Daily Archives: 3. July 2014

A tax haven, tight calves and fresh water from the harbor basin


There are places, as you just wake up in on with a pleasant feeling. Among the very lasting positive impressions of yesterday evening and the feeling of Atlantic flair and wanderlust, was getting up this morning an easy exercise. Come straight out of the shower I heard through the open hatch in the bathroom, Katja with the two harbor masters on a “Special Rate” spoke for our mooring the next few days. Only at the end of the conversation, I then noticed quite by accident, that probably all the time must have been my necked butt right in the point of view of men. Do not even want to know what the boys thought……. 🙂


Not a cloud in the bright blue sky and shortly after breakfast were our steel horses ready saddled at the dock. Today, a sporting tour of the island was on the program. After only 30 Minutes in the suicidal, at least for me and initially dense left-hand traffic on the awfully narrow streets, the innocuous-sounding tour description was aware only really at once. It was said about “… a hilly tour of the island if you have once housed the first 800m height difference behind….”. We were convinced, that we had chosen the easier option. Of course that was not conducive to my mood. After my dear wife has unpacked your hidden talents as a motivational speaker and my ambition and felt the last energy has teased out on the mountain with insightful phrases like “You want to discover the whole world so stop whining like a little girl”. The number of the girls has somehow drawn and after that it was at times as if by the numerous climbs up following. At times, frustrating, that Katja has improved stamina because I could only fast descents depend. Otherwise, it was run partly as tandem; You turn to you after you Have a blast and she is still on your rear wheel.



However, the reward for our efforts was worth all the trouble. Guernsey and the other Channel Islands are as tax havens for example,. “Private Equity Fonds” known and accordingly disproportionately wealthy are also a large number of residents. Left and right of the road, a dream castle strung to the next. We have also seen other wonderful areas, but the maintenance condition of the buildings and gardens, and the cleanliness of the streets and open spaces has now reached a new top level.


After an hour we were the heavy traffic going on and the southwestern coast was in sight. The impressions were overwhelming! I would love to reach for new superlatives, to describe the experiences but on a scale of 1-10 has the beauty of nature and a perceived 9,5 achieved. (0,5 Points deduction for cars :-))


In the afternoon we were back in St. Peters Port and have us in good 30 Indulged kilometers on the folding crepes with ice. A new experience it was for us, that the ice has melted faster in the sun than we could weglöffeln it.
A great sense of achievement, there was still the afternoon. I managed to Betriebssdruck in water makers of 36 Bar auf 55 To raise bar. Result: now the unit produced instead 25 Liter set 60 Liters of drinking water per hour from the sea water. Was für ein Tag 🙂

Tomorrow we will visit the Channel Island of Sark ferry. Will be exciting because there are no cars but only wheels and horses there. Let's see what we encounter exciting! Now I have to make it a day and welcome the newly arrived sailors times, like us, the TO-Stander (December Vereinswimpel Trans Ocean) go.