12 Hours prior to departure from Boulogne Sur Mer to Cherbourg is at the time, to reminisce the day again. The day began very early for our new conditions in the so-called long travel mode. Point 7:00 it said to leave the cabin and take a hot shower on board. Soon, the first coffee was drunk and then it was already going on for the first weekly market in France. The differences are already apparent very quickly when you have left the first two horses butcher behind. With a somewhat strange feeling, at least I had to think briefly of my mold, which it recent pictures after going very well in his new barn. The chickens at the market stalls have their heads still attached and the hare without fur also. Katja said only, that is intended to make sure no “fake rabbit” to blow away. For this was the offering of fruit, Honey, Bread and cheese more enticing. Heavily laden with a jumble of shopping bags and all kinds of delicious a went back quickly to the boat for quality control. Das zweite Frühstück war also eingeläutet und wurde feierlich zelebriert 🙂
In the marketplace
Strengthened and satisfied with the selection of our purchases was a visit to the sea aquarium “Nausicaä” on the agenda. It is probably the largest and most beautiful of its kind in Europe. Since time immemorial we love the sea and its inhabitants, and thus the anticipation was correspondingly large. To get to the point, it was well worth it! The impressions of the natural beauty of the oceans were sometimes moving. Only right at the thought, that we will see many of the subject areas shown in the coming years, live and in color. Ingenious idea!
As any dentist gets wet eyes!
Thuna Yellow Fin
Beautifully and very toxic
We should greet the comrades in the Caribbean from your
On the bridge of a research vessel
Of course these are only excerpts from a variety of highlights!
Afternoon boat care was announced. The bent Seareeling was directed, Forged freed from rust and chipped pods for the foreseeable next use our Parasailor. Nach Abschluss der Arbeiten gab es die nächste Belohnung 🙂
Strawberry Shortcake…. brilliant!
Short yet spotted the emails and downloaded the team photo of the 24H race at the Nürburgring. What a contrast! Last Sunday I am still with over 200 Km / h gebrettert on the Nordschleife and 2 Days later under sail with 12 Km / h over sea `s gefahren.Das called a contrast.
At the end of the day there was a repetition of our fork battle. Will mean, that today we are again 3 Bought fresh from the cutter plaice, were prepared and eaten in the traditional manner. Re always just lay a clod to time on the plate, which we then plastered together and at the same time. Kann man sich dran gewöhnen und der Abwasch hält sich auch in Grenzen 🙂
Tomorrow morning continue to Cherbourg. We plan on Monday evening, arriving there. Katja is prepared and delicious potato salad ate breakfast at sea. We do not want to lose no time.