SY MULINE) die grösste Dorade des Tages aus dem Wasser gezogen 🙂 Morgen gibt es ein gemeinsames Mittagessen auf der MULINE.