When the alarm rang, we were both excited. But punctually at seven clock we untied the lines. Next to us on the MENTOR Wolfgang and Waltraud were already in the starting blocks. They had the same goal as we do and we were looking forward to another nice evening with the two of them.
This morning there was around us general optimism. More than ten yachts were getting ready. We occupied in the deposition race a sovereign position 2 and were able to leave the port even before the incoming large passenger ferry. Outside awaits us once again a rough sea, because the wind was still against the current. We entered the bull by the horns, and gave full throttle, so that the rocking should come to an end soon. I also have not really trust my stomach on the way and was well-behaved on deck and noticed all the rules, which should help against seasickness. When we were finally removed so far from the coast, that we were able to create course toward L'But wrac'h and could also set the sails , it was equally enjoyable and the buzzer was quiet in the water. Although we had to cross, we were able to defend our second place and approached by noon the mouth of the L'Aber.
The landscape was breathtaking. Countless small and large island lying off the coast of scattered. As we reached the river at low tide, were the right and left of the fairway wide beach areas, Oyster beds and boulders in the sun. We carefully followed the well-stressed waters. This would have an abbreviation probably fatal consequences. Even the captain, the happy times schnibbelt a corner, hatte heute alle Zeit der Welt 🙂
In the harbor we were greeted warmly and led to a free space. Ein toller Service, we have ever enjoyed in France and also in Guernsey very. Without the hassle Want one is moved to a place with a rubber boat, is large and deep enough for the yacht. This saves one the hassle and embarrassing Wanted.
Es ist toll, to arrive so early in a new place. The whole afternoon was still ahead. First, Dietmar but made his way, to help on the MOLINE Christoph and Katja problems with the shortwave radio system. Then we visited, As is so often the first local supermarket. This was even further away than in Roscoff, hatte aber immerhin geöffnet 🙂 Wenn man mal seinen gesamten Wocheneinkauf zu Fuß nach Hause getragen hat, do you only really appreciate the luxury of a car. But this time we were lucky. A young woman took pity and drove us to the port. Had we known the, hätten wir doch noch eine paar Flaschen Wasser eingekauft 🙂
After a very late lunch with French sausages, we took the dinghy clear and made our first major trip to the neighboring islands. For safety's sake was only the small second camera, packed in a plastic bag along for the ride. You never know .... So practiced we are not yet. But we reached our destination safe and dry. The coastal landscape is really beautiful and impressive.
After the early morning start our evening ended early. After the dinghy was back safely stowed on the SUMMER and Dietmar had washed extensively with the large water hose all, anything not tied- and almost brand was (unfortunately, through a slightly open hatch my laptop, but which is actually waterproof), gab es noch leckere Crepes. I used the rest of the evening, to restore order in my photos and sort the images for the Internet and prepare. For tomorrow, Saturday Rain was announced: Time, to bring the website back to stand and to finally answer a few email.