After a long and exciting, or rather nervenauftreibenden football evening we overslept the next morning. Finally awakened but then we were in a great mood to discover the city. Especially it was us, the museum “La Cité de la Mer” done, where we spent the entire afternoon.
Here you could the French nuclear submarine “The Formidable” visit. With 128 Meter length and a diameter of about 10 Meters it is the largest submarine, that is available to the public. Armed with an audio guide we disappeared for nearly an hour in the fascinating labyrinth of lines, Machinery and equipment. Maybe we should continue our journey under water and only show up at the most beautiful places? Dietmar practiced the taxes already times a submarine simulator, until he was ousted by a school class.
But not only with the submarine could dive into the museum in the depth, there were other amazing dive boats from the deep sea diving history to visit. From simple diving suit with lead boots to high-tech diving bell for dives up 10.000 Meter.
Also we went to dive trip, if only virtually. How to Phantasialand we were shot in a submarine simulator formally in depth and allowed us the world as in Jules Verne “20.000 Leagues Under the Sea” look at.
Of course, the inhabitants of the seas came not just to. In a circular basin, which covered three floors, turned shark and skate their rounds surrounded by a beautiful, living coral reef with hundreds of different species of fish and all sorts of other animals.
Finally, we visited the current exhibition “Titanic, return to Cherbourg”. Cherbourg was the port, from which the Titanic 10. April 1012 to their legendary, and with known outcome,, Drive launched. In the original Art Deco Hall, which was then used for the handling of luggage, Get a great insight. Many photos and documents let the time come to life almost back.
At half past six we were swept by the staff from the museum. Pity, it would have been determined still much to discover.
We splurged in the restaurant at the harbor nor a fish dish, but unfortunately much worse than our own fried, fresh plaice was. Tomorrow it will then go on to Guernsey, but at midday. Detailed sailing trip in the morning had shown, that we should only by one clock run out at noon, so as not to have you back as a car in the wind tunnel, the flow against us. Let's see, ob unsere Berechnungen stimmen 🙂