The next goal, that was in France on our Itinerary, was only a short distance away and was called Boulogne-Sur-Mer. The removal of 25 Nautical miles should be easy to deal with on an afternoon under sail. So we decided, Calais erst gegen 14 Clock, So two hours after high water, leave. So we would benefit on the way of the flow, which would then sail on us towards Boulogne.
So we still had some time in Calais, we wanted to use for a trip to the ferry port. With every step on the way there, the impression reinforced, that the environment is always dismal and neglected appeared. For example, we passed a site, on the asylum seekers hoping to find a way to England, were housed in tents. To see the true us very sad. So we decided to march towards the center again. Just as we were going to march, we ran an English television crew into the arms, that made a documentary about the asylum seeker problem in Calais. So we learned, these were the people actually on the way to England and are stranded in Calais. A difficult and stressful situation in every respect for all involved. Let's see, ob meine persönliche Meinung irgendwo in England im Fernsehen ausgestrahlt wird 🙂

Back in the Summer we prepared for the opening of the Harbour Bridge 13:45 Clock before. Everything was ready on time and we were able to relax arriving in the outer harbor. There, however, we received from Port Control, we had this time directly dutifully radioed and asked for permission to leave the port, to make the statement still settle four ferries in the harbor, before we finally were allowed out motors. So we shot almost half an hour our circles and burned expensive diesel, while a thicker pot after the neighbor went to the docks.

Then finally there was for us the green light and we looked quickly into the distance. The 25 Nautical miles in sight of the French coast were a real walk. Half past six clock we entered the port of Boulogne-Sur-Mer. It is the largest fishing port in France and can be run at any tide. Nevertheless, it is a strange feeling, retract into a port and first 5 Having to look upwards meters, to see the edge of the quay wall. The marina is located at the very back end of the port facility and was unfortunately quite busy. After some back-and-forth we were able to moor as a second boat to a top web. The sailors of the other yacht impressed us with their very “great helpfulness” and drew their yacht but actually after repeated requests by the harbor master two meters further forward. Nevertheless, still stuck 5 Meters from our stern pretty unhappy about the bridge out into the entrance of the basin. Among sailors help each other actually getting when you see, that a hand is needed. The boys were probably the one percent, which never needs the help of others. See you always twice…. 🙂

Just in time for the second half in the game Germany:United States was finally the TV. The transmission quality was indeed for the most part really catastrophic, but at least we have seen the gate….but only 5 Minutes after falling. Hopefully we can enjoy the next game in better quality.
The next morning we went on a sightseeing tour, uphill to the old town. Everywhere buzzed English schoolchildren through the area. We did not let us disturb and visited the surrounded with a fortification upper town and the Basilica “Our Lady” in great detail.

After a coffee break with typical French crêpes, we wanted the sea aquarium Nausicaa (Centre National de la Mer) visit. Once there, we had to find, that there were an amazing number of school children traveling. So we postponed our visit rather on the next morning. Ganz ohne Fisch 🙂 wollten wir aber auch nicht zurück auf Boot. On the way back we bought directly from the cutter two huge floes for dinner for the fabulous price of 2 € per kilo. Unimaginable low, but really tasty. The preparation on board is a bit tricky, since we only have a large pan (and that was for a clod already too small). Der Trick: eine Scholle fertigbraten und dann zeitgleich über den gemeinsamen Teller herfallen 🙂 Das schärft die Reflexe und hebt das Gemeinschaftsgefühl! And because no one has been injured, there will be tomorrow night again plaice.